Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town (60 page)

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Authors: Vic Broquard

Tags: #fantasy

BOOK: Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town
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“A snake in the grass,” Etienne broke in, cursing the man.

Just then, the door opened and two couples entered, ending their meeting. “Ah
there you are little brother. I see the barons are keeping you hostage,” Lida said coyly as
she and Leo entered, followed by Rayna and Stefan. Zoran noted that she too wore this
latest fashion ball gown that billowed out some eight feet in front of her body. She held
tightly onto Leo’s arm. Her dress was a gorgeous blue, while Rayna’s similar dress was
emerald green; both were satin. His sisters looked very elegant indeed. Zoran rushed
over and gave them both a long hug.

He then formally shook Leo’s hand, “Congratulations, Baron Leo, Baroness Lida!”

Duke Leo was very pleased that Zoran acknowledged his new position, though it
would not be formally recognized until the morning’s High Council session. “Thanks. I
have the prettiest baroness in the Federation,” he replied, squeezing Lida’s hand.

“Oh just you wait. I’ll have the prettiest baroness in just a few more months,”
Duke Stefan protested. Rayna grinned. Soon the five were chatting, catching up on the

When Zoran got the opportunity, he whispered to Leo, “We need to have a very
private talk about you and your Circle.” They agreed to find a time when they could
sneak away from the others.

When the men finally returned to their suite, they found the dragons had
returned as well as the ladies. Their bedroom was now filled with their new dresses and
undergarments. “You have to wear all of this?” exclaimed Zoran in surprise, as he and
Zdenka went into their room for the night.

“Somehow they all go together to make their newest look, but I sure don’t know
how! Honestly,” her mellow alto voice which always enamored him continued, “I am
dreading that corset thing and those heels, Zoran! Just look at how tall their heels are.
Abigail said that the sides of the boots really, they are hardly shoes, are steel re-enforced
so that we cannot twist our ankles. Zoran, I’m going to need your arm constantly, if you
want me to wear that outfit.”

“You don’t have to, love, not if you don’t want to,” he said, “I love you just like you

“Yes, I know, but baronesses must uphold the highest fashions. Everyone else
looks up to us. At least that is what the other baronesses are saying. I don’t know if that’s
true, but even Lida and Rayna are wearing these new outfits. I will look out of place if I
don’t and I don’t want to embarrass you.”

“Honey, you can’t possibly embarrass me. Even when our castle is finished, it is
going to be utterly plain compared to those that we have seen.”

“True, still, I will give it a try, only promise me that you will always hold on to

“Of course, love.”

“Say, Abigail has lined up special events just for us and Leo and Lida to attend all
week long. Of course, there is the formal opening night ball tomorrow night. Then, we go
to a play, then we go to the music concert, then there is a night of ballet, then there is the
choral night, and finally the closing ball. She’s got all of our evenings all lined up. I’m
excited about the balls and the ballet. How about you?”

“Dances, you bet. I love nothing more than to dance the night away with you, my
dearest. The ballet we saw last time was intriguing. I wonder how they can walk around
on the tips of their toes like that. Pretty amazing, don’t you think?”

“I’ll show you what is amazing!” She pulled him into their overly large bed.

At seven the next morning, Abigail and Dusana, along with two personal
assistants arrived to help get Zdenka and Jarka into their new outfits. Meanwhile, Zoran
and the others donned their fancy suits with twin tails. Looking as formal as possible,
Zoran liked his image in the mirror. Now they had to wait on the ladies. Breakfast was at
nine and the wedding was at nine forty-five, minutes before the opening ceremony
hosted by Baron Tom. Zoran wanted to see the wedding; he had a vested interest in
observing the new couple.

It was almost nine before the ladies appeared from their room. Zdenka, holding
onto Abigail, moved slowly into the room and took Zoran’s arm. She looked incredibly
gorgeous. The sky blue satin dress, though enormous, was an eye catcher. Her waist
looked so tiny, he thought. “I can barely walk! This corset is so tight I can hardly
breathe! What these women do for fashion! Don’t let go of me, please!” she whispered to
him. Jarka, dressed in her cherry red matching satin dress, took hold of Bernard’s arm.
Bernard gaped at her and whispered something into her ear, which caused her to blush.
Indeed, Bernard never took his eyes off of her the rest of the day. Jarka finally teased
him calling him her little puppy dog.

As they all headed into the castle next door for the meeting, Zoran commented,
“You didn’t eat much breakfast. Are you doing okay?”

“Can’t. I’ll say this, you sure won’t get fat wearing this outfit! If I have to walk
much further, I swear my knees will give out. Oh, she said tiny steps, maybe that’s it.”
Zdenka was having a hard time adapting, he noted and was glad that he did have to wear
her outfit.

Slowly they made their way to their assigned seats. Once seated, Zdenka took
stock of the other baronesses and their dresses. Over half wore this new style outfit, she
noted, and all of those women were being as cautious and slow as she and Jarka had
been. In this, she took comfort. The others wore the style of dress which she had worn
when she came here. Those ball gowns only billowed out some five feet in front of their
bodies. Even more interesting, she noted that all of the other women were constantly
noticing everyone’s dresses, particularly those wearing this new fashion. So these
women were being observant of the dress code; this she found interesting.

At last, some musicians played the traditional wedding music found nearly
uniformly among the planets. Baron Kazimir and a man in his thirties, both wearing the
finest blue suits, entered and then Baron Eckhart entered with Brunhilda on his arm.
Baroness Gisela followed, holding onto the arm of a youthful teen, presumable her son.
Zdenka noted that Brunhilda also wore this latest in fashion type of dress, only hers was
pure white, naturally.

While the simple wedding was conducted, both Zoran and his friends studied the
new couple intently, as did many others in attendance. His brother, Damek, more closely
resembled the late Radek, tall, well-muscled, and sporting a moustache. Zoran noticed a
close resemblance to both himself and Radek. No doubt he was their half-brother.

Brunhilda was twenty-one now, equally tall, probably because of her heels, he
thought, thin and of average attractiveness. She had curly black hair worn shoulder
length. Even from this distance, he could see her overly long fingernails, painted blood
red. Her countenance suggested that she was a woman used to having her way. Zoran
guessed that she would tend to be the bossy, take charge, type of woman, an asset which
Damek would need at his side.

When the ceremony was over, both moved to the Visitor’s Area, joining Duke Leo
and Lida. At this point, Baron Tom rose and gave his opening welcome speech. Once
that was done, he dove into the first item of business. “Brother Jiri Zar and Priestess
Anezka have finished construction of another Circle of Ascension. This one is on Gladno.
The owner of this newest Circle is Duke Leo.” A loud round of applause followed.

“Per our rules, at this time, the High Council is obligated, per our rules, to
pronounce Duke Leo as Baron Leo Matous. Hearing no objections, I give you our newest
baron. Baron Leo Matous and Baroness Lida Matous, please come and take your rightful
place at the High Council.” No one objected.

Gracefully, as if born for this moment, the young couple gracefully, albeit slowly
because of Lida’s outfit, moved over to sit beside Baron Milan’s group. Zoran didn’t
recognize the man who quietly slipped in with them, his advisor.

Baron Tom continued, “Brother Jiri wishes me to announce that the construction
is well underway for a Circle of Ascension on Valtr. He expects it to be done before
spring. Once finished, he will commence construction of a Circle on Alta. Perhaps by our
spring meeting, we may have two more barons at our table.” A polite round of applause
signaled their acceptance. Zoran noted that Baron Alvaro looked very pleased and gave
Zoran a nod of appreciation. Zoran wondered whether or not Jiri had decided to do
Alvaro’s next because he had put in the good word for Alvaro. He made a mental note to
ask Jiri later.

Next, Tom gave Baron Kazimir the floor. Zoran noted that the Baron’s eyes were
bloodshot. In spite of the fact that the portly man was well dressed, he sensed a great
tiredness, a heavy weariness emanating from him. “At this time, since my appointed
heir, Lida, has become a Baroness on Gladno, per our rules, she can no longer be my
heir, unless she will rise and divorce herself from Baron Leo Matous. Will she do so at
this time?” He did not look at his own daughter.

“Don’t be ridiculous. I will do no such thing,” Baroness Lida retorted.

“Thus, my choice of heir is no longer valid. I take my right to name another heir. I
chose my son, Damek Kamil, to be my formal, legal heir to my throne. Yes, as many of
you know,” he stared at Zoran, “Damek is not a Duska. Yet, I point out that his wife,
Brunhilda, is a Duska. Thus, this is a legal heir.”

“I protest,” Baron Milan rose and objected. He listed his reasons. However,
Barons Alvaro and Hajime quickly pointed out that this situation had occurred thrice
before in the past. As long as his wife was Duska, the rules allowed Damek to become a
baron. As expected, his protest was voided. Primarily, Milan wanted to be on record
opposing this heir. It was purely politically motivated. The other barons realized that
this heir, should he become baron one day, was totally ill equipped to handle the
responsibilities of his post. Many Neutrals expected that Damek would become their
very weakest baron and thus their vote was uniformly in favor of Kazimir’s request.

That settled, Damek and Brunhilda were allowed to sit with Kazimir acting as his
advisors. Now the meeting settled into complete boredom, as far as Zoran was
concerned. The rest of the day, the barons took up several petty beefs several had with
other barons. None of it concerned Zoran in the slightest.

That evening, the formal opening ball provided both entertainment and a time for
quiet political discussions between the barons. Zoran finally realized that most of the
real decisions were made at these times, not during the actual meetings! Twenty
musicians began playing from a raised gallery at the far end of the elegant ballroom. The
highly polished oak planks of the floor reflected the magical lighting coming from
incredibly ornate chandeliers. Zoran and Zdenka moved onto the dance floor
immediately; Jarka and Bernard were right behind him.

By now, Zdenka’s feet were killing her, as was the tight laced corset. Still, she said
nothing. She had a passion for dance and would allow nothing to interfere with her
evening in the arms of the man she dearly loved. The dancing couples presented a
colorful panorama, the huge dresses were definitely a showcase, adding beauty to the
large gathering.

Before long, others began cutting in, requesting the next dance with either
Zdenka or Zoran. As Baron Alvaro cut in, handing off Baroness Anita to Zoran, he
whispered, “Many, many thanks for putting in the good word for me with Brother Jiri.
How about that? We are next in line. I owe you, Zoran. Ah, Zdenka, you are the flower of
the dance floor.”

As he took the arms of Baroness Anita, also wearing the latest in fashion, she said,
“Yes, thank you so much. Our son can now have his birthright without waiting for our
demise. I am so glad that Zdenka has taken a fancy to our latest fashions. Though I must
admit, I find these are a wee bit too much to handle. How’s everything in Brn?” she
chatted away.

A bit later, Baron Hajime and Baroness Lami broke in on their dance. As they
exchanged partners, Baron Hajime whispered, “Please accept my apologies for those
assassins ruining your honeymoon. I do hope that you two will come visit us again. To
make amends, I will give you another week of all expenses paid on Asami.”

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