Zombies Sold Separately (4 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne Mccray

Tags: #Mystery & Detective, #Horror, #Women Sleuths, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Adult, #General, #Paranormal

BOOK: Zombies Sold Separately
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But Olivia had to be the most down-to-earth human I knew. Despite her hefty salary as a PI and Tracker, she stuck to driving an old GTO and shopped at Target and Wal-Mart for T-shirts with funny sayings, and blue jeans. She also had an extensive collection of colorful Keds sneakers.

“Ready to head off to Rita’s for Christmas?” I asked as I placed my purse in a cubby beneath my desk out of Kali’s reach.

“Sure.” Olivia’s purple Keds squeaked on the tile before she reached her own chair behind her desk and plopped into it. “I always look forward to large family events where my parents shout at each other over the dinner table and ultimately one of them ends up wearing the dessert.”

Maybe I hadn’t chosen the best topic to take her mind off the speeding ticket. Olivia’s parents had divorced after the last daughter, Katelyn, had graduated from high school. Frank, Olivia’s wealthy plastic surgeon father, hadn’t wanted to pay spousal maintenance to Jan, Olivia’s successful lawyer mother.

It didn’t matter to Frank that Jan had stayed at home to raise their six daughters and that she hadn’t been able to start her own career until five years prior to the divorce. Frank had done his best in court to “color” the truth, but Jan had easily and rightfully been awarded a healthy monthly alimony check. Unfortunately the split wrecked their joint family events in a big way.

Time to put a different spin on the upcoming holiday. “You like spending time with your sisters.” I turned on the large screen monitor on my desk. “It’s not like you get to see all of them at once very often.”

“Each time is more than enough to last for months on end.” She braced her forearms on the note-laden top of her desk as she looked at me. “You have no idea what it’s like to have five sisters, all of whom don’t believe in letting the others get a word in edgewise.”

I did my best not to smile. I was sure Olivia did more than an adequate job at inserting her opinions. “You’re right about the siblings,” I said. “I don’t have sisters so it’ll be quiet as usual when I go see my father and mother for Christmas. Although I do seem to end up in arguments with Father over one thing or another.” Like the fact that he hated me being in the Earth Otherworld and not the Drow Realm.

“Arguments?” Olivia blew out a huff of air. “Don’t get me started on the last time my sisters and I got together.”

No, I didn’t want to get started on that topic. I really, really, really didn’t, no matter how much I loved my friend and partner.

Bon Jovi’s “Wanted Dead or Alive” came from inside my purse and I gave a silent prayer of thanks for the interruption as I reached in to pull out my XPhone. I had a thing for eighties hair bands, especially Jon Bon Jovi. Be still my heart.

Said heart melted and forgot about Jon when I checked the caller identification screen and saw that it was Adam.

“Hey there,” I said, a flush warming my cheeks as Olivia glanced at me. The tone of my voice had undoubtedly told her who was on the other end of the line and she loved to make cracks about my infatuation with the darling detective.

It was almost a relief to see her load up a rubber band with an eraser and aim it at me. Meant she was cooling off if she was going to start shooting me with erasers.

“Hi, Nyx.” Adam’s voice had a smile to it, but then I straightened in my chair as his tone went serious. “We have a mess here. You’ll want to call Rodán and freeze the scene and you and Olivia need to see this.”

The way Adam said it sent a chill through me. “Where?”

Olivia frowned and put down the eraser and rubber band as she listened to my tone and watched my expression.

“West Seventy-third and Riverside Park, along Cherry Walk,” he said, and I almost groaned.

A Demon had almost murdered me near that location and I would have died if another Demon hadn’t saved my life. But that second Demon was another story altogether, one I still hadn’t figured out and wasn’t sure I wanted to. Torin, or T as I called him, might remain a mystery for the rest of my life.

I’d faced certain death more than I wanted to admit over the past few months. Demons, mad scientists bent on wiping out the Werewolf population, Vampires …

“We’ll be right there.” I stood and snatched up my purse. “Calling Rodán on my way.”

“Damn, Nyx.” This time the note in Adam’s voice was concerned, as if he had bad news to deliver. “I think we have a Vampire problem again.”

It felt like my stomach hit my shoes and I almost couldn’t stand. “Be there in less than ten,” I said, trying not to sound like I wanted to go anywhere than that park and whatever was waiting to greet me there.

“See you,” he said and then he was gone.

Olivia was already putting on her jacket as I rounded my desk. I set down my purse long enough to slide into my blazer then press the speed dial number for Rodán. Olivia didn’t ask me what was going on as we headed out the office door. She knew that she’d hear it while I told Rodán. Saved me from having to repeat it.

“Nyx.” Rodán’s voice was smooth, luxurious when he answered.

I told our Proctor what little I knew as Olivia and I tromped through snow and headed to the rear garage where I kept my black Corvette convertible.

When I finished, Rodán said, “Paranorms were murdered last night.” Rodán’s voice was tight but calm. I wished I knew how he did that—sound calm in the middle of an emergency. “Robert and Tracey think it was a Vampire attack,” he said as he named the two Trackers who’d found the dead paranorms.

My stomach sickened more as he disconnected the call. During our last case, Volod, a Master Vampire, had captured me. He injected me with a stolen serum that would have killed me and could have wiped out most of the paranorm world if we hadn’t recovered the antiserum in time.

I’d faced death plenty, but to have it injected into my body … just the thought made me beyond queasy.

A glimpse of Volod in Belize, the man in Starbucks yesterday, the scene I was headed to now, and Rodán’s news …

I clamped my jaws tight. I used the remote to unlock the ’Vette and gave a silent prayer that they were wrong. That everyone was wrong.

“Not Vampires,” I said beneath my breath as Olivia and I climbed into my ’Vette. “Please, not Vampires.”





Icy wind stung my cheeks and my hair twisted in the strong gusts of air. Snowflakes touched my face as my stomach churned. I wrapped my arms around myself as I shivered.

I didn’t shiver from the snow and biting wind. It was the grisly scene in front of me that had me wishing for a heavier coat.

Scarlet-splattered drifts of snow along Cherry Walk and more red on the walk itself made this scene look like a bloodbath. It wasn’t easy, but I made myself study the dismembered humans and look at the places where large bites had been taken out of arms and legs.

I didn’t want to breathe in the smells, but I had to scent the crime. All I could smell was blood and death, not what might have caused it.

They crossed over one another, but three sets of bloody shoeprints led away from the body parts. Judging by the number of torsos that remained intact, the dead had been a group of five. Looked like three males and two females.

Even though there had to be fifty norms at the crime scene, it was dead silent thanks to Lulu, one of New York City’s Peacekeepers—a Soothsayer. The crime scene was as frozen as the icicles hanging from barren trees and lampposts.

Soothsayers couldn’t stop time or the elements. Just the activity of humans within a certain radius. If the area was larger than she could control, we’d bring in a second or third Soothsayer.

Afterward, the Soothsayers spent time wiping key memories from certain individual’s minds. Memories that could compromise the paranorm community.

Snow had been trampled from the activity going on before our arrival, dark footprints stark against the white drifts. I didn’t doubt that the perpetrators of this crime had stepped in the blood and left it smeared in some places, not any of the investigators.

I glanced over my shoulder at the Soothsayer. Not counting Lulu, only Olivia, Adam, NYPD captain Alex Wysocki, and I were among the mobile. My companions were studying the scene as intently as I was, only I’d bet that out of our little group I was the closest to heaving my breakfast onto the patch of snow closest to me.

Lulu perched on a park bench behind us in her billowing satin gown. She had her back to us, refusing to look at the blood and gore. Her lovely personality had Olivia itching to pick up a dismembered foot and toss it into Lulu’s lap. Olivia had said as much when Lulu made a comment that had something to do with Olivia’s voluptuous figure, her petite stature, and Dwarves.

Personally, I thought Lulu would be lucky if Olivia didn’t throw a hand or two along with the foot straight at Lulu’s perfect golden-blond ringlets.

Lulu was a prima donna snob who acted like a spoiled princess and probably would have turned green if she knew that I am a real princess. I never let her or any of the other Peacekeepers know that I come from royalty and wealth, save for my closest friends.

I might be a princess in title and entitlements, but I refuse to act entitled. I am a warrior at heart.

NYPD officers and other crime scene investigators, paramedics, and one news crew stood stiff and unmoving, their faces and bodies frozen. Snowflakes had already begun to build a layer on their still bodies.

I didn’t think Captain Wysocki had really gotten used to frozen crime scenes over the past few weeks after she had a gruesome introduction to the paranorm world.

That unwanted introduction had been thanks to a large number of ruthless Vampires led by Volod, the New York City Master Vampire. It was a group that had decided they were sick of synthetic blood and sick of the control the paranorm world had over them.

But this … this had nothing to do with Volod.

“You’re wrong,” I said after a long moment of studying the scene, and I met the gaze of the tall and slender police captain. My breath fogged in the cold air. “It wasn’t a Vampire attack.”

Adam and Wysocki looked at me, Adam with a question in his gaze and the captain with a frown on her face.

“How can you say that?” Olivia gestured toward the assortment of arms, legs, torsos, and heads. “Hello? Doesn’t this remind you of anything?”

I didn’t know whether or not to feel relief or fear. Relief that it couldn’t have been Vampires. Fear of what had actually done this.

Because I’m Drow, the Elvin boots I’d changed into didn’t sink into the snow-covered grass as I stepped from the walk. The snow remained unbroken where I walked and I avoided a nearly frozen pool of blood. The attack had to have happened recently.

“You’ve obviously noticed the bites taken out of the victims,” I said to the three looking at me for my take on this. “Vampires don’t rip out hunks of flesh like that.”

The words tasted awful on my tongue and nausea continued to make me feel sick. But I continued talking as I walked from one end of the crime scene to the other.

“If you’ll notice, too, the bites were taken by something that’s not normally a flesh-eating predator. No fangs. No jagged teeth.” I looked at Adam, Olivia, and the police captain. “Those bites look like they could have been made by a human.”

“Humans don’t have the strength to tear apart bodies like we see here,” Wysocki said as she studied me with her assessing gaze.

“I didn’t say humans actually did this.” I turned my gaze back to the horrific sight. “What I am saying is that Vampires didn’t.” I glanced at Adam and Olivia. “And no being in Werewolf, Doppler, or Shifter animal form could have been the attackers due to their sharp teeth. Whatever things did this have flat, blunt teeth, like humans.”

Wysocki gave me a hard look as I said the words
Werewolf, Doppler, or Shifter animal form
. Adam, Olivia, and I hadn’t filled the human NYPD police captain in on the rest of the paranorm world yet. It had seemed enough to clue her in on Vampires when they started attacking groups of humans.

“What if the paranorms stayed in human form?” Olivia asked before Wysocki could say anything.

“Most retain some paranormal strength when in human form,” I said. “But I don’t think enough to do this.” I frowned as I considered it further. “Although anything’s possible.”

Adam folded his arms across his chest. “What about Demons?”

Wysocki said looking even more incredulous. “And Werewolves and whatever else you mentioned—you’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Also Shifters and Dopplers,” I said. “We did mention to you that there’s a whole paranorm world out here that humans aren’t aware of. Vampires are only a small part of that world.”

The fifty-one-year-old captain’s short, normally smooth blond hair was ruffling in the wind. She braced her hands on her waist. She didn’t look like she believed anything I had told her, but still she said, “Go on.”

“All of this blood.” I gestured around me. “Vampires make a mess, but not like this. They prefer to ingest, not leave what looks like the majority of their victim’s blood covering the ground.” I pointed to one head that was still attached to the body. “No neck wounds.”

My gaze traveled to the shoeprints. “Vampires would never step in blood, much less leave a footprint of any kind. It’s a sort of sacrilege to them.” I added, “Plus I don’t scent anything remotely like a Vampire anywhere around here.”

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