ZOMBIE'S DOOM? "Chronicles of Jack Doom" (48 page)

BOOK: ZOMBIE'S DOOM? "Chronicles of Jack Doom"
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Of course, all of that will take place shortly after a select few of the rejected earthers that we will abduct at the request of our science department, have been administered the usual authorized anal probes and various other medical prodding and poking and are returned to the planet.

It will be my recommendation to the Supreme Being that an order be given that no Annunaki ships will return to this planet for at least five thousand kronal sections.

That will give the pre-extinction bipedal carnivorous creatures along with other prehistoric carnivores that we have set free to populate your world, in cooperation with an atmospheric re-molecular transgression stabilizer unit, an ample amount of time to cleanse the planet of every trace of the control subjects, their altered DNA, and the unfortunate earthers that are not being transported to Annunak."

Captain Xarr paused and looked at us as if waiting to answer our questions.

He seemed to have taken a liking to me for some reason, so I figured that if I opened my fucking pie hole I might not be told to shut it, so I asked the officer in charge.

"What happens then Captain?"

"After the control subjects and the earthers that did not make the final cut have been properly exterminated, and the planet has been deemed duly cleansed by an authorized sanitation team.

Then what usually happens on planets like this one, is after the recommended hiatus of the Annunaki people.

For a short period of time, one or two hundred of your planets solar orbits, possibly less depending on how soon and how many Annunaki are killed by the brutish wildlife, it will be used as a hunting preserve for the elite of the Annunaki race.

Then once it has been determined that hunting the pre-extinction bipedal carnivorous creatures is too dangerous for the civilian population to continue their endeavors, the animals will be put down in a massive planet-wide extinction event identical to past events that the Annunaki scientists have triggered.

After that, seeding ships will arrive with several primitive human species that will be positioned in tribal units in various areas around the planet.

Sometime later, teams of Annunaki scientists will arrive on this world, pick out certain tribes, and genetically engineer their DNA.

The genetic engineering will increase the intelligence quotient of the chosen species as well as a few other factors, and new patriarchs of what you call the human race will be created. Then in a few hundred thousand of your planets solar orbits, future generations of my family will return to this planet and do further experiments on the evolved inhabitants."

"Excuse me Captain, but you talk as if your race has some experience in this type of matter?" I asked, still being the only one brave enough, or foolish enough to speak.

"Indeed, Jack Doom!" the Captain answered, hesitating for a moment as we all watched the wall melt away once more, and Leiutenant Zeem enter the room. "The Annunaki race has a very long history in the arena of interstellar space exploration, and we are quite familiar with tens of thousands of life forms that are spread throughout many galaxies."

"How is that possible?" Beth spoke up.

"The answer to your question is very simple," Captain Xarr answered, in a calm monotone voice. "You see during our extended monitoring of your planet and its inhabitants, we observed repeatedly that the people's short-sided thinking tends to always lead them to the same conclusion."

"What conclusion might that be?" Beth asked, clutching my arm.

"The conclusion that time is on a linear path and cannot be rerouted in any other direction except forward," the Captain explained. "Furthermore, although the idea has been put forth by some of your forward thinking scientist in the past. Most of your people cannot seem to grasp the concept that any other race of intelligent beings could possibly have existed thousands of your earth years before theirs, let alone millions of those years, not that I am referring to your race as intelligent by any means."

"Are you saying that your Annunaki people have been flying around the universe for millions of years?" I asked, not really sure whether to believe his answer or not.

"How else would he have dinosaurs on board this ship?" Beth asked me, clutching my arm even harder.

"There are no, as you call them dinosaurs on this ship, they are on the transport ships that accompany this ship," the Captain explained.

"That's not what I mean. Where did you get the dinosaurs in the first place?" Beth asked a little annoyed.

We collect the pre-extinction bipedal carnivorous creatures in a variety of ways. Of course they are only referred to as pre-extinction creatures on planets that have at sometime in the past either been seeded with the creatures or they have naturally evolved on those planet, and then been made extinct by us to make room for other entities of our choosing," Captain Xarr explained.

"I think Beth is getting juicy over your answer, but she didn't ask you..."

Beth interrupted.

"You didn't answer my question! Where did you get the dinosaurs?" she asked again, this time maybe a little too loud.

Lieutenant Zeem stepped forward and began to speak, but was stopped in his tracks by his Captain.

"Lieutenant Zeem, Jack Doom's concubine named Beth is afraid, and she too does not realize just who is in charge!" the Captain informed his subordinate officer.

"Captain Xarr, I could take her to Bay 5 and let Rylo Kesbvoff show her who is in charge," Lieutenant Zeem, quickly countered.

"I just came back from Bay 5, and trust me, you don't want to go there," I whispered in Beth's ear.

"Lieutenant Zeem, my orders were quite clear on this subject. None of the test subject groups on this ship, or any of the other earther transporting vessels are to be harmed in any way," Captain Xarr bellowed, as once more, the Lieutenant's eyeballs bulged and his sphincter muscle tightened as a prelude to an involuntary under uniform feces release. "You would do well to recall your predecessor in Bay 5, and how he managed to arrive at that juncture in his life."

"Yes Captain Xarr," Lieutenant Zeem reassured, fearfully jumping to attention while feeling his pinched rectum twisting.

The alien Captain turned his attention back to Beth and began to answer her question.

"In regards to your question, Beth, may I call you Beth?" Captain Xarr asked, again not waiting for an answer from a mere earther. "There are many planets that support a host of ferocious lizard-like beasts scattered throughout the realm of the Annunaki Confederation.

Several of these reptilian planets are within the visual range of Annunak, our home planet and can be seen as a heliocentric parallax brings them into view of the naked eye.

We use such planets as natural storage stations for the creatures, and pick the proper beasts needed for certain experiments from those planets when the expense of using a time portal mechanism is prohibitive.

That is why the fossilized remains that your paleontologists had found were so diversified; the animals that produced them were from several different planetary systems.

One of those planets is where the bipedal carnivorous creatures needed to reseed your planet in the future will be harvested from if the need arises; as were the bipedal carnivorous creatures you call dinosaurs that are currently down on the surface of your planet."

Flabbergasted by the explanation the extraterrestrial Captain was giving us, Derek asked the alien officer.

"So you're interdimensional beings?"

"No, we are just like you, and a billion other species that inhabit this universe. We just use interdimensional space to travel when great distances are involved, or time is an issue in some manner. As it was when my ancestors exterminated the bipedal carnivorous creatures along with all of the other over sized lizards that originally inhabited your home planet, that is, your home planet after your species' DNA was altered to fit our future needs."

"Holy fuck Jack, I think we're screwed!" Derek moaned.

"Ya think?" I answered, feeling the blood flow in my arm being cut off by Beth's white-knuckle grip.

"I see that you are upset. Do not worry, other more comfortable accommodations are being prepared for you as we speak," Captain Xarr maintained. "Your journey back to the Annunaki home world for your training will be very relaxing.

Again, I begged forgiveness as I dared to ask another question.

"Excuse me Captain Xarr, but that's the second time that you have mentioned our training. Training for what exactly?"

"I had expected my second in command Lieutenant Zeem to explain that to you, or should I refer to him as the soon to be Private Zeem who resides down in Bay 5," Captain Xarr criticized, glaring at his Lieutenant. "However, it seems he has chosen a slightly more perilous path."

You could hear a pin drop after the Captain's discourse, but as usual, there was no pin available. So all we heard were the sounds of Lieutenant Zeem's intestines gurgling as their quickly liquefying contents made their way south.

After a moment of being entertained by the slurping serenade, and failing miserably at holding back a smile, the Captain continued.

"The trials and tribulations that you have endured during the past several of your earth months, were part of an Annunaki experiment and recruitment process. That process was designed to weed out so to speak; the weak and useless of the planet's human population and at the same time toughen up and devolve the survivors, making them ready for the horrendous conditions of planetary combat that awaits them in their near future.

"Planetary combat?" Beth asked, as tears started to well up in her eyes.

"Indeed! Planetary combat," Captain Xarr answered. "You four, as well as many others have been selected for a great honor. You will be part of an elite combat unit that will spearhead an attack on the gynandromorph's home world.

You will be part of the glorious Annunaki victory over the gynandromorphs that will end the ongoing war with them.

"Gynandromorphs? What the fuck is a gynandromorph?" Jolene spouted, forgetting or just ignoring the Captain's earlier scolding.

"Yeah, what in the fuck is a gynandromorph anyway," Derek chimed in.

"Gynandromorphs inhabit a group of planets in what your astronomers used to call the Sirius binary star system, and since the unfortunate scientific experiments that I previously mentioned, have been our dreaded enemies for thousands of your earth years, as we have been theirs," the Captain informed us. "At 2.6 parsecs from your planet, Sirius is the brightest star of the constellation you call Canis Major and can be found by following the belt of Orion southeast.

Gynandromorphs are a disgusting race of beings, which continually put their own pleasure before their duty, their integrity, and their honor, they will do anything to further their own desires and goals, no matter how loathsome those goals and desires might be.

They also slough their outer covering every three
years like one of your snakes sheds its skin; it is a nasty and foul habit."

"What kind of training will we be getting?" I asked.

"Why are you at war with the gynandromorphs?" Beth asked.

"Why are you doing this to us?" Jolene wept.

"What the fuck
a gynandromorph?" Derek asked again in vain.

"Your mission for the Annunaki Confederation is classified top secret crypto, and I am not at liberty to disclose anything more about it or about the gynandromorph threat." Captain Xarr insisted. "All pertinent information concerning the gynandromorph race and your primary mission will be divulged to you during your training period sometime before the operation takes place.

However, I
at liberty to inform you that most of the test subject group members that have been taken aboard this ship, and ships comprising the rest of the fleet, will be immediately subjected to the first phase of our science department's latest cloning procedure in conjunction with the most modern scientific biologic transmodification techniques. The advanced cloning process will be initiated in an effort to expedite the
Earther's Expeditionary Force
once we have returned to our home base and to the training and staging
located on the dark side of my beloved planet Annunak."

Holy shit stain!
" I thought to myself. "
The last time I heard the term biologic transmodification, Captain Xarr was talking about shirking somebody's dick and balls

If that procedure was going to be performed on me, I was pretty sure that Beth would not be pleased. So for Beth's sake, I vowed not to let that happen to me. Derek maybe, but not me.

However, upon seeing that our only option at this point was to bend over and kiss our asses goodbye, I nervously joked.

"So it's a secret, if you told me, you'd have to kill me. Right?"

"That is correct Jack Doom," Captain Xarr told me without emotion. "I would have to have you and everyone else in this room killed, including my subordinate officer Lieutenant Zeem along with my crew members that now guard you. I of course would be the only exception."

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