Read Zombie X Online

Authors: S.G. Harkness

Zombie X (12 page)

BOOK: Zombie X
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“Who the fuck are you? I feel like crap, and I have a big headache. Have you got any painkillers? Whoever hit me in the head did an exceptional job, so you should give them a pay raise.”

“It doesn’t matter who I am. I do experiments with the unknown. You can call me, Fritz. There are not many of us. The man next to me is Sergeant Locknight, and you will just have to endure the pain, little girl.”

Sergeant Locknight is a big soldier. He looks at me like he wants to bring pain and suffering. He has a shaved head, facial hair, and a satanic tattoo that goes from his neck down to his right arm. I guess he’s Fritz’s bitch.

“Sergeant Locknight is one of our finest soldiers. He specializes in administrating pain. We noticed you did not come alone, and you must be wondering where your pet monster is. Yes, we know what it is. It took our men some time to restrain it. Now your pet monster is in our laboratory. We are running tests on it. I have never seen such an unusual dead body. You must know something,” Fritz says.

I have to buy some time for myself and Norman. Norman would not want me to tell them what I know. I have a feeling that if I tell them anything, my life will be over sooner than later. They will probably destroy Norman. They will have no use for me if I tell them what I know. I have a better chance not saying a word about it. I would never betray Norman. Fritz wants the truth.

“I was walking in search for others. The dead thing came at me, and it came out of nowhere. When I realized what it was, I was being told to hit the ground.”

“I’m having a hard time believing your story, little girl. Just tell me what that dead thing is right now, and everything will be fine. It did not manage to harm you,” Fritz says.

“I’m telling you that I seriously don’t know what that dead thing is. I told you that it came at me, and everything happened so fast.”

“You choose not to tell me anything, but telling me could help save the world, if I knew more about the dead thing that you have been with. Witnesses say that they saw you walking with it, and it looks like you have managed to control the dead. Care to share this information?”

“I’m telling you the truth. I saw the dead thing for a second, and then I was on the ground. I can’t help you, Fritz. I’m sorry, can I please go? You are taking up my time here.”

“I will leave you with Sergeant Locknight. You and the Sergeant can get acquainted while we conduct more tests on your pet monster. When I return, you will tell me everything, I know you will. You should save yourself from being humiliated and tell me right now. Tell me what I want to know, and you can save yourself from the pain that is to come. We are in this together, so there is no need to hide anything. Just show me how it’s done. I think you know how to control the dead, and this is powerful knowledge. We will not harm you or your monster. I would really like to know what your secret is.”

I think Fritz plans to kill us whether I talk or not. It’s not his business what Norman is. I will never tell him what I know, and I think that staying quiet is my best option. He will probably do more harm to Norman if I tell him that I can control Norman. Fritz will have to figure out Norman for himself, but Norman won’t be controlled by anyone but me. My body is ready to be tortured; my mind is ready, and my heart is prepared. I’m ready for the pain, and I’m ready to die, and suffer in order to buy as much time as I can. Every second is vital so that Norman can live just a little bit longer. This is how much I love Norman. Fritz will do anything in order to know more about Norman. I won’t let that happen. I’ve made my decision.

“I don’t know anything, Fritz. Bring on the pain. You will just have to kill me.”

“I shall leave the two of you alone since you have chosen your destiny,” Fritz says.

Fritz walks out of the room and closes the door. The big Sergeant Locknight is stretching himself, and cracking his knuckles and neck.

“You do realize this is going to hurt, right? Are you sure you want me to hurt you, bitch?”

“You would hit a girl?”

“Why are you protecting that monster? It is us against them! You picked the wrong side you cunt!”

I don’t say a word. I’m waiting for the pain as he pulls my hair back and looks down at me. He slaps me with the back of his hand and laughs.

“Is that it? Are you afraid to hit a girl? Is that all you can do with those huge muscles of yours? You must be jacked on steroids!”

He slaps me hard back and forth several times. Blood gushes from my nose as he puts his face in front of mine. I spit blood on his face, and he yells! He wipes the blood from his face and licks it. He seems to enjoy the taste of my blood like a fucking pervert. He puts his arm around me and starts to choke me. He lets go of me, and I struggle to gasp for air. He punches me in the face, and he unties me from the chair.


I slowly stand up, and he has his fists ready. I pick up the chair as he watches me with a smile.


I throw the chair hard, and it shatters on him. He comes at me and throws body shots at me. I try to kick him, but he punches my leg down. He kicks me in the back, and I hit the wall. He hits me in the face again, and I fall down. He isn’t hitting me with all his might since he seems to toy with me. He can easily kill me with one punch, but he obviously wants to torture me with his light punches. Any punch from him is painful enough for me. I don’t know how much more of this I can take. He kicks me in the body, again, and again. I slowly get up, but he punches me in the face again, and I fall to the ground.

“You have a two-inch pecker! Women must love how tiny it is!”

He punches me a few more times in the face, and my face is bloody. He grabs me up with his hands, headbutts me, and I crash to the floor. I open my eyes, and I find myself in a hospital bed. I’m chained to the bed so that I can’t escape. I’m being treated from the severe beating, and they must have pumped me with all kinds of drugs, so I guess they want me alive since they need me so badly. Fritz walks in the room.

“How are you feeling? You have been here for a couple of days, and it looks like your wounds are healing faster than expected. You are probably wondering why you are still alive. I want you alive so you can tell us what you know about that monster or else we will continue to punish you until you give us all the information. We are still examining your pet monster. I will return in a couple of days, and you will feel much better. We have given you the best medication for your speedy recovery. I’m going to show you something when I return.”

Fritz leaves the room, and I’m feeling a lot better. There’s nothing like medication to help the pain. I wonder what Fritz is going to show me. A couple of days have passed by. I’m being escorted out of the room, and I’m handcuffed. I feel so much better since drugs do a body good, and it feels like I was never severely beaten. I’m escorted to the elevator. The complex must run on generators. We go down to the basement floor, reach the basement floor, and walk down the hallway. We reach the doors that are opened by a couple of guards. Norman is chained down on a table as they conduct their experiments on him. Fritz approaches me.

“Does this bother you, little girl? Look at what your pet monster is going through. Your pet monster is in so much agony.”

Men in white jackets stick sharp objects into Norman. They stick needles in his face, and they take small chunks out of Norman’s body. This makes me sick to my stomach. Fritz is a lunatic.

“It looks like you are doing well with your experiments, Fritz.”

“This is just the beginning of our tests. We have a long way to go. If you will not help, then we will figure out your monster.”

The guards escort me out of the room and place me in the observation room. I assume that I’m about to view something out of the ordinary. Fritz enters the room with a couple of armed guards.

“Make yourself at home. You’re about to witness our next test.”

I look out the glass window. It’s a medium-sized arena with guards who keep watch just above the arena. If the guards move any closer to the edge, they will fall about ten feet and land on the arena floor. There are no safety bars to keep the guards from falling down. A man is escorted into the arena. Fritz has a smile on his face, and he appears to be excited.

“Who’s he?” I ask.

“He is part of our test. Let’s just say that he volunteered. He is a very brave individual.”

The other door to the arena opens. It’s Norman! He is being forced inside the arena by several guards. The door is locked so that no one can escape. Fritz gazes at me. I know that Norman is going to feast on the weak man. The man can’t escape since he has nothing to defend himself with, and I’m happy about that as Norman approaches the helpless man. I know Norman, and he must be starving.

The man approaches the glass window and begs for help as Norman gets closer, and the man does not even try to fight off Norman. The helpless man will die a horrible death. Norman roars as he grabs the man and bites into his neck. Blood splatters out onto the glass in front of us, and the man chokes on his own blood as Norman rips right through the man’s neck, severs the man’s head from his body, and drops the man’s head. Norman starts to force his hands into the man’s body, pulls out the man’s heart, and devours it. Norman continues to pull out the man’s organs and chews away at them.

Fritz glances at me to see my reaction, but I don’t look him in the eyes as I continue to watch Norman eat up his meal. He chews on the man’s thighs as if they are chicken drumsticks. Norman finishes off his meal, stands up, and roams around the arena. He growls as he roams around the arena. Fritz focuses his attention on me.

“So what did you think of our test?” Fritz asks.

“I think you’re a very sick individual. What was the point of that?”

“You will know soon enough. Our time together will soon be at an end.”

I’m escorted back to my room. The next several days are very lonely, and I have no idea what’s going to happen next. I want to save Norman, and kill everyone in the complex. I once again have come across people that are up to no good. The new world is full of dangerous people. The days and nights are so long. Tonight is the longest night ever. Two guards enter the room, and they escort me to the arena. We approach the arena. Fritz is already waiting with Sergeant Locknight.

Sergeant Locknight approaches me, and he gives me a hard shove as he leaves the room. The other two guards stay in the room. Fritz looks thrilled to see me.

“Welcome back to the arena. We are conducting another test, and I hope you will participate.”

“Why do you keep showing me these tests? I’m not interested, Fritz. I don’t see the point. Don’t you have any other tests to conduct other than having the monster eat another one of your men?”

“This test is a different one. Your monster has not eaten in days so let’s see what happens when the monster is upset. This shall be a pleasing experience.”

I already know what will happen. Fritz made a big mistake starving Norman. Norman is going to rip up whoever will be in the arena.

“Well, you managed to starve the monster. That’s original. What else do you have up your sleeve, Fritz?”

Several guards escort Norman into the arena. Norman looks very confused as he twitches and growls. I’m nervous as Fritz continues to gaze at me.

“You must be curious to see how your monster friend will react when he sees his next meal.”

“What poor soul will you force into the arena this time, Fritz? You know you are a sick man. I think you should go into the arena and find out.”

“You will find out soon enough. I had the time to think about my next experiment. Look at the monster. How could anyone want something so aggressive and dangerous to walk the earth? Look at how evil it looks. This will be the best test that I have ever conducted, and you are my next volunteer, little girl.”

I’m speechless, and I’m afraid to be in the arena with Norman. I’m not sure how Norman will react when he sees me.

“Take her inside the arena. Any last words before you die?”

“You’re right, Fritz. This will be the best experiment that you’ve ever conducted. I hope the dead feast on your flesh until there is nothing left!”

“So long my friend. I will enjoy this, and I wish you adieu!”

My hands are set free by the guard as Fritz smiles at me.

“I wanted to give you a fighting chance. I also left you a surprise to help you fight your monster. This should be an excellent show.”

The arena door is open. The guard shoves me so hard that I fall to the arena floor. The door is closed behind me as Norman faces away from me at the other end of the arena. The big surprise is a hunting knife that is on the floor next to where Norman is standing. I strategically observe my surroundings, and there is only one guard standing above us.

The guard is heavily armed. Norman turns slowly to face my direction, and he looks straight into my eyes as he growls and walks towards me. He looks pissed and starving for fresh human flesh. I back away from him, try to move away so that I can reach the hunting knife, and I place myself strategically towards the hunting knife. All the experiments that they ran on Norman must have made him hungry. He doesn’t seem to recognize me since I think he sees me as his next meal.

I finally reach the hunting knife. I spin—around and throw it at the guard above me! The hunting knife sinks right into the guard’s neck and the guard drops down beside me as Norman approaches. I quickly grab the guard’s assault rifle, grenade, and shoot at the glass window. Norman feasts on the fallen guard, as I move towards the window. I blast the window enough that it finally shatters. The two guards and Fritz are crouched down as I toss the grenade inside the room, and I drop to the floor.

BOOK: Zombie X
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