Zombie Theorem: The End Game (7 page)

BOOK: Zombie Theorem: The End Game
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He struck me in the chest so fast that I barely registered the blow. He made sure to hit me palm open on the healing bruise the soldier had left with his kick. My pain nerves ignited in fire and I had to grit my teeth to keep from screaming in pain and showing the punk he’d hurt me. Suddenly a light appeared behind him and moved slowly to the right into my sight line. It transformed from a glob of light to a small figure. Then took on more details. A sob tried to break from my chest, but I swallowed it back.

The shape that stood in front of me, waved and smiled at me. It walked up and touched my chest and then pulled back holding a dimmer light. I could now see my body and the Librarian as he struck me again in the chest this time with a flat wooden paddle. I didn’t feel the pain I felt fine. I looked to the light and made out Angel. She had returned to protect me. I know you are really confused, and let me say I share your sentiment, but here I was holding her hand and looking at my body take a beating. “Hi Dan, surprised to see me?”

“How. How, are you here? How are you doing this?”

“I told you I wouldn’t let you suffer.” She said in her sweet high pitched voice.

“No, you didn’t. A woman did.” My mind was about to shatter.

“Silly. That is me.” She grew and changed before my eyes taking on the beautiful form of the woman from the boat and from the bench overlooking the ocean. She was one in the same.

“How, Angel? How?”

“Come, I don’t want to watch this. Let us go somewhere more peaceful so we can talk.” She gripped my hand tighter and led me into a tunnel of light. When we exited I somehow knew we were on top of the building. We took a seat on a park bench and looked up at the stars.

“This has to be a dream. I can’t understand.” My grip on reality was starting to slip.

“You haven’t had a real dream since this scourge was released on this plane. I have been looking for the right person to stop this from happening. And when I found you I knew I had found what I was looking for. You will put a stop to the hurting. You will stop the evil from destroying everything my master has created.”

“Angel, I don’t understand what you are saying. Who is your master? What did he create? How can I, a normal man, stop this? I am but a flawed man who wants to be with the woman he loves for the time he has left.”

She reached over and turned my head toward hers. Our eyes met, and I saw something I cannot explain. I saw me. No, that’s not right. I saw who I could become. I saw an older me, smiling and holding a little blonde girl who looked a lot like Julie and a lot like Angel. I felt happiness, completeness, and a sense of love. “Dan, do what you are called on to do, and you will have all that you desire. There will be intense pain physical and mental, and you will be on the brink. But remember you will never fall over into the precipice, you will win, you will succeed.” She stopped and looked off to her left and smiled. “Friends are about to arrive. You will be reunited with her soon. I will need to return you to the pain. I am sorry, but be proud, he could not break you.”

“Will I see you again, Angel?” My voice cracked full of emotion.

She was my little Angel again and stood on the bench holding my face in her hands. “I will never truly leave you. I promise.” With an explosion thundering around me, I was sucked back into my body and pain fell over me like a waterfall.

The door of the room blew open in a flash and men rushed into the room. I raised my head and mumbled through my split lip. “Don’t kill him, we need him.” Brian raised his blacked out face mask and gave me an awkward look. Then swung his right fist into the man’s chest crushing him against the wall where he slid down into a heap.

“He’ll live, I pulled the punch at the last second. He is gonna wish he was dead but oh well.” Another soldier came into the room, flipped the man over and zip-tied his hands and feet.

Brian, came over to me and looked me over. “You look like shit Boss.”

“I’ve felt better. Mind getting me out of here?”

Another soldier came into the room and came right up to me, then raised its facemask. Heaven looked me in the eyes and then smiled. “She was right.” He said cryptically. He then produced a key and proceeded to unlock my shackles.

Brian slid his hands under my arms and held me up. “We need to boogie, so no time to let you walk. I will carry, you brother.” He then lifted me onto his broad shoulders into a fireman’s carry. Someone else grabbed the Librarian’s unmoving form and threw him over their shoulder like a sack of potatoes. More men were in the hallway securing both directions. The two guards from earlier were lying in pools of blood on the floor. We moved quickly down the hallway and into a set of elevators being held open by two more men. Once in the elevator someone jammed a needle into my ass. A relief flooded over me, taking the pain away but allowing me to stay awake.

We stopped at the top floor and exited into a hallway being held by two more soldiers. I tapped Brian’s helmet. “I want to speak with whoever is holding this floor.”

Brian stepped up to one of the soldiers. “Dan wants to ask you something.”

The soldier pulled off their mask and the smiling face of Apache showed. “Yes, sir?”

“Of course you would be here. Did you run into a man dressed exquisitely with rings on his fingers?” I croaked out through the quickly numbing pain.

“Yes, we did. He is over there, hog-tied. Why?” She raised an eyebrow.

“He is near the top of the Culling Initiative. Bring him with.” I said breathlessly.

She smiled her deadly smile and pointed to the man on the floor. Made a hand signal and another soldier walked over picked him up and moved up a stairway to the roof. “Done and done, sir.” She touched my cheek softly then cocked her head listening to her radio. Then at full volume yelled, “Choppers are here, let’s move it!”

Brian moved me slightly as he ran up the stairs and out onto the roof. I looked around for the park bench where I’d sat with Angel earlier, but couldn’t find it. I looked around at the sky and listened, but never heard the rotor beats of the helicopter. Then suddenly one came out of the pitch dark and landed briefly on the roof. Brian loaded me in first belting me in, then climbed in next to me. Apache came next, and a couple of other soldiers climbed on. The door slid closed and we lifted quickly into the air. I figured another one was landing to grab the left over soldiers and prisoners.

I looked over at Brian and he removed his mask and helmet and winked at me. “No more leaving like that again. I told you, ‘where you go, I go’. Do that again and I will beat you to an inch of your life.”

I let out half a laugh and half a sob. Tears broke from my eyes and I started having problems breathing. Brian looked concerned and yelled at someone who handed him a mask attached to a tube. Brian slid it over my face and I was able to breathe a little easier. Another prick from a needle, and I faded into oblivion.

I woke up lying in a warm bed under a thick blanket. I moved slightly and reached out, coming in contact to warm skin. The person rolled over onto their elbow, and looked down at me. Julie’s face looked happy and her eyes twinkled. “Good morning mister.” She said in her husky voice and kissed my forehead. “But I swear, if you ever leave me again, I will hunt you down stake you to the ground, and let the bugs eat you alive. You are a monumental asshole.” Her voice grew slightly louder and louder, then to a softer loving tone. “And thank you, for sacrificing everything to make sure I lived.”

I raised my hand and caressed her cheek. “I would give my life for yours every single time. Never a thought.”

She smiled down at me and kissed my lips tenderly. “I think you have slept enough. Let’s get you up and get the doctor to look you over.”

I groaned then tried to sit up. The pain was not as bad as I’d thought it would be. With Julie’s help, I made it the edge of the bed and slid my feet over and onto the ground. I looked around the room and was amazed to be back in our house on Mountain Home base. I looked down at my chest and found it wrapped in numerous bandages. “So, how long was I out this time?”

“They flew you back last night. You did stay one day at some secret base getting medical attention first.”

I didn’t remember any of that, and chalked it up to the painkillers in my system. “Did they say how bad I am?”

“You took quiet a beating, but from what Brian says you broke those two ribs again. And have a sea of bruises, along with some cuts and a couple of bruises to your face. But I still find you cute.”

The door rattled in its frame as some knocked on it. “Hold on, let me cover up!” Julie called out and ran from the room into our master bathroom. She returned in a big white terry cloth robe and answered the door.

Brian stood there, looking a little worried. “Oh, you are awake. Good. Doctor Harmidi is here, making a house call.”

“Alright. Give Julie some time to put some clothes on and send him in. Oh and Brian.”

He stopped halfway out the door and turned back. He raised his eye brows and waited.

“Thank you for coming to get me.”

He laughed his patented gravel filled belly laugh. “Told you, Boss, I would always be by your side.”

“Oh and Brian?”

He stopped again and waited.

“You know how much it sucks to wake up to your ugly Sasquatch ass?” I croaked out and then tried not to laugh.

He laughed again. “I’m just glad you got the chance to wake up, Boss.” He then retreated quickly, and shut the door.

I sat there staring at the door. Julie moved around me, hurriedly getting dressed. The door knocked again. Julie opened it and invited the doctor in. He sighed and shook his head in mock pain. “You just had to go out and reinjure my good work. Do you think you can stay in one piece this time Mister Welko?”

“It’s not my fault, the guy didn’t like my humor.”

“Well, I can identify with him on that point. Can you raise your arms above your head?”

I went through his check up and came out the other side, alive at least. “Dan.” He sighed before continuing. “The good news is whoever did this to you, knew how to cause you maximum pain without causing too much damage. Except for the broken ribs, the rest will heal quickly. You are not going to want to push it too much. The ribs will take a while to fix themselves, laughing and breathing deep is going to cause you pain. But I expect a full recovery in a month or so. Here are some pain killers you can use to take the edge off. If you need anything else, just send the big guy to come and get me.” The doctor gathered up his bag and left.

I sat there, mulling over what I’d heard. “Is the Librarian on base?” I asked with a little malice in my voice.

“Arrived yesterday. He is scheduled to be interviewed by Vic today. Joseph will be moved here tomorrow for his turn with Vic. What are you thinking, Boss?” Brian eyed me.

“I think I want to have a chat with the Librarian, and I think I want my Sasquatch to be with me. I want some answers, then tomorrow, I want the same time with Joseph.” I breathed through my nose, trying to control the anger that was threatening to take me over. I had to stay in control, I had a job to do, and I couldn’t let my anger control me or I would make mistakes. But I would make sure that each of those men were paid back five-fold, for what I’d gone through.

Julie watched me, not sure what to think of my words and actions. She had never seen real anger from me. She tilted her head and sighed. “I have your back no matter what you do, baby. Just don’t let your emotions rule you.” Funny how she knew me so well, even after all the years that had passed.

“Alright, let’s get him dressed, and let’s go eat before we do anything else.” Brian offered.

They helped me get dressed, and I hissed and groaned every time I had to move my arms too high. Or twist or turn. Oh hell, I just groaned and hissed everything hurt. Brian brought me the chair and I looked at it with disdain. I tried to stand, and my legs quivered and shook, Brian offered his hand and I took it. I used his strength to get to my feet. Once there, I let go and shuffled the four feet to the chair. I eased myself down and felt a sense of accomplishment. Brian wheeled me back out of the room and down the hall. Julie caught up and walked by my side, holding my hand.

Whenever we went by someone, I would dip my head and try to hide my face. I didn’t want them to see the shame written on my face, to see the man who couldn’t protect himself.

The chair came to a stop and Brian came around and squatted down in front of me. “Quit that shit!” he said, clearly upset with me.

I raised my head. “Stop what, Brian?” I asked in my best twelve-year-old attitude.

“You know what, hold your head up in pride. You’ve seen more and been through more than anyone on this base. You would never look down on someone else that was in THIS chair. So quit feeling sorry and shameful for yourself. Be the Boss.” He reached down and covered my hand with his massive paw. “We have been through a lot together, and if I was in this chair, you would not let me fall into depression. You would find a way to get me moving. So let’s work this, and come out the other side stronger.”

Tears leaked from my eyes when I realized he was right. I covered his paw with my other hand and nodded my head ok. “Ok brother, consider me over it. Thank you, I needed that.” I let go of his hand and he stood up and resumed pushing me.

“Which one of you is the wife and which one is the husband?” Julie rolled her eyes and giggled at us.

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