Zollocco: A Novel of Another Universe (31 page)

BOOK: Zollocco: A Novel of Another Universe
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Oestara Publishing LLC


Presents Mabon 2004-2005

Vector Theory and the Plot Structures of Literature and Drama
by Cynthia Joyce Clay


Clay examines what literary and dramatic plotting is--what plot is and proposes that the concept of forces in literature and drama is analogous to the concept of forces in physics. Clay uses vectors analogously to describe how characters, objects, and locations which are the "bodies" of literature and drama reflect the propelling of forces within literary and dramatic works.


The Joshua Machine
by James H. Clay,

In the first half of the 1800's in Truro Massachussetts, the mysterious John Rills built a wind chime that he claimed would only sound in a wind higher than a hurricane. But John's best friend Justin has other matters on his mind, for his uncle Antrim has stolen his ship. Besides, Justin knows that there is no wind greater than that of a hurricane.



El idealista septuagenario Javier Malco Tovar y su señora se estrellaron en un sospechoso accidente aeronáutico. Su señora murió, pero Javier sobrevivió. Durante una transfusión de sangre, Javier adquirió el virus del SIDA. Por esto, para sobrevivir, Javier se hizo congelar. Javier despertó unos setenta años en el futuro, en el mundo de sus ideales, que era un mundo unido en paz y en la dignidad humana. Siendo la primera persona que sobrevivió el congelamiento que le curo del SIDA, su descongelamiento causo un furor y una celebración a nivel mundial. Sin embargo, esta sociedad utópica estaba en peligro de ser destruida. Cuatro de los representantes de las Naciones Unidas que crearon los documentos para sellar el tratado final de la formación del nuevo orden mundial habían sido secuestrados. Javier, habiendo tenido la experiencia de ser uno de los primeros en proponer el nuevo orden mundial en una época en que ese orden solo parecía un sueno, estudio intensamente la historia de la creación de este nuevo orden mundial, y así encontró la clave de quienes eran los secuestradores.
Este asalto en Mundilla era solamente el principio...


An Affection for an Unmarried Lady
by Fanny Delarose a Regency romance

Being deemed unsuitable by the father of the man she loves is only one of the problems Ann faces. Her new brother-in- law, the Earl of Corringdon, is furious with her for deflecting his advances. The Earl wishes to destroy Ann's reputation so she will have no where to go but his house and his bed...


The Romance of the Unicorn
by Cynthia Joyce Clay

Something in Elayne's refridgerator turned her pedigree Siamese cat into a troll, and Elayne's boyfried dumped her. This is why, on Halloween night, Elayne was not celebrating but washing out her fridge. The lights went out, but Elayne continued to scrub out the fridge by candlelight until.she found an entrance to a magical world of intrigue. Elayne is sent on a quest to find the Royal Talisman of Faye; she finds her true talent, friends, and love.


New Myths of the Feminine Divine
by Cynthia Joyce Clay

"Cynthia Joyce Clay has delivered a stunning arrangement of short stories that deal with problems from a woman's perspective. Written in the style of fairy tales, many of these portray a deep understanding of the need to preserve the beautiful Nature with which we've been blessed. In my personal favorite, “The Rental,” a realtor has a difficult time boosting her career, until she receives her first client, who just happens to be a witch...” Lynnette Marie, author of
Midnight Whispers



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