Zectas Volume V: The Sequestered Seminary of Sawtorn (34 page)

Read Zectas Volume V: The Sequestered Seminary of Sawtorn Online

Authors: John Nest,Overus,You The Reader

Tags: #Computers & Technology, #Games & Strategy Guides, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Gaming, #Teen & Young Adult, #Humor & Entertainment, #Puzzles & Games, #Role Playing & Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy Gaming

BOOK: Zectas Volume V: The Sequestered Seminary of Sawtorn
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+ Received
> 100,000 Zecs
> Ability tome: Fire Blister
> Ability tome: Cleansing Burn

With his face hidden, Smoke let out the most satisfied grin. 'Ability Tomes!' he thought, excited.
"Sorry about the amount," began Xantana. "We would have wanted to give you more, but we're planning on having a big wedding."
Chouchou snuck from behind Xantana's view, shook his head and shrugged.
Smoke looked at him, confused. This made the LightElf immediately turn around.
"And of course you'd be invited to our wedding!" hurriedly said Chouchou. "Our big extravagant wedding," he added in a murmur.
"I'll be there," replied Smoke. "If I'm still in Vitzytl, when that happens."
"Why? Where are you going?" asked Chouchou.
"I'm heading back home in a couple of months," said Smoke. "Back to Wysteria."
"Oh, you aren't from here?" said a surprised Xantana. "I thought you were, because you've been really helpful to the Kingdom."
"Looks like you won't be able to attend our wedding, then," added Chouchou. "She says we'll need at least two years of preparation for it."
"Wow? Really?" Smoke asked in disbelief.
Chouchou nodded with all sincerity. "Hey, we shouldn't keep you any longer. I think those Warrior Guards have been signaling for you to enter," blurted out the tiger Lioumerean.
"Alright, I'll see you around," said Smoke. "And thanks again for this," he added, pointing to the brown sack.
Then, a notification window popped up.


+ Intimacy with
has risen to
'Trusted Friend'

'Hmm. Trusted Friend, haven't seen that in a while,' he thought, smiling. However, it quickly disappeared as he realized that they knew him as Faux and not as Smoke.

* * * * * * 

Entering the largest of the white tents, Smoke found the atmosphere to be heavy. Eleve and Ouragan were discussing over a large battle-table with the scale model of Votl City, while Chrys and Trottel stood on the sides.
"You're finally here!" exclaimed Trottel, looking up at Smoke.
"Sorry, I thought our meeting wasn't until nine?" he replied.
"Bah! It's customary to be here half an hour early," pointed out the tiger Lioumerean, while combing his long orange hair. "Even Chrys arrived early, and he looks irresponsible."
"I just had nothing else better to do," said Chrys with a shrug.
"No matter," said Eleve. "Anyway, let's itemize our resources."
With her wrinkled hands, Eleve placed twenty short but thick black pieces in front of the scaled down city.
"These represent our legions," she began. "Each one of them are composed of ten-thousand volunteers, both Sonstwelters and Zectians."
Chrys raised his hand, and waited to be recognized by the 16th Magietrois Florissant.
"Yes, Prime Wizard of Vectas?" she asked.
"I'd like to know how many Sonstwelters turned up for this event?" asked Chrys.
"Event?" interjected Trottel. "Calling a fight for the lives of the entire Kingdom is so common for a Sonstwelter such as yourself!" he then turned to Smoke. "I bet you were calling this an event as well."
Smoke waved both his hands defensively. "Sorry, I'm sure Chrys didn't mean it like that," he apologized in his behalf.
"Of course, I just wanted to know how many we can risk without care," reasoned Chrys. "You very well know that Sonstwelters can just return after four days of being killed, right?"
"Hmmp! How barbaric!" exclaimed Trottel. "You're willing to sacrifice the lives of your fellow Sonstwelters without any problem. That's what's wrong with folks like you. You don't know the value of life."
"No... That's not what I—" Chrys tried to reason out, but was silenced.
"Enough! Both of you!" shouted Eleve. "I understand both your points, but like I said. Let's first itemize our strengths."
She then turned to Chrys. "Most of them have rushed here from the other cities, but we have a little over forty-thousand Sonstwelters."
"Wait! Doesn't that leave our other cities defenseless?" blurted out Smoke.
"Yes," replied Ouragan. "That's why Magietrois Florissant decided to have all of the standing armies, remain in ther respective cities."
"I completely agree with the Prime General's decision," added Trottel. "What kind of nincompoop would even think of offering a city's standing army."
Trottel then shook his head and looked at Chrys. "They were created to defend the city," he said to the green Prime Wizard.
Smoke stared at the tiger Lioumerean in disbelief. 'He was the one who suggested to use them in the first place!' he thought, irked.
"Prime Wizard Trottel, please do not stray the topic with your unnecessary comments," said Ouragan with authority. "You're only delaying our discussion."
Trottel fell silent and lowered his head.
"Anyway, going back to Faux's question, yes we've made sure to protect our other cities as well," said Eleve. "But we're focusing most of our forces here in Votl City because of you."
Eleve looked at Smoke with proud eyes. "I know that the information you got is reliable, that's why I have no problem making this decision."
She then went on to explain herself further. "Leaving the other cities with just their regular defenses, is just a precautionary measure."
Eleve then turned their attention to the scaled city. "I've decided to divide our 200,000 forces into four groups. East, West, North, and South."
"I will personally lead the Eastern defenses of the city," she quickly added. "Prime Wizard Ouragan, will take the Southern side. Prime Wizard Trottel to the North, and Prime Wizard Chrysopelea to the West."
Smoke looked around, and raised his hand. "What about me? Aren't I supposed to defend a section of the city as well?"
Ouragan patted Smoke's shoulder. "Since you aren't a Prime Wizard, the people will most likely have some difficulty following your orders."
"You can’t expect me to do nothing," asked Smoke.
"Ahem!" Eleve loudly cleared her throat. "If you would have let me finished, then you would have known that you will take command of a special unit, composed of 40,000 Knights."
"Are you sure he has the qualities to command that many people?" asked Trottel.
"I envy you, Faux," said Chrys. "A special unit sounds more interesting than defending a side of the city."
From behind his Paradox Mask, Smoke was grinning silly. "So, what am I supposed to do with this special unit?"
"I said… let me finish!" yelled Eleve. "You're as impatient as ever."
And so, the Prime General and her Vice-Generals proceeded to plan out their defense of Votl City.
After an hour of discussion, they stepped out of the white tent to prepare for their defenses. Yet, not before the 16th Magietrois Florissant would give a morale-boosting speech. She headed over to the conscripted Kingdom Defenders.
Two large crimson phoenix wings sprouted out from her back and she flew over them.
"Brave Souls of Vitzytl, in behalf of King Kajou, I thank you for offering your services in our Kingdom's time of need," began Eleve. "As such, I have been given the honor to act as your Prime General. Also, Prime Wizard Ouragan, Prime Wizard Trottel, Prime Wizard Chrysopelea, and Faux were given the titles of being my Vice-Generals."
The crowd erupted into a loud chatter after hearing the names of the ones to lead them.
Eleve let out a loud burst of flame from her wings, and silenced the crowd's commotion.
"I do not know what the noise was about, but please head on over to one of our officers. So, you could know which General you will be assigned to," she said, and pointed to the Warrior Guards in silver clothing.
Smoke could feel the eyes of the other Sonstwelters upon him. His eyes even met one of them. He recognized him as Edel, the Guild Leader who approached him earlier. The Sonstwelter gawked at him with his mouth wide open.
Suddenly, a hard slap came upon Smoke's back.
"I knew it! I knew you were being treated special!" mockingly laughed Trottel, while he kept on slapping him. "Hahaha! Vice-General Faux having a special unit, a unit full of dummies!"
Chrys lightly punched Smoke's shoulder and gave him a sympathetic nod. "I'm sure you'll do great."
Smoke stared at the two of them with raised eyebrows. 'Guess they didn't understand why Eleve gave me this mission.'

* * * * * * 

Two days passed, and there were still no Orks to be found. Eleve had placed fire-flares on the red, brown, and blue mountains surrounding the amethyst city. During this time, none of them had still set off.
Standing in their posts and doing nothing for this long, made some of the Sonstwelters feel restless.
On the third day, as the morning sun rose to a quarter of the sky, Eleve and her Vice-Generals were all gathered on top of the eastern wall. They were still waiting for the invasion that has yet to happen.
"Are you sure the Orks are going to attack?" Trottel asked Smoke, while flipping his long orange hair. "The men under me have begun to lose interest."
Smoke knew this as well. According to the last report, a total of 160,000 Zectians and 40,000 Sonstwelters registered for this event. Yet, only 40% of the Sonstwelters who signed up on the first day, logged in today.
Most of the Zectians were Mages, but only 20% of them were over level 100. If the Orks managed to enter the city, then it would spell the end of them.
"I'm sure of what I heard," replied Smoke. He paused and looked over to the top of the blue mountain. "But this just makes me think that Wertlosvati is up to something."
Smoke then turned to the red and brown mountains, but still there was no sign of the invaders.
"Same here," agreed Ouragan. "Maybe, he spotted our incoming reinforcements from the other cities? And is still formulating a form of attack?" suggested the old HighElf.
"Military tactics?" asked Eleve. "That's not the trait of the UrukHai Tribe or the MoriHai."
Smoke opened one of his acquired knowledge windows. He skimmed through the one labeled Ork Races. "Yes, that's something the OlegHai would do," he added.
"Wait, are you telling me that all three tribes are coming to attack?" suddenly asked Trottel.
"Why does that matter?" asked Chrys. "That's just one more Ork Tribe added to the mix."
"Because the last time that happened, Kingdoms disappeared!" answered Trottel with a shudder.
While Chrys asked about the history of the Orks' invasion, Smoke spotted a change over the horizon on the brown mountain. He hurriedly used his Telefax Vision to get a better look. As far as he could see, the surface of the mountain turned into a sea of green giants.
"They're coming," said Smoke, pointing towards the invaders.
"You could see them from here?" asked a surprised Chrys.
"Of course! Can't you?" added Trottel, also looking into the direction where Smoke was looking at. However, everyone there could tell that he saw nothing.
A red flare shot up in the air, as the Orks activated Eleve's early warning devices.
Then, two more red flares exploded. They came from the obstructed directions of the red and blue mountains. Smoke could not see the other sides, but he could already imagine the same frightening scene. He was certain that the varying colored mountains had all turned to a monstrous green.
"Sound the alarms," calmly said Eleve to one of the silver Warrior Guards. "And send the notifications to the Sonstwelters that aren't here."
Eleve then looked down on the white tents outside the purple walls. "And make sure those tents are ready."
Posthaste, the Warrior Guard left and ran to comply the Prime General's orders.
She then turned to her Vice-Generals. "It is time," she said and bowed down to them.
The Prime Wizards and Smoke bowed their heads and walked some distance away from the 16th Magietrois Florissant.
"May the justice of the great god Tlaltezin protect you this day," she said and showered them with red flowers made of flames.


+ Received Tlaltezin's Blessing.
> 30% increase to HP
> 30% increase to MP
> 30% increase to DEF
> 30% increase to MDEF

"Tlaltezin teaches us that only the strong survives," said Eleve. "So, let's show these Orks how weak they truly are!"
With that, she pointed her palms at them and teleported them to their designated posts. All, except for Smoke, who was left standing in front of him.
Smoke looked around, confused. "Why am I still here?"
"Your unit is well hidden, the Orks won't find them," began Eleve. "Before you go, I want you to see the benefits of being given the title of Vice-General."
Less than half an hour later, the green monsters towering over two-meters in height, got off the foot of the brown mountain. They entered the scattered pomegranate forest patches, only to decimate its trees. Fallen trees were left in the wake of the Orks' arrival.
He estimated that the Orks on this side numbered at least a hundred thousand. Not even the sight of all the gathered Brandals could compare to this.
'So, this is an Ork Horde!' he thought and shook his head, slightly intimidated. 'And the same number can be expected on the other sides of the city as well.'
Staring down at the gathered Orks, he used his Telefax Vision and zoomed in on them. He focused on one who sat on a large dirus wolf. He appeared to be the one in charge.
From this great distance, Smoke could not hear what the Ork was yelling. But he could see him pointing at the white tents below.
At once, the Orks behind him charged for the tents. The same ones where Smoke and the rest of the Kingdom's Generals met two days before.
From above, Smoke waited for them to run across his pit traps and activated them.
Dozens of Orks fell into it, and more bumbling giants followed through. There were those who tried to stop before the pit, but were still pushed into it as well. The momentum of the green monsters behind them was to strong to suddenly stop.
"See? I told you it would work," said Smoke to Eleve.
While the other Orks bypassed Smoke's pit traps, the ones who fell inside climbed out seconds later. Their life bars barely reflected any damage.
"That's why I said that it won't," replied Eleve. "Orks are heartless monsters, but they are amazing climbers."
In only two minutes, the charging Orks reached the white tents, smashing everything in sight as they entered it.
A series of strong and loud explosions erupted from within the tents. Several dismembered body parts of the Orks flew out. Numerous severed limbs landed beside the burning debris of their previous meeting ground.
At the sound of Eleve's trap, a rain of elemental spells fell from the skies. Fire, Lightning, Wind, and Earth attacks bombarded the Ork Horde.
As the Orks scattered and surrounded the city from all directions, the Breathtaking Ballistae fired out large flaming fireballs at the invaders below.
Numerous Orks were blasted up in the air by the Breathtaking Ballistae, as the massive fireballs struck them. Yet, the green giants marched on, unperturbed by their ranged attacks.
Only a few minutes after the start of the Ork Horde invasion, and the early morning sky was filled with a grandeur of colors.
Smoke watched in awe, as several Sonstwelters simultaneously logged back in, and immediately went into action. The thirty-meter thick wall of the city was soon flooded with its defenders.
He observed that the Mages were enjoying themselves, safely casting their spells into the air. This created an arc which struck the Orks below.
However, Smoke could also see the tension of the Warriors and Knights guarding the top of the walls.
'Right, those monsters are sure to climb here,' he thought, after having seen them easily escape his pit traps. 'If they can't stop them, those Mages are sure to die.'
Seven more minutes went by, and Smoke still did not understand why Eleve had him remain there with her.
Eleve created a massive casting circle in the sky. Smoke then noticed that several such casting circles were constructed on the other sides of the city. Then, a large comet fell out of it, and crushed several of the Orks on the ground.
'Right! I've got that ability now,' he realized, all excited. He tried to cast his own Comet, but even then, his Flame Master stopped him.
"Wait, just stay there and watch," she said.
As more Comets fell from the heavens, an unexpected notification window popped up in front of him.

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