Zane (Alluring Indulgence) (20 page)

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Authors: Nicole Edwards

BOOK: Zane (Alluring Indulgence)
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was startled when something cool slid down the crack of her ass, followed by
the warmth of fingers teasing the sensitive hole that had never been breached
until these two. The memories of those nights and the rush of pleasure that had
stolen her breath made her moan and plead for Beau not to stop. V couldn’t keep
from thrusting back against the sensual invasion, welcoming Beau’s fingers
inside of her body. Despite the initial pain, the only thing she felt was exquisite,
undeniable exhilaration.

Zane stilled her head by gripping her hair even tighter, V managed to look up
at him.

yes, baby. Tonight we’re going to fuck you until you scream.”

was ready to beg for it. She felt as though she had lava in her veins and even
after the orgasm Zane had pulled from her earlier, she felt another one, only
this one was much more violent than the first.

you want that, V?”

eyes flew up to meet his once again as she continued thrusting her hips back
against Beau’s fingers as they fucked her slow and deep.

me, V. I need to hear you say it.”

knew from experience that Zane could, and would, lose all control. His need to hear
her confirm that she was onboard with his intentions was his way of ensuring he
wouldn’t do anything she didn’t want him to do.

she whimpered as Beau’s fingers retreated from inside of her.


I want you both to fuck me,” she groaned, not wanting to sit around and have a
conversation because she was on the verge of exploding any second. “Fuck me,”
she whispered. “Please fuck me.”

nodded at Beau and V felt the mattress shift as he climbed on beside her,
pressing his back up against the headboard. Just when she thought she had
figured out their plan, V found herself being pulled and maneuvered until she
was lying flush against Beau’s now prone body. Only this time, her back was to
his front, which meant...

God!” V had no idea whether she actually could take Beau like that. Zane was big
enough, and he was the only man that she had ever had anal sex with. Even in
their previous threesomes with Beau, although she had taken them both at the
same time, Beau had never attempted to fuck her ass, but now...

crawled up between V’s legs, a bottle in his hands and V stared down her body,
watching him intently. Her body was awash with sensation, her mind battling
between the fear of more pain than she could bear and the insistence that the pleasure
would be so worth it.

was he going to do? He grabbed a condom from the bed beside him, opened it and
retrieved the contents as she waited with bated breath for what he would do

this what you wanted, baby?” he asked, but she had no idea what he was
referring to.

then Beau groaned like a feral beast, his hips bucking up from beneath her and
V realized Zane was rolling the condom over Beau’s erection. She tried to lean
forward, tried to watch because she knew how intoxicating it would be, but Beau
reached around her, squeezing her breasts and holding her firmly against him.
His breath came in a rush beside her ear, and she knew he was hanging by a

of a fucking bitch,” Beau ground the words out through clenched teeth, and V
began squirming, needing Zane to get on with it. Just the thought of what he
was doing, stroking Beau’s cock with the lubricant, pushed her to the edge
where she hung right alongside Beau.

was rapidly pulled back from the ledge when she felt the blunt head of Beau’s
cock pushing against her anus, knowing that Zane was guiding him where he
wanted him. Beau was growling, and she wasn’t even sure he realized it. His
body was tense beneath hers, his hands moderately relaxing on her breasts. V
was certain he was focusing on the feel of Zane’s hands on his cock.

that feels good,” Beau whispered against her ear and she knew what he was
referring to.

the time he was seated fully inside of her, V felt the sweat trickling down her
temple, the initial discomfort finally morphing into something more manageable.
When Zane began stroking her clit while Beau thrust shallowly up inside of her,
V moaned.

it, baby. I want to watch Beau fuck your beautiful ass.”

arms closed tightly around her upper body as he continued to shift, trying to
go deeper, but the way their bodies were aligned didn’t allow for much
movement. V wiggled, trying to increase the pressure, but no matter what she
did, Beau wasn’t able to move with her on top of him.

clearly noticed because he took her hands in his, pulling her until she was
sitting up, with Beau still lodged deep in her ass. It was incredibly uncomfortable,
but the heat she saw in Zane’s eyes erased any distress.

him, V. I want to watch Beau bury his cock deep in your ass.”

words shot fire through her bloodstream; the vulgar image of what was actually happening
sent flames licking deep inside of her. She tried to lift herself, but she
couldn’t find a rhythm that seemed to work for them both. Then Beau’s hands
gripped her hips, Zane’s beneath her thighs, both men holding her up as Beau
began to thrust his hips up, his cock tunneling inside of her, the friction
damn near sending her into hyperspace. It felt good. So good.

knew she should be embarrassed by what they were doing to her, but she couldn’t
bring herself to care. She just wanted more. More of Beau. More of Zane.

yes.” The resonant rumble of Zane’s voice came closer. He pulled his hands from
beneath her thighs as he all but lay on top of her, forcing her back onto Beau’s
chest. Zane was slowly pushing inside of her pussy until she felt more discomfort
and a sudden, overwhelming feeling of being filled completely.

baby, you’re so fucking tight,” Zane whispered the words, nipping her bottom
lip as he leaned over both her and Beau. “Are you ready?”

had no idea who Zane was talking to, but soon it didn’t matter when he began
thrusting hard and fast inside of her, causing her body to move between the two
men, impaled completely.

V screamed his name as her orgasm took her by surprise, causing Zane to growl
and increase the pace, slamming inside of her until both men’s deep bellows
filled the room as they came simultaneously.




faintly heard Beau as he left, the front door clicking shut pulling him from
sleep. Glancing over at the clock on the nightstand, he saw that it was already
five in the morning. Beau must’ve fallen asleep with him and V, which was not
the norm, but Zane didn’t have a problem with it either. V snuggled in closer
to him, her head resting on his chest, her arm across his stomach and her leg
weaved with his. He pulled her closer, kissed her forehead and stared up into
the darkness.

wasn’t sure what exactly had happened that night. He couldn’t stop thinking
about Beau and what happened between them. Those thoughts led to more,
including his curiosity as to whether Beau was actually bisexual. How had he
not known it? Zane had known Beau all of this life and never once did he get
the impression that Beau might be interested in
. Sure, he’d
suspected Beau might have found interest in men, more so than most men did, but
he’d never thought twice about it.

was the last person who would judge anyone. He knew his own sexuality deviated
from the norm, with his preference for threesomes. However, he wasn’t sure what
he was supposed to do about Beau. No matter what happened earlier, or how
obscenely good it felt in a very abnormal, strange way, Zane wasn’t interested
in men. He knew himself well enough that he wasn’t confused about his own sexuality
based on the events that transpired between him and Beau, but he didn’t want
his best friend to get the wrong idea.

knew what he felt for V was real. It was so much more than just sex, regardless
if she accepted it or not. There was no doubt in his mind how he felt about
her. It was her that he was unsure about. Zane wasn’t any more sure how she
felt about him now than he had been prior to the assault, but he was witnessing
V opening up in ways even he hadn’t expected.

loved her.

on everything he knew about Vanessa Carmichael, she didn’t open up the way she
had been lately. She kept herself guarded, almost relentless in her efforts to
push people away. It was her defense mechanism, and Zane felt as though he were
somehow managing to breach those carefully erected walls around her heart.

intended to keep pushing her until she admitted to herself and to him just how
she felt. Sure, a part of him worried that might never happen, but Zane gave
himself credit for his tenacity. He wasn’t going to back off. He wouldn’t allow
her to run, although she seemed to be past that at the moment. He just wasn’t
sure how much longer that was going to last.

closed his eyes, pulling V closer yet again, resting his chin on the top of her
head as he let sleep pull him under once again.

he drifted off, he couldn’t help but wonder whether she might feel awkward
about what happened between him and Beau that night though. He knew he had to
talk to his best friend because the last thing he wanted was to lose either one
of them.

Chapter Thirteen



wasn’t looking forward to visiting her mother, but she knew she couldn’t put it
off much longer. Did that make her a horrible daughter? Probably.

since Regina moved out of Coyote Ridge three years ago, their relationship had
actually gotten better. V didn’t need a shrink to tell her that she harbored
some resentment toward her mother for all the men she allowed to traipse in and
out of their lives like they were nothing more than a brief stop on this crazy
journey called life.

it got to the point Regina couldn’t go anywhere in town without running into
one or more of the men she had burned over the years, V had begged her to think
about starting over somewhere else. Regina hadn’t liked the idea originally,
but after some time, she began to see the merits of it. The most compelling
reason would’ve been the chance to start over with a fresh batch of men if V had
to guess.

only lived forty five minutes away, which wasn’t all that far, but V found it a
good enough reason to only visit once or twice a month. This morning, after
waking up in Zane’s arms and feeling way more comfortable than she knew she should,
V figured today was as good a day as any to get away. It would give her a
chance to think while seeing her mother.

birds, one stone and all that.

she pulled into the driveway of the small rental house, V was surprised to see
her mother on in the front yard. Was she actually gardening? That was so unlike
her, but truthfully, Regina had managed to surprise V a time or two over the
last year anyway.

Regina exclaimed as she scrambled to her feet, a huge smile spread across her beautiful

Carmichael was a beautiful woman. Almost
beautiful. At fifty three,
she could have passed for thirty. Her hair was still long and thick, without a
single strand of gray and V didn’t think she had it colored either. Her face
showed a few signs of age, like the smile lines around her mouth, and the few
wrinkles beside her dark, chocolate brown eyes, but other than that, Regina
still looked as young as she acted.

Mom,” V responded as she made her way up the cracked and crumbling driveway to where
her mother stood. “Gardening?”

looked down at the flower bed she had just been kneeling by and then back over
to V. “I thought I’d give it a try.”

on the brilliant flowers that were blooming – in December mind you – V would say
that her mother had a knack for it. Considering the weather was a lot warmer
than recent years, gardening probably wasn’t such a bad idea. Not that V was
going to attempt it. She didn’t even have house plants for fear that they
wouldn’t live past their first watering.

rustle at the front screen door caught V’s attention, and she glanced up onto
the porch to see a small, yellow head peering up over the bottom part of the
storm door.

dog?” V questioned, wondering whether she was actually at the right house.

he precious? His name is Buttercup. I adopted him from the animal shelter two
weeks ago.”


looked up at the animal, then back to her mother. When V didn’t say anything,
Regina stunned her by taking her hand and pulling her up the steps and into the
house where a very excited Buttercup started jumping up onto her leg, barking a
mellifluous puppy yap until V leaned down and rubbed his head. He was cute,
she’d give him that. Although, it surprised the hell out of V that her mother
had gone and gotten a dog.

smell of cinnamon and cloves teased V’s nose as the front door closed behind
her and she noticed a couple of candles lit on the kitchen counter. Candles?
The only time V had ever seen her mother light candles was when she was
expecting a man to come over. “Expecting someone?”

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