Yvvaros: The Clash of Worlds (3 page)

BOOK: Yvvaros: The Clash of Worlds
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“What’s the meaning of this?” Luke called out to them as he approached, noticing Silverstrike and Katrina already up on the wall.

“Do you represent this zone?” The lead Arbiter turned away from the gates and toward him, pointing with the tip of his spear as if it was merely his finger and not a razor sharp implement of death.

Silverstrike and Katrina watched silently. Luke settled his hand on the hilt of his sword.

I have to play my cards very carefully. They’re high level and equipped with some of the best armor and weapons in the game.

“Yes.” Luke looked the lead Arbiter in the eyes as he spoke. “If you have business here, you have business with me.”

The Arbiters moved to encircle him. Luke heard Katrina shout something from the wall above, but Silverstrike pulled her back, keeping her silent.

Just let me handle this. Please.

“State your name.” said the Arbiter.

Luke started to answer “Kato,” but a spear butt struck the sand at his feet, cutting him off.

“Your real name,” said the Arbiter.

I can’t let myself get angry. If they get into Dunidan’s Rest, they’ll take Tess.

“Luke,” he said, after several long seconds. “Luke Smith.”

The Arbiters stood unnaturally still, as though they were processing what he’d said.

“Luke Smith,” said one of the Arbiters. “Alive. 18 years old. Male. Son of Chris Smith, senior developer at Gamesoft. Also known as Kato. Played an instrumental role in securing the city during the ‘Battle of Kantor’.”

Luke felt a spear butt slam into his back and he fell to his knees. His health bar dropped considerably.

“A property tax of 500 gold has been assessed for Zone 006, payable immediately.” The Arbiter’s stood still, apparently waiting for Luke to say something.

“What?” He shook his head and dug his fingers into the sand. “That’s insane. Since when-”

Another spear butt smashed into his shoulder. Luke felt pain flush through his body. His health bar dropped even further.

“A property tax of 500 gold has been assessed for Zone 006, payable immediately.”

They aren’t here for Tess. They’re here to shake us down for money.

“What happens if I don’t pay?” Luke flinched back as the Arbiter nearest to him raised his spear, but the blow never came.

“In the event that you choose not to pay, the zone will be repossessed and cleared of guild construction on the order of the Head Arbiter.”

In other words, they take the zone and burn it to the ground.

“Why are you doing this?” asked Luke. “It’s just a game. We’re all playing a game, for fun.”

Even as the words left his mouth, they felt a bit hollow, and a bit fake. Yvvaros was more than a game. He had recognized that as a fact even before players had begun to go all in.

Even before Tess gave up her physical body and committed herself to this world.

“Yvvaros is currently under the control of the UNVP, United Nations Virtual Police.” The Arbiter in front of Luke impatiently turned his spear so the point was facing his head. “A property tax of 500 gold has been assessed for Zone 006, payable immediately.”

We can’t fight against them. They’re too powerful. I… have too much to lose to even try.

Luke slowly reached into his satchel and pulled out the gold. He could feel the eyes of his guild mates watching him from the wall.

“Here,” he said, handing over the coins. “500 gold.”

The Arbiter took it without a word. Another one stepped forward, and before Luke could move out of the way, swung a mace at him.


His entire body locked up as soon as the weapon made contact. Luke fell backward and crashed into the sand. He was frozen in place with only a tiny sliver left in his health bar. The Arbiters turned and walked off  without saying another word.

I’m no hero…




“Get him inside, quick!”

Luke felt his body being lifted. The Arbiters had left him dazed and broken, and hanging onto life by only the thinnest thread.

If I die now, my character is gone for good. I’ll never be able protect anyone if that happens.

“You did the right thing, man.” Silverstrike was pulling him through the gate by the shoulders, and Katrina and one of her guild mates had his legs. “I know it was hard, but you saved us.”

“What…” Luke wasn’t sure if the sun was pulsing, or if the pain he was feeling was coming from inside of his head. He’d never felt so much pain before, in-game or out of it.

“Get him into the guild hall!” Tess was standing inside the walls of Dunidan’s Rest waving them over. “And somebody get him some water!”

Luke closed his eyes. A few moments later he felt himself being set down on the hard wooden floor of the guild hall. He heard Tess’s voice chanting softly, and a blue, refreshing light swept over him, restoring his health.

“Hey…” Tess leaned over him, staring into his eyes with concern. “You saved us.”

I didn’t save anybody. I just managed to keep my mouth shut.

“Five Arbiters on patrol,” said Silverstrike. “That’s the most I’ve ever seen in a group outside of Stark Town or Kantor.”

“They’re intensifying their crackdown on the guilds.” Tess’s words were laden with guilt, and she let out an embittered sigh. “They may not come right out and say it, but I think they’re looking for people who’ve gone all in. For people like me.”

Nobody said anything for a moment. Luke started to sit up just as Katrina burst into the guild hall, holding a mug full of water. She walked over to Luke and handed it to him.

“You didn’t just save Tess, Luke.” Katrina crossed her arms and beamed at him with appreciation. “Anna went all in right after the Battle of Kantor. It was in part because of you, because she knew that she’d be safe here.”

That’s the last thing I need to hear right now.

Luke pulled himself up to his feet and dusted off his Dunidan skin armor.

“Look, I hate to have to be the one to say this, all things considered…” He paused, and looked at the faces in the room.

They’re all looking to me to say something, do something. But what?

“What is it, Luke?” Tess set a hand on his shoulder. The hope in her eyes was excruciating for Luke to see.

“Uh… nothing.” Luke forced a smile onto his face and took a sip from the mug of water. “I think I just need to rest..”

Tess continued to look at him, but Katrina and Silverstrike looked at each other, taking the hint.

“I’ll be back,” said Luke. “I just need to get some sleep, I think. In the real world.”

Tess flinched as he spoke the last words.

The real world… What is the real world to her? What is the real world to any of us?

“Yes, that’s not a bad idea,” said Katrina. “It’s getting late. I should log off as well.”

Tess walked over to him and leaned her face in close to his.

“See you tomorrow?”


She’s so worried that I could just up and leave for good. Is it fair for me to be living dual lives, being two people?

Tess kissed him softly on the lips and walked away. That was Luke’s cue. He dug through his bag for his character record and quickly signed off.

It was dark in his room, and deadly silent. The empty house was something that Luke couldn’t get accustomed to. His dad was not a good man or the kind of father that Luke wanted or needed, but his company was all that he’d known, and he’d never been gone this long before.

Where the hell did you go, dad? You’re not coming back… are you?

All of the lights were out. Luke didn’t bother to turn them on as he bumped his way down the hall.

This isn’t a home. Homes have families. This place just has me.

Luke brushed his teeth, washed his face, and went to bed.

He woke up late the next morning. It was Tuesday, and he had school. Though he was half inclined to log into Yvvaros and check in with Tess before heading out, he stopped himself.

I’m already running behind. Maybe this is what Dr. Meyers meant about taking responsibility.

Luke got dressed and grabbed a quick breakfast on his way out the door. He’d been coasting off the food supplies that had been in the house since before his dad left. The thought of having to figure out what to buy in the supermarket, of where he’d get the money he’d need in order to get it, and the bills that would go unpaid for the house, made his stress levels skyrocket.

Responsibility… It’s the word of the day.

He had to walk at a brisk pace to make it to school on time. Fast enough to irritate his stitches. It was only his second day back at school since the Battle of Kantor. Most of the first one had been spent reassuring people that he wasn’t crazy, while enduring their pitying, curious stares.

And explaining to them that no, Ben wasn’t dead, either.

Ben doesn’t even pretend to show up anymore. He’s in-game all day, every day, and Emily isn’t there to take care of him.


He’d made it all the way to his locker in a trance. The sound of his name being called pulled him out of it, and Luke looked up to see Sam Jennings headed toward him.

“Oh,” said Luke. “Hey Sam.”

Sam had been staunchly against his new lifestyle. Luke, mostly unintentionally, had managed to push her away by playing Yvvaros, up until he’d tried to go all in. She’d been there for it, witnessed exactly what happened and interpreted his actions from the perspective of somebody who already thought the game was a work of evil.

She’s been different since my stay in the hospital. It’s almost like it strengthened her resolve.

“I thought you said that we were going to hang out this weekend.” Sam folded her arms and glared at him.

“I said it was a possibility, Sam.” He shrugged. “Look, I was busy. I had a doctor’s appointment, I had to uh, clean up the house.”

“And play Yvvaros?” Sam asked the question with more derision than Luke thought possible.

“No, no, of course not,” he replied. “I told you, the last time I played it was right after I left the hospital. Things have changed too much for me, it’s not fun anymore.”

It’s easier if she doesn’t know the truth. She isn’t going to leave me alone if she thinks I’m still playing.

Sam frowned at him, and watched his face carefully.


Luke nodded.

“That’s good to hear, Luke,” said Sam. “Really. It is.”

The first bell rang and then the principal’s voice came over the PA system.

“Attention, students. Before we begin first period today, we’re going to have a mandatory assembly in the gym. Please make your way there now.”

Luke’s locker was just upstairs from the gym. He and Sam made their way down, finding seats near the front of the auditorium. The principal stood on the stage behind a microphone.

“Huh, I wonder what this is…” Luke glanced to his side, and realized that Sam was no longer sitting next to him. He looked around and saw more students filing in and sitting down. One took Sam’s seat before Luke could save it for her, but as he looked back up at the stage, he saw that there was no need.

“Hmm, yes, alright.” The Principal was toying with the microphone stand with the assistant principal on one side of him and Sam on the other. “Settle down, everyone. Quiet!”

The clamber slowly died down and the Principal cleared his throat.

“I’ve gathered all of you here today to talk about the elephant in the room.” The principal paused, and then scanned the gymnasium, making sure that he had everyone’s attention. “Virtual reality. It is destroying lives, families and communities. It is tricking your peers into killing themselves.”

This feels like the anti-drug seminars they make us sit through every year.

“Virtual reality games, such as Call of Warfare, Yvvaros, and Cropville, are not like the video games that all of you grew up on. They’re something much more pervasive and addictive, and we need to recognize the threat while there’s still time.”

A murmur spread through the room. Luke glanced over his shoulder at the student body, and suddenly realized that it looked a lot smaller than it had at the last assembly he’d been to.

“Over a hundred students, just at our school have…” The Principal cleared his throat again. “Well, let’s just say that they aren’t here right now. This isn’t a fad, this is a pandemic. That’s a direct quote from the President of the United States.”

“Shut the games down!” shouted someone from the back of the room.

“Governments all around the world have begun taking appropriate, regulatory action to stem the problem,” said the Principal, “With that said… the issue is a rather complicated one.”

The students in the gymnasium broke out into whispers. The principal frowned and tapped on the microphone.

“We’re taking our own measures here at this school to provide guidance as you encounter this new danger in your lives.” He gestured to his left. “I’m going to let Sam Jennings talk about her efforts on this front. She’s begun a student organized support group called ‘Life is the Game.’ Sam, go right ahead.”

The Principal stepped away from the microphone and Luke felt his heart begin to pound in his chest as his childhood friend became the center of attention.

Oh no… She’s not going to-

“Luke, come on up here!” Sam smiled and pointed to him as she called him out on the microphone. “I want to start by introducing all of you to someone who has fought against VR addiction and is winning the battle. Come on up, Luke, tell your story!”

God fucking damn it.

The crowd, filled with a number of students who had once been Luke’s tormentors, broke out into applause. He slowly stood up and awkwardly made his way down the line of students and over to the stairs leading up to the stage.

He forced a smile onto his face as he walked over to the microphone. Sam smiled back at him and set a hand on his shoulder.

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