Yours Truly (Billionaires and Brides #2) (4 page)

BOOK: Yours Truly (Billionaires and Brides #2)
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hey headed back
to the reception, and Kat and AJ enjoyed some champagne during the ride. They sat next to each other like they were boyfriend and girlfriend. The moment just felt right and natural. There was no awkwardness and nervousness coming from either of them. The only thing in the air was sexual tension that Kat planned on releasing as soon as they got back to the hotel.

“When we get back, can I see your suite?” Kat asked.

The words just stumbled out of her mouth, as if she had no control at all. The booze was making her so much more forward about her intentions. AJ wrapped his arm over her shoulder and pulled her close before responding, “You don’t need to even ask to see my suite. But since you did, the answer is of course ‘yes’.”

“Maybe I should call Jennifer and tell her that I might be a little late coming back to the room tonight,” Kat said, as the limo neared the end of the park’s loop.

AJ just shrugged as he kept his arm around her. His touch felt safe and she found herself leaning against him, pressing her body as close to his as possible. “You can call her if you like. But to be honest, I doubt she’s going to answer. I saw her leave with one of the groomsmen just before we left the reception and by the look of it, they were getting along quite well. They were all over each other.”

Kat chuckled quietly to herself and put her phone away. AJ was right. There was no way Jennifer was going to answer her call. She was probably already in their hotel room with her tongue down the Brian’s throat. Kat was glad that AJ had informed her what he had seen, since the last thing she wanted to do was to walk in on Jennifer getting hot and heavy with some guy. Friends or not, there were certain things that Kat didn’t need to see Jennifer doing.

Kat continued to press closer to AJ. The driver was hidden behind a blacked out window that separated the front and back. For the first time that entire day, there was nobody else around. Her body filled with fire as AJ gently lifted his hand from her shoulder and brought it to the back of her neck, stroking her skin with his fingertips. His touch felt incredible.

Kat suddenly felt a bit of Scaredy Kat creeping in. The moment was perfect and it was everything she could have wanted. The man of her dreams was sitting next to her. But that was what scared her. She became afraid that somehow she was going to screw it up. AJ was way out of her league, as far as she was concerned, and the insecure girl who still lived inside her told her that she had better be careful not to mess up this moment somehow.

Just act natural. He’s just a man. A very, very attractive man who can have whatever he wants. But he’s still just a man.

“You don’t know how glad I am that I ran into you tonight, Kat,” AJ said, his words easing her anxiety.

Kat turned to face him. She looked into his blue eyes, which glowed even in the dim light of the limo’s interior. Her entire body tingled as an invisible force caused her to become magnetized to him. She placed a hand onto the front of his white dress shirt, feeling his muscular pecs underneath. Then she bit her bottom lip as she tried to hold back the powerful and carnal instincts that were quickly starting to reveal themselves again. It seemed as though her attraction toward AJ far outweighed any insecurities.

“I knew I wanted you since our first dance,” AJ whispered, as his eyes dilated. “That’s actually not true.”

“It isn’t?” Kat’s voice faltered.

“No. I’ve wanted you since I saw you at the church,” he said. “The dance just confirmed it for me.”

She enjoyed the way he looked at her. Never before had she had such an effect on a man, and certainly not a man like AJ. He could have gotten any girl he wanted. But even so, there was no denying the deep attraction that he had for Kat. She could see it in his face.

AJ’s hands dropped down her sides and onto her hips. Gently, yet firmly, he pulled her on top of him so that she was straddling over his lap. Her dress inched up her thighs, revealing just a little skin. Kat’s body trembled with excitement as she leaned close to him.

She could tell that AJ was someone important, that she should be more self-conscious around him. But that didn’t matter at the moment. For now, he was something much different. The money in his bank account and his position at a company didn’t matter. All that mattered was that he was a gorgeous and masculine man who wanted Kat just as badly as she wanted him.

She brought her hands to his face, which had grown a tiny bit of stubble throughout the day. It tickled her fingertips as she leaned in close. Their lips were inches apart and the invisible magnetism drew her in. She was about to kiss the most beautiful man she had ever met in her entire life. It was a moment that she had only dreamed about and never thought would come true. AJ’s eyes stayed locked with hers as their faces neared. Their lips grazed, just barely touching, when suddenly the limo stopped. Immediately after, the separator between the driver and themselves lowered.

Kat sighed as she pulled back, feeling a bit annoyed at the interruption. Then she turned to face the driver. The old man with grey hair blushed when he saw the unique position that the two were in.

“Sorry to interrupt,” he said, after clearing his throat awkwardly. “Just wanted to let you know that we’re back at the hotel.”

Then he faced forward once again, bringing the divider back up and returning AJ and Kat’s privacy. The poor driver was clearly embarrassed and Kat couldn’t be mad at him for halting her perfect moment. He was just doing his job.

AJ softly squeezed the top of Kat’s thighs as they sat in the silence. “Come on. Let’s go to my room. We can do a lot better than this, right?”

Kat smiled with relief and then crawled off of AJ. Like magic, the driver showed up at the passenger door and opened it for the two of them. AJ got out and then reached back, offering Kat a hand. She took it without hesitation and followed him out. They started walking away, when AJ suddenly stopped in his tracks. He slipped his free hand into his pocket and pulled out a hundred dollar bill, handing it over to the driver. “Appreciate the ride. And your discretion.”

The grey-haired man smiled as he held the C-note and gave an affirmative nod. “Of course, sir. You two have a good evening.”

Kat’s jaw had dropped slightly, not only because he had tipped the driver a hundred dollars for a ten-minute ride, but because he did it without even blinking. He’d given the driver two hundred dollars for a ride in a limo. If the shoes and watch didn’t give his wealth away, that certainly did.

They walked hand in hand through the lobby of the hotel, passing the reception area. A part of Kat hoped that the blonde from earlier would see her with AJ. It was immature, sure, but Fun Kat wanted to revel in the moment as much as possible, even if it made making a stranger jealous. It wasn’t often that she was the one being desired.

The two got onto the elevator, which took them to the very top floor of the hotel. The entire ride up, they held hands. She hadn’t ever been treated like such a lady before and was admittedly shocked by it. Mostly because AJ, who could have been a model if he wanted, was the
person whom she thought would treat her so well. He could have anyone he wanted regardless of how he treated them. That he was handsome and a gentleman was more than she expected. It seemed that the day was bringing her lots of surprises.


hen the elevator finally stopped
, they got out and made their way to the end of the hall, where AJ used his card key to open a set of double doors. When they stepped inside, Kat’s jaw hit the floor. The suite was wide open and huge. To the left was a giant full-sized kitchen, granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances and a beautiful mahogany floor. To the right was the living room and dining room, both fully furnished with expensive-looking arrangements. The main area of the suite was as big as her house and twice as nice.

“This is incredible,” she whispered.

AJ dropped her hand and slipped off his tailored suit coat, hanging it up on the rack near the front door. “Yeah, it’s pretty nice. It’s not as nice as the bride’s suite, though. You should see that thing. Her room has a swimming pool and a hot tub in it. No joke.”

Kat floated down the strip of wood floor to the back part of the suite, where floor to ceiling windows were located, looking out across the city. The view from the room was just as incredible as the room itself. Kat suddenly felt like she was some kind of rock star. If only for a moment, she felt completely on top of the world. She felt like a queen in a castle, and even if it wasn’t completely true, she could at least pretend. It changed her demeanor. There was suddenly power inside of her.

While her eyes were glued to the scenery beyond the hotel, AJ stepped up behind her and placed his hands on her sides. She breathed in and closed her eyes, as his touch created a pleasurable sensation inside of her.

“Hey, beautiful,” he whispered.

His breath landed across the back of her neck, sending goose bumps across her skin. He pulled her body against his, and she reached her hands back to touch him. The way he called her beautiful only made her want him more. Sure, he had probably said that to many women before her, but there was something so sincere in the way he said it to her. It made her completely drop her walls.

“Where were we?” AJ asked.

Kat turned around, facing him. Then she gave him a goofy smile and placed a finger on her lower lip. “
were going to fix me a drink.”

AJ’s expression changed and he looked at her like she was crazy. “Oh, I was, was I?” AJ mused.

“Yes,” Kat gleamed, proud of herself for putting her sassy pants back on. “I’ll take a vodka cranberry, with soda water and a bit of lime.”

AJ put his hands on his hips, shaking his head as he smirked. “Well, I don’t know how to respond to a request like that. Will
‘as you wish, my lady’

Kat looked up toward the ceiling, as if to ponder his question. “Yeah, that has a nice ring to it. I could live with that.”

AJ chuckled and then spun around. Kat looked at his butt as he walked toward the kitchen. His muscular physique made her want to rip those clothes off so badly, but she knew that there was no hurry. She could savor the moment as long as she liked. Her new-found confidence told her that she wasn’t going to screw it up. AJ adored her and Kat bathed in the adoration.

“Now, Princess Kat, would you like one squeeze of lime or two?” AJ asked, as he took the bottle of vodka down from the fully stocked bar.

“I’ll take two, thank you, sir,” Kat shot back, giggling as she spoke.

AJ made the drinks with a smile and then stepped from around the bar and handed one to her. “You know, I can’t remember the last time a girl successfully used her beauty to get me to do something for her. I hope you don’t abuse this power of yours.”

Kat let out a fake gasp before speaking. “I would never!” She took a sip from her drink.

AJ drank and then set his glass down on the counter. Kat take another few sips, and then AJ took the drink from her hand. He set it next to his and then brought his attention back to her.

“I hope the drink suited you, madam,” he said, as he gazed through her with his blue eyes. “But now that you’ve quenched your thirst, I’d like to have that kiss that I’ve been waiting for.”

Kat giggled as she brought her hands onto his muscular shoulders. She stood on her tip toes, bringing her face to the same level as his. The man was the definition of perfection, and there he was, alone in the room with her. Kat felt like she’d like to have a talk with anybody who ever said that dreams didn’t come true.

“Then kiss me,” she whispered.

AJ didn’t hesitate any longer. He brought his lips to hers, gently pressing into her. Sparks few and the tingling sensation that Kat had felt in the limo turned into an all out wildfire. A rush of heat filled her from head to toe, settling in her most sensitive parts. The kiss didn’t calm her craving. It only made it more intense. Their tongues were gently darting in and out of each other’s mouths, until AJ pulled away.

“You’re trouble,” he said.

“I know,” she responded with a grin.

Then Kat placed her hands on the front of his chest and gently pushed him back. He didn’t fight it. He just let her handle him, allowing her to push him until his back met the edge of the wall that separated the kitchen and the living area. She was all his. And judging by the bulge that had grown underneath the front of his slacks, AJ was completely fine with that.

They kissed again, this time more aggressively and with more passion. Their mouths opened immediately and their tongues clashed. Soft moans came from them both as they became entangled there against the wall. AJ’s hands drifted downward along her lower back, until they reached her butt. He gave it a soft squeeze and Kat let out a playful growl as they continued their kiss.

Kat’s hands moved up and down AJ’s chest. She couldn’t get enough of him. She wanted to touch him everywhere and to taste so much more than just his kiss. It was like the more she got of him, the more she wanted and she wasn’t sure that anything would be able to quench the deep thirst that she had for him.

A moment later, she broke the kiss. She was panting and her cheeks had flushed. The desire in AJ’s eyes matched what she was feeling inside. She was ready. She had been ready since the dance floor, but now she was

Her hands went straight to the top buttons of his dress shirt, which she undid quickly. Her jaw continued its downward drop as she opened up his shirt, one button at a time, revealing a ripped and muscular torso underneath. His skin was tan and there was a sexy amount of chest hair over his pectorals, which normally would have been enough to send Kat’s panties flying off of her body. However, AJ’s muscular frame was what really had her hypnotized.

“You weren’t lying,” Kat muttered, as she undid the final button.

AJ pulled the dress shirt the rest of the way off and let it fall to the ground at their feet. “Lying about what?” he asked.

“The swimming thing,” she said. “You know, the whole English Channel, professional swimming story.”

AJ just chuckled as he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close. “I have no reason to lie to you, Kat. Let’s get that clear right now.”

It wasn’t like she cared either way. He could have lied like crazy and told her he was an Olympic gold medal winner or something. It didn’t change the fact that his body was rock hard and ripped, making him look like a Greek god.

Her hands drifted up his stomach, bouncing over his washboard abs. She was in complete awe of what stood in front of her and the desperate aching in her crotch continued its incessant throbbing.

“You. Are. Gorgeous,” she stated.

Without responding, AJ leaned forward and began kissing her again. His hands dropped to the lower part of her dress. He pulled it up to her waist, touching the bare skin of her behind. She was only wearing a thin white G-string, so AJ had access to nearly all of her. Kat gasped at the sensation of his touch and an explosion of excitement filled her.

This is really happening. Fun Kat came through for me tonight, there’s no denying it,
she thought.

Their hands drifted all over each other’s bodies as they kissed. AJ pulled away after a moment, and brought the bottom of Kat’s dress up to her belly. She lifted her arms without being instructed, and AJ pulled the dress over her head, tossing it away.

“Oh, my God,” AJ groaned, as he looked her up and down.

The shock and admiration in his eyes gave Kat a huge boost of confidence. She was standing in front of him wearing only her bra and panties. She was more exposed to a man than she had been in some time, but based on AJ’s reaction, she had nothing to be ashamed of.

“You are incredible,” he growled, as he stepped toward her and wrapped his hands around her upper thighs.

With one gentle lift of his muscular arms, he picked Kat up and carried her with ease across the room. He set her down on one of the sofas. She laid back and relaxed her hands over her head, arching her back so as to push her chest toward him.

The bulge in AJ’s pants had grown even firmer, pushing out on the black slacks. She could feel it as he hovered over her, kissing and biting her neck. He growled into her as he moved downward, dragging his lips between her cleavage. One of his hands moved gracefully upward and unclipped her bra, getting her that much closer to being completely naked.

“Yes,” Kat mouthed, though no actual sound escaped her lips.

AJ’s tongue meandered all over her chest, stopping to give extra attention to her nipples. His touch sent pulsating pleasure into her, each flick of his tongue sending an electric shock of sensation. Without even realizing it, Kat had begun to grind her hips upward, pressing her most sensitive area into the bulge in AJ’s pants. They rhythmically moved their bodies, becoming more entangled by the second. She wanted to feel him. It was like she couldn’t get close enough. Every inch of bare skin that she touched just made her wet desire down there become more intense.

“My turn,” Kat said, suddenly wanting to taste the man who had her pinned to the couch.

AJ lifted his face from her chest and then stood in front of the couch. Kat sat up and undid his belt, pulling his slacks to his knees. Her lips parted when she saw what was underneath his boxer briefs, begging to get out. Without hesitation, she slipped her fingers into the elastic waist band and slowly pulled down, inch by inch revealing what she had been craving the entire evening.

She gripped it in her hand and then brought her mouth over his tip. AJ breathed in through his teeth and leaned his head back. She now had complete control over what he was feeling and she loved it. Slowly, she flicked her tongue over his sensitive crown, as she brought it further into her mouth. The groans from AJ showed that he loved it.

Kat pulled her head back, then brought her tongue to the outside, moving it up and down his length before bringing the tip back into her mouth. The heavy breathing from AJ increased and a moment later, he looked down at her. “I can’t wait any more. I need you now.”

The words were exactly what she had been hoping to hear. She felt the exact way. Her body was on fire and the only thing that could quench it was to have him inside of her.

Kat slipped off her panties and tossed them to the side. AJ started to crawl on top of her, when Kat placed her hands on his shoulders and pushed him back onto the couch. She was taking control. It was
night and Fun Kat was going to get what she wanted, exactly
she wanted it. AJ looked surprised as he leaned back into the soft leather. Kat was sure it wasn’t often that the girl took the lead in his sexual encounters.

Now completely naked, Kat straddled over his lap. She could feel his tip as it hovered just below her opening. She leaned into kiss him, beginning to press her weight onto him, ready to accept him...

Suddenly, his hands moved to her ass, lifting her off of him. “Calm down there, Kitty Kat.”

She didn’t understand. Had she done something wrong?

“Aren’t we forgetting something?” he asked.

Kat seriously had no idea what she could be forgetting, but her brain seemed to have overcome by lust for the past few minutes. She shook her head, puzzled.

He chuckled and lifted her up, slipping out from under her and walking toward the pants on the floor. “You must be on the pill, but us guys still have to be careful.”

She breathed a sigh of relief.
A condom. Of course.
She had been ready to make love to him without one, and she wasn’t on the pill. She cursed herself for being so irresponsible.
There’s a reason I keep Fun Kat in her cage most of the time,
she thought.

She watched as he pulled his wallet out, then pulled the square package out. Kat frowned. It looked a little frayed around the edges.
I should really inspect it to make sure it’s not past its expiration date,
she thought. She smiled and cursed herself again.
There’s a reason that Boring Kat is in her cage tonight
, she thought.

He sat back down, then grabbed her hips and pulled her so she straddled him again. His hands moved to her ass, then down to his cock as he rolled the condom onto himself.

“Now we’re ready,” he said.

If anything, her desire had increased. Finding a condom showed that he really cared, and she was soaking wet with desire as she dropped her weight onto him, feeling his length enter her. An uncontrollable moan poured out of her throat as he filled her. A sigh of pleasure came from AJ.

“Oh, my God, yes,” AJ whispered.

Kat rode him, slowly at first, but then increasing in speed. Waves of pure ecstasy filled every inch of her body, causing her hands to tremble as she held onto AJ’s shoulders. The look on AJ’s face was priceless. His eyes were half opened and he had a grin that made him look like he had just been hit by a train of pleasure.

The aching throb that had been filling Kat’s body was becoming quenched as the two entwined. She leaned forward and they kissed, as AJ lifted his hips upward to take over the motion. His hands drifted over her body, up and down her back as they made love. She bounced on him faster, taking him even deeper as they kissed. It was exactly how she had imagined it would be. In fact, it was
The sexual attraction between them was being released so aggressively and carefree that it made every other encounter Kat had had with men seem boring.
was exactly what she had needed. This was incredible. But she still wanted more.

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