Read Yours to Savor Online

Authors: Scarlett Edwards

Tags: #Contemporary Adult Romance

Yours to Savor (32 page)

BOOK: Yours to Savor
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“Yes,” Sandra whimpered.

Brandon made a sound of displeasure, and tugged on her wrists again. Another jolt of pain shot through her body. “I’m not convinced.” Sandra could feel his hard cock brushing against her skin. If he had any idea how badly she wanted him…

“Brandon, please!” she gasped. Her shoulders screamed at her in agony as he continued to hold her arms back. She became aware of his cock sliding around her slit, just outside the silky fabric of her underwear, lightly grazing the swollen skin with a teasing touch. Her entire body started to shake from how badly she desired him. “Brandon,” she moaned again, “

“That’s better,” he intoned. “But I have to warn you, this is going to be different from this morning.”

Suddenly he pulled the thong to one side and thrust inside her, the girth of his penis tearing at her walls and filling her to the brink. Sandra gasped as he forced himself all the way in, without mercy, without restraint, as deep as her body would allow… and held himself there. Her tight muscles clenched around him, shrieking against the intrusion but at the same time welcoming it dearly. Sandra cried out in the mix of pleasure and pain. Brandon stayed like that, thrust deep inside her, for what felt like ages… and then he pulled out, and began to pump into her.

Sandra cried out with every push, but her body burned with unspeakable pleasure. She heard Brandon breathing hard, lust clear in every breath. Not being able to see him behind her only intensified the sensations she was feeling, as did, she realized to her shame, the constricting pain radiating from her shoulders. The sharpness made the pleasure so much sweeter. Giving up her body this way was dangerous… but so very thrilling. Brandon took full advantage of her vulnerability, but the only thing that mattered was that she trusted him with it.

Her breasts swung and slapped against her skin, adding to the orchestra of heavy panting, deep grunting, and shrill cries that filled the air. When Brandon’s hand caught one of her breasts, and his fingers dug into the soft flesh around her tightened nipple, it felt to Sandra as if all the pressure building inside her contracted to a quivering point, so very close to breaking…

The glorious release came in a flash. Sandra screamed Brandon’s name as her muscles clenched hard around his dick. The first wave of the mind-shattering climax pulsed through her body in a rush. His satisfied growl trembled through her in a deep bass. When he withdrew, letting go of her wrists, she collapsed into the contours of the chaise, boneless.

She lay there panting, lined with sweat, astounded and amazed at the heights of pleasure Brandon had taken her to. After a moment, she felt warmth by her face, and something hard prodded her cheek. “Your turn,” came Brandon’s husky voice.

Sandra understood. She wasn’t quite sure how she gathered the strength to push herself up, not when her muscles felt as lax as they did, but somehow she did it. She realized her hands were no longer bound. She felt for Brandon’s legs and reached up to cup his balls with her fingers as she opened her mouth to take him in. Brandon brushed back her hair, almost gentle in his movements now. She wrapped lips and tongue around his cock, tasting her own juices mixed with his. She hollowed her cheeks and started to suck, drawing him in and out, grasping him at the base with one hand and jerking faster.

“Yes. Yes, baby!” he urged. “That feels so good. Just like that.

Encouraged by his praise, Sandra dropped her head and took him all the way in. He shuddered as she held him there for as long as she could. She gasped a breath of air into raw lungs when she let go, eyes watering, and dropped her head immediately to lick around his balls, catching his freed cock with one hand and stroking fast. He swelled between her fingers, growing even harder. She turned her head up to lick along the thick vein that throbbed on the underside.

Brandon’s fingers tightened in the roots of her hair and he urged her lips back around his cock. She took him in again, stunned by her willingness to comply, but surprised even more by how much she
to. He gripped the sides of her head and began to thrust his hips back and forth, overcome by the primal urge for his own release. His labored breathing let her know how much he enjoyed it. She let him fuck her like that—even through the wild jabs against the back of her throat. She loved the way his cock stiffened even
as he moved.

When he let up, Sandra curled her fingers around his length and continued to pump him with her fist, dropping her mouth to enclose his heavy balls. It didn’t take long for them to draw up from her mouth, and Sandra quickly repositioned herself in front.

Brandon gave a rugged gasp, shuddered once, and spurted hot semen into her open mouth in rhythmic, scorching bursts. When he sagged forward into her, completely spent, Sandra leaned in and sealed her lips around his cock, sucking every last drop from him. She knew he couldn’t see her in the dark, but he could
her. When he pulled back, she collected the bit of dribble that leaked down her chin, brought it inside her mouth, and swallowed his entire load.

Brandon shivered as she did, and Sandra felt an unusual pride swell inside her. “I love the taste of you, Brandon,” she told him. After everything he’d done for her—after all the ways he’d selflessly brought her pleasure—all she wanted to do was offer him the same satisfaction. The way his body trembled above her told her that she had.

Brandon reached down and pulled her to her feet. She let her sapped body collapse onto his, and he hugged her close. Then, with one hand, he tilted her chin up, and dipped his mouth to hers to fill her with a slow, wet kiss. “I love the taste of
, Sandra,” he whispered, his still-hard cock pressing up against her belly. “Now, let’s get you cleaned up. I haven’t shown you the bedroom yet.”

Sandra collapsed onto the soft sheets, her breath ragged. Beads of sweat covered her body, mixing with the sweet scent of Brandon’s juices to make the entire bed smell of sex.

Brandon lay beside her, propped up on one elbow. His unblinking green eyes were fixed on her face as she came down from the wondrous climax. When that final spasm rocked her body, she gave a shuddery moan… and turned her head to regard him. The soft lights from outside cast a silver aura around his body.

“Did I hurt you?” he asked. “That first time, when I held your arms back on the leather chair?”

Yes, but it was the best type of pain I’ve ever felt
. “No,” she lied. She brought a fluttery hand to his lips, and let him suckle her fingers. “Brandon, I’ve never experienced anything like that.
times in one night…”

He smiled, and put his arm over her waist to tug her close. “I’m glad I could impress you.”

“Brandon, it’s more than that. I’ve never had more than one orgasm in a single night before you. And now, in a few hours, you’ve given me
…” she trailed off as memories of the last one filled her mind, and she gave an involuntary shiver. “I don’t think I’ll be able to walk tomorrow.”

“Then I’ll carry you wherever you need to go.” He stretched his arms out and gave a massive yawn. “But not now. I think we’ve both exhausted ourselves for the night.”

“I think so, too.” She snuggled close to him, loving the way he pressed his nose to her hair to take long, deep breaths.

“Goodnight, babe,” Brandon murmured in her ear.

Sandra felt his body relax. She closed her eyes. “Goodnight.”

Chapter Twenty-One

Sandra awoke the next morning to an empty bed.

Panic flared within her.
Brandon is gone!

It lasted only a second before she heard his familiar, husky voice. “Good morning, beautiful.”

“Hi,” she said, breathless, relief swelling in her chest. She looked over and found him leaning against the wall, fully dressed. “You’re not in bed. Why?”

“Why?” He moved slowly, as if underwater, to land beside her. He placed a hand on her bare abdomen and kissed her neck. “Because, it’s nearly noon.”

Sandra bolted upright, jerking away from his touch.

“Is something wrong?” Worry creased his face.

“It can’t be noon!”

He frowned. “The clock over there says different.”

Sandra looked over, and saw the clock was, in fact, blinking
. A gasp escaped her lips.

“What is it?” Brandon asked. “Do you have somewhere to be?”

“No, it’s just… I’ve never slept so long before!”

He smiled and rose from the bed. He chuckled as he began knotting a tie around his neck. “You expect me to believe you’ve never slept in in your life?”

“I have… nightmares,” Sandra admitted. “They wake me up.”

“Well, last night you slept like a slumbering babe.”

“I did, didn’t I?” The wonder she felt inside rang clear in her voice.

“Is that so surprising?”

“I just… I can’t remember the last time those dreams didn’t wake me!” In spite of herself, she gave a delighted squeal.

“Glad I could be of help,” Brandon said, a twinkle in his eye. “But, I’ve got to go. They’ve been calling me all morning.”


“Some of my clients. They can get pretty testy.”

“Why didn’t you go yet?”

“I had to watch you sleep.”

She felt such a flood of warmth at his words that she sank back against the headboard and sighed.

“Although…” Brandon trailed off, jaw clenched, the muscles of his neck dancing as he took in her naked form. Her skin prickled in response to that hungry gaze. “You are
,” he admitted in a throaty growl.

Sandra rolled to her front, dangled her feet in the air, tugged on his sleeve. “You should come back to bed,” she purred suggestively.

“If you knew how crazy you’re making me feel right now…” Brandon cut off as his cell phone rang. “Shit. I’ve already delayed too long just looking at you.” He exhaled. “This can’t wait. I’ve been putting it off all morning. I’ve got to go. You trust me when I say I’ll be back?”

“Of course,” Sandra said, feeling absolutely delighted with life. She rolled over so she was on her back, hung her head over the side of the bed, and regarded him upside down. He looked so handsome in that tailored dark suit, the black tie etched with a hint of silver, the pale green shirt underneath offering a delicious contrast to it all and matching his eyes. She couldn’t decide if he looked better like this or right side up.

BOOK: Yours to Savor
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