Yours for the Night (23 page)

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Authors: Samantha Hunter

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Yours for the Night
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“I don’t know what to think about this. I mean you… We…”

He watched the emotions play over her face, and felt like a cad, even though he had not done anything wrong. He sipped his brandy, trying to think of what to do next.

“We have reservations. What do you say we make peace, laugh it off and go have dinner? We could at least talk about it. You have to admit, this is one hell of a coincidence.”

“I’m going home.” She got up, walked toward the door then outside. How could she stay? How could she let him see how devastated she was? She would not—
—let a single tear escape, though it seemed as if several thousand of them were threatening.

“Hey, you forgot this.” He was there again, right beside her in the parking lot, and she slid a quick look to see him handing her purse over. She hadn’t even realized she had dropped it. She reached out for it blindly, feeling the dam behind her eyes burst. She would not let him see her this way. She would never give him the satisfaction of knowing how much she had been looking forward to this. She hadn’t even realized that herself.

Jack frowned. He was ready to go wallow in disappointment and beer for the rest of the evening, but the stiffness of her shoulders, the angle of her face—as if she couldn’t even look at him—it was just too much.

He stepped around and took her shoulders in a firm grip, turning her toward him. The distressed sound she made concerned him, and he turned her face up to his, surprised to see fat tears streaming down her pale cheeks. She looked so sad it just about ripped his heart out.

She tried to turn away, but he wouldn’t let her. He pulled her close against him and rocked her gently. She trembled in his arms, and he pulled back to look at her again, watching as snowflakes fell, melting with the tears that were staining her skin.

Even now, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and though he didn’t want to acknowledge it, something tugged deep inside him. She was his lover, his Nilla, after all.

He spoke, his eyes glued to hers, his voice rough.

“I’m so sorry this is such a disappointment for you, Raine. Really. But it is just a coincidence. I promise. No tricks.”

Puzzlement and distress mixed for a moment, and she couldn’t take her eyes off his face. Then, realizing her position, she broke away and turned toward the car, but felt his hand on her arm again. Looking up, she saw his mouth set in a grim line, but his eyes were warm as they moved over her.

“C’mere. You can’t drive in this condition.”

Her eyes widened as she felt the warmth of his fingers stroke her damp cheek, and her mind seemed to disengage in response to the unexpected gentleness; her breath caught. He was very close—how did he get so close?—everything about him was hot, solid and male. His eyes were like magnets.

She heard him say her name as he moved in closer, but it was as if she was in a dream, frozen and unable to move. The flowers he had been carrying all this time fell onto the fresh blanket of snow at their feet. She knew this shouldn’t be happening, though somehow it was. She shouldn’t be allowing it to happen, but she had been waiting for so long.

His large hand had solidly planted itself on the small of her back, supporting her, pulling her in just a bit closer. Her eyes held to his, and she shivered, though she wasn’t cold.

He said her name again, and tilted his forehead against hers, their bodies pressed close, snow swirling all around them. The hand that had been on her shoulder fell to his side and found her fingers, stroked them, then wrapped them in his. Pulling her palm up to lay flat against his chest, their hands pressed between them, he angled his head and lowered his lips to hers.


She didn’t breathe, didn’t respond. He pressed his mouth on hers, then just rubbed gently back and forth, not so much an embrace as a greeting. He kissed each corner of her mouth, and she leaned toward him, seeking more. He pressed her closer, and she could feel the hardness of his chest and his heart pounding underneath the fleece.

Of its own volition, her other hand touched his face, passed gently over the heat emanating from his skin. He tested, lightly sliding his tongue along her lips, wetting them. Melting against him, she slid her fingers upward, burying them in his hair as his lips pursued the kiss, nibbling hers, sucking her lower lip into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue. She felt her knees weaken, and opened for him, giving him full access to explore the insides of her mouth, and heard him groan inside of her as the kiss turned scorching.

Never, in recent memory—hell, in her entire life—had she been kissed like this. It wasn’t really even a kiss, it was too consuming to be called that sweet of a thing. Her body was burning and aroused just from the crushing of his lips on hers, the feel of his tongue teasing the roof of her mouth, the gentle scraping of his teeth on her lip. God, she was raw, and didn’t realize how needy she was.

When he sought her tongue, wrapped his lips around it and sucked it into his mouth, she moaned as she felt herself go hot and slick, knotted and ready. His hands were wrapped in her hair and she lost herself in tasting him. They blended, pressing into each other, stumbling back against the car.

Jack hadn’t intended to become so encompassed by the kiss; touch her just once, he had taunted himself, just to know what it would be like, just for a moment. Just to comfort. But by God she was sweet, the way her hands had fisted into his shirt beneath his jacket, and now how they splayed across his chest, fingering his nipple absently, sending waves of desire pulsing through him. He couldn’t get deep enough into her mouth.... He wanted to drown in the honey he found there.

After all the time, all the talk, all the imagining, he was desperate for her as he had never been for anyone before in his life. They twisted again, dancing around each other as the snow fell in a thick curtain around them. He found himself pushed back against the car, her lips never leaving his as they switched positions.

She was demanding from him now, meeting fire with fire. He moaned into her mouth, and let her have him, let her have anything she wanted. He smiled and encouraged her as her hands moved down and closed firmly on his butt, grinding him against her until he was sure he was going to come.

He had never been this hot with a woman before, and didn’t know it would be so intoxicating. He wanted to forget control and just be consumed. Her tongue lapped at his like a cat with milk, her fingers kneading him, and he wished he could feel more of her flesh against his. He breathed her name raggedly, dangerously close to the edge as she pressed her hip against his straining erection. He pulled back, his voice rough.

“Let’s go.”

“Where?” Her heart was pounding so hard she could barely hear him, and she stayed leaning into him, afraid her knees would not support her.

“Anywhere. Anywhere we can be alone.”


to edge into her mind, but he stemmed it, kissing her hard, then pulling her close, his mouth by her ear.

“Just for now, let’s forget everything else. I want you. I want you
We’ve waited too long. Thought about it too much. Just this once. Let’s just take what we both want.”

Beyond thought, Raine nodded, and fumbled for the keys in her purse, somehow managing with shaking hands to press the button that unlocked her car. He took the keys and opened the door.

“I can drive.”

“Listen, you’ve had a few drinks and no food, and a shock to boot. Just tell me where.”

She walked to the passenger’s side, numb and on fire at the same time. Somewhere, deep inside her brain, she was thinking something wasn’t quite right, and she shouldn’t be doing this…should she? But the way he was looking at her when she slid into the car next to him blotted out reasonable thoughts. Never had a man looked at her in just that way—with that hungry, starving, I-want-to-eat-you-alive look that Jack was giving her now.

She wanted him, too. He was right. They had waited a long time. In an urgent whisper, she told him how to drive to her place, and in a few minutes, like magic, they were there, and she was stepping out into the cold in front of her home.

Everything still had that dreamlike quality, and when he came around the car and took her hand, she closed her eyes, not wanting the spell to break.
Don’t think too much—don’t think at all—just let this happen.
She felt a sharp tug on her hand, and she was facing him, in front of her door. His voice was quiet, his eyes intense.

“I want you like hell. But I’ll give you a chance to change your mind now. I’ll go, if you want.”

She looked him square in the eye, ignoring any voice in her head that told her one-night stands were not her thing. That she would have to work in the same office with this man on Monday. That she didn’t even really know him.

“No. I…I want this, too. I’ve wondered if…what it would be like to really…know you.”

He smiled, quick and sharp, and handed her the keys so she could open the door.

“Me, too.” He watched her slip the key into the lock, and felt his breath catch as she opened the door. His body was tight with anticipation, and he could sense her next to him as they stepped into the darkness.

Before she could reach for the light on the table beside the entry, he moved quickly, pressing her back to the door and burying his face in her neck, inhaling her scent, biting the soft skin behind her ear. When she shivered, he couldn’t help but moan against her soft, feverish skin.

He moved his lips gently from ear to cheek to lips again, sliding his mouth over hers while he unbuttoned her coat and slid it to the floor. His hands spanned her rib cage, molded her to him, and he bit her bottom lip, sliding his tongue across it before kissing her hungrily. He was so lost in the fog of lust they had created that he barely felt her pushing the coat off his shoulders, her voice husky and suggestive.

“Let’s get more comfortable.”

He nodded, and stepped away—sensed more than saw her move. Suddenly the light was on, and he briefly noted their surroundings. Comfortable. Homey. Warm. In his passion-fogged brain, something wasn’t clicking. Looking around, he tried to figure it out as he picked up his coat and threw it over a chair. But this was not the time for thinking. When he saw her beckoning him in stocking feet, her hair mussed from his hands, her cheeks hot with desire, he could only stare and wonder if this was really happening. She stood next to a doorway across the room—her bedroom, he assumed—and smiled at him.

It was all the invitation he needed. Crossing the room, he framed her face in his hands and worked his mouth over hers until they were both so weak with need they stumbled into the dark room, barely paying attention to where they were going, stopping only when Raine felt the bed push against the back of her knees.

God, Jack felt so good. He smelled so good. She blocked all logical thought and concentrated only on the want, the ravenous need, that was burning within her.
She must have more of him. All of him. Running her hands up under his shirt, she gloried in his hot, firm, male skin, working her hands through the hair on his chest and pushing his shirt up and over his head.

At some point, he worked his own hands up under her sweater, lifting it off, and she heard him moan in male appreciation as his hands moved back down and closed over her breasts, weighing the fullness of them in his hands, pinching the turgid nipples between his thumb and forefinger. She cried out in sheer pleasure as her knees buckled. He caught her, lowering her gently to the bed. He stood in front of her, taking a moment to unbuckle his belt and slide off his pants, never letting his eyes leave hers.

Raine thought she would melt from the intensity of his gaze. He was beautiful…male, sculpted and just
His eyes were almost black with desire, and she felt the gush of passion between her legs as he stripped in front of her. Her eyes roved over him and lingered on his desperately erect penis.
The word became a chant in her mind.

She sat up and touched him tentatively, running her hand over his hard length, and then leaned forward to kiss him in that very spot, darting her tongue out for a taste. His breath contracted sharply, and his hands were on her shoulders then, pushing her away gently.

She looked up, and he smiled down at her, his face ruddy with desire, his voice strained. “Do that and it will be over before we’ve begun. And one of us still has too many clothes on.”

She stood, finding herself unbearably close to him, wrapped in the heat that was pulsing out from his body. As if they could not bear to be separate, not even slightly, they quickly disposed of the rest of her clothes, until she was naked in front of him, flesh to flesh. His eyes devoured her as hungrily as hers had him.

“You’re like a goddess. You’re not even real—you can’t be.” He touched her hair almost reverently, and she was lost. Sliding back, she sat up on the pillows. Feeling wanton and wanted, she lifted an arm over her head and let one bent knee fall to the side. His eyes fixed on the patch of sandy-blond hair and the wet, pink folds she exposed, and he licked his lips.

“I’m very real. Join me?”

“Oh, yeah.”

Then he was next to her, and they wound around each other. Raine ran her hands down his back, exploring the muscles, gripping on to his rock-hard buttocks. She shifted to maneuver his cock between her thighs, then pressed him between them. Jack growled in pleasure, rubbing himself along the silky pocket of skin, and, bracing on one elbow, dipped to draw one breast into his mouth, suckling and teasing her until she was writhing and he could feel her nails digging into his back.

He felt her teeth on his shoulder, and sparks of pleasure sizzled in his brain. Sliding one hand down, he found the juncture of her sex and purred into her mouth as he touched her.

“You’re so wet—like hot, wet silk…”

“Jack…please…I want you. Now.”

She shifted again, bringing him up closer to where she needed him to be, wanting him inside, but he drew back, his breathing labored, sweat gleaming on his forehead.

“Protection…in my wallet…”

She smiled, and drew him back to her, opening her thighs and cradling him.

“All set.” She patted her hip, and showed him the transparent birth control patch. “Don’t worry.”

He nodded and braced himself over her, rubbing the hot tip of his desire along her wetness, causing her to arch her back in response. She sought him, and he found her, enveloping himself in one deep thrust.

Her eyes widened with a shock of pleasure, and then closed again as small sighs of need escaped her lips. He fisted his hands into the sheets, remembering when he had made her come on the phone, how she had made those same noises then. Her quick pants and needy moans had driven him over the brink then, and they were threatening to this time, as well.

It had been a while, and he knew he wouldn’t last long, but he wanted her to share the pleasure with him. Withdrawing slowly, he balanced back on his knees. Then, placing his hands underneath her hips, he pulled her up toward him, moving his hand between her legs. He rubbed her hot, tight nub expertly with his fingers while still shallowly thrusting into her.

Her face contorted in desire, and she pushed forward, trying to take him deeper. He moved up over her, wanting to be next to her when they both fell. Thrusting deeply, taking what they both needed, he increased the rhythm. Sliding his hands up behind her head and into her hair, he whispered to her as he felt his own peak close at hand.

“Come, Nilla, I want you to come with me....”

The dull ache of loss consumed her as she sensed her body’s hesitation, an all-too-familiar sensation, and suddenly hot tears spilled out before she could stop them. Unable to stop his body’s reaction though he detected the faint change in hers, he poured himself into her, searing pleasure wracking his body.

Catching his breath, he felt her tense beneath him, and lifted himself, shocked to see her crying, her face turned from his.

“Raine, did I hurt you? Jesus, oh, God…I’m so sorry....” He sat up, confused, and tried to gather her to him. She pushed farther to the other side of the bed, and he didn’t know what to do.

Raine closed her eyes, humiliated. She was hurting, but not in the way he thought, so she struggled to speak. Her voice, when she spoke, was low and miserable, confirming his worst fears.

“No, no, you didn’t hurt me.”

He sat up and scooted to the other side of the bed so he could see her. Her face was turned into the pillow. At a loss, he stroked her hair.

“Then what? What happened? Talk to me....”

She sighed and worked up the courage to meet his eyes. He was concerned, that was clear, so she sought to comfort him.

“It’s no big deal, forget it. I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t ruin it for you, at the end—” She stopped as she saw awareness dawn on his face, and her humiliation doubled.

“No, no, you didn’t ruin anything.” As he reached for her, she drew back.

“But it
a big deal, Raine. It’s important that both of us find equal pleasure and we didn’t—something happened there that chilled you—what? Was it something I did? Said?”

Raine sat up, and tugged the blanket up in front of her defensively. “It’s nothing, okay? It’s nothing you did. I just never come, not like that, so don’t worry about it.” She offered him a wan smile. “I’m just a little frustrated, that’s all.”

Jack watched her, her face masking hurt, her eyes shadowed. He remembered how pliant and hot she had been in his arms. This woman couldn’t have orgasms? That was hard to believe.

“But that night on the phone, you…?”

Her cheeks went hot. “Yes, that was different.”

He nodded slowly, understanding. “You just have problems experiencing orgasm with someone, with intercourse.”

She felt like a fool, like a failure, but nodded. A big part of it, she knew, had been that he had not used her real name when he’d spoken to her, but she would burn in hell before she’d admit that to him. It took only that moment to break the spell, to cool the pleasure she was eagerly hoping to attain, just once, with someone who had excited her beyond knowing. But then again, she probably wouldn’t have made it anyway—she never did.

She knew it was her long history of not knowing how to open up that was to blame, but she didn’t know what to do about it. The thought made her even more miserable. All this time she’d hoped it was the fault of lousy lovers, but she couldn’t say that was true of Jack. It was just her.

She practically jumped out of her skin when he shifted over and sat beside her, placing her head on his shoulder. She stiffened and resisted, but then gave in to the comfort of it. Why not?

His voice was gentle, but with some lightness.

“I wish you had told me that. You know, there are things we can do. That was a bit…rushed. I thought you were with me. I’m sorry.”

She shook her head. “It was good. Really. I told you, I don’t usually even get that excited. It’s just me. Really, I’d rather drop it.” Her voice took on an edge, but he didn’t want to drop the subject, not yet.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, Raine. A lot of women can’t have orgasms that way, but they can have them other ways—have you ever tried?”

She shrugged noncommittally, and wondered why he just would not let the subject drop; the other men she had been with hadn’t cared overmuch, but Jack seemed determined to pursue the issue. She tried to sit up, to get some distance, but his arm tightened around her, so she gave up the struggle and buried her face in his shoulder instead, to avoid that penetrating gaze. She sighed against his skin, her tongue darting out unconsciously to catch the salty taste of his skin on her lips.

“I haven’t had any adventurous love affairs, sex has been fairly routine, I suppose. Nothing out of the ordinary.”

“What has the ordinary been? Maybe we should try something a little
ordinary?” Surprisingly, he felt a warm hum in his loins again, thinking of it. This woman seemed to inspire him.

“Um, no…I’m fine. Really. I think maybe we should just call it a night.”

“Well, it’s up to you, I suppose. You know what you want, right?”

He turned a little, his face in her hair, and ran his tongue along the shell of her ear, and felt her quiver. Sliding a hand up to her breast, Jack kneaded gently, then ran his tongue from the curve of her ear down to her jaw, hungering for her again. He captured her mouth before she could say anything, and kissed her deeply, seductively.

Raine felt herself float away on the kiss. While it still had the edge of passion—she could tell he wanted her again—he took his time, plundering deeper, not ending the kiss until they were both gasping for breath. He settled her back on the pillows, shifted over her, kissing her everywhere, his breath feathering her sensitive skin.

“But Raine…maybe you want me to do this? Just a little?” He caught her nipple in his teeth and flicked his tongue over it lightly. She whimpered and managed to speak.

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