Yours Book 2: Gaining Experience (Yours Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Yours Book 2: Gaining Experience (Yours Series)
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“You like that,” Nick lifts his head and locks eyes with me.

“Yes, Sir, please can I come. I’m so close,” I dare to plead.

Nick smirks and chuckles. “Yes, my little Butterfly, I want you to come in my mouth before I fuck you,” he replies.

He returns to eating me like his favorite dish. I know I am not going to last long like this. I relax my tense arms and just give into the feel of hanging here as I start to feel like I am floating into the clouds.

Goosebumps cover my skin. The music in the background is calling for me to give in. Visions of our night in front of the fireplace fill my head. We were one that night. I can feel myself going to that place once again. That place where Nick and I are one and the same, where I souls speak to each other.

Nick’s lips wrap around my clit and that is it. My legs shake in the straps that are keeping them spread. I tighten my hold on the straps in my hands. My head falls back and I feel like I am floating in sheer bliss.

Nick shows me no mercy whatsoever. He continues to lap me up, sucking on my sensitive clit and lips. My eyes squeeze tight as my second orgasm yields to him. It is only then that Nick gives in and lifts to his feet.

I open my eyes to see him giving me a smug smirk. Grabbing my hips, he plunges into me with his rock hard full erection. I am momentarily blinded by pleasure and pain as he fills me up. Nick reaches for the straps that are securing my thighs and holding me open to him. He holds on tight as he thrusts into me.

I look down to watch him entering me over and over again. I love to watch his thick cock move in and out of me. It feels that much more incredible to watch as his body thrusts into mine.

“I want to hear you, my love. Sing for me, Baby. Let me know how good it feels,” Nick grunts.

“Ahh, God, Nick, you feel
good. Harder please, I can take it,” I cry out.

Something passes in Nick’s eyes at my words. Appreciation, excitement, possession, or maybe a mix of them all. Nick does not disappoint. The swing helps him to really rock into me. Or maybe it is my hips that has taken control of the motion of the swing to rock into him.

I am so lost in the feel of his fucking me so hard my teeth are chattering, I am not sure what is what or which way is up. When Nick dips his head to capture my nipple between his lips I am just lost. He growls around my nipple as my pussy starts to clench around him.

Breaking the seal he has on my nipple, he looks up at me. So many emotions cross his face. I almost slip and tell him how sorry I am for adding to his stress. Before I can, Nick leans in and captures my lips. I can taste a mixture of me, the peach oil and Nick’s natural flavor. I pull his tongue into my mouth and suck in it, soliciting a groan from Nick.

Without warning his hot seed fills my womb, triggering another orgasm from me. We relax just like that to catch our breath. Me suspended in the swing. Nick holding onto the black straps as he hovers over me, his chest slick with sweat and heaving.

When Nick finally slips from my body I expect him to release me from the swing. Instead he moves around me to stand behind me. He places a warm hand to my back. “Don’t freak out. You are secure,” he murmurs softly. His hand on my back gently pushes me forward.

I almost freak out as I fall forward, but the straps hold fast keeping me suspended in the air, just at a different angle this time. I am hanging face down, ass up. I grab the straps just to feel a little more secure.

“You are so beautiful,” Nick croons.

“Nick,” I scream out as he thrusts back inside me from behind.

“Mmmm, so good,” Nick moans. “Did you think I was done. I told you I want all of you tonight.”

I can hear the smile in his voice. I am loosing myself as he pounds into me. The swing is just adding to the pleasure. I whimper when Nick steps away, pulling out of me.

I can hear him padding in the direction of the throne he was sitting in earlier. He comes into my line of sight and I see him bend to retrieve his pants. I am almost too distracted by his tight ass to see him reaching in the pocket of the pants to pull something out.

Suddenly, I remember him placing something in his pocket earlier when he was retrieving the oil. Nick moves back over to me, his hard-on pointed right at my face.

“Open,” he commands.

I do and he slides right into my mouth. I look up at him through my lashes to see he is staring down at me with his lips parted. He reaches under me to knead one of my breasts. After only a few thrust, Nick pops free of my mouth and holds up a silver toy to my lips. I open and let Nick slip it into my mouth.

“Get it nice and wet, Butterfly,” Nick rasps.

I swirl my tongue around the toy and wet it as much as I can. Nick removes the small, almost horse like silver toy from my mouth. He then disappears behind me once again.

“Yes,” I sing as he slides back into me slowly.

I am so wet and he feels so good. Nick works his hips and drives me insane. It is when I am close again that I feel him probe my tight hole with the toy. Nick has been preparing me, as he says, for taking him here. The toy is the largest thing he has used so far though.

I want to pat myself on the back for not tensing up the way I always do. Instead, I relax and allow him to slip the toy inside me. The groan of approval from Nick is like a warm hug.

“Good girl,” he praises me. “Fuck Sephora. You are so ready.”

Nick pounds me into another release before he removes his cock and the toy. I am seeing stars by the time the tip of his penis pushes its way into my my tight forbidden hole. My eyes water a little but I stay relaxed.

“Fuck yeah,” Nick moans. “Nice, Baby. Just like that.”

His words both soothe me and turn me on. I moan loudly when I feel him slide half way in. It feels incredible. I didn’t think I would like it so much. Honestly, I have been deathly afraid of this as well as the swing.

Nick reaches for my clit and growls when he pushes the rest of the way in. He pauses to allow me to adjust and catch my breath. His hand on my clit makes circles with his thumb.

When he starts to move I am completely finished. Nick has officially ruined me for all other men. The sound of him slapping against my ass overtakes the music and soon both our moans and groans join in.

When I feel Nick’s tongue gliding over the center of my back, I come without thought.
Hi, my name is Sephora Emilsson, and I belong to Nicholas Lincoln… Oh, so this is heaven.
Those are my last thoughts before I black out.

Chapter 21
Daddy Dearest


,” I say as I stare at Kimmie eating a bowl of cereal and some fruit.

“So what,” Kimmie asks looking up at me from the tablet she is reading from.

“So are you going to tell me what is going on with you and Luke,” I huff.

“I can’t tell you something I don’t know,” Kimmie frowns and looks away from me.

I have had it. It is that right there. The way she just looked away from me that tells me she is hiding something from me. These two need to get their shit together or move out. Actually, they need to move out either way.

Don’t get me wrong. I love my best friend and my brother, but they cannot hide out here in our house like two little brats that don’t want to face the world or real life. They have a baby on the way for Christ sake. Why are they acting like two big babies? Something more is going on here.

“Yanno, I see right through you. You are hiding something from me. I can tell. It is in the way you won’t look at me,” I snap.

“You are one to talk. I know you just as well and I know you are holding back on something serious,” Kimmie glares at me.

“Whatever,” I mumble.

Kimmie leans in lowering her voice. “Are you still digging,” she whispers. “Luke told me someone broke into Nick’s office. Do you think the two are connected? Sophi, you have to stop. This is getting dangerous.”

“I know it is. I just don’t know what to do with what I’ve found. This is Nick and his company. I need to do what I can to help him,” I hiss back.

“Don’t you get that your helping could be harming. I don’t know everything, but I know enough to be afraid for you,” Kimmie scowls as her eyes fill with tears.

I sigh. I don’t want to fight with Kimmie and I don’t want to make her cry. I move to her side to wrap my arms around her. All of this is getting so beyond me.

I haven’t been able to get in contact with Ryan and Nick was gone this morning before I could decide to tell him what I have found. I just don’t know what to do anymore.

“I’m sorry, okay, I promise I will talk to Nick and tell him everything. I know I’m in over my head. If he decides to bury what I have uncovered then I won’t fight him on it,” I relent.

“Good, because my little Lilla will need her auntie,” Kimmie says with a watery smile.

I furrow my brows. I go to explain what the word means in Swedish to Kimmie when my brain catches up. I squeal and hug Kimmie tighter.

“You are going to name her Lilla,” I chirp.

“Yes, I talked to Luke about it. He loved the idea,” Kimmie beams.

I don’t have the heart to try to pry any further today. Instead I move us onto a safe topic. Planning for my little niece, Lilla. Soon we are on speaker phone with Ettie making plans to go shopping.

I secretly text Ettie that we need to get started on planning a baby shower. I start to choke on my water when she replies that my mother called her this morning to let her know that she has already started the plans and she wants us to help her. My mother has done a lot of surprising me since Ettie’s wedding.

She calls or texts me at least every other day now, if not every day. I keep waiting for her to insult me, but she has been very supportive since Nick and I have gone public with our relationship.

We are laughing and teasing Kimmie about how spoiled we are going to have my niece, when Luke enters the kitchen dress in a black suit. His grey eyes move sharply around the room before they land on Kimmie.

“Where’s Nick,” Luke asks not bothering to pull his eyes away from Kimmie.

“Well, Hello brother. How are you,” I laugh.

Luke turns to me and narrows his eyes. My smile falls. I can see that he is very serious. I shift in my seat wondering what is going on.

“He’s been gone all day. We have the awards ceremony for the girls tonight so he should be home soon,” I shrug.

Luke nods and walks over to Kimmie. He kisses her forehead, then leans to whisper something in her ear. Kimmie looks up at him and nods. It only takes two seconds for me to be sitting alone in the kitchen with my big brother.

And here you have it. Another reason why these two need to go find a home that is not mine. I keep my eyes glued to the glass of water that is sitting in front of me.

“I have always tried to protect you from everything. Dad basically drilled it into me to protect my sisters, especially his Lilla du. Dad loved you so much. I used to envy that,” Luke snorts.

“I don’t know why,” I roll my eyes bitterly. It is hard to shake the old feelings I have. Even if I am reading in between the lines these days that something was amiss back then.

“I know you are hurt and angry, Sophi. Fuck, I have had so much pent up anger for dad,” Luke shakes his head. “I almost destroyed the person I love the most. Things are still not right between Kimmie and I…. She thinks I don’t know –,” Luke pauses and shakes his head. He chuckles. “I promised I wouldn’t be all over the place.”

“So just spit it out,” I huff in impatience.

Luke chuckles. “Nick is right, you have changed a lot. I wasn’t sure I was okay with that at first, but I think it is good now. I like the new Sophi.”

“Luke,” I sigh, giving him a pointed look.

“Okay, okay,” Luke holds up his hands in front of him.

“Dad and some of his friends all got together to do this big business deal a while back. Nick’s dad was a part of the group of investors with dad,” Luke starts.

“Yeah, Nick explained all of that to me,” I say.

“Yeah, well after Nick’s parents died,” Luke says before I interrupt again.

“Were killed,” I correct.

“Yeah, so he has been completely honest with you,” Luke sighs.

“Nick told me everything about him and his family. He said you wanted to tell me the rest,” I offer.

“Okay, when we first found out about Bianca I was pissed at dad. I hated him. I couldn’t believe he would do that to mom. He spent so much time telling me to find a woman I love and to treat her like gold. I couldn’t believe he would hurt our family the way he did,” Luke frowns down at his hands.

“When he took away our financial security I thought he was a fucking monster. I mean, how could he do that to you, his Lilla du. I mean to just leave you with no way to go to college. You were so excited about going. There was no way you could have gotten any help that late in the game if Nick hadn’t come through for me, for us.

“I wanted to kill him for doing what he did to our family. I thought about it so many times. It was the memories of the father I grew up with that stopped me. Then one night in the middle of the night Mom calls with the news that he was just gone.

“I never got to tell him how much I still loved him. Our last conversation was me telling him that he was a fucking pig that deserved to die. I told him how much I hated looking in the mirror because I look so much like him.

“What made it worse was that when I took over the company I learned that Bianca was never dad’s girlfriend. Those tapes were bullshit. Dad could pay for your tuition it had nothing to do with him not wanting to. The same bastard that ruined Nick’s life had Dad by the balls.

“I still don’t understand it all. I’m sure Nick told you that when he looked into his parents’ and Ivana’s death, everything he had left was threatened. It was the same thing when I started to dig into what really happened with Dad. I had to choose between our family losing everything or finding out the truth.

“I never said anything to you guys because it was too dangerous. Then you had school to worry about and Andrew was there for Ettie. I didn’t want to ruin all of her progress. Besides, I still don’t have all the answers. I just want you to know. Dad wasn’t who we thought he was in the end,” Luke finishes.

“Luke, has anyone ever talked to Bianca since,” I swallow hard not able to say the words after all that Lucian has said.

Luke shakes his head. “No, she just disappeared. I have no clue why Dad let us all believe they were having an affair. I mean he practically flaunted that shit in front of Ettie, but it was all bullshit,” Luke growls.

“Lucian, I think –,” my words die in my throat as Nick enters the room with Winston.

I try to go on and reveal the truth to both my brother and Nick right there in that moment, but something has my tongue tied and my lips glued shut. I just can’t make myself talk.

Nick walks up behind me and places his hands on either side of me, caging me in before kissing the top of my head. He nuzzles my neck and inhales me deeply. When I turn my face towards him, he pecks my lips softly.

“Hey, gorgeous, I missed you,” Nick murmurs against my lips.

“I missed you, too.”

He pulls back to study my face. “How was your day,” I don’t miss that his voice is laced with concern.

“It has been a good day, but it is great now, that you are here.”

A smile takes over his face as he leans in for another peck. “The stylist is here for tonight,” Nick breathes against my lips as if he is reluctant to break the connection. “I asked her to pin your hair up. Will you wear the black gown for me tonight?”

I know exactly which gown he is talking about. I had asked for his opinion between it and another gown last week. It is a stunning black dress that has a split on each side, allowing me to show off my newly toned legs. It is strapless and the back is cut low, but it clings to me like a second skin. Personally, I think it is a bit sexy for tonight, but if he is asking me to wear it I will.

“Yes, of course,” I say cupping his face.

“Thank you, Baby. You better get going,” he replies, placing a kiss to my forehead.

I try to understand the tone of his voice and the look in his eyes, but the shutters come down before any of it can register. With a sigh, I return his kiss with a peck to his lips and lift to my feet. I turn to my brother before I leave.

“Thanks, Luke,” I say.

Luke just nods. I can see the hurt in his eyes. So much pain still lurks inside him. Looking at Nick and Luke builds my resolve and my plans change once again. I will not tell them. What I need is help from a friend.

I try to call Ryan again for the millionth time as I make my way up to my dressing room. I get a sinking feeling in my gut when once again the call goes to voicemail. Ryan should have been here today. He said we were going to hang out.

Something is off, Sephora. Yeah, don’t I know it.

BOOK: Yours Book 2: Gaining Experience (Yours Series)
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