You're the One That I Want (7 page)

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Authors: Giovanna Fletcher

BOOK: You're the One That I Want
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As we were nearing our group, Ben let out a huge yawn – one that he didn’t bother to cover up with his hands. It seemed to go on forever, highlighting just how tired he was.

‘Bit early for you, love?’ Mum laughed.

‘Just a tad.’

‘Well, you should’ve seen him jump out of bed this morning,’ said June, pointing her thumb sideways in Ben’s direction. ‘I’ve not seen him like that in a while. Anyone would think he couldn’t wait to get away.’

Ben shrugged in innocence with a sheepish grin, wrapped his arm around her and rested his head on hers – he was at least a foot taller than her. I always loved seeing little moments like that pass between Ben and June. Unlike Robert and me, who both went through stages of being embarrassed by our mums (or declaring we hated them), Ben hadn’t. He worshipped her and gladly showed that in public.

‘You would not believe how hard it was to get her up today,’ tutted Mum, giving me a gentle poke in the ribs and making me yelp in shock.

‘Ooh, quick photo of our leaving party before we go?’ I pleaded, pulling one of the cardboard-covered cameras from my coat pocket and winding the film along.

‘Do we have to?’ moaned Mum.


‘But I haven’t even got my face on yet … here, give me the ruddy thing. I’ll get one of you and Ben instead,’ she demanded, grabbing the camera off me before I managed to get a quick picture of her make-up free.

I wrapped my arms around Ben’s neck and smiled, but just before Mum captured our pose Robert jumped on us from behind – turning it into a laughing picture of the three of us.

‘I see she’s started already then?’ Rob jokingly asked Ben while frowning at my camera.

‘Only just,’ Ben laughed. ‘Hope you’ve been practising your fake smiles.’

‘Yes, my speciality. Well, now that’s done … Miss James is about to let everyone on the bus. Quick!’ Robert whispered. ‘Bye, Mum,’ he added with a cheeky grin and a wave before turning on his heels and running back around to the door of the bus.

Ben and I instantly sprang to life, the race for the back seat was on. Yes, the downside to being a threesome was that, on coaches, one of us had to sit on our own unless we managed to bagsy the back seat. It wasn’t an easy task when there were so many other groups of friends wanting to get it too – it took some cleverly planned timing and for one of your team to be as quick as a bullet! With Robert first in line, he made the prospect of us getting our desired seats highly likely.

Robert’s mum was close on his heels.

‘If he thinks he’s going to get away with saying a crappy goodbye like that without giving me a proper kiss, when he’s leaving me for a bloody week, he’s got another think coming,’ tutted Carol, as she shook her head and wandered off after him, causing us all to laugh.

‘Bye, Mum,’ Ben said, leaning down and hugging June tightly before giving her a peck on the cheek.

‘Oh, come here,’ said Mum as she took me in her arms for my own cuddle goodbye, which I happily entered into. Despite my huffy appearance, I was nervous about the week away and I knew I’d miss my mum and her crazy ways.

Sixteen years old …

The excitement on the bus, even at that time in the morning, was sky high. We were getting away from school life, from exam stress and from our parents for a whole week. We were off to chill with our friends in Paris, to marvel at some wonderful art while sketching it (badly) into our workbooks, eat loads of crêpes and to test out our French on actual French people – it was time to see whether we’d actually learned anything in our lessons. I wasn’t holding my breath on that score and had packed my mini French phrase book, just in case – so had Robert and Maddy. For some reason I was doubtful that the one French phrase that stuck in my head, ‘Où est la piscine?’ (where is the swimming pool?) was going to get me very far.

Once Miss James had called the register and found every-body had made it on board, even though it was frightfully early, we were free. Maddy, Robert and I squished up against the window at the back of the bus, and waved goodbye to our mums – all of whom were teary-eyed and rubbing each other’s backs in support. We couldn’t help but laugh at them, making them giggle back at the stupidity of their emotional outbursts. We were only going away for a week – you’d have thought we were moving to the
other side of the world indefinitely the way they were carrying on.

As the coach started moving, carrying us away from our mums, away from the school and away from Peaswood, I experienced an unexpected lull – as though reality had hit, causing me to abandon my joyfulness momentarily. I worried about my mum. I shouldn’t have, I knew she was far tougher than I was and could cope with far more than me, but it was the thought of her in that empty house on her own, without me there for company. The other mums had their husbands to rely on, but she obviously didn’t. Dad leaving had made us closer than ever – we looked after each other, made sure we didn’t dwell too heavily and moved each other into the light any time his absence hit us hard. It worried me that she’d have no one to do that for her without me there.

I looked up at the others to find Robert looking back at me. He winked and gave me an encouraging nod. He knew what was on my mind even though I hadn’t said it, and I knew what he was saying even if the words hadn’t worked their way out of his mouth. Mum would be fine. Everything would be okay.

But as soon as my thoughts of Mum had subsided a different feeling arose from the pit of my stomach. This is it, I thought to myself, this is the trip I’ve been waiting for, the trip that will change my future and hopefully give me the girl of my dreams. I took a deep breath to steady the nerves building up inside.

‘You okay?’ Maddy asked to the right of me, her hand resting on my arm.

‘Yeah! Knackered …’

‘Me too,’ she smiled, before taking my hand in hers, resting her head on my shoulder and nuzzling her body into mine.

It felt lovely.

I couldn’t help but smile as I intuitively squeezed her hand. Three times. ‘I love you,’ I declared in what I hoped was the last time I’d have to do so in my coded way. Paris was going to give me the freedom to verbalize it, at last.

‘I love the way you always do that,’ she smiled, rubbing my arm in response to my gesture, clueless as to what it actually meant. ‘Three squeezes. It’s your thing.’

‘Is it?’

‘Yeah,’ she laughed. ‘You must be aware that you’re doing it?’

I stared at her with this gormless expression on my face, but before I could respond she started talking again.

‘Did you see Lauren and Daniel getting on the bus?’

‘I think they’re here somewhere,’ I said with relief, stretching my back and craning my neck to see over the tops of the seats in front of us.

‘No,’ she giggled, pulling me back into my seat. ‘I mean, did you see the way he asked her if she wanted to sit next to him?’

‘Oh. No. Why?’

‘It was a bit … odd.’

‘Was it?’

‘I don’t even think I’ve ever seen them talk before.’ She was trying to talk as quietly as she could, but her eyes were practically popping out of her head as she willed me to grasp whatever it was she was saying.

I looked at her blankly. It was too early for guessing games.

‘I think he likes her,’ she eventually spelled out.


‘What’s this you’re whispering about?’ asked Robert, leaning across both our laps so that his face was right in front of ours. He was so close I found it hard to focus on him.

‘Lauren and Daniel,’ Maddy mouthed, smiling.

‘Yup. Spotted it,’ he nodded knowingly, pursing his lips.

‘Really?’ asked Maddy, excited at having a little gossip, especially as it was on the topic of love. She wasn’t a girlie girl, but she was certainly a romantic. ‘Do you think they’ll get it on?’

‘Don’t see why not,’ shrugged Robert.

‘Anyone else you think might?’ Maddy asked, her eyes widening in delight.

‘Let’s see,’ Robert said, taking a quick peek around at the rest of our classmates on the bus, as though to remind himself of who else had joined us on the trip.

‘I think Aaron has a thing for Jessica.’

‘Yeah, but she wouldn’t go near him,’ Maddy protested, shaking her head. ‘Rebecca would, though.’

‘Obviously. She’d have anyone who gave her a chance. So what about you?’ Rob asked her. ‘Anyone you’ve got your eye on?’

‘Nooo …’ she blushed, visibly embarrassed by the question.

‘Well, I wonder if anyone has theirs on you …’

‘Doubt it,’ she muttered, nibbling on her lip.

‘Jackson? Williams? Tipper? Mr Brown?’ he offered,
listing the surnames of some of the guys on the bus, his eyebrows rising more with each suggestion given.

Maddy screwed up her face in reply.

‘Might be your lucky trip, Maddy Hurst. I bet someone’s got their eye on you,’ he grinned.

‘Doubt it. We can’t all be as popular as you,’ she teased.

‘It’s quality that matters, not quantity, Maddy.’

‘Is that right?’


‘If your fan club could hear you now.’

‘I’m not being ungrateful!’ he protested with his eyes wide. ‘They’re all lovely, but …’


‘Well, I’m just waiting to be swept off my feet by the right girl.’

‘And you think you’ll find her in Paris?’

‘It’s a nice place to start looking.’

I stayed quiet. In fact, I think I may have even stopped listening (and breathing). I couldn’t look at them. We were all seated so close together, Robert was still lying across us. I felt wedged in with no escape. I panicked that the conversation was going to be turned around to me and who
fancied. I had no idea what I’d have said. All I could think about was my plan being messed up if I so much as uttered the wrong thing. I zoned in and out of their conversation, a bead of sweat appearing on my upper lip as I continued to freak out.

But the conversation just ended.

Just like that.

Robert sat upright and dived into his rucksack, chucking out a chocolate Curly Wurly bar for us each and that was it.

The only thing remaining of the exchange was Maddy’s pink-stained cheeks.

The moment had clearly been forgotten by Robert who, instead, decided to unload the rest of his bag and impress us by revealing its contents – a mountain of treats: biscuits, crisps, chocolate and sweets. A staple diet for any growing teenager.

‘No way I’m eating frog’s legs or snails!’ he declared, with a cheeky grin.

‘Yuck!’ chorused Maddy and I, pulling disgusted faces.

Yes, shamefully we all believed the stereotype that, at some point on that trip, we’d be forced to eat such dishes – something we were all terrified of. But for a few minutes, as we sat back in our seats and started to munch on the chewy caramel chocolate, our fears melted away.

Even though I was relieved that the conversation had quickly moved on, I didn’t fail to notice Maddy’s eyes twinkling as they roamed along our classmates and visibly continued to dream up different possibilities and matches in her head.

I wondered if she was thinking about her own chance of romance … and if she was thinking of me.

‘You’re so lucky that you get to share a rooooom!’ whined Maddy as she stomped her way through our hotel room door and plonked herself on my bed.

The room was pretty basic but better than we imagined. Our twin room had two single beds (made up with cream-coloured sheets and blankets rather than a comfy duvet – our first Parisian grumble) along opposite walls with a wooden bedside table placed between them. The
walls were off-white and blue curtains hung at the windows, which looked out at a brick wall of the building next door rather than a breath-taking view of the city. The most wonderful thing about our room was the en-suite, which was exciting enough, but it also had a shower in it. We only had a bath at home back then. What a luxury!

‘I have to share with Kelly Sinclair – I don’t even know her! Why can’t I be in here with you?’ Maddy continued, her face all screwed up as she moaned.

‘You know why,’ shrugged Robert, a cheeky smile appearing – the one he always used before saying something naughty. ‘The teachers know you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off me if you slept in here.’

I was used to Rob winding Maddy up in this way, but never had he said something quite so sexually suggestive. It shocked me. To my horror, I started to wonder if I wasn’t the only one to harbour feelings for our best friend – although, if that was that case, I wondered if Rob would really choose to be so blatant about it. Surely he was just winding her up, I hoped. Nevertheless, my paranoia started to return.

A second or two seemed to pass with me gawping at the two of them while Maddy widened her eyes at a smirking Robert in disbelief.

‘Argh, you’re so gross!’ she eventually whined, much to my relief, as she pulled one of my pillows from the bed and flung it at him. ‘What’s this?’ she asked, holding up a scruffy stuffed toy rabbit by its ears. I’d brought it with me and quickly hidden it under there when Robert had gone to the loo earlier. I didn’t expect Maddy to come in and find it mere moments later.

‘Erm …’ I hesitated.

‘Wait, I recognize it,’ she said, as she brought it round to face her, ruffling its shabby lilac hair. ‘I got you it for your birthday. Years ago.’

‘Yeah …’ I raised my eyebrows and sighed, shaking my head and acting as though I was as confused by its appearance in our Parisian hotel room as she was.

Maddy had given it to me on my tenth birthday and at that time it was the most precious thing I owned. It’s not like I went to bed with it every night or anything, I’d only done that for the first year, but when I was packing to go away I saw it sitting glumly on my bedside table and thought it might be a nice thing to have with me – my lucky mascot, if you will. I wrongly thought it would go unnoticed.

‘I’ve no idea what it’s doing here. Mum must’ve put it in my bag. You know what she’s like,’ I said with a quick shake of the head and a roll of my eyes.

‘Yes, I do.’

‘Nutter …’ I added without much gusto. I wasn’t used to talking badly of Mum.

‘And who put it under your pillow?’ she asked after a pause.


‘Your pillow?’

‘Huh?’ I heard her the first time and knew exactly what she was getting at.

‘It was under your pillow, so somehow it hopped out of your suitcase and dived into your bed before either of you noticed …’

I looked at her with my mouth wide open, willing my
brain to form some sort of an explanation. Nothing came. Suddenly
was the rabbit, caught in the big flaming headlights of embarrassment.

‘Leave him alone!’ yelled Robert, coming to my aid and throwing the pillow back in Maddy’s direction. ‘Are you trying to tell us that you’ve not brought one yourself?’

Maddy covered her face with her hands, unable to stop a girlish giggle from escaping.

Later on that night, once Maddy had left to go to her own room and we were lying in our beds, one topic whirled around inside my head: Maddy and Robert.

‘Do you fancy Maddy?’ I asked, much to my own surprise. I couldn’t stop my mouth from opening and the question firing out as the overriding urge to quiz Robert fought against my brain’s resistance.

‘Huh?’ he questioned, sounding half asleep, even though we’d only just turned the lights off.

‘Maddy?’ I couldn’t face asking the whole question again, so I hoped he’d heard the majority of it, and opted to just repeat her name instead. I was so thankful that I’d waited until the lights were out – I could feel my face burning up, making me feel flustered.

‘Oh … not that I’m aware of,’ he laughed, sounding more awake. ‘Why?’

‘You were being quite flirty with her earlier.’

‘Was I?’ he asked.

‘More than normal,’ I said, in what I hoped was a laid-back tone of voice.

‘You know what she’s like,’ he sighed. ‘She gets so uptight and bashful, I was just winding her up.’

‘That’s what I thought …’ I nodded to myself.

‘Did I take it too far?’

‘Maybe …’

‘I hope I didn’t offend her.’ He sounded genuinely worried at the idea.

‘I’m sure you didn’t,’ I reasoned, mentally bashing myself around the head for having said anything in the first place – one thing I’d started to understand about love was that it made me feel more suspicious than anything else ever had. It was torturous.

‘Still, I’ll apologize tomorrow. I was only messing around … it’s nice that you’re protective over her,’ he added after a brief pause.

‘You are too.’

‘I guess we can’t help it.’

The conversation ended there. I wasn’t sure if Robert had simply fallen back to sleep or whether he, like me, was lying there thinking of Maddy.

I hoped it was the former.

The next morning we were forced out of bed ridiculously early (which probably wasn’t that early, but seeing as none of us had bothered to move our watches forward an hour it seemed like it was still the middle of the night). We might have thought we were on holiday, but our teachers were hell-bent on getting us out of bed and on to the streets of Paris as soon as they could. We’d mumbled good mornings to each other at the breakfast table as we slumped into our seats.

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