You're the One That I Want (33 page)

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Authors: Giovanna Fletcher

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Are you #TeamBen or #TeamRob?

I loved Robert, but I loved Ben too …

You’re The One That I Want
, Maddy finds herself romantically torn between her two best friends – Ben and Rob. Do you think she made the right choice? And, if you’d been in her situation, what would you have done?

If you’re still undecided between Rob and Ben, find out who would be your best match with our simple quiz!

Do you believe in love at first sight?

A) Maybe. Though sometimes it can take a bit longer to see what’s right in front of you …

B) Absolutely. When you find The One, you know

Physically, you’re more likely to pick a guy who is:

A) Tall and athletic, with fair hair and piercing green eyes

B) Olive-skinned, with messy dark hair and soulful deep-brown eyes

The most important feature in a boyfriend is:

A) A good sense of humour – they have to be able to make you smile

B) Sensitivity – they need to be thoughtful and aware of your needs

Your biggest personality flaw is that:

A) You don’t take anything too seriously

B) It’s hard for you to open up and be yourself

Long-distance relationships:

A) Can be managed if you’re both committed to each other. After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder

B) Put a lot of unnecessary pressure on the relationship and rarely survive. You want to spend every day with the one you love

What’s your idea of the perfect date?

A) A trip to the local bowling alley, with nachos and milkshakes on the side. Retro, silly and lots of fun!

B) A quiet candlelit dinner at the local Italian restaurant. Intimate, peaceful and romantic

When it comes to showing how you feel:

A) Actions speak louder than words

B) It’s better to put it in a letter – after all, words last forever

To demonstrate how much they like you, you’d prefer someone to:

A) Be spontaneous and sweep you off your feet in the heat of the moment – you can’t plan these things!

B) Carefully create the ‘perfect moment’ incorporating all your favourite things – romantic gestures are the result of thoughtful hard work!

Now see how you did!

Mostly As

You’d be best matched with Rob. Gorgeous, sexy and outgoing he’s the kind of boyfriend who’ll protect you and cherish you – a great combination. Although he’s suffered some lapses of judgement in the past, he won’t make the same mistake twice and certainly knows how lucky he is to have you. Above all he’s your best friend, and that means everything.

Mostly Bs

You’d be best matched with Ben. Sensitive, brooding and handsome, Ben would be a loyal and devoted boyfriend. Although he’s occasionally led people on, with you he’d be committed forever, because he’s loved you since the moment he first saw you. Above all he’s your best friend, and that means everything.

Let us know if you’re #TeamRob or #TeamBen on Twitter – we’d love to hear what you think.

to let us know!

Giovanna’s Top 10 Books

I think this list has the potential to change all the time (I’m always falling in love with new characters and storylines), but these ten books have certainly made a lingering impression and they’re at the top of my lists when recommending to others.

Jemima J
– Jane Green

This was the first chicklit book I ever read – I was still at school at the time. The character Jemima J was just so relatable and I don’t think I’d experienced that feeling so strongly before reading this book. She was imperfect, and she let her imperfections rule her – define her even. Being a teenage girl, her insecurities rang true with my own body worries at the time.

My Best Friend’s Girl
– Dorothy Koomson

I read the first page of this and wept – I then went home and made my husband read it to see if it had the same effect on him. Needless to say, the rest of the book is just as touching.

P.S. I Love You
– Cecelia Ahern

Dying husband writes letters to his wife from beyond the grave … seriously? Anyone who says they weren’t moved by this is either fibbing or has a heart of horrible cold stone. Read the book before watching the film!

Playing Away
– Adele Parks

I guess I’d class this as the first saucy book I ever read – although, on reflection, I’m not entirely sure how naughty it actually is. It’s been years since I read this, but I just remember being gripped by it.

Me Before You
– Jojo Moyes

Oh gosh … I honestly can’t think about this book without getting emotional. I picked it up to pack in my suitcase the night before I went on holiday once and ended up reading half of it (sod the packing). It’s thought-provoking and gut-wrenching.

– Helen Warner

I was asked to read this for my blog a few years ago. When I started reading it I had no idea what to expect, but I fell in love pretty quickly – not just with the storyline, but also with the writing style. Thoroughly enjoyable and engaging.

– Sebastian Faulks

As you might be able to tell from my list so far, I’m quite a sucker for romance. So throw a war into the mix along with a love that has everything battling against its existence, and I’m a goner.

The Age of Miracles
– Karen Thompson Walker

The days are getting longer, bringing with them severe consequences and danger as people try to deal with the changes they bring. Such a simple idea, courageously told through the eyes of a young teenage girl.

The Secret
– Rhonda Bryne

Years ago I was introduced to this book by a great friend and it totally changed my outlook on life. Instead of focusing on the negatives I’ve learnt to look at the positives. Needless to say, I feel a whole heap happier for doing so!

The Dinosaur That Pooped Christmas
– Tom Fletcher and Dougie Poynter

The inclusion of this book has nothing to do with one of its authors being my husband … Ha! Seriously, though – I’ve seen how much both guys have cracked up writing this set of books and, in turn, how much children have giggled their way through them. Books don’t have to contain millions of long words to be great – they just have to capture the imagination.

Giovanna’s Top 10 Movies

I know I’m going to kick myself for forgetting some classics, but these are the ones that came to the forefront of my mind. Do you promise not to judge me after you see my list of favourite films? Promise? Okay, here goes …

The Notebook

Need I say more? It’s the ultimate love story that gets me every time I watch it. I never get bored of Noah and Ali’s story. And that ending? Oh man …

I Am Sam

I don’t think this is really well known, but it’s been one of my favourites for over a decade. Sean Penn plays a father with a developmental disability that results in him battling for custody of his daughter (Dakota Fanning). Set to a Beatles soundtrack this film is touching, humorous and heartbreaking.

Fifty First Dates

I love this film! Mostly because I have a huge love of anything with Adam Sandler in it, but (along with the humour you’d expect) this one provides more innocence and romance.


This was a difficult choice as I could’ve easily put
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White
The Little Mermaid
. All four are about growing up and feeling the need to belong … and finding your Prince Charming, of course. Surely every girl has one of these princess stories in her top ten?

The Sound of Music

This reminds me so much of my nan. It was one of her favourites and she got us all hooked on its charms. I loved the idea of being part of an all-singing, all-dancing family who roamed the hills in their floral outfits. I’m pretty sure our love of this film was what resulted in me, Giorgina and Mario continuously putting on shows for my nan. I’m guessing we weren’t as good as the Von Trapps, though – she was always asleep by the end of our performances.

The Wizard of Oz

Judy Garland is one of my all-time heroes and this has to be one of the best films ever made. Simple! I played Dorothy in my local drama group’s production of this when I was nine years old … the majority of things that have happened in my life since have snowballed from doing that show. To me, it’s a story about believing in yourself – not a bad lesson to learn.


Another film from my childhood – but obviously far cooler than The Sound of Music – Grease taught me everything I needed to know about attitude and being cool. I had no attitude and I was not cool in the slightest, but that didn’t stop me thinking of myself as a Rizzo over a Sandy.

Breakfast at Tiffany’s

I first watched this film a few years ago (yes, I was late to the party), and was instantly mesmerized by Audrey Hepburn with her effortless poise and beauty! The film is romantically bonkers. It’s easy to see why this is such a classic and still highly thought of.

Forrest Gump

This film came out when I was nine years old. I can remember my parents going to see it at the cinema and them coming home and saying how much they enjoyed it. It was years before I was allowed to watch it myself, though.
Forrest Gump
contains so many beautiful morals and eye-opening thoughts, not least the comparison of life with a box of chocolates. The simplicity and innocence captures your heart from the first flight of that soft white feather to the last.


I went to see this at the cinema when I was twelve years old with my best friend Sarah Tayler, our mums and siblings. It’s a flipping long film and all that water made me need a pee half-way through – but aaaaaaaah! It’s just so blooming romantic, heartbreaking and tragic.

Giovanna’s Top 10 Songs

Ha! Each of these categories is showing how much of a loser I am … But I’d gladly belt out any of these tunes in the shower!

‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ – Judy Garland/Wizard of Oz

This is my favourite song in the entire world. Ever. I walked down the aisle to it on my wedding day and it’s the song I’ve sung to my bump throughout my pregnancy. It holds so many happy memories for so many different reasons.

‘Dream a Little Dream of Me’ – Mama Cass

When I started drama school we performed a play called
Beautiful Thing
, in which one of the characters was obsessed with Mama Cass – and so my own little obsession started.

‘Bubble Wrap’ – McFly

I could actually add a whole heap of McFly songs here … in fact, this whole list could be comprised of songs that my talented husband has penned.
All About You
Love is Easy
… What geniuses those guys are! This song is just beautiful, though, and I love the idea of bubble-wrapping your fragile heart.

‘My Way’ – Frank Sinatra

This song reminds me of going over to my Aunty Ann’s house and taking it in turns to go on the karaoke machine. When this song came on everyone would gather round and there’d be high-kicks galore.

‘I Want You (She’s so Heavy)’ – The Beatles

I know, I know – with so much choice from the world’s most iconic band, why on earth have I gone for this one? Well, I became a bit obsessed with it at one point and would happily listen to it over and over again. It’s mean, moody and a tad sexy.

‘‘Til There Was You’ – The Beatles

Well, it’s hardly surprising that I’ve got two songs from this band on the list – I couldn’t resist. This is a flipping awesome song about the world coming alive when falling in love – so romantic and very catchy.

‘Smile’ – Charlie Chapman

If you read the lyrics to this song you’ll see that it’s fairly tragic and haunting with its ‘grin and bear it’ attitude – but, I love singing this one.

‘Moonriver’ – Audrey Hepburn

There’s something terribly melancholic, yet hopeful about this song, and that’s why I love it. Plus Audrey sings it so beautifully in
Breakfast at Tiffany’s

‘Feeling Good’ – Nina Simone

There are so many versions of this song, but Nina’s is simply the best with her soulful rendition.

‘Easy’ – The Commodores

This is the first song I ever slow danced to with my husband and it was subsequently the first song at our wedding. It’s actually about giving up and leaving the one you love, but it took on a different meaning for us. Thankfully.

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