Read You're the One Online

Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #love, #friendship, #pets, #family, #laughter, #sexual desire, #contemporary romance, #small town romance, #australian romance, #sexual intimacy

You're the One (17 page)

BOOK: You're the One
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She jolted
beneath him, grabbing his shoulders. “Oh God, Moz! Please!”

He wanted his
name on her lips, wanted to swallow her cries, take them deep
inside himself, feel her passion. He claimed her lips once more,
slid his tongue deep, swept the honeyed cavern, met her hot kiss
for hot kiss.

Her sheath was
tight, internal muscles squeezing his finger as he thrust it in and
out of her while rubbing the little clitoris with his thumb.

She twisted
wildly beneath him, almost sobbing, knees bending, bare foot
running along his calf.

He could feel
the burn in his sac, the coiling of hot desire, the straining of
his shaft to be deep inside all that tight, wet heat.

Normally he’d
have donned a condom without a second thought, done it
automatically, but it was only with effort that his conscious
reared itself enough to make him remember. Divine intervention? Who
knew, and he cared less. Poised on one hand and his knees, he
wrenched the wallet from his back pocket, flipping it open to tear
the condom from it. Within seconds he fisted it over his shaft, a
drop of seed already coming from the slit, catching it safely in
the condom as he lowered himself to her.


Del looked up
at him, eyes burning with an inner fire, pupils dilated until only
a thin rim of pale blue showed. Her lips were swollen and red from
his kisses, cheeks flushed, her blonde hair in the long plait a
little disarrayed from his fingers. Lying beneath him, slim curves
at his mercy, she looked wanton, hedonistic, an erotic fantasy come
to life.

God, he wanted
her so badly, burned for her so fiercely. Wanted to watch her as he
entered, took her, buried deep.

Keeping their
gazes locked, he reached between them, fisted his shaft, eased the
tip between the sheltering labia, rubbing it along her clitoris,
playing the tip around the little nub, torturing them both.

Her eyes
burned hotter, lips parting, her hands reaching up to grip his
upper arms, nails biting deliciously into his bunched biceps and

“Moz…” His
name a hot hiss, her eyes darkening as he bumped the entrance to
her body.

Gaze burning
into hers, he nudged forward, slipping past the tight entrance bit
by bit, rocking, unable to believe how small she was, how tight.
How hot.

On a moan she
bent her knees, clamping them against his sides before falling open
to expose herself more.

Still so
tight. So bloody, decadently tight.

He was big,
thick, long, knew it, knew he was going to tunnel so deep within
her. So very deep.

Still watching
her, reading the expressions of combined wonder, hunger, passion
and slight uncertainty in her eyes. Did she wonder if he’d fit?
He’d make sure he did.

Flexing his
hips he pushed deeper, reaching up to catch her hands as he did so,
pinning them each side of her head, holding her prisoner for their
mutual pleasure, controlling her as he controlled the push that
allowed him to invade her body.

Deeper, a
deliberate but forceful slide that had her sheath slowly engulfing
his shaft in a grip like a tight, wet fist, making him use careful
force to part the clasping walls of the silken tunnel.

Del gasped,
hips trying to push upwards, body arching, but she showed no signs
of pain, no signs of distress. He felt the resistance of her hands,
felt her try to twist them free, but he waylaid her movements
easily, twining their fingers together, feeling her squeeze his
hands as a moan of pure ecstasy slipped from her parted lips right
before she bit her bottom lip in wanton hunger, eyes closing, thick
lashes covering the brightness, hiding from him.

She couldn’t
hide her body’s response, though, the shiver that went through her
sheath, the way her hips tried to lift beneath him, the feel of her
trapped by his stronger body.

The knowledge
that he controlled her body was almost his undoing.


His shaft
burned, his blood thick, his sac drawing tight, but he kept
control, gloried in the sensation of her tightness wrapped around
his shaft, the opening of her body to his relentless invasion.

He sank in
deep until he could go no further.

In that
instant as he stilled above her, she opened her eyes and looked
directly up into his. The carnal passion in her eyes had his hips
jerking, a short, sharp thrust that had them both gasping.

Moz almost
spilled himself. Again another almost, again he wrenched control

Did a slow
draw back, heard her breath hiss from her even as his nerves
twisted at the base of his spine at the sensation of pulling out of
the clasping sheath.

Just before he
slipped free of her body, he slid back in, slow and deep, repeating
the motion, feeling her writhe beneath him, watching her lose her
inhibitions as she jerked in his hold, hands pushing against his in
a desperate bid for freedom which he denied with dark

Another slow
slide out, torturing himself, taking pleasure from the fire dancing
below his skin, snapping at his nerves, stringing the desire darkly
between his sac and shaft.

He shifted
angle, rubbed against her, nudged the wall of her sheath, changed
angle again - and there it was. Her sweet spot. Another nudge and
she started to come apart beneath him, neck arching, head back,
mouth open in a soundless moan as he thrust hard suddenly, nailing
that erogenous zone, nailing it again before nudging the tip of his
shaft against it and simply pushing in hard little rocks of his

She tore
apart, the orgasm ripping through her almost violently.

The walls of
her sheath clamped down on him and he rode her through it, shoving
hard through the trembling sheath, loving the feel of the orgasm
running through her to shiver through him, riding her ruthlessly,
fast, hips flexing powerfully as he drove into her.

Releasing one
of her hands he reached down to clamp a big-handed hold on her hip,
holding her in place as he pounded into her with rising ferocity,
finding his own rising pleasure now that he’d seen to hers, riding
the wave of her orgasm as he found a hard, punishing rhythm, taking
pleasure in her body, in her curves, in the scent of her, her
whimpers a dark music to his ears, the undulating of her body a
prurience that fed his lust to a dark, carnal ardour that climbed
ever higher.

Hips thrusting
he shoved deep, hard, plundering her body as he dipped his head,
catching her mouth, kissing her almost harshly, swallowing her

She kissed him
back with heated passion, pushing up onto one elbow as he braced
his free hand on the floor beside her, slim legs lifting to wrap
around his waist, his sac now tapping against her perineum with
every hard thrust.

The erotic
tide swelled inside him, fire pouring through his loins, seed
boiling up hot and fast, ardour bursting in silver lights behind
his eyes as his climax blew up high, dragging his seed from him
with relentless fury, blowing through his shaft, erupting as the
orgasm overtook him, hips straining, pounding, jerking, raking
claws of devouring hunger scouring him in a ravenous inferno that
tore him apart in a million shattering crystals.



Chapter 6


Oh God, she
felt like she had no bones. Her body was limp, sated, exhausted.
Hummed deliciously. The weight of the big body resting on hers was
a welcome heat for the tremors that still shivered through her. The
power in the muscles she could feel against her provided a feeling
of safety, of protection, and she let herself float in the
aftermath of the stormy lovemaking.

The massive
chest pressed against her breasts moved with breaths as ragged as
her own. His breaths were uneven puffs of moist heat against her
ear. His back beneath her palms was lightly sheened in

Looked like
Moz was just as shattered as her. Good to know.

A glance
beneath lowered lashes showed the powerful bulge of his biceps and
shoulders as some of his weight was taken on one forearm resting on
the floor. His ponytail spilled over his shoulder to tickle her
nose, the faint scent of apple shampoo drifting from it.


As her breaths
grew steadier, she slowly opened her eyes. Holy crap, the bloke was
big. Standing he was more than impressive, lying on top of her,
well, heck, she had a fine view of the bulging of his arm muscles
and - she lifted her head as much as she was able to manage to
squint down the line of his back - a mighty fine pair of muscled
arse cheeks. Not much more she could see, not with the big behemoth
on top of her.

She let it sink in slowly. Holy heck, Moz Baylon had just made love
to her. She’d just had sex with Moz Baylon. Sex. Made love. Been
intimate. He’d been so deep inside her that she wondered if she
even had a cervix left.

An internal
flex, a second of thought, a second of waiting. Nothing. No
soreness. No remembered soreness of cervical bumping. So no
cervical bumping. Go figure. It was a miracle.

didn’t bear thinking about anyway

She shifted a
leg slightly. The floor really wasn’t that comfortable once the
afterglow of hot sex started to fade.

Moz stirred,
lifting his head to gaze down at her soberly.

Oh boy.

All thoughts
of discomfort vanished when she looked up into those dark brown
eyes that still had the shade of hot, decadent chocolate. Oh man.
She could feel him stir deep inside her. Oh boy. Oh man. Holy heck,
they’d just had hot sex and the man still had a hint of arousal in
his eyes. Not to mention his shaft, going by the feel of it inside

“Del?” Voice
sexily husky, yet he studied her in concern. “Are you all

Okay, now that
he’d spoken...oh boy. They’d had
. He was still

Their position
hit her with full clarity, every dreamy haze ripped away. Her eyes
widened. “Uh oh.”

His head
cocked to one side. “Del?”

. “Ah…” When he just continued to watch her with no hint of
discomfort, she swallowed, grappling for something to say.
Anything. “I think I need a drink.” Oh, that was smooth. Her cheeks

He stared at
her unblinkingly for several seconds. “A drink?”

Now that she thought abut it, maybe a really strong drink. She
wasn’t sure where to look, glancing around before looking back up
at him. Cripes, he was still
her, above her, those
long, strong legs between hers, the material of his jeans rough
against the inside of her thighs. Her mouth suddenly felt a lot
drier. “Definitely.”

His eyes
softened, voice warming. “Del?”

“Ah…” She
glanced away. “I…um…I need to get up.”

Big hands
framed her cheeks. “Look at me.”

Like she had a
choice? She peeked up at him. Oh boy, he was smiling now, a really
gentle smile.

“It’s all
right, baby.”

She sure hoped
so, but… “I’m not really comfortable talking abut this while lying
on the floor.” Then she nearly swallowed her tongue as he flexed
his hips, shifted deep inside her, sparking off little flares she’d
thought were extinguished.

Well, hey,
apparently not. Her breath caught.

Before she
could comprehend much more, the sensation of his shaft sliding from
her caused a delicious shiver, Moz dipped his head, kissed her
lightly on the lips, slid an arm beneath her and with a powerful
surge of muscle pushed to his feet bringing her with him

The unexpected
motion of being upright so quickly made her head swim, had her
clinging to him, pressing close against that big, warm body as he
cradled her securely.

“All right?”
The words were a low, sexy rumble against her ear.

Now that they
were standing, they were no longer face-to-face, but rather
face-to-chest. Focussing on said chest, she noticed he still wore
his t-shirt while her breasts were naked and happily pressed
against his hard abdomen. She swore she could feel every ripple of

“Sure,” she

A low, husky
laugh and she was being eased back. “I’ll go clean up.”

The sudden
coolness between them made her aware of her nakedness - the bottom
half of her anyway, for her tank top had slid down to cover her
boobs. Glancing around, she spotted her shorts lying nearby. A
quick lunge and she snatched them up, bunching them in front of
her. Oh look, her panties were lying on the floor, too, their icy
blue colour taunting her.

flamed her cheeks. Holy heck, this wasn’t her, she didn’t do this
kind of thing.

A big hand
cupped her chin, tilted her head back so she was gazing up at

Yep, his smile
was still gentle. “I’ll be back in a minute.” Dropping a kiss on
her forehead, he straightened and walked away.

At least he
had jeans he could pull up, even if he wasn’t in them properly, his
fly open because he had his…well, he had to clean up first,

As soon as he
was out the doorway, Del yanked her panties and shorts on,
refastened her bra and yanked the tank top down. Oh boy, her nether
regions still tingled, felt a little heavy, a little full, a little
empty all at once.

A tiny meow
brought her attention to the sofa where Missy regarded her with
bright eyes.

“Damn, I don’t
think you should have seen all that.” She scooped the kitten up
into her arms, kissing her between the ears. “Cripes, this has
probably damaged you for life. Do not tell Mum and Dad what
happened when you go there tomorrow, okay?”

Geez, if her
parents found out… Okay, she was an adult, made her own decisions,
but still, it was her
. It was kind of like everyone
knew parents didn’t have sex, just as parents knew their kids
didn’t. It was some kind of unwritten law.

BOOK: You're the One
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