Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology (5 page)

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Authors: Nicolas David Ngan

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Numerology

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your soul, the part embodied within you and from your spirit, the

higher dimensional part of you that you are connected to, but that

is not embodied. This takes a considerable amount of work, but is

well worthwhile and is the true key to living a fulfilled life here on

Earth. Up to crossing the point of soul integration, you are very

much at the mercy of your ego patterns. as you move into the soul

integration phase, it becomes so much easier to feel and follow

what we call the Spiritual Signature. It is defined as the feeling

in your body, especially in your heart, of what is the right action

to undertake next. This feeling, especially when your heart opens,

comes from your soul which is using this to guide you into align-

ment with your soul Destiny. The more you develop your ability to

feel, surrender into and trust your spiritual signature, the more

gracefully and easily your life will flow. The reason life is hard

for most people is because they are not following their spiritual




For some people, their perception of karma is that it is a uni-

versal absolute, something that they are stuck with for what seems

like an eternity, to be lived out over many lifetimes. They feel they

must work through it, process it and heal it. When your soul is out

of a physical body, it has no karma, and never did. Everything that

your soul has ever experienced while embodied in all of its different

lifetimes is stored in the Akashic Records on the higher dimen-

sions. in sanskrit, akasha means ‘sky’, ‘space’ or ‘aether’. They are

like a universal computer that continuously stores and updates

all knowledge of all embodied soul experience both human and

non-human throughout the Universe. They are the record of the

creator creating through each of us, so it can have access to this

experience. Call it Universal cosmic memory. The Akashic Records

contain the major themes your soul desires to experience over

many lifetimes. it is only when your soul chooses to incarnate that

it does pick up on these themes again. Your karma only ‘activates’

when you choose to incarnate. it is just a part of your soul’s pro-

gramming required in order to play the game of separation from

spirit. You have never done anything ‘wrong/bad’ (cause) at any

point of your soul’s existence to create it, in order to be subjected

to any karmic payback (effect) that you may perceive you are expe-

riencing. it is important to place the concept of karma into its

proper context: it is just another program, for then your ego mind

can start to drop the judgement and charge around it. When it

does this, it releases the ‘karmic’ programming to be transmuted

so much more easily.

Your ego is attached to suffering

The important thing to understand here is that your ego is pri-

marily programmed to stay attached to the suffering of the human

condition and to stay locked into the negative context of your soul

contract for your entire life. once you decode your soul contract,

the full extent of the negative context the soul has programmed

into your ego structure will become apparent. While this may feel



daunting initially, it does provide a great opportunity to take a good

look at the spiritual Map of your life that has just been revealed

to you. it is time to focus on what you truly desire and so break

the power of the spell of suffering the ego has held over you up

to this point in your life. Now that you realize that you have been

creating everything in your life, both the undesirable and desir-

able elements, you can at last take full charge of what happens

next by owning all of it. The ego places its primary focus on all the

undesirable things in your life that you wish would go away, but

for some unknown reason do not. This is because of the enormous

judgement the ego has placed upon them and the associated bad

feelings that go with it. it is important to accept all things in your

life exactly as they are, to let go of the judgement and bad feelings.

For it is only then that you can start to release the hold they have

on you. Then you can start to manifest the life you do desire based

on focusing on the things you do want to turn up for you rather

than the things you don’t.

why you are reading this book

Your life is one great question/puzzle, with many sub-questions

waiting to be addressed. initially, you may feel you don’t know the

answers, but as everything is the one great spirit/all That is/god,

for every question there is always a matching answer as one cannot

exist without the other, just like a wave with its peaks and troughs.

You just need to be open to the answers that come to you.

You have clearly been asking questions about your life,

because somehow your soul manifested this book to be in your

hands. it wants you to discover something important which is

perfect for you to know right now. There are no accidents in life.

This is a moment of synchronicity for you as the truth of your life

is revealed in these pages. start to pick up the tools that the soul

contract work hands you to navigate the negative context of your

life much more easily. These tools will enable you to overcome the



challenges you face more easily, help you manifest your dreams

and align you much more to your soul Destiny/life Purpose. This

is how you can create a much more fulfilling life.

The Soul Contract decoding process

let us begin the process of decoding your soul contract. We will

work with the symbol of the star of David (Fig 1). This consists

of two large triangles. The downward-pointing one represents the

physical side of life. We spend the first five cycles of seven years

(35 years in total), which is where the seven-year-itch idea comes

from, learning to embody and ground here on Earth through

gaining conditioned responses as a baby, education, relationships,

establishing a career, setting up a home – basically getting up and

running. Because of the acceleration of the raising of human con-

sciousness that is occurring now, this process has been greatly

accelerated, and people are awakening and moving through this

initial physical triangle much faster and at a much younger age.

The large upward-pointing triangle represents the spiritual

side of life, the real purpose of why the soul has incarnated in the

first place. It contains the aspects of the Soul Contract the soul

wishes to deliver as part of its service here on Earth. We generally

start the transition from the large downward-pointing physical

triangle to the large upward-pointing spiritual triangle around the

6th cycle of seven years, between the ages of 35–42 years. some

call this the midlife crisis. This is where everything in your life may

turn upside down. You question all your values and start to seek

the real meaning and purpose of your life, and nothing is going

to stop you from manifesting that purpose. some people change

careers, relationships, location and even countries in this search

for the deeper purpose they came to Earth to manifest. once you

are in the 7th cycle of life, from 42 years onward you will feel a

strong drive to really get on with life, to fully manifest that life




6. Spiritual Goals

5. Physical Goals

1. Physical Karma

Soul Destiny

4. Spiritual Talents

2. Spiritual Karma

3. Physical Talents

Figure 1: Star of David

However, the spiritual triangle aspects can only be delivered if a

firm physical foundation with the large downward-pointing trian-

gle has been established as they will build upon this foundation.

also, the degree of groundedness of the spiritual triangle will

determine how well other people can relate to the spiritual gifts

that your soul is attempting to deliver onto the Earth plane.

Within the large physical triangle there are three aspects that

reside at the points of the triangle. These are Physical Karma,

Talents and goals. By Physical Karma we mean a selection of unre-

solved past life issues the soul has brought into this lifetime to

create the negative context in your life. You are to become con-

scious of these, take ownership of them and transform them into

the positive qualities, gifts of service or gold you are to bring to the

physical part of your life.

By Physical Talents we mean the set of latent abilities within

your ego personality that are to be brought up into conscious-

ness and honed by working through the physical karmic issues

that are activated from the moment you were born. as the physi-

cal talent energies flow into your physical karmic aspect, their

ability to overcome these karmic issues depends upon on their



relative power and quality versus the karmic issues. By quality we

mean, for example, if your physical karmic issue were to learn to

become grounded, the quality of a grounded energy in Physical

Talents would be helpful. However, if there was an etheric energy

in the Physical Talents position, then this would be of little help in

grounding as it is the opposite to being grounded.

as the Physical Talents get stronger through time by working

through the physical karmic issues, they allow you to start

working towards manifesting your Physical goals. These are like

the dreams you have for your life, the underlying drive within you

that gets you out of bed in the morning – in short, what you really

live for. again, as for the physical karmic issue, the ability of the

Physical Talents to help you manifest more of your Physical goals

depends on their relative power and quality.

All of the above applies to the flow of energy between the

spiritual Karma, talents and goals of the large upward-pointing

spiritual triangle as well, but with a more spiritual orientation.

The six aspects of the star of David run simultaneously. it is

just a matter of where your soul is placing its emphasis as you pro-

gress through life. initially, you grow through the physical aspects,

then move on to the spiritual aspects. The talents act as a fulcrum

or pivotal point to help you move from the karmic experiences

towards the goals and determine whether there is enough power

to overcome the karma and achieve the goals.

The sum total of all six aspects of the physical and spiritual

triangles produces the soul Destiny or life Purpose – the meaning

of your life, why you came to Earth in the first place – that sits in

the middle of the star of David. This is the answer to the big ques-

tion you have been asking yourself at some level of your being for

your entire life.

The fundamental premise of the soul contract work is that

in Hebrew, numbers and letters have the same sound and same

written symbol. This is what significantly differentiates this work

from other forms of numerology that allocate numbers to the 26

letters of the English alphabet.

Each letter of the English alphabet has a corresponding



phonetic sound that matches it within the ancient Hebrew alpha-

bet as well as an integral corresponding number. We use 22 of the

Hebrew letters within the soul contract work, which represent

the numbers 1 to 22.

The decoding of your soul contract begins with:

1. The conversion of your birth certificate name, exactly in the

order the words are written in, into the equivalent Hebrew

phonetic sounds. in some non-English names, the surname

comes first and is then followed by the first and middle names.

2. out of these we can extract the Hebrew numbers.

3. We allocate this linear sequence of numbers, commencing

from the physical karmic aspect, around the star of David in a

clockwise, expanding spiral until we run out of numbers.

4. in each of the six aspects comprising the star of David we

calculate the sum of the numbers. This number needs to be

within the range 1 to 22 as we only have 22 Hebrew letter/

numbers available for interpreting your soul contract. if the

sum is greater than 22, we reduce the number to the first pos-

sible number between 1 and 22: for example, if the total of the

numbers in a given aspect is 58, which is greater than 22, then

this is simply reduced by going 5 + 8 = 13.

5. There needs to be a pair of numerical vibrations in each of

the six aspects of the chart. Here we have the 13 as the first

vibration. in order to calculate the other vibration, we reduce

the 13 to the smallest possible number by going 1 + 3 = 4. This

produces the numerical vibrational pair of 13-4, which should

be read as 13 dash 4, not 13 minus 4.

6. This pair of numbers represents the entire range of expe-

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