Your Princess is in Another Castle (23 page)

BOOK: Your Princess is in Another Castle
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“It’s not that I’m uncomfortable with tha
t.  Well, I mean, I wouldn’t be comfortable doing that, but that’s not why I don’t want you to, I mean, touching you like I have been, kissing you, fondling you, it’s not that that’s enough for me.  It’s that that’s all I want.”

“It’s okay to want to have sex,” says Christine.  “I
t’s okay to have sex.  And it’s okay to have it with me.”  She takes my hand.  “But we don’t have to.  Not at all or not just yet.  But I have an idea.  Let’s get under the covers.”

Christine and I
lay in bed together the way couples do after making love, or at least how they do so on TV and in movies.  She is snuggled up on my shoulder and I have my arm around her.  I still have on all my clothes and she has yet to remove her underwear.  

“So tell me how
you first met Jessica,” says Christine.  She does not sound bored at all, nor does she seem frustrated with having yet to claim my innocence.  A close encounter with Christine of the first kind would be simply seeing her nude, while the second kind would be physical contact with her nude body, and an encounter of the third kind would be actual intercourse.  I wonder if Christine’s established an average amount of time it takes for her to wear down a virgin’s defenses and have him.  I wonder how I’d compare with the average.  I consider asking her this but don’t, for any question regarding Jessica must take precedence.

“It was actual
ly do to uncharacteristic initiative on my part,” I say.  “I was in a gen ed course I’d put off taking for some time.  Jessica was taking the course too, and I’d had a little crush on her for awhile but hadn’t actually talked to her.  It was one of those courses everyone had to take so it was very crowded and Jessica sat over on the other side of the room.

One day we were assigned a small project to do with a partner.  I partnered up with someone I vaguely knew from another course.  But at the end of class that day I stayed after because I had to ask the instructor something, I don’t remember what.  Jessica was also waiting to ask him something.  I let Jessica go first.  She tells the professor she doesn’t have a partner yet.  Then I lie and say I don’t either and that we can go ahead and be partners, and I tell the professor that’s what I was waiting to say.  Jessica says okay we’ll be partners and introduces herself.  So the next class session I give some excuse to the guy I was partnered with about how I’m going to go ahead and work with Jessica.  So he finds another partner somehow.

Then Jessica and I met up a few times on campus to work on the project and I really enjoyed being with her.  I made her laugh a lot.  She has one of those laughs that you always want to hear, that no matter how serious a situation you might be in, you’d want to make her laugh just so you could hear it.  And she’s always smiling.  Always.  You don’t have to make her do that.  She just does. 

We got along well enough that when the project came to an end I actually asked her out.  That’s not easy for me to do, to ask a girl out in person.  But I liked her enough that I was able to.  Jessica said she already had a boyfriend, but that we could hang out.  So we started doing that.  Her relationship didn’t last and I tried to give her some time to get over it, but before I knew it she had taken him back and even gotten engaged to him.  His name is Scott.  He’s become Jessica’s perpetual on again/off again boyfriend/fiancé as well as my own arch-nemesis.”     

“I hate him already,” says Christine.  “Scott’s t
he name of my ex-husband.  He’s an asshole.”

smile and kiss both of Christine’s breasts immediately after she finishes speaking.  To have encountered a woman who’s truly ridden herself for all-time of one of the Scott Squadron is satisfying indeed.  “All the guys named Scott are,” I say.  There are exceptions of course, like Scott Summers and Montgomery Scott.  While a real-life example does not immediately spring to mind, perhaps one or two exist in the dark recesses of the world.

Christine rolls on top of me and kisses my forehead.
  “You like boobs, don’t ya?”

“Yes,” I admit.  I place my hands on hers again.
  “But I’ve always thought that was a rather vulgar word to call them.”

laughs.  “You know, ever since I started in this industry I’ve always been pressured to get a boob job.  Do you think I should?” 

I like yours the way they are.  Natural ones are much softer and more touchable than implants.”  This is true of Christine’s breasts compared to Montana Wild’s.

I guess I’ll keep them real for the time being.  Now, you said your love for Jessica was preventing you from being with someone else.  So tell me about this other girl.  And keep playing with my breasts while you do.”

“Her name is Sabrina and
she works in a store I frequent.  I think she likes me. And I like her, too.  But she isn’t the girl that I’m in love with.  There was also another girl named Samantha who I won a date with at a bachelorette auction, but I sort of stood her up.”

Christine grabs both of my w
rists and pulls my hands off her breasts.  “That wasn’t very nice of you.  Don’t you know that’s one of the worst things you can do to a girl?”  She covers her breasts with her arms and glares at me.

“I know.  It hurts to be stood up.  I
t happened to me recently.  Just some girl I met online.  I didn’t really expect anything to come of it.  But Samantha and I had some things in common and that made me afraid of what would happen if it worked out.  I have a lot in common with Sabrina, too.”

Christine lies back down next to me. 
“You need to tell Jessica how you feel. You’re just torturing yourself by not doing so.  If confessing makes her see you as more than a friend, then you’ll get what you’ve always wanted.  If she just wants to stay friends you’ll have at least freed yourself so you can be with the Samanthas and Sabrinas of the world.  Not to mention you’ll be able to start taking up offers made by cutie pi’s like me.  I think that’s what’s holding you back.  You only want to be with Jessica.”

No, I don’t really think about having sex with Jessica.  Just what it would be like to carry her to the bed beforehand.  And to hold her afterwards.  I don’t care about what happens in between.”

“But you’ve watched and enjoyed my scenes
before, right?”


“So what are you afraid of seeing now?  My flower doesn’t look any different in person than it does on camera.”

“You’re very
beautiful,” I say after a long pause.  “But what I’m seeing of you now is as much as I want to see.  So stay with me tonight.  Just stay and lay with me.  If you do I promise that as soon as I hear that Jessica and Scott have failed again I’ll tell Jessica how I really feel about her.”

“We can spend the night together,” says
Christine as she takes my hand and lays her head on my shoulder.  “And while I don’t mind having sex with strangers, if we’re going to snuggle all night I think I should know your real name.  Mine’s Cameron.”


I’m sitting at the bar alone sipping a Coke after spending the night with Christine. She woke up first, remaining in my arms until I awoke fifteen minutes or so after she did. After saying good morning she invited me to take a shower with her, an offer I respectfully declined.  After I’d gotten ready to leave, Christine joined me at the bar until a client entered and requested her services.  She hugged me and bid me luck, inviting me to send her an email letting her know what ultimately happens with Jessica.  As it was still early morning when Christine’s next client arrived, I asked the bartender what time the Ranch opens in the morning.  He informed me that it has been open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week since the day it first opened its doors in 1955.           

suddenly takes the seat to my right.  “First,” he says, “I started off just giving Rebecca a simple foot massage.  It got her nice and relaxed.  If you’re ever giving a girl one man, don’t make the classic rookie mistake and ignore the toes.  Don’t do that, man.  Rub each and every one of her toes in addition to her soles.  And I’m not just saying that because I get off on it, okay?  Women like having their toes rubbed, too.  And I finished the massage by giving Rebecca one kiss on each sole.

“Then I figured what the hell, I may as well give
her a full pedicure.  I didn’t really know how to do that to completion, but Rebecca walked me through it.  We agreed on a nice color, red, like her hair.  It looks good on her.  Now, I’d considered offering to give a few girlfriends pedicures in the past but never did because I thought it might set off their foot fetish alarms.  But Rebecca’s a whore.  And I’m not using the word pejoratively, but respectfully. This is a brothel, after all.  Hey, I guess that makes me a John.  Awesome.

Anyway, I offer to give Rebecca a pedicure.  She says sure, sure you can give me a pedicure.  She says it’d be nice and that it would sure beat anal for a change.  Now she’s just kidding around with me, see?  She doesn’t really equate foot fetishism with kinky stuff like anal.  She’s just giving me a good-natured chiding, you know girlfriend like, see?  So I give her the pedicure. 

Then, I blow on her toes to dry them.  Now I need to be sure that they’re completely dry because my next move of course is going to be getting those digits into my mouth one at a time so I can suck on them.  See, I’m not the kind of guy who just goes and tries to shove a girl’s entire foot into my mouth all at once.  No, I dish them out into portions like a gentleman.  So I suck on all ten of her toes and mix it up a little bit with some sole kissing. 

I then decide to transition into actual sex.  We just skip the oral.  None for me. None for her.  Don’t want it.  Don’t need it.  Now, this being a once in a lifetime opportunity to truly enjoy my fetish with impunity, I decide every position that we do is going to involve toe sucking.  So no doggystyle.  Doggystyle’s right out the door.  Just call me a Quaker.  They’re the ones who don’t like doggystyle, right?  So we begin with some reverse cowgirl.  It’s a little awkward but I manage to work her toes into my mouth.  We cap things off with me on top and her legs pressed against my chest so her feet are resting on my shoulders. 

“And I’m sorry
man, but in all my zeal for her feet I don’t think I even looked at Rebecca’s breasts let alone touched them.  Now for me sex is cyclical, you should end where you begin, so our afterplay consisted of me giving her another foot massage.  The perfect bookends to perfect sex.” 

Chris knocks on
the bar with his first.  “Barkeep!  A beer, please.”  Chris looks at me and appears to have truly noticed me for the first time.  Had I not been here he would have regaled his tale to the bartender.  Had the bartender not been here, he would have dialed a random number on his cell phone to tell a stranger of his indulgence in his podiatric passions.  “So how was yours, man?” he asks. 

“Good,” I say. 

“You do her?”

We talked.”

“I didn’t think you were going to.  But that’s o
kay, because I trust in Jimmy’s prophesying abilities.  He scored a kitsune, I got to freely indulge in my foot-lust like never before and without a hint of judgment, and Seth got twins.  So whatever it is you got from your girl, I know it was what you needed.  Who’d you pick, anyway?”

“The blonde in the cutie pi shirt and jean shorts.  Christine Dayspring.”

“Isn’t Christine Dayspring a pornstar?”


“Yeah, I know her.  Unremarkable feet. Not bad mind you, just nothing exceptional.  So you’ve got a quite a claim to fame, man.  You walked away from Christine Dayspring and the Moonlite Bunny Ranch both and remained a virgin.  I don’t know if that merits fame or infamy.  But I’m glad she gave you some insight.  What’d you talk about?”

“We talked about
my situation with Jessica.  Christine convinced me that I should tell Jessica how I really feel about her and get some closure on the issue no matter how Jessica may respond.”

That’s good.  I just hope you follow through.  So, are you glad you came after all?”

“Yeah, actually.  I got more
joy from Christine Dayspring than Genji: Days of the Blade would have given me.  It’s nice having someone fall asleep next to you.  And to wake up next to.”

“You definitely went for the girlfriend experience
then, man.” 

Chris and I turn to discussing whether or not an
y of the Gaia Guys have come to regret their decision not to come to the Ranch when Jimmy takes the seat next to Chris. 

“After so many Felicias, I have at long last experi
enced sex with a kitsune,” says Jimmy.  “I feel satisfied.  No guilt or longing for more this time.  As intense as it was, it always remained business between Jaclyn and I.  She was a true professional.  She let me morph her into what I wanted and made no comments at all regarding any perceived level of deviance she may have had regarding my special requests.  Nor did she make any false claims of feeling excited to go beyond the sphere of typical sexual scenarios.  

Now at first Jaclyn was big on the talking.  The usual stuff, a lot of
oh baby
oh god
, but I put stop to that.  Because it just makes it all too human that way.  A little snarling, a little growling, a little panting, maybe even a little clawing, that’s fine, but no need to actually be enunciating your feelings of pleasure.  In finalizing my furry fantasy I even had her sleep with her head on my chest, just as a beloved pet would lay over her master.  So tell me, how were your experiences?”

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