Your Miracle Is In Your Mouth (6 page)

BOOK: Your Miracle Is In Your Mouth
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So if God the Son cut the covenant with God the Father, then the blessings are guaranteed because the covenant does not depend on man’s performance! That’s why it is not a covenant based on works, but an unconditional covenant based on God’s grace.

Today, you and I don’t die despite our complaints against God. Instead of death, we experience spiritual refreshment and blessings flowing towards us! Do you know why? The first reason is that God remembers His unconditional covenant of grace with Abraham. We are sons of Abraham through faith and those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham. (Galatians 3:7–9)

The second reason is that Jesus was smitten at the cross. The new covenant of grace cut at Calvary was also between God the Father and God the Son, who was representing man. So like Abraham, we have no part to play in this covenant. If there is anything for us to do, it is simply to believe and receive the blessings of the covenant! That’s the way God wants it. And the blessings are always flowing for us because the covenant was cut between two persons who can never fail!

Our Mistakes Cannot Stop God’s Grace

Both the Abrahamic covenant and the new covenant are based on God’s grace. This means that we receive all the promises and blessings of the covenants by grace through faith. We don’t receive them based on our works, obedience or performance.

That is really great news, especially because it means that our mistakes cannot stop God from blessing us! For instance, if you attend a church service and the preacher says something wrong or does the wrong thing, God can still bless the congregation because the preacher’s mistakes cannot quench God’s grace.

People who don’t understand this truth tend to attend or skip church depending on who is preaching. They try to find out who is preaching the next Sunday, and if they don’t like the preacher or they don’t think he is “anointed” enough, they’ll give him a miss.

Now, I am not against people wanting to sit under an anointed ministry. But if God can use Balaam’s donkey, He can use any preacher! Even if the preacher messes up and preaches wrong doctrines, God can still bless the congregation because God’s grace is greater than the preacher’s mistakes. But please understand that I am not encouraging preachers to preach wrong doctrines.

Moses was one such “preacher”. Instead of using Aaron’s rod of grace and speaking to the rock as God had instructed, he shouted at the people, called them rebels and hit the rock twice with his own rod of judgment. Yet, water flowed out of the rock in abundance for the people and their animals to drink.

In that moment, Moses misrepresented God. His message to the people was not of God. To the people listening to Moses, they would have felt that God was angry with them when, in actual fact, God wanted to show Himself gracious. And yet the people were blessed.

I have sat in church services where the preacher’s message was entirely anti-grace. And yet, at the end of these services, sinners still responded to receive Jesus. So just because the results are great, it doesn’t mean that the message is of God.

Do you know why people still get saved, healed and delivered, despite the preacher’s mistakes? It’s because God is gracious. God loves His people. And He blesses them based on His grace, not on the preacher’s actions, message or performance.

God’s Grace Towards Moses — He Eventually Entered The Promised Land

Some of you may point out to me, “But Pastor Prince, what about Moses? God wasn’t gracious to him because God didn’t allow him to go into the promised land.” It’s true that Moses could not enter the promised land because he misrepresented God. God said to him,
“Because you did not believe Me, to hallow Me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them.”
(Numbers 20:12) Later, he asked God again if he could cross over to the promised land. But God replied,
“Speak no more to Me of this matter.”
(Deuteronomy 3:26) Then, God showed him the promised land from the top of Mount Pisgah.

Moses must have been heartbroken! He saw the promised land and he later saw his people going in, but he himself had to stay behind. It may seem like God was hard on Moses, but if you think about it, Moses did eventually enter the promised land. In Matthew 17:1–3, we see that Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus on a high mountain. There, Jesus was transfigured before them.

The Bible says that Jesus’ clothes became dazzling white, like no other white on earth. His face shone like the sun. At the same time, Moses and Elijah appeared and talked with Jesus. Now, isn’t it better for Moses to enter the promised land with Jesus and Elijah than with the grumbling children of Israel? Isn’t God gracious?

Even When You Make Mistakes, God Is Still Gracious

Some of you reading this book are leaders in your church. I want you to remember this: Even when you make mistakes, God is still gracious. Not only will He still meet the needs of your flock, He will also meet your own needs and desires! God loves you as much as He loves the lambs He has instructed you to feed.

There is no need to get discouraged. God will not fall off His throne in surprise just because you stumbled and fell! He already knows all about your weaknesses and He loves you in spite of them. Think about it: If He was gracious to the many sinners who came to His Son for healing when He walked on earth, how much more will He be gracious to you who are in Christ today!

So every morning, when you wake up, be conscious of God’s grace for you. Be conscious of His love for you. See Him as a loving Father smiling at you and wanting to bless you. And if you have a need, don’t worry and grumble about it. Jesus has made it so easy for you to receive what you need. There is no need to hit the Rock again. Just speak to the Rock — and the waters will flow!

Jesus Is The High Priest Of Our Confession

Likewise, talk to your High Priest and the waters will flow. The Bible says in Hebrews 3:1 that He is the High Priest of our confession. Confession is what comes out of our mouths. It’s so important to make sure your confession is true and correct, and that it lines up with the Word of God.

Whenever you believe and confess the truth, the Holy Spirit bears witness with it.

Proverbs 18:21 declares,
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”
Be careful what you say. If you say, “Jesus brought this sickness on me”, Christ is not a High Priest of that confession because His Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of truth. He only bears witness with the truth. But when you say, “By Your stripes I am healed!” the Holy Spirit bears witness with healing in your body because He is the Spirit of truth.

Whenever you believe and confess the truth, the Holy Spirit bears witness with it. Whenever you say, “God, I don’t understand what’s happening, but I know one thing for sure:You love me!” then something is going to happen. Why? Because the Holy Spirit is going to bear witness with that statement.

When you believe your confession, you start to experience your confession as well. Unfortunately, many people want to feel or experience their miracle first before they believe it. Jesus said in John 20:29,
“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
Many want to see, experience and feel a miracle before they’ll believe it. But then you don’t need faith! When you have faith and you believe the Word of the living God, you don’t need any sign or any feeling. You simply believe because God said so!

See Your Confession Come To Pass In Your Life

Once you have that attitude, the Holy Spirit will bear witness with the truth because He is the Spirit of truth. He is not blind. He is not deaf. He is in you. He sees you believing the truth. And He will bear witness with the truth. What will be the result? You will see your confession come to pass in your life!

Now, you may believe Isaiah 53:5 which says, “By His stripes we are healed!” But the devil may come to you and say, “Why do you now have this new disease?” and “How come you still have that sickness?” What should your response be? Continue to confess the Word of God over your life. Say to the devil, “It is written, ‘By His stripes I am healed!’”

Now, on the other hand, when you believe a lie, the Holy Spirit cannot do anything because He is the Spirit of truth. For instance, if you believe and confess, “Oh, God, I am still so sinful!” then the Holy Spirit will have to stand back and fold His arms. He cannot do anything because He is the Spirit of truth, and by saying that you are still sinful when Christ has put away your sins once and for all, you are speaking a lie!

Confession also applies when you get saved. When you declare, “Jesus, You are my Lord, my Saviour and my God now and forever”, the Holy Spirit bears witness with that statement and suddenly, it comes to pass — you are a new Christian! Romans 10:9 tells us:

that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved

So you are to say with your mouth and believe in your heart. It’s so easy to be saved because the Son did all the hard work on the cross.

My friend, Jesus took the rod of judgment upon Himself so that rivers of blessings will flow to us today. It flows to us because Jesus Christ has accomplished the work on the cross. It flows to us because He is risen today as our High Priest to make sure that what He died to give us, we get.

Because of these eternal truths, you can expect to be blessed, redeemed and healed in every area of your life! As you speak to your Rock, all the blessings you need will gush forth. It is so easy — your miracle is in your mouth!

Salvation Prayer

If you would like to receive all that Jesus has done for you and make Him your Lord and Saviour, please pray this prayer:

Lord Jesus, thank You for loving me and dying for me on the cross. Your precious blood washes me clean of every sin. You are my Lord and my Savior, now and forever. I believe that You rose from the dead and that You are alive today. Because of Your finished work, I am now a beloved child of God and heaven is my home. Thank You for giving me eternal life, and filling my heart with Your peace and joy. Amen


We Would Like To Hear From You

If you have prayed the salvation prayer, or if you have a testimony to share after reading this book, please send us an email at
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Destined To Reign

This pivotal and quintessential book on the grace of God will change your life forever! Join Joseph Prince as he unlocks critical foundational truths to understanding God’s grace and how it alone sets you free to experience victory over every adversity, lack and destructive habit that is limiting you today. Be uplifted and refreshed as you discover how reigning in life is all about Jesus and what He has already done for you. Get your copy today and start experiencing the success, wholeness and victory that you were destined to enjoy!


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This follow-up book to Destined To Reign is a must-read if you want to live out the dreams that God has birthed in your heart! Building on the foundational truths of God’s grace laid out in Destined To Reign, Unmerited Favor takes you into a deeper understanding of the gift of righteousness you have through the cross, and how it gives you a supernatural advantage to succeed in life. Packed with empowering new covenant truths, Unmerited Favor will set you free to soar above your challenges and lead an overcoming life as God’s beloved today.


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