Read Your Heart's Desire Online

Authors: Melody Carlson

Your Heart's Desire (16 page)

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She frowned, then slowly shook her head. “Well, I guess it doesn't matter since my job ends today anyway.” She started to stand.

“Wait a minute.” He held up his hands. “We're not done here.”

She sat back down and, feeling confused, she waited. “Yes?”

“Did you give Joe his baseball mitt yet?”

Feeling even more confused, she simply nodded. “Yes. For Valentine's Day. He was thrilled.”

“I'll bet.” He leaned forward. “Now, tell me, who do you think sent you the big Valentine's heart?”

“Well, for sure, it's not from Joe. He could never afford it. And I honestly have no reason to think it's from Tom Stephens. If you ask me, he's been framed.” She studied him closely. He was clearly enjoying this. So much so that she wondered…was it possible…? “Who do
think sent it?” she asked pointedly.

He laughed. “You really don't know, do you?”

She shook her head no, but her heart was feeling hopeful…
could it be from
? Dare she hope that it was? And then, even if it was, did she really want to continue this roller-coaster ride of a relationship? One day she'd be blissfully happy, and the next day she'd find out he was engaged to Evelyn. No, she did not need this kind of drama and emotion.

He stood up and walked over to sit in the chair next to her. “Of course, it's from me. I really thought you knew that, Caroline.” He smiled. “May I call you Caroline?”

She blinked, then nodded. “Sure…”

“And you must stop calling me Mr. Gordon. Please, call me Terrence.”

.” She loved how it sounded coming out of her mouth.

“Caroline, you turned my head that first day we met in the coffee shop. I was smitten by the gorgeous girl in the pretty dress, a cashmere sweater draped over your shoulders. I looked into your eyes and that was it.”

She was almost afraid to breathe. Was this a dream?

“And New Year's Eve, in your beautiful red gown, when you nearly beat me at pool. Well, I was gone for good by then.” He took her hand in his. “But you're right about workplace romances—they do cause problems. And for that reason, I can't offer you another job here.” He grinned. “But I'd like the chance to offer you something else.”

“What's that?” Her heart was pounding hopefully.

“For starters, I'd like to invite you to dinner tonight. I mean as my date. And, as you know, that could be problematic if you were still employed here.”

She slowly nodded. “Yes, that could be troublesome.”

“So what do you say—will you be my date for Valentine's Day?”

“Yes—of course. I'd love to be your date.”

“And if I'm lucky, this will simply be the first of many more dates.” His eyes twinkled happily.

“I hope so.” She smiled shyly. “Happy Valentine's Day, Terrence.”

“Oh, it is a happy day.” He reached for her hand and pulled her to her feet. “Consider yourself unemployed as of now, Caroline Clark.” And then he took her into his arms and kissed her. “Happy Valentine's Day, dear!”

As it turned out,
Terrence had been right. Their memorable date on Valentine's Day was simply the first of many. And Terrence did not hold back on adventurous dates, including several hair-raising airplane flights that both Joe and Caroline loved, and he threw in some boat trips and beach picnics and anything else that was unexpected and spontaneous and fun.

A few people in town—and in the chocolate factory—called it a whirlwind romance, but Terrence's mother claimed she saw it coming on that first evening she'd met Caroline. “It was just a matter of time,” Gladdie bragged to her friends later that spring.

Caroline grew accustomed to the occasional bouquets of flowers at her new job or generous boxes of chocolates during their courtship, but when Terrence presented her with an enormous heart-shaped box of chocolates on the Fourth of July, she was puzzled.

“Were these left over from Valentine's Day?” she asked cautiously.

Terrence laughed. “I assure you they are fresh. Come on, open it up. Try one.”

So she carefully removed the lid, and as the sweet aroma of chocolate wafted up, she noticed something bright and sparkling in the center of the box. Blinking in surprise, she reached for what had to be a piece of costume jewelry. “Is this some new marketing gimmick for next year's Valentine's chocolates?” She stared at the gorgeous ring—a heart-shaped diamond surrounded by lots of small bright rubies.

He chuckled. “That'd be one mighty expensive Valentine's Day campaign.”

She picked up the ring, feeling its weight, and knowing that it was for real. “What's going on here, Terrence?” But when she looked up, she realized that Terrence was down on one knee—a very serious expression on his face.

“Will you make me the happiest man on earth by agreeing to become my wife?” he tenderly asked. “I love you, Caroline, and I promise to do everything I can to make you the happiest woman on earth.”

“You already have,” she said as they embraced and kissed. “Yes, I will gladly marry you!”

News of their engagement spread like wildfire. Some seemed shocked, but most, including Doris and Mrs. Gallagher, claimed they saw it coming. Evelyn acted completely nonchalant—and as if their engagement had nothing to do with the marketing job she accepted in New York City a few days later. Marjorie and Rich couldn't have been happier for her, although Marjorie begged her not to schedule the blessed event until Lulu was old enough to be the flower girl. And Caroline's parents were over the moon at the good news, hastening the moving date to join their family in California.

Young Joe had been Caroline's biggest concern, but she quickly discovered that her worry was for nothing. Gaining a new dad who flew an airplane, liked playing ball, and was also the fearless leader of the Buckaroos was a win-win-win for him.

It was on Valentine's Day of 1947, in the presence of family and friends, that the couple repeated their marriage vows in the crowded church with the sun shining through the beautiful stained-glass windows. Joe stood up as Terrence's best man, and Marjorie was Caroline's matron of honor.

And Mr. and Mrs. Gordon continued celebrating that romantic anniversary date for nearly six decades—with three children, and seven grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren…to carry on the tradition and sweet memories for them.

Love Gently Falling

“Ms. Carlson pens an uplifting tale of love, family, and courage.”

RT Book Reviews

Once Upon a Winter's Heart

“A sweet, quick read that celebrates love's beginnings as well as the spirit of Valentine's Day.”

—Serena Chase,

“A delightful story about the loss and recovery of romance, love, and hope.…
Once Upon a Winter's Heart
will revive anyone who's given up on romance and wants a happy ending.”

Family Fiction

“Melody delivers all that is sweetest and best about love in this Valentine's novella and does it with a tasty dash of Italian spice. Now that's amore!”

—Robin Jones Gunn, bestselling author of
Sisterchicks in Gondolas

“A sweet love story,
Once Upon a Winter's Heart
is a beautiful picture of the joy of being swept off your feet.”

—Melanie Dobson, award-winning author of
Love Finds You in Mackinac Island, Michigan
Where the Trail Ends

Love Gently Falling

Once Upon a Winter's Heart



















Available from Center Street wherever books are sold.

If you enjoyed
Your Heart's Desire
, look for these Valentine's Day novels by Melody Carlson
Once Upon a Winter's Heart

Emma Burcelli concludes that love is officially dead when her grandfather, Poppi, suddenly passes, leaving her grandmother, Nona, devastated. To help out, Emma works in the family bookstore. Although she feels like a V-Day Scrooge, Emma quickly learns to enjoy the task of decorating the store for Valentine's Day with the help of a handsome family friend, Lane Forester. As Emma and Lane share time and memories of Poppi, she reconsiders the notion that romance is

Just as Emma's heart begins to lift, however, she learns her sister has already staked a claim on Lane. Emma's mother and sister insist that Lane sees her only as a future sister-in-law, but she can't help wondering if it could be something more.




Love Gently Falling


Rita Jansen is living her dream as a hairstylist in Hollywood when her father calls with news that her mother has suffered a stroke. When she gets home to Chicago, Rita finds her mother is healing but facing a long recovery. Worse, without being able to run their family-owned salon, her mother could lose the business. Rita decides to help, but she only has until Valentine's Day to come up with a plan.

As Rita takes her mother's place at work, the nearby skating rink she loved as a child brings back fond memories. Rita also finds herself renewing friendships with her childhood best friend, Marley, as well as her classmate Johnny. Although they now lead such seemingly different lives, Rita is surprised by how well she and Johnny connect and how far he will go to help her. Though Rita believes Johnny is only being kind, with romance kindling in the air and on the ice, their friendship may just fall into something more.


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