Young Samurai 06 - The Ring of Fire (36 page)

BOOK: Young Samurai 06 - The Ring of Fire
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Japanese names
usually consist of a family name (surname) followed by a given name, unlike in the Western world where the given name comes before the surname. In feudal Japan, names reflected a person’s social status and spiritual beliefs. Also, when addressing someone,
is added to that person’s surname (or given names in less formal situations) as a sign of courtesy, in the same way that we use Mr or Mrs in English, and for higher-status people
is used. In Japan,
is usually added after a person’s name if they are a teacher, although in the Young Samurai books a traditional English order has been retained. Boys and girls are usually addressed using
, respectively.


This story is written as a homage to the film
Seven Samurai
by Akira Kurosawa, one of the greatest directors of Japanese samurai movies. If you have the opportunity, I recommend that you watch all his films.
The Hidden Fortress
inspired George Lucas’s
Star Wars
The Bodyguard
) was the basis for Clint Eastwood’s classic western
A Fistful of Dollars
Seven Samurai
was remade as a western too –
The Magnificent Seven
. Likewise, Kurosawa’s films have greatly influenced my passion for all things samurai and have been a source of inspiration for my
Young Samurai
novels. For that I sincerely thank him.
Arigatō gozaimashita

With the sixth title in this series, my list of people to thank grows ever longer. My gratitude goes out to all my fans, teachers and librarians. Without your support, these books could never happen.

I wish to express my continued appreciation of Shannon Park, my editor, and all at Puffin for their hard work and endless enthusiasm for the Young Samurai series – Wendy Tse, Helen Gray, Vanessa Godden, Julie Teece, Jayde Lynch, Sara Flavell and Paul Young (for his fantastic covers!).

I also must thank Charlie Viney, a great agent and an even greater friend, as well as Franca Bernatavicius and Nicki Kennedy, my overseas agents at ILA, for their passion and enthusiasm.

And, most importantly, my family – thank you for all your support and encouragement, especially my mum and dad, my godparents Ann and Andrew Smeeton, Sue and Simon Mole, Steve and Sam, my wife Sarah and my son, Zach, to whom this book is dedicated.

If I have one lesson for you in life, my son, it is ‘
No man is a failure who has friends


And so I want to thank my friends for their support of me …

Karen and Rob Rose, Geoff and Lucy Roy, Matt Bould, Charlie Wallace, Hayley Drewery, Russell and Jackie Holdaway, Andy and Sarah Hitt (and Martha and Ellen!), Nick and Zelia O’Donnell, Emma and Simon Gibbins, the ever-growing Dyson family, Lisa and Simon Martin, Rob and Robbie Cooper, Barbara and Scott Horsfield, Heather and Steve Miller, Nick and Jane Coward, Mike and Sonia Evans, Rob and Michelle Dunkerley, Steve Backshall, Oli Bishop, Stephan Bedelian, Anthony Varney, Danny and Kate Fitzpatrick … to name only a few.

Oh, and Gazebo Man for protecting my ‘swords’!

Any fans can keep in touch with me and the progress of the Young Samurai series on my Facebook page, or via the website at

Arigatō gozaimasu!

Young Samurai: The Ring of Fire
is a work of fiction, and while based on real historical figures, events and locations, the book does not profess to be accurate in this regard.
Young Samurai: The Ring of Fire
is more an echo of the times than a re-enactment of history.

Warning: Do not attempt any of the techniques described within this book without the supervision of a qualified martial arts instructor. These can be highly dangerous moves and result in fatal injuries. The author and publisher take no responsibility for any injuries resulting from attempting these techniques.


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First published 2011

Text copyright © Chris Bradford, 2011
Cover illustration copyright © Paul Young, 2011
Map copyright © Robert Nelmes, 2008
All rights reserved

The moral right of the author and illustrators has been asserted

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A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN: 978-0-141-96163-7

Table of Contents

Map: The Japans – 17th Century

The Letter

1  Frozen

2  Rice

3  Neko

4  Black Moon

5  Seven Samurai

6  Fire

7  Baby

8  Abducted

9  Recruitment

10  An Old Friend

11  A Helpful Monk

12  Splitting Arrows

13  Hayato

14  Yuudai

15  Out of Time

16  White Shadow

17  Army of Children

18  The Reluctant Leader

19  A Ninja’s Inspiration

20  Through the Eyes of the Enemy

21  Locked Horns

22  Defences

23  A Samurai’s Sword

24  A Dark Secret

25  Divisions

26  Samurai School

27  Thorn Bushes

28  A Lost Cause

29  Wanted

30  Scouts

31  Tracking Trails

32  Akuma

33  Up in Flames

34  Rescue

35  Fire Fight

36  An Icy Grave

37  Healing

38  Straw Soldiers

39  Battle Cry

40  Doubts

41  Fear

42  Night Watch

43  The Raid

44  The Mill

45  The Bridge

46  Ice

47  A Deal

48  Scared

49  Shot Down

50  Assassination

51  Execution

52  The Burning Pyre

53  Gone

54  The Ring of Fire

55  Overrun

56 Shakujō

57  The Pond

58  End of a Nightmare

59  Tears and Celebration

60 Koban

61  Fugitives

Notes on the Sources

Character Names

Japanese Glossary


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