Young-Minded Hustler (4 page)

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“We're still arresting him for an outstanding warrant,” the first officer told Cherise before pushing B-Boy out of the room.
Shy was outdone, disappointed, and angry with Cherise. She had tried her best to save her friend. It was now out of her hands.
“Do me a favor, the next time he beats the shit out of you, don't call me. You obviously love the drama. You take care of yourself, Cherise, and get well soon. Maybe B-Boy will be back to take care of you.”
Cherise knew Shy's words were an empty threat. Just like she kept returning to her abuser, Shy remained friends with Cherise.
Chapter 4
Actually, I Love You More
Melvin sat on the couch with Shy's swollen feet resting in his lap. They were bringing in the New Year together. Shy was close to her delivery date and the doctor had her on bed rest. Carrying twins was playing havoc on her back. Boredom and isolation were getting the best of her. She wanted Melvin around her all time. She craved his attention.
“I can't wait for the babies to get here. I want my body back,” Shy pouted.
“Baby, you look beautiful. You're sexy to me,” Melvin assured Shy while rubbing her stomach.
“You're just saying that. I've gained eighty pounds and can't see my own feet.”
“Stop that. You're giving me two sons. I don't care if you tip the scales at three hundred pounds, I love you, always.”
Melvin was consistent with his compliments. He sincerely loved how Shy wore her pregnancy. Melvin had spent a fortune on her maternity clothes but they were worth every penny. She still kept her hair done, eyebrows arched, and feet soft. Shy had always been fine to him; carrying twins to term didn't change that.
“Which one of your girls stopped by the crib today, Bossy?”
A nurse Melvin hired took care of Shy, and her friends checked in on her every day.
“Terry and Cherise came by too. Cherise brought the baby to see me. I can't believe he's walking already.” Shy smiled thinking about her godson.
“Yeah, little man is getting big,” Melvin commented.
“Cherise is taking good care of him. She's lucky to have had a baby after that miscarriage. I doubt if she'll have any more kids. Raequan is lucky he doesn't have his sorry-ass daddy around. I hope B-Boy rots in prison.”
“That nigga was always reckless. I'm still tripping on how bad he fucked up.”
“Pulling a home invasion.” Shy shook her head. “Pitiful but typical.”
“All the houses in the world and his ass kick in the door of the DA. He deserves that twenty-five to life sentence”
“For Cherise's and the baby's sakes, I pray he does the life. Twenty-five years isn't long enough,” Shy remarked.
“You know your girl's still running shit for him, right?”
“What do you mean?” Shy asked, confused. She didn't understand how or why Cherise was still risking her freedom with B-Boy locked up. Cherise needed to get a grip on her life for her son's sake.
“I don't know how, but she's been sneaking drugs into the prison for him. Cherise never stopped running drugs for B-Boy's supplier. That's how she's been eating.”
“I thought she was doing well at the catering thing. She just leased a building and said business was soaring,” Shy said, confused.
“Come on, baby, you know better than to believe some bull like that. I know she's your girl but Cherise lies when it suits her. She's not going to tell you that the business is for money laundering and dope cooking,” Melvin pointed out while still massaging his wife's swollen feet.
Shy had heard enough. Cherise never ceased to amaze her but Shy assumed having a baby would change her best friend's mentality.
“Enough about them. Baby, do you love me?”
“With everything inside of me,” Melvin assured his wife.
“It's countdown time. Eight, seven, six . . .”
“Happy New Year, baby girl,” Melvin said, leaning over to kiss Shy.
“Happy New Year, baby.” Shy returned Melvin's kiss. “Don't stop now; you done got me moist, boy,” flirted Shy.
Melvin laughed at Shy. Her sexual appetite had increased during the pregnancy. Though they enjoyed a healthy and frequent sex life, Melvin had no complaint.
“I heard that having a strong, intense orgasm will send a woman into labor. Let's test out that old wives' tale.”
Melvin helped Shy into the bathroom. After showering together, they climbed into bed. Melvin waited patiently for Shy to get comfortable. Various-sized pillows enveloped her once she got settled. She was too big to lie flat on her back. Melvin massaged cocoa and Shea butter over her body, paying close attention to her stomach, hips, and behind. The feel of his sons kicking when he touched Shy's stomach felt empowering. He fell in love all over again.
Shy enjoyed the feel of his touch. No one did for her like Melvin. He took very good care of her in every possible way. His love made Shy feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. Shy placed her hand over Melvin's, guiding it up to her tender breast. He gently fondled her extra plump breast before wrapping his thick lips over the nipple. He suckled like a baby, causing Shy to moan in pleasure.
“You like that?” Melvin asked.
“You know I do, boy.” Shy giggled.
“Let me make you feel even better.”
Melvin slid down on the bed and positioned himself between Shy's thick, silky, soft thighs. He slowly planted wet kisses on the inside of Shy's legs, slowly building up the anticipation of what she knew was to come. The warm, wet sensation of her lover's tongue on her clit relaxed Shy's entire body. She smiled at the way he was making her feel.
“Oh, boy, you're so nasty,” Shy moaned.
He sucked Shy's clit and put a finger inside of her. Her legs tightened around his head. She grabbed the back of his head and said, “Baby, eat all you can. This is your buffet.”
Melvin did just that. He ravished Shy like he hadn't had a meal in days. It was like a game of hockey with her pearl tongue. He played until her juices flowed like a tropical spring. Melvin's pole was hard as a steel rod. Shy rolled onto her side as Melvin lifted her leg, giving him access to her guilty pleasure. The sensation of becoming one with the love of his life felt like heaven. Melvin was slow, methodic, and careful with his woman. Knowing it might be their last time together for at least six weeks, he paced himself. Shy's pussy was like a drug to Melvin. The only thing on his mind while he was inside of her was staying there. He knew that after he withdrew, all he'd think about was getting back in it.
The walls of Shy's pussy tightened. She gripped the bed sheets and held her breath for as long as she could. When she let go, her juices drowned Melvin's dick, forcing him to shoot his essence inside of her treasure. They lay panting, drenched in each other's bodily fluids, feeling fulfilled and exhausted.
After his heart rate returned to its normal pace, Melvin washed Shy up and then himself. He crawled into bed and spooned with the woman he loved more than life itself.
“I love the way you take care of me,” Shy said softly.
“Good night, baby girl, I love you.”
The expectant parents-to-be slept peacefully for a few hours. Shy was awakened by horrible lower back pains.
“Melvin!” Shy screamed.
“What's wrong?” Melvin jumped up, instinctively reaching for his gun.
“Get me to the hospital. It hurts,” Shy cried.
Twelve hours of hard labor produced two healthy baby boys. Prince Jayden McGee came into the world at 12:05
on January 2, 1993, weighing in at five pounds, three ounces. His identical twin brother arrived sixteen minutes later. Jayden Prince McGee weighed four pounds, seven ounce.
Chapter 5
Our Private Time
Melvin stepped through the door when the clock read 11:56
Lucky for him the police didn't catch him speeding. He'd rather deal with a speeding ticket than an angry and disappointed wife. Melvin was curious as to what Shy had planned for them. Bedtime was his favorite time of day. The way he was feeling, Melvin hoped his wife wasn't in the mood for romance because he planned to give it to her aggressively. Melvin had to fulfill the urge to ravish his wife.
Shy knew how to pleasure Melvin. They hadn't lasted year after year by chance. It took a lot of hard work on both their parts. The intimacy they shared outside of the bedroom remained strong. Stealing kisses and copping feels was a daily occurrence. Communication and intimacy helped them withstand the test of time.
A smile spread across Melvin's face when he walked into their bedroom. Shy was in a freaky mood. Melvin couldn't have been happier. Shy had her toys laid out and was dressed in Melvin's favorite play clothes.
“Get in here, boy,” Shy ordered.
“Let the fun begin,” Melvin said as he undressed.
Melvin loved the pink thigh-high fishnet stockings Shy had on. The lace garter belt and matching bra made his dick stand at attention every time. After carrying twins, Shy's body had changed but Melvin loved her unconditionally, flaws and all. After he finished undressing, Shy pushed Melvin onto their bed. She jumped up, kneeled between his legs, and immediately took him into her mouth. The warmth and wetness of her mouth drove Melvin crazy. She ran her hand up and down his shaft as she sucked, licked, and French kissed the tip of his dick. The thick vein lining the length of his shaft began to pulsate, causing Shy to stop. She planned on taking her time teasing him. They had all night together.
Melvin grabbed Shy's arms and slammed her onto her back. He rolled her over and pulled her hips back toward him. With the right amount of force to make Shy smile, Melvin entered her from behind and wrapped her hair around his hand. Shy threw it right back at him. She was going to give as good as she got. Melvin released her hair, bending over to grab her bouncing breast while never slowing the gyration of his thrust.
“Can I give it to you?” Melvin grunted.
“Give it to me, nigga,” Shy directed.
With her permission, Melvin burst his first nut of the night. The night wasn't over. That was just the first round. Melvin and Shy would be ready for round two after a quick water break.
The couple lay across the bed, talking and joking. Shy picked up her feather and ran in across Melvin's left side, tickling him. He laughed and grabbed her in a bear hug. They wrestled for the handcuffs. Melvin won and hooked Shy up to the bed railing. Shy lay on her side, begging for her freedom.
“Relax,” Melvin told his wife. “I'm going to take care of you.” He proceeded to rub cocoa butter body oil all over her body. Melvin inhaled Shy's scent, giving him butterflies in his stomach. At times he wondered what he'd done to have such a strong, devoted woman in his life. Her love had gotten him through some difficult times. The support she gave him was immeasurable. Melvin lived to make Shy happy. She completed him in every way.
Melvin couldn't stop running his fingers along the contours of his wife's body. She kept her skin baby soft and glowing. He kissed every inch of her body as their souls made an intimate connection that only they understood. Melvin went from wanting it hard and fast to taking his time. Melvin released Shy from the handcuffs. He needed to feel her touch, press her body against his, and enjoy his wife from head to toe.
Shy kissed her husband passionately. She saw a touch of sadness in his eyes that made her uncomfortable.
“Are you okay?”
“Baby, do you know how much you mean to me?” Melvin spoke softly as he ran his fingers through her hair.
Shy loved for Melvin to play in her hair. It turned her on when he verbally expressed his feelings for her. Melvin rarely said the words “I love you.” He preferred to show his woman how much she meant to him.
“Tell me what's wrong.” Shy began to worry. Melvin's head seemed to be elsewhere.
“Nothing's wrong. I just need you to know how much I love you. I take my responsibility as your husband seriously. I know I don't say it as often as you might need me to but I love you deep down in my soul, girl,” Melvin expressed freely. He held Shy in his arms, taking in the warmth of her body. Their hearts beat in unison.
“I love you, always. It's like loving you was my destiny. I couldn't make it without you. You're my soul,” Shy proclaimed gently.
They kissed passionately, lovingly, exchanging breaths as their bodies became one. Shy wrapped her legs around Melvin's waist tightly. He lifted her up effortlessly and he carried her across the room. Melvin pressed Shy's back against the wall, never losing his grip or releasing himself from her throbbing lips. Her walls felt built for only him. His fit inside her love was perfect. Melvin knew he was the one and only owner of Shy's perfect tunnel.
Hours later, the couple had visited every position possible from the book of
Kama Sutra.
They showered together before finally getting into bed for a good night's sleep. Shy curled up in Melvin's arms and he held her tightly against his chest.
“Damn, boy, you worked it out like it was the last time,” Shy said jokingly.
“Girl, it's never the last time with us. I love you, baby girl.”
“I love you, baby.”

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