Read You'll Think of Me Online

Authors: Lucia Franco

Tags: #Romance

You'll Think of Me (40 page)

BOOK: You'll Think of Me
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“Stay,” he mumbled against her luscious lips.


“I’ll keep kissing you until you change your mind.”

So he kissed her again, and she grinned. “Luke. Please…”

More kisses, but this time he peppered them around her jaw, down her neck, then back to her lips. “Was that a please for more or a please to stop?”

She paused and answered honestly. “I’m not sure?”

A cocky grin spread across Luke’s face before he leaned down for another kiss. “So you’re saying I have a chance?”

Olivia shrugged. She wasn’t sure of anything at the moment except that Luke always had a chance with her.

“Let’s just take it slow.”

“Okay,” she whispered and returned to his lips as he leaned back down, kissing her deeply.

uke tugged Olivia toward the little house she spotted when they first stepped out of his home. Night had fallen so she could hardly see a thing in front of her as Luke guided the way. The only light was from the full moon and the muted light from his house. Their bare feet crunched the twigs and the grass was cold beneath her feet, but Luke’s hand radiated warmth throughout her body.

“Is this where you wanted me to sleep when you said I could take a guest room?”

Luke looked at her like she’d grown three heads and barked out a laugh. “Livy, I’d like you to sleep against me in my bed with my arms around you, but I’m not pushing my luck. I have guest rooms in my house. This is where I make my music.”

“Like, where you record it?”

“Yeah…where I go to lay a track, write a song, play my guitar, if I need inspiration or whatever. It’s my favorite place to be. I didn’t like being away from my family as much as I was in the beginning, so I had a small studio put in.”

Luke put the code into the door and turned the knob. Switching the light on with his other hand, he watched Olivia look around his office. At first he watched her eyes, but when he trailed down to her mouth he noticed how raw and pink her lips were from their kisses. His body hardened and he wanted to feel her mouth on him once more. All Luke could think of doing was throwing her onto his couch and making love to her right then and there. God, how he wanted it more than anything.

Hell, he had to have another taste of her again. Luke reached over and grasped Olivia, taking her head into his hands and smashed his lips to hers. Luke kissed her speechless, feeling his tongue spoon hers, pulling her into him. He needed her so badly that he ached all over.

Backing her against the couch, Olivia’s legs met the couch cushions. He pressed her down, and laid his weight on top of her. Dear God, how she felt heavenly under him, just how he fantasized many times. His cock was solid, dying to slide right into her and he worried he’d bust before she was ready.

Luke released his hands from her face and worked them over her body. He palmed her breasts and kneaded them as she moaned. He made his way down the sides of her breasts, past her stomach, over her belt buckle and zipper to her sex. As Luke cupped her, Livy’s back bowed and her hips thrust into his hand as she whimpered into his mouth.

Breaking their kiss, Luke’s forehead met hers. “I want you so bad, Livy. I want what we had all those years ago,” he breathed into her.

The silence coming from Olivia could have been viewed as both good and bad. Her trembling hands covered Luke’s, and if it weren’t for being underneath his warm body on his couch, her weak knees would have given out. She was shaking on the inside, her heart beating so hard she wondered if he could feel it pound against his chest.

“Livy,” he whispered when she didn’t respond.

“I… I want you too, Luke.”

“Thank God,” he muttered against her mouth, grinning as he kissed her again. Luke’s hands traveled up her waist, the pads of his fingers feeling the outline of her ribcage as he rolled up her shirt and yanked it off of her. His fingertips found her soft shoulders and pulled down the straps of her bra. Luke watched as he removed the lace covering her heavy breasts, breasts that begged for his touch. Her pink nipples puckered as his fingers delicately trailed over the goose bumps that covered her flesh.

Luke stared down at Livy’s breasts, his eyes growing as big as saucers and said, “They’re bigger than what I remember.” Luke’s grin was contagious and Olivia smiled in return, her eyes soft. But Luke hesitated, unsure if he could touch her naked body the way he wanted to. Leaning down, he gently pressed kisses to the top of both breasts, his stubble grazing her supple skin.

“Yes,” she sighed. Olivia’s hips were moving in a rolling wave motion and it took all of him not to rip her jeans off and take her.

Luke sat back on his heels. He wanted to make love to her, but it wasn’t the right time and he wouldn’t dare push her. Luke knew the last few days had been emotional on Olivia and he wanted her to want him just as much, not because of all that had occurred that left her emotions running amuck. Though, judging by the look in her eyes, Olivia didn’t want him to stop.

Reaching out, Luke helped Olivia to stand. Questioning him with her gaze, curious as to why he stopped, she cupped her breasts and leaned over to grab her shirt, not bothering to replace her bra.

He kissed her forehead and answered her questionable look. “Not yet, baby. Soon.”

Olivia nodded, silently agreeing.

After replacing her shirt, she glanced around Luke’s studio. It appeared to be a full recording studio, just more intimate and cozy. She walked over to a wall that showcased what looked to be his most prized possessions. Framed and mounted on the wall were Luke’s albums, pictures of singers he was now friends with, his family, and friends from home. There was a warm, comfortable feeling to it that warmed her to the core.

Huddled near the corner on the wall was a picture of her and Luke.

Olivia’s heart dropped to her stomach.

She snapped her head to Luke. Olivia was astonished he’d have anything having to do with them anymore.

“You have a picture of us in here?” Luke nodded. “Why?” She walked over to get a good look at it. It was actually a collage of pictures of them from back in the day.

“The same reason why you kept the Care Bear, and because you’re the reason why I do what I do.”

“What do you mean?”

“Every song, every word, every melody, it’s because of you. The music never stopped for me. You’re part of everything I do, Livy. You’re ingrained into my skin like a tattoo. It reminds me of where I came from, where it all started. I didn’t want to lose that. Some days I come here and just stare at old pictures and I’m hit with a new song. Most of them were about you, some came from being on the road, friends.”


“I was pissed, Livy. So hurt when you left. I couldn’t fuckin’ believe you threw it all out like you did and without even asking what I thought about it. I thought my had opinion mattered to you, but you said otherwise. It was shocking considering how we were. I mean, I understand why you did it now and I’m glad you did what you had to do. But at the time, I couldn’t accept it.”

“I thought you resented me.”

“Believe me, I did,” he said, speaking the truth. “For a long time, I resented you. I wanted it all with you, but you walked away, as if our relationship was an old ratted t-shirt that you had no use for anymore. And before you speak, I know that’s not how you truly felt, but damn did it sure feel like it. You didn’t even give me a chance, just up and left. But it’s over with, Livy. I don’t want to rehash the past. The past is the past. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. Let’s leave it there and move forward, together.”

“I need time to think, Luke.”

“You and your brain, always at work and thinking too damn hard. What is there to think about? Why do we have to throw away more time together?”

“So much? We have completely different lives now that don’t really mesh well. It’s been a long time.”

Olivia was stalling. Luke could feel it, so he pushed harder. “Exactly. Let’s not waste another day. We’ll make it work, Care Bear…and I’ll follow close by this time.”

Luke brushed a strand of hair away from Olivia’s face, tucking it behind her ear.

“Just give me time,” she whispered.

Luke’s lips curved up. “If you think about it, I’ve given you almost ten years. But what’s a little more, right?”

one week later

hat night at Luke’s house was an awakening.

Olivia was glad she hadn’t stayed. She needed to clear her head and think about what she was going to do with her future, and she couldn’t with Luke nearby. They were both learning about each other again with a different approach that fit their busy lives. So they discussed his upcoming tour for the following summer, his brothers, her family, the weather, anything really. Them as a couple was hidden in plain sight, not openly spoken about all that much even though Luke tried his damnedest. She knew where Luke stood. It was just her who was standing back.

Did she want to be with Luke? More than all the moons in the universe.

So there she was, sitting in a coffee shop with the tallest coffee she could purchase and waiting to find the courage to jump in her car and head down to Luke’s. Her knee bounced and her heart was pounding as anxiety consumed her. Between the double shot she already had and her nerves, her belly was doing hurtles in record speed.

A bell chimed and she looked up, her eyes forming huge circles as her stomach dropped. It was the last person she expected to see.

Nate took her breath away. He was ruggedly handsome with a heady air of authority and sensuality surrounding him. It was almost impossible not to be drawn to him. Though, this time it was different for her. While Nate was undeniably attractive, she didn’t feel the spark pulling her to him, the heat that was meant to ignite her blood.

Only one person managed to do that to her.

Olivia had a death grip on her coffee cup as Nate spotted her. He walked right up to her with a half smile like it was nothing, casually hugging her and dropping a gentle kiss to her cheek. Olivia was caught off guard for a moment, not expecting it at all.

“Hey, Liv,” he whispered by her ear.

“Hi, Nate. It’s good to see you. How have you been?” she asked easily.

BOOK: You'll Think of Me
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