You'll Think of Me (29 page)

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Authors: Lucia Franco

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: You'll Think of Me
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Maybe Livy was right. Maybe this dance wasn't such a good idea.

Against her better judgment, Olivia rested her head on Luke's chest and allowed her eyes to roll shut. Their faces were so close they were breathing in each other in. She could hear his heartbeat as they moved to the music and everything else faded away. She couldn’t respond to what he just said. The truth was she missed him too.

Arousal was streaming through her whiskey coated veins and all Olivia could do was hold on. Her heart fell into sync with his. Tightening her arms around Luke’s neck, she ran her fingers gently through his hair. Why did it have to be the smallest, most insignificant moments when it came to Luke Jackson that would turn her body up and her world upside down? She was soft and pliant, wanting Luke now more so than ever. It was wrong of her to think like that, she knew it, but there was an aching place in her heart for Luke that just never healed. Sometimes all it took was one song for the memories to come surging back as if they happened yesterday, when in reality they happened nine years ago.

Once the song ended, she was going to flee from Luke’s arms and lock this moment away so she’d never forget. Until then, Olivia was going to bathe in it, because once it was over, it could never be allowed again.

As Luke was living in the moment, he felt the hook of a new song come to him. He whispered roughly near her ear,


“…baby, if you're missin' me turn up the songs tell a it too late, too far gone to fix what we had...lean into my mouth and taste the truth on my’s been so long, have you forgotten…”


One of Luke's hands was still drifting lazily on her lower back and over her hip while the other one was higher up, holding her securely. He didn’t want to let go of her, and his body demanded that he not. Luke pressed harder against her back, pushing her into his cock. Her deep groan caused the slightest vibration in his chest.


“…remind me again what your lips taste like, what your body feels like under mine, I want the touch of your fingers on my skin as we give in to each other…let me be your shot of whiskey, heating your body with mine…turn up the radio if you’re missin’ me baby…”


As Luke finished the last line, he placed a finger underneath Livy's jaw and tilted her chin up so her soft eyes met his. Her lips parted and a breath rolled off her lips. God, she was beautiful. So soft and luscious. He could feel the heat of her breath roll out heavily against his face. He wanted so badly to lean down into that mouth of hers and kiss her hard.

Too close...too much. If anyone had told her months ago that she'd be back home and dancing with Luke she would have laughed.

Now he was taunting her with his wicked mouth and seductive words, knowing full well what they did to her. Her head was spinning, her breathing erratic, and a multitude of sensations whooshed through her body as she was being sucked back in to Luke. She was hypnotized by the pull he always had on her. Her eyes fastened on Luke’s plump lips as he continued to sing.


“...with just a kiss, that’s all we need for you to fall into me, whiskey girl, and not ever leave...”


Olivia needed to leave. Like now. He was stripping away each hardened layer with a stroke of his hand, but in this case with his voice. His music always did this to her. It was like a drug to her. All she had to do was look into Luke’s eyes and the rest would fade away.

Just like it used to.

“Livy,” he groaned.

Olivia looked into Luke's green eyes that were focused solely on hers. He was telling her to unwind, to let go, but how the hell could she when he was running his hand down the sides of her body and singing to her? Between the soft caress of Luke's touch, to the rubbing of his leg between hers, Olivia felt herself dissolving. His touch was like a firefly flitting across her skin, leaving a trail of heat that made her hot and bothered. For him.


“…hold onto the memories…. Its heartache that never goes away …fall into me, and feel the good times beat against your skin, whiskey girl…”


She licked her dry lips and watched Luke’s eyes trail her tongue. She hadn’t meant to get his attention that way, but she began to like it.

“Olivia…” Luke pleaded as he ran his hands up and down the sides of her waist. Olivia’s eyes locked on Luke’s mouth and she felt her body surrendering to him. Her heart raced and she wanted to give in to him.

Luke began closing the distance between them and she hadn’t yet moved.

Time stood still as their mouths touched ever so gently, barely there, but
there. He grazed her plump, sugary lips with his, sliding back and forth, creating volcanic like heat around them. Earlier in the day, he put a lot into that unexpected kiss, but now he wanted Olivia to want it like he did.

Hell, Luke wanted Livy the moment he saw her again. He wanted to wrap her in his arms and hold her to him and never let go. He didn’t care how long it had been. She was still his Livy, he knew it. She was the beat to his melody and the only one who made him feel alive.

Luke couldn’t hold back any longer. She was too tempting, so soft and warm. His tongue peeked from between his lips and when it touched her top lip, his cock jumped. Damn, he wanted her. Fuck the boyfriend, Luke wanted Livy like old times. Realizing she hadn’t withdrawn from him, Luke put more into the feel of the kiss and pushed into her mouth.

Thank fuck she responded. Olivia leaned into him.

And he took her for all he could.

She moaned.

Into his mouth. Hell, it was hot as fuck. And then she kissed him back harder sealing the kiss.

Their tongues collided in a fury of desire, reawakening the emotions and passion that had been dormant for so long. He tasted so good that she moaned into his mouth. Luke devoured her mouth with a ferocity she’d never known, and she was allowing him. Stupidly, stupidly allowing him in again on so many levels she didn’t want to process. Olivia needed to break the contact but fought with herself to let go. She knew if she did, it was going to be the last time she would ever feel this way. The last time he would hold her close with his hands on her.

Groaning in both pleasure and regret, Olivia reluctantly pulled back and broke the kiss. She licked her lips and opened her eyes to peer at Luke. Silently they said so much to each other without having to say anything. Desire. Regret. Longing. Nothing about it felt good. Just reading his emotions made her chest ache with regret. Whether it was from her leaving him behind or because she was with Nate, she wasn’t sure. And how screwed up was that?

Scrubbing his face with his hand, Luke stepped back and mumbled, “Livy, I—”


Olivia softly pressed a finger to Luke’s swollen lips, silencing him mid-sentence. She didn’t want to hear his apology. Instead, she rose on her toes and placed her hands on his shoulders. She could feel the warmth radiating from his palms when he gripped her hips tightly to steady her balance. The heat of his hands seared Olivia’s flesh, his fingers dug into her while a flood of feelings rushed through her body.

Olivia hovered closely in front of Luke, her eyes trained on his parted lips as she leaned in closely, her heart picking up speed. Olivia met Luke’s rousing gaze for a moment before she licked her lips and closed the distance, giving him the softest kiss imaginable. A valediction kiss.

It was still there for him.

Walking off the dance floor, Olivia strode through a mixture of smoke, the husky scent of humidity, and the faint scent of aftershave.

The familiar aroma stopped Olivia dead in her tracks.

That scent…she knew of no other who wore it except for one person. Olivia glanced around the darkly lit bar but she was unable to get a glimpse of anyone through the mass of people. As quickly as her legs would take her, Olivia hightailed it toward the door and went home. Alone.

loud, consistent banging woke Olivia from her drunken slumber.

Moving the mop of hair from her eyes, she looked over at her clock but it only blinked. The power must have gone out in the middle of the night. She grabbed her cell phone to check the time but noticed a text.

Tapping the message icon, she read the text.


Listen to the music, it tells a story…


Her heart skipped a beat. And another. And goosebumps broke out on her skin.

She knew the full meaning of those words.

Her heart. His music. How the truth was secretly woven in the lyrics all along. This whole time she thought Luke had moved on, but he hadn’t.

Now that she knew the truth, her whole world changed again. Knowing what she did now, she knew the choice she had to make.

Olivia rubbed her eyes and made her way to the front door. When she looked through the peep hole, no one was there. The banging picked up again and she turned toward the back of her house. Oh, that’s right. She scheduled to have Edison’s Construction come and redo her yard, and like an idiot, she agreed to a timetable that started at the crack of dawn on a Saturday.

Gazing out the window, she spotted the three men who were working on the deck and yard. Landon, Lorenzo and Lukas were dressed in old ripped jeans with no shirts. She wished Tessa was there to witness the hunky trio. Considering it was nearly eight-five degrees this early, she could understand the minimal amount of clothing. Not that she was complaining or anything.

Nate… Shit. What was she going to do? Obviously she needed to come clean about the night before, but was terrified about doing so. She scratched her itchy palms, nervous and unsure about the whole situation. Another loud noise was coming from outside, this time it was definitely from the front door.

Looking through the peep hole once again, Olivia froze.

Taking a deep breath, she answered the door.

“Hey,” she said sweetly.

Nate’s jaw was clenched. “Hi.”

“Come on in.”

Nate strode in with his arms crossed against his chest.

“What are you doing here? I mean, I thought you were at your mom’s house.”

“Weren’t expecting me, were you?” His voice, so cold and hard, was completely unlike Nate.

“Well, not this early, but I’m happy to see you,” Olivia said, reaching forward to wrap her arms around him, only for him to give her a stiff hug in return. She felt like she was hugging a stranger.

“Okay…well, I’m just making coffee. Would you like some?”

“Yeah. Sure.” Tension radiated from Nate, and she had no idea what was going on with him.

Walking into the kitchen, Olivia grabbed the milk, coffee mugs and sugar. Nate showing up unexpectedly was a sign that she shouldn’t wait to open up and confess.

“So, how’s your mom doing?”

“Alright, I guess.”

“You guess? What did you need to do over there?”

Taking a sip of his coffee, he replied, “A little this, a little that.”

“Could you be any vaguer?” she muttered under her breath.


“I didn’t say anything,” she stated.

Standing up, Nate made his way past the breakfast nook to where Olivia stood in the kitchen.

He eyed her up and down before countering sternly. “What did you say? I didn’t quite hear you.”

“I… I didn’t say anything…”

“Right,” Nate slowly drawled out as he glared at her.

“Nate, what’s wrong? What’s going on with you?”

A will to breathe kind of need swirled in those brown eyes of his, but also something else she hadn’t seen before. As if he was holding back on the strand. Nate wasn’t his usual playful self today and it confused her.

“Is everything okay with your mom? You’re acting strange.”

“Strange? Strange maybe because I need you more than ever and I feel like you’re not here.”

“Not here? Where else would I be? I’m standing right in front of you.”

Shrugging, he said with curiosity, “I don’t know. Where else would you be, Olivia?”

“Nate, I can’t read minds. Please, what is it you want?”

“Want?” Nate’s eyes heated her skin as he eyed her up and down. He pressed up close, backing her against the counter. “I want you. Right here, right now. Just like this in your lacy white underwear and overstretched shirt. I want you with your makeup smeared, puffy eyes and hair a wild, tangled mess. I want you to want me like I do you. I want nothing between us. I want honesty and I want all of you. Can you give that to me? Can you give all of it to me?”

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