You'll Think of Me (19 page)

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Authors: Lucia Franco

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: You'll Think of Me
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uke’s eyes zoomed in to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating.

And he wasn’t.

He also couldn’t believe
was his whiskey girl, either.

Luke watched Olivia from his parked truck on the side of the commercial street as she shoved the heavy glass door open, emerging from her office building. With the puffy, light purple circles under her eyes, Olivia looked beyond exhausted and worn out as he stared through his windshield at a face he hadn’t seen in many years.

After his flight landed in Georgia last night, guilt left him restless all night. It wasn’t normal for Luke to be conniving, so he needed to apologize for acting like an ass. He did a little research and within three minutes found out where Livy worked, jumped in his truck and hightailed it north. Judging by the looks of her, Luke partially blamed himself for the tiredness in her eyes, or at least blamed himself for adding to whatever was going on in her life. But as his heated gaze traveled down her body, he noticed how much Olivia had changed over the years.

Holy. Hot. Damn.

Olivia had always been beautiful to him, but over the years she’d changed into a stunningly, gorgeous woman. Just a glance and his body roared to life.

Granted, Luke hadn’t seen Livy in ages, but Lord have mercy. The white collared shirt was plastered to her chest and the buttons down the center looked about ready to pop. The outline of her bra held much fuller breasts as his gawking gaze traveled south. He’d never seen a woman look so curvy in all his life that left him hard and wanting so bad so quickly. She looked mouthwatering in the tight navy blue skirt that hugged her new curves—and he meant hugged her wider hips to her thighs and down to her knees. From the looks of it, Olivia had softened around her hips over the years. And it looked fucking amazing on her. Sexy as hell. The skirt was glued to her like a glove. Man, he’d love to see what was underneath it too, in an honest way of a hungry male who saw a beautiful woman that made his jaw drop. Luke’s imagination was running wild. He pictured his hands slowly skimming up the inside of her thighs, squeezing every few inches as he went, making her sigh and purr in pleasure from his touch as he eased his way closer to her.

Olivia’s long brown hair billowed around her face in the breeze, and Luke noticed the worn out look once again. It was a look she often wore while back in college when studying for exams. His chest seized at the memories of them studying together on his bed all those years ago, remembering how it would turn into more than just studying. Now he couldn’t help but wonder if his behavior yesterday had given her the drained look she wore in her eyes.

Luke had to admit he was edgy walking up to Olivia. Adrenaline combined with anxiety pumped through his veins and his body didn’t know how to react. He was jittery and had a love/hate relationship with this kind of high. Luke wanted to walk right up to her, but he’d be fooling himself if he said he wasn’t nervous as shit. It had been a long time since they’d seen each other and he wasn’t sure how she’d react to his presence.

When Luke planned to return home after tour, he never expected to see Olivia, let alone talk to her. He thought he’d just go back, kick it with Chase and visit his family. But with the news of his mother and the way he treated Livy on the phone, Luke’s plans changed the moment he walked on the plane.

Seeing Livy so close, literally just steps away after no contact after so many years, was a lot to take in. He didn’t think he’d be so nervous about walking up to a woman, but then again Livy wasn’t just any woman. Memories of them from the past surged through his brain and he instantly felt like an ass for being so condescending to her.

Pulling out a cigarette, he lit it and took a hard drag before he strolled up to Olivia. He watched the tip turn into a blaze of crimson gleaming in the shadow of his palm. He exhaled, the dry smoke rolling casually from his lips. Once in front of Olivia, blocking her path, he waited for her to look up from rummaging through her purse.

“Hey, Livy.”

Olivia’s head snapped up and she stiffened. Luke was standing larger than life in front of her. The sound of the noisy street faded into the distance as she stared. The only thing Olivia could hear was the pounding in her chest as her body went on high alert. Luke wore a ball cap, just like he used to with his dirty blond hair flaring from the sides, and gold aviator sunglasses shielding his eyes. She couldn’t help but look him up and down, more so in shock than anything else. His skin tight white tee was paired with dark jeans and finished off with tan combat boots. It seemed not much changed with his attire.

“It’s Luke.”

That voice…
That smoky voice sent a tremble throughout her body that she wasn’t prepared for. It was deeper than she remembered and made the beat of her heart speed up even more. Closing her mouth, and her eyes because of the embarrassment she felt for gaping at him, she cleared her throat and finally she responded.

“I know.”

Luke grinned broadly at her. “So you remember me.”

Not finding his humor funny in the least bit, Olivia quickly grew irritated. Standing taller, she answered him.

“Of course I remember you,” she deadpanned. “As if I could forget. You’re on the damn radio all the time. What are you doing here?”

“Just wanted to make sure you knew it was me. It has been a long time and all.”

Looking into Livy’s eyes, Luke shifted from one boot to the other. He took another pull from his cigarette that was pinched between his thumb and forefinger. Blowing the smoke out to the side, he said, “I wanted to come and apologize in person for what I did yesterday.”

“I didn’t think you were already in Georgia.”

“I flew home last night, actually. I have some time off and wanted to come home.”

Luke had a few days off and drove up to Savannah to see her? The thought tickled her even when it shouldn’t.

“Oh…well, there was no need to make an apology in person since you already did earlier on the phone. Or did you forget? Savannah is a small hike from South Fork. You just wasted a good part of your afternoon coming up here. Thanks, I guess, but I need to get going.”

Luke reached out to stop Olivia, but pulled back quickly before he touched her. She looked down at his hand and then up to Luke with a question in her eyes.

“Did you need something, Luke? I already told you I’ll keep everything strictly private. No one in my office will know who you or your parents are.”

“Can I make it up to you?”

“There’s nothing to make up. I’m on lunch right now and have a lot to do. I need to go.”

“So...where are you headed?”

Olivia’s nostrils flared. She was growing more and more agitated by the minute. She didn’t remember him being this persistent, or was it something he acquired? Luke may have been pissed with her for leaving, but she was just as angry for him shutting her out completely.

“I just told you, Luke. I'm on my lunch. I'm headed to get the fattiest, greasiest burger I can find with fries. Happy that you know my plans now? Anyway, it was nice seeing you, but seriously, I need to get going,” she answered brusquely.

Olivia placed the strap of her purse on her shoulder and walked around him on the sidewalk.

“Livy— Wait.”

Olivia spun fast and looked back at Luke, but as soon as she did she regretted it.

Fuck. My. Life,
she cursed under her breath.

A hangover.


And the suns strongest rays burning a hole into her eyes.

“Shit,” she muttered, placing her sunglasses on her face. Not only was she seeing bright silver circles, she could feel moisture trickling down the hollow of her breasts from the high humidity.

“What, Luke? You and I have nothing to talk about. I’m treating your mother, not you. What part of that don’t you understand? Or is it the fact that you probably have people kissing your ass on a daily basis and aren’t familiar with anyone telling you ‘no’ so you’re being an asshole and won’t leave me alone now?” Olivia snapped. She couldn’t help the attitude.

“Want to get lunch together? Maybe catch up?” Luke gave Olivia a lopsided, cautious smile.

Olivia’s mouth gaped open, completely dumbfounded by his question. Was he joking?

“Are you out of your ever loving mind? Catch up? Catch up on what exactly? The past nine years? We're completely different people now, Luke. There's nothing to catch up on. It would take entirely too long to even begin that voyage down memory lane, and quite frankly, I'd rather leave the past in the past.”

There. That wiped the smug smile right off his handsome face. She needed to be done with this conversation ASAP.

Luke couldn't believe his eyes—or ears. He had to fight the grin that tugged at his mouth. Olivia had just chewed him out and he took it all, not giving it back to her. Hell, he was caught off guard by her spicy mouth that he couldn’t stop himself from asking her to lunch. Seeing her eyes flare the way they just did made him want more. Luke had forgotten that Olivia hardly ever took his shit, and it was one thing he loved about being with her. He’d watched her face heat and her eyes flicker as she became exasperated while he toyed with her. It fueled him now just like before.

“Bitter about the past, are we? I don’t think you have any right for the bitterness, to be honest. And all I did was ask if you wanted to get lunch together, not go for drinks.”

“Bit—,” Olivia had to bite her tongue. She was dangerously close to going off at this point and had every right, just as he did.

“No, Luke, I'm not bitter about the past. I'm hungry and hungover and want to be left alone. All I want is a damn burger with a lot of ketchup and to be on my merry way,” she said emphatically. “We have nothing to discuss. We're not friends anymore. Friends talk, they keep in touch over the years. We didn't. I'm treating your mother and that’s as far as it goes. How many times do I have to repeat myself?”

With that, Olivia turned around and crossed the street. She couldn't believe the nerve of him asking to catch up. Catch up on what, exactly? He was being friendly simply because of his devious little plot and the fact that he brought up their past to get what he wanted? She didn't give a shit how rude she just was. She hoped she got through to him. He may be a country rock singer now, but he was still small town Luke to her and she wasn't caving in to him or his charm. It also wasn’t helping that while he stood inches from her she could feel the heat bouncing off his unyielding body. Luke had grown into one hell of a man, and she couldn’t stop her body from reacting to him. Even though she told herself she was long over him, her emotions were saying otherwise.

Walking a few blocks normally didn't bother Olivia, but today it did. Her high heels and pounding headache combined with the heat was something she was in no mood to deal with.

But neither was running into Luke.

Olivia opened the door to the burger place and was hit with a big draft of cool air that felt so good against her scorching skin. She grabbed the lunch order that she had called in earlier and began eating. She pulled her phone out of her purse when she heard something smack her table and looked up.

Was he serious? For the second time today, Olivia was momentarily rendered speechless.

“You have got to be kidding me,” she muttered shaking her head. A sexy smirk panned Luke’s face. He was too handsome for his own good with a smile like that.

“What? I drove a while to get here. I’m hungry too. And since I don’t know the area I followed you here.”

“It’s a strip mall full of places to eat. You just had to pick this one?” She shoved a fry into her mouth then cut her burger in half.

Luke watched as Livy licked her plump lips. Who knew eating could be so sexy? He couldn’t resist not following her here. Not only was he hungry, but watching her parade down the street in that skirt she wore like a second skin had his mouth watering.

“Listen, I just wanted to talk. I feel bad still and can see you had a rough night. I can only assume it was my doing that caused it.”

“You assumed right, Einstein.”

Luke nodded then reached over to grab the other half of Livy’s burger and took a bite. “Wow. This is good!” he exclaimed between his full lips. He hoped he could lighten the mood if he changed the subject.

Olivia’s eyes narrowed. She knew what he was doing and to be quite honest, she was so drained that she didn’t feel like fighting anymore.

She shrugged. “It’s my favorite hangover place.”

Luke cocked a grin and said, “A favorite hangover place? I can see why.”

Olivia angled her tray toward Luke to share her fries. “Yeah, well Shelly and I like to go out occasionally on Thursday nights. Sometimes I’ll hit this place up for lunch the next day.”

“Where do you go? And last I remember you didn’t get hangovers.”

A conversation with Luke was not something Olivia wanted to have for a multitude of reasons. For one, it made her hyperaware of every move he made, every bite he took, and each time his lips wrapped around her straw to sip the drink he snagged from her. Or how his long thick legs would move under the table and brush along her calf. Luke had packed on muscles over the years, his presence was so powerful that it was impossible not to notice everything he said or did. She needed to prove to herself that she wasn’t easily affected with him so near, but was doing a piss poor job.

Not to mention, his raspy voice sashayed dangerously across her skin, spiking her pulse while her heartbeat pounded against her ribs.

Olivia shrugged. “Oh, around here. I work a lot so I don’t like to wander far since I’m usually up before the sun rises. There’s a bunch of places with live bands and cheap drinks,” she said smiling at the live music part. “We’ll either hit them all up, walking from place to place, or just stick to one. I guess it depends on the mood we’re in.”

“So you’re still into live music?”

“Some things never die,” she answered bobbing her head.

Hearing Livy was still into live music surprised Luke. Music is what pulled them together, locked them in from the beginning. For some reason he had figured she’d stop listening to it once she left.

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