You Said Forever (Club Decadence) (6 page)

BOOK: You Said Forever (Club Decadence)
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“Holy Shit,” he stated amazed as the news sunk in.  The entire table laughed at his response. Suddenly, he grinned from ear to ear then stood with his sub cradled carefully in his arms.

“Excuse us, please.”

He carried her out of the lounge toward the private member’s areas oblivious to the applause and congratulations shouted at them by the other members.  Word had spread quickly and everyone was nodding and smiling after the happy couple.

“Wow, what an exciting evening” Joanna leaned against her husband and he pulled her onto his lap and kissed her soundly.  “I just love happy endings, don’t you General?”

They smiled wistfully at each other, it was obvious their own pleasant memories were replaying in their minds.  The older couple then initiated their own cuddle
session, which quickly turned into a full-blown make out scene right there at the table.  Lil T excused himself and went back to his DM duties.

Regan excused herself as well.  Stunned by the news, she wandered towards the front.  The walls were closing in on her and the air was stifling.  She had to get out of there.  Out of the corner of her eye she saw Rick still standing by the other submissive unaware of the festering wound that had just been ripped open by her unsuspecting twin.  He was oblivious to his wife’s agony as he laughed and chatted it up with the other woman and some other club members.

Once she made it to the front entrance, she asked the sub attending the door to call her a cab. Regan paced impatiently, she couldn’t stand to stay here another minute around all these happy couples.  The sub in reception noticed her agitation.  She was new but was experienced enough to question a collared sub leaving unattended.  Instead of calling a cab she promptly sent a text to Master Rick.  Regan knew the instant he walked in the room as a familiar tingling sensation coursed through her veins.  Damn, she knew she was screwed as he leveled an annoyed look at her from the doorway.

“Just where do you think you’re going, Regan?”  His tone was cool as he addressed her in front of the other sub but the muscle twitching in his clenched jaw betrayed his anger. “Thanks for letting me know, Jenny.”

He took Regan’s hand and led her back inside.  His long strides took them quickly through the bar area to the set of double doors that separated the vanilla public areas from the restricted member’s only club space and the private play areas beyond.  The attendant recognized him instantly and opened the door for the visibly angry man and his trailing sub.  Rick didn’t slow down as he crossed the crowded play area to the stairs leading up to the private rooms.  Regan in her sky-high heels ran unsteadily on her toes in order to keep up.  Master Jonas was monitoring the private rooms tonight.  Rick nodded to him as they approached.  “Is five open, Tech?”

“You got a naughty one tonight, my man?”  He questioned and his gaze swept curiously over Regan as he passed Rick the key.

“Tonight and every night lately it seems.  Let’s go, Regan.”

“But Rick, I don’t want to play.”

“Who said anything about playing?”  She was dragging her feet so he stopped and glared at her.  “Either do as your told little girl or I’ll hear you safeword now.”

Regan stared at him horrified.  She had never offered her safeword as a way to avoid punishment.  In fact she never used “red” in the entire time they had been together.  She knew it would be a major breach in trust and violation of their DD agreement.  She shook her head no.

“I’ll expect obedience then, naughty girl.”  Bending he wrapped a long arm around her thighs then tipped her over a strong shoulder and easily he carried up the stairs.




Chapter Seven

As the door closed firmly behind them, it dawned on Regan that room five was the punishment room.   Rick flipped a few switches and illuminated the spanking bench that stood in the middle of the small-scale medieval dungeon.  The rest of the room was cast in shadows and the dark effect increased the intimidation factor of the room itself.  The textured gray walls resembled in the low flickering light from the wall sconces.  A wide array of restraints, gags, dildos, paddles, floggers and whips was displayed on hooks and wrought iron shelving on the walls.  The room was also equipped with a whipping post, St. Andrew’s cross, stocks and chains and shackles on the wall.

“Rick, please.”  Regan began to protest.  The last time she’d been in this room she’d required a pillow to sit for several days.  

“Silence, subbie, you will address your Master appropriately while in The Club.  Don’t give me a reason to add to your punishment with more defiance and disrespect.  Understood?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“I think I prefer Master tonight, slave.”  He left her standing by the door and moved toward the spanking bench.  He ignored the startled gasp behind him, he rarely played the Master/slave role with her.

“Yes, Master.” She tried to swallow but her mouth and throat were too dry. She cleared her throat nervously.

“Something wrong, slave?”

“Just thirsty and a little nervous, Master.”

“Come stand by the bench, naughty slave girl.” As she obeyed he grabbed a chilled bottle of water and came up beside her.  “Just a few sips now. I don’t want you getting sick when I strap you down to the bench for your spanking. ”

Regan murmured a thank you and took a small mouthful.  She handed the bottle back to him and moved into a submissive standing position.  “Nice, beautiful girl,” he leaned down and spoke softly into her ear. “You remember how to act properly when the situation warrants, don’t you?  Present.”  He gave the last order in a quiet but commanding voice and watched her move into the requested position, head up and hands locked firmly behind her head. 

“You’re trembling, slave.  You trust your Master, don’t you?”  She shivered as his warm breath caressed her check.

“Yes, Master.”

“Then explain why you are frightened?”  His lips pressed a light kiss to the corner of her mouth then he nuzzled his face into her neck.

“I did something really bad and you look really pissed off… Master.”

His head came up.  “Look at me, slave.”  She met his gaze and his eyes held an angry glint, which made her sad.  “I am angry, Regan.  I’m also very disappointed but I would never do anything to harm you.  I’m concerned that at this point in our relationship that I have to remind you of that.”

A tear tracked down her cheek.  She was a horrible sub, she spoiled everything lately.  She held her breath as he raised his hand to her neck and tugged the tie releasing her from the
halter-top.  The silky green fabric slipped down over her skin grazing her sensitized clamped nipples as he bared her breasts.  One long finger reached up and tugged on the chain that connected her nipple clamps.  Her panties dampened instantly. “I think these clamps have been on long enough.

She mentally prepared herself, as an experienced sub she knew the clamps hurt a lot more when they came off. 

“Breathe, slave.”

He unclamped her right nipple and she sucked in a hissing breath as the return of the blood flow felt like pins and needles in her punished peak.  She watched as Rick lowered his head and gently laved and soothed the tortured flesh.  Rick repeated the same torment to the other nipple and she whimpered as his tongue quickly turned the pain to ecstasy and her pussy responded with more wetness.

After a few more minutes of attention to her breasts, Rick stood and admired their rosy color.  He moved to the armoire and picked up two sets of leather cuffs. “Where are your manners, slave?  You should thank your Master for paying extra attention to your nipples.  Your manners have really been deplorable lately.  I don’t think you deserve any pleasure considering the behavior you displayed tonight.  Do you, slave?” 

He returned to her side and secured the lined leather cuffs snugly around her wrists.  He slipped a finger inside the cuff and told her to wiggle her fingers, checking her circulation.  Once done he repeated the same process with her ankles.  He allowed her plenty of time to express her thanks or offer an apology.  None was forthcoming.

“What? Nothing to say?  OK then, naughty girl we’ll see to your correction in a moment.”  He rose to stand looking down at her from his impressive height, intimidating, unyielding and dominant.  “Before I place you over this bench and paddle your naughty behind, I want an explanation.  Why were you leaving by cab without talking to your Master or letting anyone know where you were going?”

“You were otherwise occupied with that bi-,” she caught herself before the words big boobed bitch left her mouth and she found herself in deeper trouble for swearing.  “You were busy with your friends and everyone else was getting busy.  I wasn’t feeling in the holiday spirit and decided to go home.”  Her tone was less than respectful or submissive.

A large hand landed sharply across her left ass cheek.  Damn, his hands were like paddles.  He really didn’t need any implements. “Remember your manners and who you are speaking to, slave.”  Despite his anger, his voice was calm and controlled.

“Sorry, Master.”

“So, you didn’t see the need to tell your husband that you wanted to leave, Regan?  That is unacceptable.  What’s bothering you my naughty slave?”

“I’m just tired, Master.  I want to go home.”

“Your wish is my command, my slave.  But first, we’re going to correct this attitude.

Another tear escaped and splashed upon her breast.  She inhaled a shuddering breath.  His finger traced the path of her tears before he wiped her cheeks with a broad stroke of his thumb. 

“You are so sad lately, baby.  I wish I knew how to help you but I can’t if you won’t talk to me.  So, we’ll address the behavior and hopefully the rest will come out soon.”  He kissed her gently on her tear stained cheeks.  “Over the bench, now.”

Regan nodded and heaved an ill-advised sigh as she assumed the familiar position over the bench.  This lapse was met with two sharp cracks across her ass cheeks. “Am I putting you out slave?”

“No, Master.”

He grunted in response.  Rick loved to spank both for play and for punishment.  She usually enjoyed it, too.  But tonight, her heart was hurting and she just wanted to go home and sleep.

After attaching her restraints to the bench he squatted by her head so he could look into her eyes.  In his hand, Regan saw the crop he had selected for her punishment.  She would have preferred a flogger but that wasn’t up to her, so she’d take what he gave her.  He brushed her hair off away from her face and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. 

“Something is bothering you, honey.  I can see the wheels turning up there.  You want to tell me what it is? “

“I love you, Master.  I’m very sorry for my behavior tonight.  I was just feeling sorry for myself.”  He hadn’t been there for Meg’s announcement otherwise she was sure he would have figured it out.  She couldn’t quite meet his eyes as she told another lie. “I guess it’s the depression.”

“I love you, Regan but I can tell when you are holding back and not being truly honest with me.  Can’t you trust me enough to confide in me?”

He stared at her for a long time until she couldn’t hold eye contact and looked away.  “So be it, slave.  Lies by omission are a punishable offense. You know that I will eventually find out what this is all about.  Until then, take your punishment like a good girl and we’ll head home early.” 

He stood after watching her nod in agreement and then took his place behind her, crop in hand as he admired the nicely rounded ass spread before him.  Despite her recent weight loss she still maintained a well-padded derriere, which he knew from experience was capable of handling the lengthy punishment he planned to administer.  

“Why are you being punished, slave?”

“I was disrespectful and tried to leave without telling you, Master.”

“You are also being dishonest by withholding whatever is going on in that beautiful head yours slave.  Maybe thirty with the crop will do as a nice reminder of whom you belong to and owe your submission, yeah?”

“Yes, Master.” She waited for the first blow to land. Instead she felt his warm hand stroke her ass gently.

“We’ll start with a nice warm up and ten swats for bad manners.”  He landed a few warm up swats, which didn’t count, of course.  He placed these across the swells of both cheeks and upon the tender spots where her thighs and ass cheeks met.  He rubbed her ass checking the heat and color and when he squeezed each globe firmly she knew he was assessing her readiness as he warmed her up.

A sharp crack echoed in the room followed by a sharp sting marking the beginning of her real punishment.  He landed a series of hard hand spanks back and forth across her pink cheeks and down her thighs.  One swat from his large hand covered most of her ass so the swats overlapped on already tenderized skin.  Every few minutes he would stop, rubbing and squeezing her bottom intentionally increasing the blood flow.  As he rubbed he separated her cheeks, spreading her wide enough to give him a perfect view of her clit, pussy and ass and the moisture that was collecting between her thighs.

“You’ve turned a beautiful shade of pink, slave.” His thumb slipped down to gently abrade her clit and he dipped a finger into her heat. “Mm and you’re very wet as well. You enjoyed those ten spanks too much for it to be called punishment.  Maybe I should give you another ten, hm?”

“Whatever Master feels is necessary to correct his naughty slave.”  She couldn’t hold back her groan of pleasure as he pinched her now aching clit between his broad thumb and forefinger.  He held it tightly for a moment before rolling it between his fingers.

“Excellent response, slave.  I’m glad to see you haven’t forgotten everything I taught you.  We’ll begin your whipping now on my count.”  The crop landed with stinging accuracy on her ass and she yelped, startled at the first blow even though she was fully anticipating it.  Swat after swat began falling slowly, methodically one after another.  He only used the leather flap at the end, which created a lovely stinging sensation as it made a loud slapping noise with each strike on her taut skin.  Of course, since this was punishment, Rick made sure to the increase the intensity and by the sixth stroke the burning made it clear this was not a playful sensual spanking.

She kept an internal count and knew he stopped at twenty to reassess her skin condition.  He was a strict Dom but always cognizant of her safety.  An expert disciplinarian, in ten years he had never broken her skin.  A strict but caring Master, he always made sure to provide the appropriate aftercare, applying lotion, oil or Arnica cream to prevent bruising and promote healing and she loved him for it.

A squeal escaped her lips when he applied a wicked slap to her upper thigh. “Got your attention back, did I?  Am I boring you, slave.”  He landed another burning swat against her sit spot. 

Now, Regan liked a good spanking just as much as the next girl but she was no masochist. Those really hurt.

“No Master, I swear I was just thinking about how you always take such good care of my skin.”

Mm, yes your beautiful, silky soft skin.  It’s exquisite.  Especially, the soft, silky cheeks of your ass.  I love how it turns from white, to pink, to a deep rose when I spank you your naughty ass, but I would much rather dole out orgasms than punishments.”  He caressed her slit with the wicked crop and then slid the shaft of the crop between her wet lips.  The tantalizing caress made her arch her back and leaned back into as much as the restraints would allow.  “You get so wet from a spanking.  I know that you always enjoy it, babe.  That’s why we’re perfect together.  We have matching kinks.”

“Yes, Master.  I love it when you spank me, but I prefer erotic ones over the punishments, too.”

Two more hard swats landed. “Then stop all this impulsive and secretive behavior, Regan.  It’s like you do these things to provoke me.”

“Oh, Master, please, not so hard.”

“This is punishment, it’s supposed to hurt.  No differently than all the other times in the past ten years.  It’s so you remember your lesson.”  Two more landed in the same place, one over the other on her left sit spot.

“Master, I’m really sorry.”

“I’m sure you are, Regan.”  Two landed on the opposite side. “You’re always sorry while in the middle of a spanking.”  The final two swats of the crop where applied firmly to each thigh.

“That’s thirty, beautiful girl.  Now, let me get you cleaned up and we’ll head on home.”


“Yes, honey?”


“Tell me what you want, Regan.”  She heard him moving around the room, placing the crop in the used tool basket for cleaning.  He grabbed the water bottle and stood by her head.

“I want… uh, usually you…” she spoke haltingly. She usually didn’t have any trouble asking for what she wanted.

“I usually what, Regan?  Fuck you?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Is that what you want, slave?  You want your Master to fuck you?”

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