You Can't Go Home Again (22 page)

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Authors: Aubrianna Hunter

BOOK: You Can't Go Home Again
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Zack looked at his friend. “Well, either you’re a better man
than I am, or you’re a self-destructive idiot. Either way, good luck.”

Jace tipped his beer to Zack, acknowledging the wisdom in
those words.

* * * * *

The rest of the night was fun, the four of them really
enjoying each other’s company. When Dani got up and sang with the karaoke
machine, getting full rounds of applause, Jace sent Zack an “I told ya” look,
to which Zack just shrugged.

After a while, Zack and Sara left. It was just Dani and him,
and a couple of regulars at the bar.

When she sat back down, Jace couldn’t help but ask, “Why
don’t you try to get a recording contract or something? You have to know how
amazing you are.”

Dani kind of lifted her shoulders, tossing her head side to
side. “Don’t want to. I just like to sing, for me. Maybe you can bring your
guitar over tomorrow?” Realizing her assumption, she backpedaled. “Or just
whenever you have time.”

Jace smiled, hearing the sudden nerves in her tone. He liked
that she assumed he’d be there tomorrow. “Sure, I’ll bring it over. Or, you can
just come upstairs tonight?”

“Can’t. In fact I need to get going. I have to let Dakota
out before he piddles all over the kitchen.”

“You don’t crate him?”

“No…I feel like a big meanie when I do. I bought a baby gate
and keep him in the kitchen, with his food, a bed and potty pads. Plus, don’t
tell Jenn, but I let him sleep with me. He’s so warm and cuddly. He snuggles up
right next to me like a little teddy bear.”

Heat rushed through Jace. Suddenly, he was very jealous of a
dog. Downing the last of his beer, he got up just after Dani, trying not to
stand too close. If she looked down, she would see his reaction. Taking a
minute while she grabbed her purse, he did some quick adjusting and followed
her over to the door. He walked her out to her car, holding the door open as
she climbed in. Unable to stop himself, he leaned in and pressed a quick hard
kiss to her lips. He backed away, closing her door and watching her drive away.

* * * * *

Dani was shocked. She’d tried to keep away from any physical
contact with him at all. The all-too-brief kiss had acted as a match to tinder,
lighting her desire with one firm touch. She brushed her fingers across her
lips, surprised to find them still tingling. Uuuhhh…she was in for a long

Chapter 34

Dani woke up early, way earlier than necessary. Since she’d
been here, she’d been able to sleep in a little bit. Not today. Today she was
awake and it was barely five. She’d had another dream.

She was wide awake and aching. She lay in the bed, the sheet
grazing over her tight nipples, making matters worse. Before she could even
think things through, she ran a hand down her body, her thumbnail flicking over
her breasts, bringing a gasp to her lips. While her hand trailed down, she
thought of Jace.

Was she stupid to deny them both this pleasure? To keep
things platonic? After all, she was leaving in just a few days. She wouldn’t be
back any time soon anyway, not really. When she left, she fully expected things
to go back to normal. Jenn would come visit her in L.A. a few times a year.
Maybe Bri would even come with her now, if he could get the time off work. So,
maybe she and Jace could have a few days of pleasure before she left town.

Even as she thought it, she knew she couldn’t do it. She
loved him. Too much to think that she could ever manage casual sex. As tempting
as it was, it just wasn’t possible.

But as she felt the wetness between her legs, the flesh
swollen and sensitive, she wished just for a minute that it was. Knowing she
wouldn’t sleep again, Dani got up and into a cold shower. When that didn’t do
anything except make her shiver, she decided on a good long run.

She got dressed, threw on her sneakers, let the puppy out to
potty, and headed out running. By the time she got back, it was still only six
thirty, so she was surprised to see Jace sitting on the front porch.

“What in the hell are you doing here so early?”

“Couldn’t sleep… Why are you out running so early?”

“Couldn’t sleep.” She was not going to tell him why. “You
could have let yourself in.”

He shrugged, looking very grumpy and put out this morning.
“Thought about it. Didn’t know you were awake and I didn’t want to scare you.
Figured I’d just wait out here.”

She nodded, stepping around him to open the door. “Well, I’m
awake. And I need coffee and a shower. In that order.”

He reached beside him, pulling out a Starbucks cup. “Here.
Mocha, right? It’s been awhile.”

“You’re here and you brought me coffee. Wow, you really have
been up awhile. Having nightmares?”

Jace chuckled, a wry grin crossing his face. “Something like

Remembering Afghanistan, probably, Dani thought. She should
really tell him she knew. Let him know he had someone he could talk to about
it… Shower first.

As they headed into the house, Dani let the puppy out of the
kitchen then flopped down on the floor, sipping her coffee before she headed up
to shower. Jace lay down on the couch, propping his feet up on the far end.

“You really need to get a bigger couch in here.”

“Yeah, I know. This one’s shot. Before I go I’m having
Goodwill come and pick up any furniture they want. Then I’ll toss the rest.
This place’ll be empty next week.”

The thought sent a shiver of sadness through her. She hadn’t
really realized just how much she’d missed home until she got here. Now, she
almost didn’t want to leave.

* * * * *

“You gonna sell the house?” God, he hoped she said no. If
she still had the house, then he still had her. If she sold this place, she
would disappear forever.

“I don’t know yet. I may rent it out again. I hate to leave
it just sitting here. The taxes aren’t much, so I don’t really have to do
anything with it. But it’s sad, ya know? There was always laughter and love in
this house. Thinking of it sitting here, empty and lonely… I just can’t do
that, either. I’d love it if someone I know bought it. Maybe Beth and Colonel
want a house.” She shrugged. “I’m going to go shower. You can watch TV or
whatever. I’ll only be a minute.”

An image of her in the shower at his house flashed through
his mind. He barely bit back the groan. He had been on edge since he woke up.
He’d been dreaming of her legs wrapped around his waist, her back pressed
against a wall, hands digging into his shoulders. He’d woken up still thrusting
against his damn bed. A long cold shower had taken the edge off, but with one
little flash he was hard as hell. Son of a bitch!

“Put on jeans!” he yelled up the stairs, his voice more of a
growl than he’d like.

When Dani came back downstairs, wearing the requisite jeans
and a deep orange T-shirt, Jace was still aroused. One look at her and he was
regretting coming over here. He should have stayed away today, until he could
control himself. But he’d needed to see her this morning.

He grabbed her hand, yanking her out the front door. “We’re
going for a ride.”

“But…the puppy…”

“Taken care of. I need to ride. You coming?”

He watched as she processed his question. Watched the
momentary indecision melt into a smirk before spreading into a full blown grin.
“Hell yes!”

She grabbed the helmet out of his hands and hopped on the

Jace couldn’t stop the grin. Nicole had never once been on
his bike, always told him it wasn’t safe, just not her thing. Seeing Dani, her
little wild streak popping through, hop on without second thought… He knew why
he loved her.

* * * * *

As Jace took off, Dani was exhilarated. She loved the
powerful feel of the bike underneath her. When he headed south, away from
Austin, she slowly felt her grip relax. She started to lean with the turns,
settling into the feel of the bike, how it handled. She could tell Jace had
been riding awhile. He was comfortable, good at it. She held on, loving the
rush of wind past her.

After they first took off, it took just a few minutes before
Dani started to relax, the tension ebbing out of her muscles. As her hand
loosened around Jace’s waist, he must have been able to tell she was finally
relaxing because he revved up the motor, heading down the main road, out of
town. They rode for a while, almost an hour before he even turned around.

As they headed back home, Dani was comfortable enough that
her mind started to wander. Unfortunately it wandered back to her dreams. She
started with the one from this morning, Jace pressing her against a wall, her
legs wrapped around his waist as he thrust into her. After a brief stop there,
she rambled back to the dream she’d had at his house. She’d been on his bike,
just like this. The feel of the bike between her legs, the rumble of the motor.
Her breasts pressed against Jace’s back with only the thin cotton of their
shirts between them. It was hot out, just like now. When the dream flashed back
with vivid clarity, she realized it wasn’t a dream, but a vision. A vision she
was smack in the middle of living out. She knew the outcome of this ride, had
seen it, felt it.

With the memories, her body flushed with arousal. Her
breasts felt fuller, achier, pressed against Jace. Her nipples throbbed,
pushing against her shirt, begging for his touch, to feel his skin against
hers. The motorcycle seat between her thighs was rumbling, arousing her to the
point of torture. Before she could stop it her hands made fists against his
waist, gripping his shirt. She prayed he didn’t hear the whimper of need that
slipped past her clenched teeth. As they pulled up to the house, she locked
every muscle in her body to stop herself from writhing against the seat. She
was on the verge of orgasm.

* * * * *

Jace had felt her tense up again as they got closer to her
house. As he pulled onto her street, he slowed a little, wondering why she
didn’t want to go home. Talking was pointless through the helmets. He felt
every muscle in her body tighten as he pulled into her driveway. He stopped,
pushing the kickstand at the same time he shut down the engine. She leaped off
the bike, jumping almost before he stopped. He pulled off his helmet as he
swung his leg over, just in time to see her legs give way beneath her.

He grabbed her, pulling her upright and into his chest. He
wrapped an arm around her waist, yanking off her helmet. “Dani! Are you okay?
What happened?”

He looked at her cheeks, flushed with color, her eyes glazed
over. “Are you overheated? Here, let me get you in the house. God,
sweetheart…talk to me.”

She pushed at his arms, trying to free herself from his
hold. “I’m fine. I’m not too hot. I’m…just let go. I’m fine.”

He stepped back a little, still holding her waist with his
hands in case she stumbled again. “You’re not fine, you damn near fell on your
ass. What’s wrong?”

He looked her over, starting at her feet, looking for
injury, working his way up her long legs. He noticed goose bumps on her arms,
saw her hands clenched into fists still pushing against his chest. He noticed
her nipples were taut, pressing against her shirt. Biting back the groan, he
ran through anything he could think of that might cause a chill in
ninety-degree weather. When he got to her face, he noticed her biting her lips,
her head thrown back, eyes closed. He remembered his dream.

Afraid to believe it, afraid to push her into running again,
he very softly ran his hand down her neck, trailing from her ear past her
collarbone. Her chin quivered, her teeth biting down harder on her lower lip.
Gripping her waist, tugging her a little closer, he continued on his path. His
fingers kept going, dipping into the edge of her shirt until he found the lace
edge of her bra. Skimming his hand over the edge of lace, he tucked the very
tip of one finger just inside the fabric.

Hearing the whimper that she couldn’t hold back was too much
for Jace. “Fuck me! Jesus, are you going to…are you… Aaahh hell, please say

He watched her face, her eyes cracked open just a slit as
she looked up at him. He knew he was risking everything, but couldn’t stop
himself. He reached down, sliding a hand between her thighs, cupping her
through her jeans. When she cried out, twisting against his hand, he grabbed
her, cupping her ass and pulling her into him.

He felt her body tense, the muscles clenching and tightening
as her orgasm rolled through her. Just from his touch. On a groan, he grabbed
her, pulling her into him. Finally, his lips were on hers, her body pressed
against him again. As his erection pressed into her belly, he couldn’t stop the
quick thrust of his hips. When he cupped her ass again, she jumped up, wrapping
her legs around his waist, squeezing him to her. This was a mistake; he knew it
even as he gave in to the pleasure. He couldn’t’ stop himself. Not anymore.

With her wrapped around him, Jace ripped his mouth from
hers, stepping up onto the porch. He made it up one step before she pressed her
lips back to his. He stumbled, grabbing the railing and setting her back on her
feet. He slid his hands up under her shirt, cupping and squeezing her breasts,
wringing another moan from her. He backed up the last step, dragging her with
him. When they reached the front door, he spun her around, pressing her against
the side of the house. He grabbed one leg, lifting it up to his hip, thrusting
against her.

His shaft was hard, ready to burst. He felt the seed rising
up, ready to slide into her and mark her as his own. Fighting down the need, he
twisted the handle, never so grateful for an unlocked door. He pushed her
backwards, his lips still pressed to hers, catching her as she stumbled up into
the house. As soon as they had cleared the way, he kicked back, shutting the
door with his foot. With the door closed, he grabbed the hem of her shirt,
ripping it up over her head.

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