You Can Be Thin: The Ultimate Programme to End Dieting... Forever (22 page)

BOOK: You Can Be Thin: The Ultimate Programme to End Dieting... Forever
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Processed foods are full of additives and research shows that additives can interfere with the mechanisms involved in the metabolic process causing the metabolism to slow down. Check food labels for E-numbers to see how many additives the food contains.
I never thought I would promote fidgeting, I love calmness. However, those who fidget, twiddle pens, tap their feet up and down, rotate their feet around, or swing a crossed leg up and down or bounce their heels off the floor while queuing burn more calories than calm individuals. Nervy types burn off more nervous energy. NEAT = non-exercise-activity-thermogenesis, which is the name for continuous movement, can burn off 200 calories daily.
A New Kind of Takeaway With No Calories
By this stage in the book you have taken in so much information and implemented great changes with every exercise you have done, you are equipped with new habits for the new you. You have accomplished so much already and you can now move on and make the following actions – which are easy, convenient and inexpensive – a part of your daily life. Print them out and stick them on your fridge and remember they are designed to help you change your shape and size and
they work
1. Visualise yourself as thinner constantly.
2. Change your language and your beliefs, take control of how you talk, think, act and react with regard to food.
3. Use the three Rs to remind you to eat the food Mother Nature put on the planet for you:
Food that grows or
Food that you could eat
Food that you can
as food.
4. Have your desk, office, locker, travel bag and car always stocked up with portable foods that you like and that sustain you so that you always have an alternative food handy.
5. Buy your food staples in bulk at least three at a time so that you don’t run out of them. Shop online and have them delivered weekly if it makes it easier. Replace your portable foods and your pantry staples as soon as you use them.
6. Replace dairy foods with good substitutes.
7. Eat more slowly. Properly chewing food automatically makes us eat more slowly and we become full more quickly and hence eat less. Your nose is over your mouth for a reason, you are supposed to smell your food before you eat it, so slow down your eating pace and take the time to smell your food as well as taste it because smelling it tells the body how to digest it. Digestion begins in the mouth not the stomach the digestive enzymes in saliva are more powerful than those in our stomach.
8. Eat serotonin-producing foods every day to keep you happy and to beat cravings: coriander, bananas, eggs, avocados and turkey.
9. Put your own needs first and remember you are worth it. If the foods you should be eating aren’t available, ask your host or waiter for something different. In order to make someone else happy you have to take care of your own happiness first. Eat like celebrities who have no problem requesting special food because they know they are worth it, that they can get it by asking politely and that it is important to them. These are the same beliefs that allow people with allergies or religious needs to ask for different food.
10. Remember cereals are cattle feed and glue so they shouldn’t be your primary food, and dairy is not suited to our bodies.
11. Stop eating carbs after lunch.
12. Limit the variety of food at each meal.
13. Keep the right food in your house and the wrong food out of your house; especially don’t buy it for others as it just leads to temptation.
14. Avoid fast food and any food with taste enhancers or additives.
15. Eat earlier and make late-night eating an exception not the rule.
So now you have takeaways that keep you thinner and you know what to do, the new thin you will never have to diet or go hungry again. You will eat better than you have eaten in the past but weigh less and feel happier. Like me you will wish that you had this information years ago as it will improve your relationship with food, with yourself and with everyone around you.
I am often very busy so I have to eat in this way. I spend a lot of time on the road travelling and spend weeks in different countries. I have had to devise a programme that encompasses the most difficult and challenging eating situations. Many diet books assume that the reader loves to cook and has time to cook. This is not always the case so many people turn to fast food because they don’t have the time, the energy or the inclination to cook.
Many of my clients frequently report that they are so hungry after a long day working that even while cooking for their family they end up snacking on junk like biscuits and bread perpetuating the negative eating cycle. Or they buy sandwiches and crisps and eat them on the way home not even bothering with a meal once they are home. Nowadays people buy more takeaways and more ready-cooked supermarket meals than ever before. So many families infrequently eat meals together and around the table and this has to be taken into account in any modern diet book.
If you love cooking and have time to cook healthy fresh food that is an asset. If you don’t, you can still shed weight easily. This programme works for everyone from stressed-out mothers on a tight budget to executives. I work with lots of executives who live a five-star life and still eat the wrong things. Doing what I do will cut years of trial and error from your goal of being slimmer and add years to your life. It has taken me a long time and many years of studying my own clients to devise this method of becoming and remaining thinner with ease.
How to Shop and Feed Your Guests
When people come to your house for dinner or to stay as guests, give them the same type of food that you are now eating. You can adapt your new eating plan and, of course, you can buy cakes and pizza especially for your guests or your children and their friends if they are having a tea party or sleepover. Just make a point of buying desserts and biscuits that you don’t like as it is so much easier to avoid them. If your least favourite crisps are salt and vinegar buy only those; if you hate biscuits with coconut or ginger in them buy those. If you are buying ice cream for a summer barbecue again buy the flavour that you don’t like. I don’t like rum and raisin ice cream so I can keep that in my house forever. If there are any leftovers encourage your guests to take them home when they leave or throw them away or put them in the freezer out of sight.
I am also very comfortable making my guests a pasta dinner if that is what they want while preparing something different for me and eating with them. The key is not to make a fuss and never to make a big deal about it. If you are relaxed and comfortable your guests will be the same. When I was a vegetarian I would cook meat for my daughter and sit with people eating meat and it was not an issue.
Avoid hosting or going out for afternoon tea because it is a time when only cakes and sandwiches are served. If you are invited to afternoon tea ask for a piece of fruit or take some with you. If you have to make afternoon tea include fruit and throw the biscuits away as soon as the guests have left.
When you are eating out ask for different food or for your food to be prepared differently without feeling embarrassed about it. Remember if you were diabetic you would do this because your health depended on it. Your health does depend on it too, so put your needs first politely and discreetly and no one else will care or probably even notice.
What to Eat
Your new way of eating for life involves eating primarily foods based around fruit, vegetables, salads, nuts, seeds, soya and lean protein. You can eat some complex carbohydrates like oats but not every day.
For breakfast you can have fruit with some almonds or soya yogurt with seeds, nuts and fruit, or a soya and fruit smoothie or scrambled eggs with coriander or oats with nuts or seeds made with water and soya or rice milk, or any kind of fish. Eat a banana daily as a snack and for lunch you can have protein, salad and vegetables and more fruit, for dinner you can have protein, salad and vegetables. You can add soups and sweet potatoes (as they are actually yams, not potatoes) to lunch and dinner, you can snack on fruit, seeds, nuts, edamame, smoothies and rice milk lattes. Your staple snack could be unsalted almonds – they are so good for us and so portable. In the winter you can make a lot more soups and in the summer snack much more on berries when they’re in season and therefore cheaper. You can eat potatoes, rice, and bread but aim to not eat them daily and not after lunch. Quinoa is a much better choice than rice or potatoes to eat with meat or fish or put in soups and salads as it’s a seed and a very healthy food that gives you a lot of energy.
You can have a varied healthy diet but limit the variety of food at each meal, for instance at breakfast you could have eggs or fish or oats with nuts and seeds and some fruit but don’t have some of everything because this stimulates your appetite and encourages overeating. If you get hungry late at night try to have just fruit or hot tea as you cannot digest food late at night.
What to Visualise and Why
On the (occasional) days when you eat more than you need to you can easily visualise yourself burning it all off while you are sleeping. This is no different really to visualising yourself gaining weight except one is a positive visualisation the other is very negative. When you get offered sweets or a handful of someone else’s crisps you can say, ‘No I don’t eat that stuff’. This isn’t always true but say it all the time anyway as the more you say it the more true it becomes. The way we visualise is the way we become. You can become a walking talking affirmation of the way you want to be. Keep telling yourself you burn off food as a waking visualisation, too. And of course you are ready to play your audio content now. You can play it every day, more than once a day, as it will help you to visualise.
This is not an ending it’s a new beginning. You have learned so much starting with changing your attitude and then your language before moving on to choosing to be thin. You have taken lots of small steps that get big results and you are finally able to get the body you want by making mental changes and welcoming some restrictions, because they bring results that make it worth it. You have learned to think thin and know that continuously visualising your body the way you want it to look is not some new age hocus pocus it is a science that really works. You know how to visualise your progress for lasting success and how to make brainwashing work for you not against you.
You have learned how to end cravings that are physical and mental and made changes from the inside as well as on the outside. As a grand finale you know how to keep it off forever and I know that you can do it. The Ten New Takeaways will help you keep on the straight and narrow and if you hit a curve you can just get right back on track. Don’t ever give up just because you have eaten a biscuit, after all you wouldn’t go on to empty out your bank account just because you have overspent would you? The definition of success is not if you fail but how quickly you get back on track if you do fail. A day in the life of the new thin you is how you are going to be almost all the time. The thing I love the most about my programme is that you don’t have to do all of it all of the time for it to work. As long as you do most of it most of the time it will work.
It’s essential that you have not only read this book from cover to cover but that you have done all the exercises required (if you have skipped any of them please go back and do them right now, not for me but for you). I designed these exercises so that you can be thin so please do them.
So what next? Be thinner, be happy and know that you are always enough. If you slip up go back to the appropriate chapter; if you are still hard on yourself reread the chapter on ‘Changing Your Language’. If you still hanker after rubbish food reread ‘How to End Cravings’ and put the information into practice. If other people give you a hard time or try to make you eat the food that they like to eat reread ‘How to Say No and Mean It’. And remember this is all about you, you don’t need to convert anyone (unless of course they want you to in which case please do) and neither can anyone convert you back to those old bad habits unless you let them and you are never going to do that.
If any particular chapter in this programme really resonated with something inside you then go back and read that chapter again. Print out some of the sayings if they were particularly helpful and remember them.
Remember you have been through a hypnotic process and you have worked hard to make powerful and lasting changes. They won’t undo themselves and if you are at all worried that they will remember you have an additional special tool, your audio content. Every time you play it you are reinforcing your mind and replacing old negative suggestions with powerful positive ones. As you play the audio content the image of you at your ideal weight will become more real and more attainable each time that you hear it. The audio content is going to help you so much. It will have a powerful, permanent and all-pervasive impact on your self image, your eating habits and your beliefs so play it every day without a break for twenty-one days (remember those neural pathways changing after twenty-one days) and then continue to play it regularly until the words become deeply embedded into your subconscious mind.
From start to finish of this book you have been absorbing powerful workable solutions to being overweight. You cannot adhere to this programme without feeling and seeing the benefits. As long as you use this book the way it was meant to be used you can be thin.
I hope you have enjoyed this journey to be thinner, to be cured of dieting forever. The destination is fantastic – it’s you looking the way you were meant to look but the journey is quite an accomplishment too. Thank you so much for taking it with me. Please keep in touch with me and let me know your progress you can e-mail me for advice on
[email protected]

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