You Belong With Me (13 page)

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Authors: M. R. Joseph

BOOK: You Belong With Me
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"Well, hello, may I help you sir?" The creature spoke.

Carter moved his aviators to the tip of his nose and got a better look at the female specimen in his sights. He spoke to her in a husky, slow, and methodical tone.

"Yes ma'am. I am in need of a tuxedo for a dinner party I will be attending. Do you think you could help me with that?" He smirked at her making certain his dimple popped out.

"I believe I'm quite capable of that sir." She grinned at him and winked suggestively.

He made his way into the private dressing room and the woman in the four inch Louboutins carried in four tuxedos for Carter to try on. She showed each one to him. Two Calvin Klein's, one Armani Exchange, and one Ralph Lauren. She stepped into the private dressing room with him. It was large with burgundy papered walls, plush green carpets, and a large three way mirror surrounding him as he stood there waiting for her to help him try on the jackets. Off to the side was a cream colored Chez lounge that the pants of the suits rested on. Carter slipped on the first jacket and the woman stood behind him and straightened it out. She ran her hands across his shoulders and down his arms. She dusted off the jacket and asked, "So how do you like this one sir?" He purse his lips as though he was in deep thought.

"Well, I just don't know. Can I bother you for another one to try on? If you don't mind. He looked at her reflection through the mirror. Her heavily shadowed lids looked heavy and she licked her plump red lips.

"No bother at all sir." She ran her hands towards the front of his lapels of the jacket and slipped it off of him from behind. She grabbed it and placed it on another hanger and took another from off the garment hook to her left.

He held his large strong arms out to the sides while he waited for her to slip the next one on. She started to place it up his arms and onto his broad shoulders. She did as before and straightened it out.

"Now this one suits you very well sir. It's classic, masculine, and it defines your arms and shoulders."

He darted his tongue out to trace his top lip.

"It does now, doesn't it?"

"Yes, sir. It certainly does." She reached around towards his hips and made her way to the front of his pants. She then began to trace his fly with her long red finger nails pretending to remove an offending string. Carter closed his eyes and let out a sigh. She began to knead his crotch when he didn't pull away from her suggestive touch, she pushed her breasts to his back and waited. This went on for several minutes. The feeling was pleasurable, yet excruciating because it was temporary. A temporary fix. She stepped around him so that she was now standing in front of him. He looked at her as she darted her tongue out to lick the top row of her teeth. He smirked at her and raised his eyebrows suggestively. The woman dropped to her silk stocking clad knees. She made her way to the button of his jeans and slowly undid it. Her red nails grabbed the zipper and languidly pulled it down. She reached her hand around and into the back of his jeans and tugged them down. When she did this his dick sprung out of his jeans, sans boxers. She took his length into her hands and the contact made him seethe and take a gulp of air into his lungs. She rubbed the tip of it and traced his moisture with her thumb. His head hung back and he closed his eyes and she licked the head. He raised his head and saw the top of her head bobbing back and forth. He shut his eyes again as she sucked and pumped his hardness in her hand. Carter placed his hand on the top of her head. He moaned and was evidently enjoying the pleasure of it all.

"Yea. Oh yea. That's it. Oh God." He moved his hips forward pushing himself deeper into her mouth. His head was spinning and beads of sweat began to trace his upper lip. He glanced down at her and she looked up at him with hooded eyes and for a moment, no a micro second, he saw the woman he loved and adored. He saw Casey's face and he imagined it was her mouth upon him. It was image of her smiling up at him and thats when he shook his head and rubbed his eyes. Carter pulled back in shock and stopped the woman from her actions.

He grabbed her hand to still her and gripped her wrist and pulled her up from her position. Carter swung her around and pushed her towards the chez lounge. Her ass was now in front of him and he began to circle it with his erection. She moaned and began rubbing her ass on him. They got into a heavy rhythm of grinding. He leaned a little more forward and pulled her long hair to one side. He licked her ear and breathed hot air into it. He moved his hand up her skirt until he found the juncture of her thighs. He discovered her sweet spot over her stockings. He circled over it and she threw her head back in appreciation and he sucked and licked her exposed neck. He began pulling her stockings down not caring if they ripped and reached his hand inside her black lace panties. He found his way inside and stuck his fingers through her wetness. She shuttered. The woman stayed still. Her long legs still wearing the high heeled black Louboutins. It was sexy as hell.

"Should I fuck you this way, bent over with your sweet little ass in the air, or should I lay you down, climb on top of you and fuck the holy hell out of you that way? Your choice."

She panted and spoke, "Just hurry up and do it." She pushed her ass into him."Like this, now." He stripped down the rest of her undergarments and undid his jeans He grabbed a condom from his pocket and stuck it on with readiness. He dipped the head of his cock into her and she cried out, "Oh God, fuck me now."

He didn't bother to give her a warning he just impaled her. He closed his eyes and he pumped in and out of her. He gripped her hair and thrusted hard and relentlessly. He felt dizzy from the heat and when he opened his eyes he was woozy. His head snapped up to take a look at the three mirrors that surrounded them. The woman in front of him was pushing back onto his cock and and she was making all kinds of wailing sounds. He looked at their images in the mirrors. He looked to the mirror to his left and his vision became cloudy. He shook his head and closed his eyes. When he opened them and looked in the mirror again he was startled by what he saw. Carter saw Casey's face again in the woman he was inside of. Then he looked to the mirror to the right of him. The same image came into play. Casey's face was there. Her blonde waves bouncing from each thrust. She licked her lips and smiled at him. Then she closed her eyes. He started to panic and closed his eyes again. He opened them to look at the larger of the three mirrors in front of him and all he could see was the top of the woman's head. He felt relief and continued to pound into her. Just then the woman raised her head, looked up and straight into the mirror. Right into his eyes. Looking back at him were Casey's bright blue eyes. She spoke in a whisper.

"Keep going, Carter. Don't stop, baby. Fuck me harder. I'm yours. Don't worry." He swore it was Casey's voice because he never even told the sales woman his name. It was like a mirage and Casey was the water who would quench his thirst.

Carter jumped back and fell against the wall in a panic. The woman turned around and Casey's face disappeared. He saw the sales woman.

"What the fuck is your problem?" She spatted.

He pulled up his pants, threw off the suit jacket, slipped on his shoes and headed for the door. He turned to the woman whose skirt was still up around her waist.

"I'm so sorry. Uh...thanks for the help." He ran for his life or at least thats what it felt like. What just happened? He saw Casey in his mirage of lust. This cannot happen again. Will he always think of her when he has sex? Carter was a hot mess. He wiped his brow and ran his hands through his short hair as he exited the store. He breathed heavily and thought about how it was just a day dream. He still could not shake what he saw out of his head. He then swore to himself he would stop thinking with his dick and turn all his energy towards Casey. He had no other choice than to ignore all other woman so he could concentrate on winning the heart of the one who belonged to him.

He checked his phone to see if their were any missed calls. He only saw one text from Casey. His stomach suddenly went into knots and he blushed when he thought about what had just transpired in the dressing room. The text read:

Car, tell everyone hi for me and give Haley a kiss from Auntie Case see u @ home later xxx

He felt a pain in his chest and he placed his hand over his heart when he read it. The woman was going to be the death of him one way or another. She would either fall madly in love with him or crush his heart in a million tiny pieces.

The warm Florida sun beat down on Carter as he walked down the main shopping district in Clearwater towards the restaurant where he was meeting his family. When he made his way to the restaurant, which was on the waterfront, several people recognized him and shook his hand, a few girls asked if they could get his autograph and take a picture with him. Although his head was spinning from the events that took place earlier, he obliged and was more than happy to. Luminosity's adoring fans were the second best thing in his life. The woman who ruled his heart was first.

A few pictures were snapped and Carter signed their cocktail napkins and the restaurant became a buzz that a local celebrity was in their presence. When all the hoopla was through he spotted his extra tall brother waving his hand at him from one of the outdoor tables. He thanked the admirers and made his way to the table. They all stood up to greet him. He grabbed his mom Jane in a fierce hug and lifted her off the ground.

"Oh God, Carter!" She yelped." My baby is home finally." She was so glad to see him even though she had flown out to Vegas with a friend of hers to see one of his shows a few months ago.

"Good to be home, ma." He smiled at her as she takes in the sight of him. Eva and Domenic make their way towards him and Carter's niece Haley is in Eva's arms. Dom gives Carter a bro hug and Eva gives him a big hug and kiss on the cheek. Haley holds out her arms for him.

"Uncky Car!" She squeals. He plucks her form Eva's arms.

"Get over here you little monkey!" He holds her in a huge bear hug and rocks her back and forth. "I missed you, monkey girl."

"I missed you too Uncky."

She was such a beautiful child. Ringlet blonde hair and bright blue eyes, always put a smile on his face. She was the sweetest three year old in the world to him. Their waitress came up to the table and obviously recognized Carter. She blushed as she began to speak.

"Oh my God! You're Carter London from Luminosity, right?" She was no more than nineteen.

Domenic rolled his eyes and his mom and Eva smirked at him.

"Well, yes, I am and you are?" he glanced at her name tag. "Britney. Nice to meet you."

She was flustered and dropped her pencil. Carter bent down and picked it up for her.

"Would you like me to sign something for you?"

Her jaw dropped and she nodded and tore out a piece a paper from her check book. She handed it to him with shaky hands.

He took it, signed it, and gave it back to her.

"Thank you so much, Mr. London."

"Please. No formalities Britney, I'm Carter."

She blushed again and stammered for words.

"Um.. Oh, what um, can I get you all to drink."

They placed the order with the star struck waitress.

"So where is Casey, sweetie pie?" Jane asked.

"Shopping, I believe. We were invited to a dinner party at her..." Carter stopped talking.

Jane and the rest of them looked at him waiting for him to finish his sentence.

"Car?" Eva asked. " Her what?"

He ran his hand through his buzz and blew out air from his lungs. "Her boyfriend. The almighty, rich and powerful Jordan Reid."

All their mouths hung open.

"Like as in Jordan Reid of Reid Yachts and Commodities? He's a freaking millionaire dude," Domenic screeched.

"That's the one and thanks. Don't you think I know that. Oh and try his father is a billionaire. We were invite to their house this Friday for a dinner party."

"Honey, I talked to Casey at least once a week while you were gone and she never mentioned a boyfriend," Jane said.

"I know, mom. Me too. We video chatted once a week and talked everyday, and she never said a word. It was a surprise for me as well. She said she wanted to see where it was going before she introduced him to the most important people in her life."

Britney came back with their drinks and Carter grabbed his Corona and downed half the bottle. He really wanted a shot of whiskey to calm his nerves but it was one o'clock in the freaking afternoon.

"I have to get a tux. The party is ultra formal and that's why Case is out buying a dress with his Neiman's card."

"Oh lord, she may be there all day." Eva chimed in. "Carter, Reid is one of Florida's most eligible bachelors. Did you see the recent article in the paper about him? And the picture? Holy hell, he's a hottie."

Domenic looked at Eva and let out an aggravated puff of air from his lungs.

"Oh God, whatever." Domenic spat out.

Jane laughed at his remark and Carter shook his head in frustration.

"Yea so, he's a pretty boy. I get it. I see the appeal and I'm a heterosexual male. He's rich, good looking, and can tell he's crazy about her." Carter had trouble getting that last part out. He didn't want to admit it but it was the obvious.

"I'm guessing you have met him honey?" Jane asked.

"Yes. Last night. Then he asked me if I would go to the stupid party and his stupid parents house and wear a stupid tux. I don't wanna, mommy." He pouted like a five year old and crossed his arms. Jane reached over and patted his arm.

"Aw, what's the matter son? You don't want to dress up and go to the big mansion and eat grown up food? Big baby. Suck it up my youngest, put on your big boy pants and deal."

Carter smiled at his mother and she winked at him.

"You’re right. It's just that the freaking guy is perfect and I... I hate it."

Carter knew that admittance was worded wrong. His mom looked at him with a worried look. Haley began to fuss and started pointing to the dock that was behind them.

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