You Belong With Me (30 page)

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Authors: Shannon Guymon

Tags: #Christian Books & Bibles, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Contemporary Fiction, #Religious & Inspirational Fiction, #Christian, #Religion & Spirituality, #Christian Fiction, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: You Belong With Me
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              Layla spent the next two weeks, tweaking her lunch menu and helping Jane work on their advertising while Kit became more and more proficient at cake decorating. Their new morning and afternoon counter help took a ton of pressure off of each of the sisters and they were each better able to concentrate on what they were most interested in doing. Creating beautiful things to eat.

              Kit had mostly been doing birthday cakes, but she had just been given an order for a six tier wedding cake scheduled in two months. She was scheduled for a consultation for the next day and she was so excited she could barely sit still.

              Jane spent her time discovering new cupcake flavors and experimenting with new and unusual flavor combinations. She’d even make a bacon and maple syrup cupcake that was turning out to be one of their top sellers. Layla would like to have said that she was excelling as much as her sisters were at baking, but she was the one lagging behind. She made her pastries and goodies with as much care and precision as possible, but she knew she needed a niche. Something special to stand out. Her signature dessert. Every few days she tried a new recipe, searching for the one thing she could look at with pride and say, that’s mine.

              Michael’s divorce was going ahead on schedule. Ashley had met with Michael six days ago with her lawyer and they’d gone over all the details. Michael had come by the bakery afterward and had looked so beaten down and sick at heart that all three sisters had insisted on bringing him inside and feeding him a hot chocolate and an éclair. He left an hour later, after being pampered a little lighter in spirit and more determined to keep going.

              The one area they weren’t making any progress on was their father. For some reason their father had gone into hiding. All three of them had scoured the city looking for him. Jane was determined to get their father into rehab and so was Kit. She was doubtful that he’d go. She’d seen addict after addict choose the drug over freedom time after time. It was a cliché, but usually the person had to hit rock bottom before any change was possible because until that moment, the addict would always believe that they had everything under control. The biggest lie an addict could ever believe.

              Instead of their father showing up, now they had to deal with daily visits from Alex Foster. He would show up every day right before lunch, buy three cookies and then ask Jane out for lunch. Jane had gotten to where she hid in the kitchen during the time he showed up. But he had caught on and now he came at various times in order to catch her off guard.

              Layla stared impatiently at Alex who was bending over, contemplating every single dessert in their display cases filled with sumptuous desserts and make the same humming sound he made every day. He would stare at everything for at least five minutes and then order the same thing he did every day, three chocolate chip cookies. He was driving her insane.

              “I don’t know Layla. What do you think I would like?” he murmured, smiling up at her.

              Layla tried not to grimace and shrugged, wishing Kit would return from delivering the bread soon. Jane wouldn’t show her face until he was in his car and driving away.

              “Mr. Foster, I wouldn’t presume to know your tastes in dessert. But I’ll let you think a little longer while I ring up this next customer,” she said, moving to the side to see the pretty blond with seven hoops in her right ear staring at Kit’s latest cake.

              “No, I’m ready now. I’ll have three chocolate chip cookies, although I should probably get the brownie instead,” he said sounding unsure.

              Layla reached down and placed three large cookies in the wax paper bag. “That’ll be $2.47 please,” she said holding out her hand.

              Alex handed her a few bills and took the sack. “Keep the change Layla. Oh and tell Jane that I I want to take her to lunch tomorrow. I won’t take no for an answer this time,” he said with a shake of his finger before opening the door and walking out.

              “That guy is a freak,” the blond woman said with a shake of her head. “Tell your sister to catch a cold tonight because my roommate’s sister dated him for a couple weeks and she said he was scary. Like, she was serious
. He’s scary

              Layla frowned at the news but it just confirmed everything she already knew. Alex Foster was bad news. She glanced at their newly installed security system and felt a little peace knowing that if he did trying anything weird, he wouldn’t get far.

              The rest of the day passed by in a fast blur of color, scents and happy, sad, crying, depressed, hungry customers. It was so interesting to see why people came to their shop day after day. To mourn, to celebrate, to love and to hate and to embrace life sometimes too. Sometimes they would stand right in the bakery and take one of her desserts out of the sack and take a bite right then, as if the thought of waiting even one more second to taste her creation was too long. Every time someone would close their eyes in ecstasy after tasting something she’d made with her own two hands she would feel one more sore, painful spot in her heart bleed a little less. It almost seemed as if some wounds were closing up. Other wounds were too deep and would take time, but she was feeling it. She was starting to heal.

              The sisters closed up shop and said goodbye to Mandee, their afternoon counter help. She had a ton of homework that night and so she ran for it, hopping on her bike and pedaling home.

              “She’s darling isn’t she?” Jane said with a grin.

              Layla smiled and nodded immediately. “Of course you like her. She’s just like you. Hurrying home to do her homework? It’s like you have a long lost sister or something,” she said and paused as a scary thought popped into her mind.
What if they did have half-siblings somewhere?

              Jane paused, staring at her, as if she were reading her mind. “Oh wow.”

              Kit walked in drinking her pop and stopped as she frowned at her sisters. “Better wipe those frowns off your face. Rob just called and he’s throwing us a party tonight at the Iron Skillet. He’s instructing the chef to make us lobster and crab legs. The review was so good he had it professionally framed for his entryway. He’s going to hang it up tonight with the whole restaurant watching. It mentioned our bread twice,” she said, sighing happily. “Oh and Rob said to invite Michael. He said he hasn’t seen him in weeks.”

              Layla shook her head at Jane. She didn’t want to bring up the idea of half-siblings right now when Kit was so happy. There was time enough for that later. She immediately texted Michael and then spent the rest of the time cleaning up and getting ready for their special dinner.

              Rob sent a chauffeured limo to pick them up at the bakery and Layla could tell Kit was seriously impressed.
She had to admit, she was too.

              “It’s so silly to hire a limo to drive us two blocks,” Jane said, as she sat back and stared out the window.

              Layla frowned and glanced at her phone again. Michael still hadn’t responded to her texts. As a matter of fact, she hadn’t heard from him at all that day.

              “Hey, we’re in a limo.
” Kit ordered looking at her with a worried frown.

              Layla smiled obediently and tried to push thoughts of Michael out of her head. Kind of easy to do when Rob stood in front of his restaurant waiting for them. He was wearing a black suit and gray tie and smiling ear to ear as he caught sight of the limo.

              Kit let out a breath. “He looks amazing,” she said, making the word amazing last so long, Layla had to push her to get her to snap out of it.

              “Get a grip Kit. He’s hot, but no longing glances or slobbering tonight please,” Jane said grinning at her sister.

              Kit’s mouth snapped closed and she glared at her younger sister. “Oh you are so one to talk. Every time Tate walks in the bakery it looks like a light bulb turns on inside of you. You glow for crap’s sake,” she said testily.

              Jane rolled her eyes. “Like I can help glowing,” she insisted as the driver stood outside the car and held out his hand for them.

              Rob greeted them with a formal bow, holding his arm out for a sister to take on either side. Layla walked behind them, allowing her sisters to enjoy the limelight. The door man opened the door for them, winking at Layla as she passed by. Rob led them to a large table in the middle of the restaurant surrounded by at least twelve chairs. In four of them were Michael, his mom and dad and Stella. In the other chairs, were Rob’s mom and two of his sisters, Taryn and Bailey who looked like Brazilian models.

              Rob held up his arms to get everyone’s attention in the restaurant. “Everyone, everyone. I want to make a toast to the Kendall Sisters. Because they decided to go on an adventure, my restaurant is now world famous for having the best sour dough bread in Washington.”

              Rob’s mom, Anne shouted out, “Don’t forget your scallops Rob! They loved your scallops,” she said, clapping loudly.

              Rob bowed his head humbly but grinned triumphantly. “Let’s just say, the Iron Skillet has arrived!” he yelled, pumping his fist in the air as everyone in the restaurant went crazy, yelling and shouting and laughing.

              Layla grinned at the noise and enjoyed the celebration. Rob had hired a band to play music for dancing later and offered free appetizers to everyone. He was good to his word too and had the chef bring out platters of lobster and crab for their whole table.

              Michael leaned over and kissed her cheek chastely. “I’m glad you and your sisters decided to go on an adventure too. I never would have met you otherwise.”

              Layla felt her heart beat harder in her chest and she reached over to touch Michael’s cheek softly. She leaned over and whispered back, “Loving you is the adventure.”

              Michael pulled back to grin down into her eyes. “I’m so glad you feel that way,” he murmured with a determined light in his eyes before standing up and signaling with his hand to get Rob’s attention.

              Rob saw Michael’s gesture and nodded his head. “Hey now! Quiet down everyone. I’m not the only one good fortune has smiled down on. It just so happens that the best thing that could ever happen to anyone, has happened to one of my best friends. Mike, take it away bro,” he said and clapped for Michael before sitting down next to his mom. Kit leaned over, whispering a question in his ear, but sat back with a frown when he shook his head and pointed in their direction.

              Layla looked back at Michael and realized that instead of standing next to her, he was now kneeling down beside her and in his hands was the most exquisite square cut diamond she’d ever seen. The ring was platinum and the amount of diamonds surrounding the square was enough to make her want to faint. She swallowed the large lump in her throat and looked into Michael’s eyes.

              “Michael?” she whispered glancing around at the completely silent restaurant. Even Stella was staring at her silently with a big smile on her face.

              “Sweet heart, it’s time. I was going to have you design your ring but I saw this and knew I had to put it on your hand. I know it’s soon and you wanted more time and more space, but my divorce is final today and the only way I can think of to celebrate is to become engaged to you. Layla, I think I loved you the moment I set eyes on you. You’re beautiful, talented and loving. But more than that, you complete our family. Layla, will you be my wife and Stella’s mother?
Please say yes
,” he asked quietly.

              Layla forgot about every person in the restaurant. The only person she could see was Michael. It was only them. Michael stared at her patiently, looking far deeper and more closely than anyone ever had before. She closed her eyes and sighed as everything clicked into place.

              “Yes,” she said and then opened her eyes smiling into the face of the man she loved.

              Michael stared at her, stunned for a moment before bending his head and letting out a shaky breath. He stood up, picked her up in his arms and swung her around before pulling her in for a long, intense kiss that seemed to last forever.

              As soon as Michael set her on the ground, she was pulled into first Kit’s arms and then Jane’s followed by Stella wanting a hug, and then Michael’s parents. Rob and his mom even insisted on hugs. Rob had the band play romantic music and then he yelled at everybody to get back to their dinners. But every face in the restaurant was smiling happily and the mood in the restaurant was light hearted and intimate.

              Michael refused to let go of her hand the entire evening, but she was still able to consume as many crab legs as Jane. Everyone shouted their congratulations as Michael and Stella left to walk Layla home. Rob told them to take the limo, but it was such a beautiful evening they refused.

              Layla held a tiny feminine hand in one hand and a large masculine hand in her other and finally got it.
. Love could restart a stalled heart. Love could comfort and cleanse. Love could renew. Love was a miracle. She glanced over at Michael with a small smile on her mouth as she wondered what it would be like to call him her husband. She felt a flutter in her stomach and breathed out slowly. It would take some getting used to, but she had to admit she was excited to find out what it would be like to be a wife.
And a mom
. She looked over at Stella and smiled even bigger.

              Stella smiled shyly up at Layla and tugged on her hand urgently. “Layla, when can I start calling you mommy?” she asked curiously.

              Michael came to a halt and bent over to pick up his daughter. “How about after the wedding?” he asked, looking at Layla with a soft and tender look on his face.

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