You Belong With Me (14 page)

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Authors: Shannon Guymon

Tags: #Christian Books & Bibles, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Contemporary Fiction, #Religious & Inspirational Fiction, #Christian, #Religion & Spirituality, #Christian Fiction, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: You Belong With Me
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              “How long have I been asleep?” she asked glancing down at the large cooler and noting that Michael had caught three more trout.

              Michael turned and smiled up at her, grabbing her hand in his. “Just a couple hours. You must have needed it. What time did you wake up this morning?”

              Layla told him and laughed at his horrified expression. He pulled her into his lap and she put her arm around his shoulders companionably. “Thanks for this. It’s been lovely,” she said and kissed him before she lost her nerve.

              Michael pulled back and leaned his pole against the side of the boat before wrapping his arms around her waist. “Try that one more time,” he said softly.

              Layla smiled, allowing herself to relax in his arms and opening herself to his kiss. He allowed her to take the lead and didn’t push her in any way. She kissed him lightly at first but then changed angles and kissed him more deeply before pulling back and kissing his jaw. For some reason, she loved his jaw line. It was so strong and even the five o’clock shadow just made him look more rugged.

              She grinned down into his face while he took a moment before opening his eyes. He was breathing slightly faster than before and his eyes were a deeper blue now.

              “Please feel free to do that any time you want to,” he said, his voice sounding low and husky.

              Layla laughed and kissed his cheek before hopping off his lap and grabbing her ignored and forgotten pole. They fished for another half an hour before Michael called it. After he stowed the equipment away he took her on a tour of the sound, showing her all of his favorite places. By the time they reached the bay, Layla felt as if she’d been recharged.

              A half an hour later, they were back on the road and heading home, holding hands. “Want to grab something to eat?” Michael asked as she went through his playlist.

              Layla nodded her head immediately. She was starving since she’d taken off with him instead of grabbing lunch. They stopped at a little pizza restaurant and shared a mushroom, olive, pepperoni and tomato pizza covered in mozzarella and parmesan.

              When they finally made it back to the bakery she was surprised to see it was 7 o’clock. As Michael walked her up the front steps, she pushed her hair out of her eyes and glanced at him. When she had been young and dreamed of being together with a man, she’d always pictured herself choosing someone slightly nerdy, with glasses. The way Michael looked now with his wind tousled dark hair, gleaming sunglasses, tanned face and muscular arms, she was glad she’d been totally wrong.

              Michael pulled her back before she could open the door, putting his arms around her and tilting her chin up to look at him. “Before you go inside, I just want you to know that this has been one of those perfect days. I haven’t had a lot of those and I’m grateful for this one. I loved spending the afternoon with you on the water,” he said leaning down and kissing her temple. “I can’t wait to go again.”

              Layla smiled and laid her head on his shoulder before she looked up at him. “It was a perfect day for me too.”

              Michael leaned down to kiss her but was interrupted when the front door banged open. Michael and Layla pulled apart in embarrassment.

” Michael said and leaned down to pick up his daughter in his arms.

              “Daddy! Grandma and Grandpa brought me here. We wanted to surprise you. We brought a super extra special surprise!” she said, smiling so wide her little face practically glowed.

              Layla smiled and reached up to run her hands down Stella’s soft brown hair. “Where’s the surprise?” she whispered.              

              Stella grinned at Layla and pointed behind her, into the bakery. Michael and Layla exchanged curious looks, but before she could walk inside, Michael held her arm and leaned over to whisper in her ear.

              “Stella’s grandparents are a little . . .
. If they say anything offensive, just ignore them, okay?” he said worriedly.

              Layla shrugged and smiled. Being a social worker meant she’d been called everything there was to be called many times over.

              “Hurry Daddy!” Stella urged.

              They walked into the brightly lit bakery and Layla noticed immediately her sisters looked tense and upset. She frowned at them before her attention was taken by an older couple. The man was tall, with salt and pepper hair, fit and attractive. The woman was thin, brittle looking, with fluffy blond hair and an excess of makeup.

              Layla smiled as she walked forward to introduce herself but paused as she felt Michael stiffen beside her. She turned to look up at him and was surprised to see his easy going smile was now gone. He pulled off his sunglasses and his eyes looked distant and hard.

              Layla swallowed nervously and turned to look at Stella’s grandparents again, but standing in front of them now was a tall, beautiful woman with long, light ash brown hair and large green eyes. She was smiling at Michael as she stepped forward.

              “Michael!” she breathed out as she ran the last few steps to him and threw her arms around his neck, including Stella in the hug.

              Stella laughed happily as she hugged her mom and dad. “Mommy’s back!” she said, closing her eyes blissfully.

              Layla felt like a bucket of cold water had just been poured over her head. She took a faltering step back, away from Michael as he pulled the woman’s arms from around his neck. He looked coldly at Stella’s grandparents before looking down into Ashley’s face.

              “Ash, long time, no see,” he said dryly and then set Stella down on the ground.

              Stella immediately went to her mother and held her hands up in the air, the universal signal for all children that they wanted to be held. Ashley looked down and frowned and then took Stella’s hand in hers awkwardly instead, shaking it before looking back at Michael with a bright smile.

              “We wanted to surprise you. I was visiting mom and dad for the week and of course I wanted to see Stella. When it was time to bring her home I couldn’t bring myself to say good bye. But I wanted to see you too Michael. I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately,” she said softly, as she reached out and touched his arm.

,” Michael said, looking down at his feet and letting his breath out.

              Stella stared up at her mom and then looked over her shoulder at Layla. She walked over to Layla and held her arms up in the air and Layla immediately picked her up in her arms, hugging her tightly. She walked with Stella over to where Kit and Jane were standing mutely, watching the scene before them as if they were in a horror movie.

              Kit leaned over and whispered in her ear. “I hate her.”

              Layla smiled and shook her head. Jane put her arm around Layla’s waist not saying anything as they all watched Michael and Ashley.

              Stella looked down at Layla’s face and put her two small hands on her cheeks. “Are you sad Layla?” she asked and before she could respond, she leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. “There, all better,” she said, smiling hopefully into her eyes.

              Layla smiled at the sweet gesture and had to clear her throat.

              “Stella said this was her favorite place in the world and that this is where you’d be,” Ashley’s father said, looking accusingly at Layla as he stepped forward.

              Michael looked over at Layla and tried to smile as he answered. “Stella happens to be right. Jared, Lillian, why don’t we go to my house? I’m sure Kit, Jane and Layla have better things to do then witness this surprise visit from your daughter,” Michael said looking uncomfortable.

              Ashley’s mother came to stand next to her daughter as she looked back at Layla and her sisters with a frown. “You’re right Michael. You and Ashley have
a lot
to talk about,” she said as she took her husband’s hand and led him to the front door. She looked back over her shoulder at Layla and her sisters and sent them a cold, stare before her husband opened the door and ushered her through it.

              Michael walked over and took Stella out of Layla’s arms. “Look, this is . . ., unexpected to say the least,” he said quietly. “I’ll call you later tonight, okay?” he said and then leaned down and kissed her softly on the mouth.

              Layla nodded but didn’t say anything as Michael turned with Stella in his arms and walked to the front door where Ashley was waiting for him. Layla stared at Ashley for a moment and took in the hostile glare. Michael ignored her and walked out the door followed by his ex-wife, leaving total and complete silence in their wake.

              Kit broke the silence as she walked over to lock the door with a loud click. “They showed up here over an hour ago and
on waiting. Worst hour of my life. Ashley’s parents talked loudly the whole time about how in love Michael is with the daughter and what a cute family they are. Completely ignoring the fact that their daughter went off and abandoned Michael and Stella,” she said furiously.

              Jane nodded her head, rubbing Layla’s arm soothingly. “Stella just sat there, staring at her mom the whole time, smiling as if she’d just gotten Christmas, Easter and her birthday all at once. Ashley did a lot of smiling and nodding but that was it. She’s really awkward around Stella. She doesn’t seem to know how to handle being touched by her. It’s weird.”

              Layla walked to the front window, peering out the blinds as she watched Michael help Stella up into the truck. Ashley stood behind him, her hand on his arm and she felt a harsh wave of jealousy rip through her. She gritted her teeth against the unwanted emotion and closed her eyes before turning around. She was overreacting to Ashley showing up. Michael had already told her that he wouldn’t be interested in getting back together with his ex. But she’d seen Stella’s face. Stella wanted what every child wanted. A mom and dad.

              “It’s no big deal you guys. So she’s here for a visit. It’s a good thing.
. Stella hasn’t seen her mom in years. This will be wonderful,” she said softly, looking away from her sister’s unbelieving expressions.

              Kit glanced at Jane with wide eyes and shook her head. “You’re right Layla. No big deal. Listen, when I was at the store earlier I picked up the latest Channing Tatum movie from Redbox. Let’s go pop some popcorn and get in our pajamas. It’ll be fun.”

              Layla smiled brightly and nodded. “Perfect.”

              She watched her sisters leave the room, looking back at her worriedly as she stayed to turn off the lights. She sighed and closed her eyes. Her perfect day had just been decimated.


Chapter 12 – Locked Away


              Layla stood at the counter the next day and stared down at the most beautiful loaf of sour dough bread she’d ever seen. Kit looked at her pensively. “What do you think?” she asked nervously.

              Layla grabbed her sister by her shoulders. “It’s perfect. Now stop worrying,” she ordered.

              Max snorted rudely behind them. “That’s only half the battle. Now let’s see how it tastes. Slice her open,” she said handing Kit a bread knife.

              Kit frowned, not wanting to ruin the beauty she’d created but did as she was told. Layla took the slice Kit handed her and walked over to spread a light layer of butter over the still warm fragrant bread. She took a big bite and closed her eyes, concentrating on texture and taste.

              It was

              She opened her eyes with a grin and let out a loud whoop. “You did it Kit!” she said, hugging her sister tightly. Kit grinned but continued to stare at Max who was still chewing.

              Max finally opened her eyes, licked her lips and frowned at Kit. “How the heck did you figure out how to make better bread than me?” she growled.

              Kit’s face bloomed in delight and she grabbed Layla’s hands jumping up and down as she laughed in relief. “I did it Layla!”

              Jane walked into the room and stared at her sister’s jumping around laughing and yelling and decided to join them. “What are we celebrating?” she asked, smiling at her sister’s happiness.

              Layla pulled away and pushed her hair out of her face, still smiling. “Kit just made the best bread in Fircrest.”

              Jane’s mouth fell open in surprise and she looked to Max who grinned and nodded in agreement. “You could probably advertise it that way too,” Max said taking another bite.

              Kit collapsed against the counter, smiling tiredly. “Now I’m going to deliver the goods to Rob and if he turns his nose up at our bread this time then I’m going to pull a Jane and throw the whole loaf at his head,” she said, grinning at her sister.

              Jane smiled and shrugged. “Some men deserve getting food thrown in their face. I don’t think Rob is one of them though,” she said and walked over to cut herself a slice of bread.

              Kit watched her as she took a bite and sighed happily as Jane gave her a big grin and a thumb’s up. “I’m going for it,” she said determinedly and then headed for the door.

              Layla laughed. “Kit! You forgot the bread,” she said pointing to the two other loaves of bread on the counter.

              Kit arched an eyebrow and looked over her shoulder, sending her long red hair swinging. “I’m changing my shirt and putting on some lipstick.
What am I?
A heathen?” she said and disappeared.

              Max rolled her eyes. “I guess that makes me a heathen.”

              Layla laughed and went to wrap the bread in wax paper. “I think we already knew that Max.”

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