You Belong to Me (2 page)

Read You Belong to Me Online

Authors: Jordan Abbott

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: You Belong to Me
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Chapter Two

Thirty minutes later, they rode through the heavily guarded black fence of the Hells Vipers compound. “We got quite a few here, though some sent their families out of state to be with relatives,” Kevin said after he parked his bike.

Cindy nodded as she slid off the back of the motorcycle. She’d never liked this place, and it was hard to believe she was back here after promising herself that she was done with Kevin. Any fool could have told her that she was taking her life in her own hands being here again after what she had done. She said a quiet hello to the club president, Mitch, who was leaning up against the clubhouse door.

He was shorter than everyone else in the club at five-foot-seven or –eight, at the most. That didn’t make him any less dangerous. His long grey hair was pulled back into a ponytail. He had a calmness about him that demanded respect even without making much of an effort to enforce his authority. All of the Hells Vipers were loyal to him, and he was the proud leader of a dysfunctional family.

Mitch flicked his cigarette butt onto the ground. He nodded at Cindy and then looked at Kevin. “When you get her settled, I need to talk to you,” Mitch said with a stony expression.

“Alright, I’ll be back down in a minute.”

Cindy immediately thought the worst as she hurried behind Kevin. They headed toward the stairs. “Does he not want me here?” she asked once she felt they were out of earshot.

“I’m Sergeant at Arms, we’re at war, and he’s our leader. Believe it or not, we got more important things to discuss than you.”

They were silent during the trek up the stairs and down the hallway. He led her to the room he usually stayed in when he slept at the clubhouse. She’d been there plenty of times with him. From the looks of it, he had been here for several days. Dirty clothes were in piles on the floor, and it smelled like sex. She was instantly angry and regretting her decision to come with him. “I don’t want to stay in the room where you fuck your biker sluts.”

“I’ve fucked them everywhere on the compound so you’re shit out of luck at being picky about where you’re going to lay your head.”

“Asshole!” she mumbled as she tossed her bag down onto the floor. “I’m not sleeping on cum-stained sheets either.”

He let out a slow, deep breath as he brushed past her and opened the closet door. He reached up to the top shelf and took down some clean sheets. “Here,” he said and handed them to her as he headed toward the door.

“Is she still here?”

He rolled his eyes and turned around. “Cindy…” he sighed.

“Fuck!” She shook her head. “You brought me here knowing that she’s still here? Why would you do that? What is wrong with you?”

“You’re being dramatic! She’s not here. We don’t keep traitors around.”

“Where is she?”

“Why? You want to join her?”

There was a level of malevolence in his voice that made the blood drain from her face. “Why did you cheat on me, Kevin?”

“Because you nag! ‘I want you to leave the club! I don’t like that guy, I don’t like this guy, where you going, why were you out so late, blah, blah, blah.’ I was sick of hearing that. You knew what I was about when you met me.”

“So it’s my fault you cheated? You have so much more potential than this club. Why was it so bad that I wanted better for you, for us? I wanted a normal relationship.”

“See, it’s that shit right there; listen to what you just said. If you wanted a man with a nine-to-five, then you shouldn’t be hooked up with me in the first place. I don’t see anything wrong with the life I have! I’m not fighting with you again about this.” He headed out of the door but stopped short. “Don’t wander around, and don’t flirt with anyone. You’re un-owned pussy now. Around men like me, that is an open invitation.” He slammed the door behind him as he stormed out.

She cringed. Then she picked up a pillow from the bed and threw it at the closed door. A frustrated scream came out of her mouth when she looked back down at the bed; underneath the pillow was a pink bra. “Douchebag!”


Cindy didn’t fall asleep until after sunrise. The windows were boarded up and covered with bars to keep some people out and some people in. The rumble in her stomach told her that she must have slept until noon. Reaching for her phone, she checked the time. She’d been close; it was eleven thirty. She stretched and hit something hard behind her. She slowly turned over to see a tangled mass of dark hair attached to a tattooed muscular body invading her space. He was sound asleep. She stared at his back tattoo, which she slowly reached out and touched. She couldn’t resist; she’d always love it.

His entire back was a version of Dante’s Inferno, and it was beautiful. He’d told her how he’d spent countless hours on a tattoo table to get as much detail as possible into his back piece. Nuke had done all of the work. Her eyes scrolled down his body. The blanket was only covering part of him. His muscular legs and thighs were uncovered, and they, too, were tattooed but not as much as his upper body. She took her hand away as she lay there, wishing she could go back to the time before he cheated.

He turned and opened his eyes. “What time is it?”

She scooted away from him, saying, “Going on noon.”

He groaned, flipped over and stretched his muscular body.

Heavenly Father! His semi-hard erection was resting on his stomach. He had another new tattoo: Hells Vipers was inked down one side of his thick cock.

“Holy shit, that had to hurt
like hell!”

He laughed, reached down and grabbed himself, “Yeah. So you like it?” He sat up and leaned back against the headboard as he stroked his cock.

“Um…” She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t say anything. What she wanted was for him to ram that stiff one down her throat. Instead of acting on her impulse, she turned over and moved to get up off of the bed. He stopped her with a firm grip on her arm.

“Come here.” He moved closer to her.

She hesitated as she turned to look back at him. “No!”

He looked her up and down. “Come on. Slide your panties down.” He reached over and hooked his fingers into her waistband.

Her heart was beating fast as she pushed away his hand.

“Spread your legs and show me what’s mine.”

She shook her head as she fought the inner struggle to submit to him. “You’d need a current STD check if and when we’d ever screw again!” She pushed herself away from him and stood up, only to be brought back down onto the bed, where he immediately climbed on top of her.

He slid his right hand slowly up her body as he leaned in and kissed her. “
Who do you belong to?” he asked quietly.

“Not you!”

He laughed as he took his other hand and placed it between her legs. “Would you believe me if I said we need to try and make this work?”

“No, I wouldn’t.”

“If I didn’t care about you, I wouldn’t have come to your house to make sure that you were safe,” he said, looking her square in the eyes when he spoke.

“Liar, I found a bra in your bed.”

“That doesn’t mean I was in here with someone. I’m not the only person who uses this room!”

“Let me up!”

“No!” His mouth found hers as he yanked her panties to the side, and he rubbed his hardness against her slick opening.

She moaned as his lips traveled to her neck. “I shouldn’t be here,” she whispered into his ear. Not only because he had betrayed her but because she had betrayed him, too. A woman scorned is never a good thing. Less than a month after the breakup, she’d gone out with revenge consuming her body and soul.

“You belong wherever I am,” he said as he dragged his mouth down to her stomach.

“We can’t do
this…” she pleaded with him.

He let out a low growl as he rose back up and grabbed her face. He shoved his tongue inside her mouth with the need of a desperate man. Cindy sucked in her breath as he slid his erection inside of her.

“You like that baby?” he asked, tightening his grip around her neck.

Tears streaked down her face. “Yes,” she grunted as she bit down on the inside of her mouth so hard she drew blood. “Please.” She wasn’t sure whether she was pleading for him to stop or to continue. Her moans grew louder and louder as his thrusts increased. She quickly felt the buildup of a massive orgasm. “I hate that I need you!” she wept as she bit down on his shoulder.

He smirked as he pulled himself out of her and flipped her over onto her stomach. He entered her anally. “Don’t come yet, baby!” he said, his voice low and sensual.

“Fuck you!” she yelled as his balls slapped against her ass.

“Right there, right there,” she cried out as her body began exploding before he could respond.

He let out a long series of grunts and groans as he spilled his hot seed inside her and collapsed, pinning her down on the bed. He caught his breath and then rolled off, pulling her to him. With her back to his chest, he kissed her shoulder. That was when she started to cry.

“I didn’t deserve what you did to me. I gave you all of me, and it meant nothing to you. Renee wasn’t the only one, and you know it. Kevin, things are so fucked up. You just don’t understand.”

He let out a heavy sigh. “How long will it take until you forgive me?” he whispered.

In the silence that followed his question, all they could hear was the beating of their hearts. “Never,” she finally replied. “What do we do now?” She held her breath as she waited for his answer.

“I say we go get something to eat.” He let her go, rolled over and got up.

She sat up in the bed and watched him assume his posture of superiority as he dressed.

“Come on,” he said as he reached out for her.

She looked up at him, took a deep breath and grabbed his hand.

Chapter Three

Nuke and Jasmine

She got another one?
The question popped into Jasmine’s head as she opened the door. Cindy and the biker got out of a black Chevy truck. He sauntered behind Cindy as they headed toward her walkway. His eyes met hers, and Jasmine immediately felt a warm sensation all over her body as they exchanged scorching looks. This man was much better-looking in her opinion than Kevin. He had a handsome face, even with the tattoos. He was definitely an upgrade. Right down to his bad-boy swagger.

“Hey girl,” Jasmine said, smiling as she gave Cindy a hug. She stepped back and let the big guy into her house. He nodded at her as he walked by,
then took a seat on her sofa without even asking. She got a whiff of him, and he smelled as good as he looked. It was a scent that was a mix of sweat, Armani cologne and leather.

“You got a new one, huh?” she asked. She hoped that her laugh didn’t show the trace of envy in her heart.

“No, no, this is Nuke, he’s…”

“I’m nobody special,” he interrupted.

She couldn’t read his expression. She couldn’t tell whether he was being sarcastic or serious. Jasmine’s smoky brown eyes studied his leather jacket; it looked like the one Kevin wore. It was covered in patches, the ‘one percent diamond’ among many others. She also noticed that he had a ‘filthy few’ patch, but he also had it tattooed on the left side of his neck along with the one-percent sign on the right side of his neck.

“Cindy, where have you been for the past week and a half?” Jasmine’s mini-lust for the biker turned into concern for her friend.

“Um…” Cindy looked at Nuke. She didn’t know what she could and couldn’t say. “Things are complicated right now with the club.”

“It must be nice to be a self-employed massage therapist; you don’t have to call into work,” Jasmine joked as she peeked over at Nuke again. His attractive face was blank, but his pretty blue eyes were staring her down. She gripped Cindy by the elbow and pulled her to the kitchen, but with the open floor plan they were not out of his view. “Are you okay?” she asked as she glanced at Nuke. He was giving her the once-over also, except his glare was much more intense than hers.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I was telling Nuke how you’re an LPN, and anyway, his shoulder is bothering him. He had surgery two months ago.” She motioned for Nuke to come into the kitchen. “Do you think you could take a look at it?”

“I’ve never worked in orthopedics. He needs to go back to his doctor if he’s having a problem.”

“I tried. They won’t see me,” Nuke replied as he took off his jacket and hung it on the back of one of the kitchen chairs.

“Why won’t they… see you?” It was hard for Jasmine to concentrate. Nuke immediately followed the removal of his jacket with stripping off his black T-shirt. He had no shame at all. A wave of ecstasy washed over her body as she ogled him. He obviously worked out, but he wasn’t overly muscular. He was a tattooed, physically fit morsel that looked good enough to eat.

“It hurts all the time,” he said as he pointed to his right shoulder. “It doesn’t matter if I’m moving it or doing nothing at all.”

Jasmine motioned for him to sit down at the kitchen table. “And they won’t see you why?” She looked at him with inquisitive eyes.

“They banned me from the practice. I didn’t take it well when they accused me of being after pain pills. I took their accusations very personally.”

She assessed him with her eyes. “They didn’t look at your shoulder at all when you went back complaining about the pain?”

“I went back three times, and it was on the third time when I had a problem with them.”

“Let me guess, you went to River City Ortho, right?”

“Yeah, that’s where I went.”

She let out a long sigh. “I don’t like that place. When I have to refer patients from our clinic to orthopedics, that’s the last place I call.”

“I guess I should have asked you first.”

Nuke smiled at her, and she felt her heart flutter. He wasn’t like any man she’d ever been interested in before. He intrigued her, and it wasn’t just his good looks. Maybe she was itching to get out of her comfort zone when it came to dating. But any man who looked like him must have a wife or girlfriend. She glanced down at his ring finger; he wasn’t wearing a band. That didn’t mean that he wasn’t involved with someone, or married for that matter.

She was well aware of how some things worked in the clubhouse from what Cindy had told her. She didn’t want to be someone’s side chick, no matter how hot the guy was. “Is it alright if I touch your shoulder?”

“Sweetheart, you can touch me wherever you want,” he replied with a wink.

That was the first hint of emotion she’d read on him, and there was no confusing his flirtation. He had lightened his deadly stare. He still looked like a bad guy, but he had a charm about him now that drew Jasmine in. She did feel a little foolish because she let out a girlish giggle when he winked. “Seriously, though, not only is your shoulder red, but it’s warm to the touch.” Her face flushed as she touched him again. “Did they have trouble removing your staples?”

“No, not really. I got into a scuffle right after the staples were removed, though. The incision line, it did bleed a little after that.”

“You got into a fight? You could have torn something. I don’t know.” She moved his shoulder, and there was no hiding the pain that jetted across his face. She stared at the huge Hells Vipers tattoo that covered a large portion of his chest. “Well, it’s without a doubt infected. I don’t know if there’s something more causing your pain. You’d need an MRI for that. I have some antibiotics. Are you allergic to anything, any kind of food or medicine?”

“Nope, I can eat or take anything, and I pretty much have,” he laughed.

She chuckled. “Alright, well, I have some antibiotics that I took from the clinic. We have to destroy all of the expired medication, but to me, it seems like a waste. I keep some handy for friends and family. I’ll go online and print off the shoulder exercises that we hand out to the patients at work.”

“So, this makes me a friend then?” He reached out with his left hand and brushed back a strand of her long, black, straight hair. He wasn’t bashful about letting his fingers linger on her creamy brown skin.

A tingle went through her body when he touched her. “We’ll see, but at the moment you’re more like an unauthorized patient,” she said, smiling back at him as she turned to leave the kitchen. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Nuke watched her walk out. Her plump ass filled out every inch of those jeans, and he liked it. “Cindy, what’s her story?” he asked in a raised voice because he wanted Jasmine to hear him. If she had heard him, she didn’t let it show because she kept on walking down the hallway.

“What’s her story?” Cindy repeated as she opened up the refrigerator and took out a Pepsi. “You want something to drink?”

He shook his head. “I didn’t see a wedding ring. A woman like that has got to have a man, right?”

“You interested? I didn’t think she’d be your type.”

“Cindy, you really should stop labeling people. You wouldn’t want me to do it to you, now would you? Though you really did pay for college while you were swinging on a pole,” he laughed.

She shot him a dirty look. “She’s not a Snake Swallower. I’m pretty sure that’s the only time HV is allowed to dip their dicks in chocolate.”

“Your ignorance about my club is becoming a problem for me.”

The ominous look coming from Nuke put any stare that Pipe gave her to shame. “I was just playing,” she quickly replied. “No offense meant. She’s not married. She was engaged until a few months ago when she called it off.”

“Why did she call it off? What’d he do to her?” He felt an instant need to protect her for no reason at all.

“She just told me that she started having second thoughts. Jasmine keeps a lot of things to herself. She’s a bit of an introvert. We’ve been friends for years, but she only opens up when she feels like it. I met her when I was in college. She was taking some kind of writing course.”

“She got any kids?”

“Nope, she doesn’t.”

“How does she feel about bikers?”

“I only know how she felt about Kevin,” Cindy laughed. “She thinks he and I are overly dramatic. Her ex-fiancé is a CPA.”

“Does she date white guys?”

“I don’t know. Her ex is black.”

“So is that a yes or no to the white-guy thing?”

“Nuke, I don’t know. She’s got a crush on Ryan Gosling, but who the hell doesn’t?”

“Ryan and a CPA, huh? That’s about as far from a biker as you can get,” Nuke replied as Jasmine strolled back into the kitchen. He watched her breasts jiggle underneath her lose-fitting T-shirt. She was built like a real woman with curves in all of the right places. She was
all natural, too; he could tell that no plastic surgeon had touched her body.

“My number is on the bottle also,” she said as she gave him the medication. “Make sure you eat when you take those. Clean your incision area, and apply that ointment three times a day if you can. Several spots on the incision site look more inflamed than the others.” She took the ointment from him and gently applied it to his shoulder. “These are the exercises I want you to start. Don’t overdo it. Take it slow with these.”

“Thanks. Is this your cell number?” Nuke stood up and put his shirt back on when she had finished.

She noticed he winced with pain when he slid his shirt over his head. “Yes. You should take some Ibuprofen or Tylenol for the pain. I have some if you need it.”

“If you can spare some, that would be great,” he said as he reached for his jacket.

Jasmine went into the living room and grabbed her purse. She took out the Ibuprofen and gave it to him. “If you have any questions or if the medication doesn’t agree with you, call me.”

“You know this means that I can text you, now that I have your number.” He didn’t want it to show, but he was waiting with baited breath for her response.

“I hope you do,” Jasmine said and smiled at him shyly.

“Jesus you two, get a room already. You need to be warned though, Jasmine, when bikers text you, it never ends well for the other person,” Cindy said with a sneer on her face.

Nuke sent her a look that chilled the room.


Jasmine reached for her phone as it buzzed. It had been three days since Cindy and Nuke had come to her house. A look of concern covered her face as she read the text.

I need a nurse!

She immediately texted Nuke back.
What’s wrong???

The few minutes that it took for him to respond felt like forever.
Hungry & horny cn u help me?
At the end of the text was a happy face.

Jasmine let out a scream, and then she laughed out loud. She had to think of the perfect response. It had been so long since she’d flirted with a man that wasn’t her ex, she wasn’t quite sure she remembered how to do it.

She needed to get back into the swing of things, and big bad biker boy looked like he’d be extremely enjoyable.
U cn come over & eat me!
She ended the text with a happy face that had the tongue sticking out. She hesitated for a moment before she pressed send. She then bit down on her nail in anticipation of his response, which was almost immediate.

thr n 30

“Oh shit!” Panic and anticipation consumed her as she raced to take a quick shower.

Stumbling naked and dripping wet back into her bedroom, she put on matching panties and bra. Then she just stared blankly into her closet. She hated everything she owned. In frustration, she sat down on the bed.

Glancing over at the clock, she noticed that he was already fifteen minutes late. It then occurred to her that he had probably been joking and wasn’t coming over at all. She put her same clothes back on, a pair of jeans and a plain black T-shirt. She felt extremely foolish.

Walking back into the living room, she plopped down on the sofa and pretended that she hadn’t just run around her house like a frantic teenage girl gushing over a man she’d spent less than ten minutes with three days ago. She turned the television on and made herself comfortable, pushing all thoughts of her stupid behavior to the back of her mind. She was too damn old to be acting like this.

At first, she thought the low rumble of a motorcycle was just her wishful thinking. Her eyes went to the clock; he was an hour late, but that didn’t stop the delight and anxiety racing through her body at the possibility that it could be him. The butterflies in her stomach started flying round and round like a tornado as she hopped up from the sofa and peeked out one of her living room windows. He was parking in the driveway. She could see that his motorcycle fit him perfectly. It was a sleek black Harley Davidson with the red and white Hells Viper death snake insignia on the tank.

How many times had she masturbated thinking about him over the past few days? Apparently enough that her body was immediately responding to seeing him again; her pussy was getting wet. Her nipples were hard, and she was barely controlling her breathing. Could she really do this, hook up with someone she’d only met once? She shook her head “no” as the word “maybe” flashed over and over again in her mind like a cheap pink neon sign.

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