You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side (8 page)

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Authors: Sherrie Dillard

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Parapsychology

BOOK: You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side
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46 ~ Spiritual Helpers, Angels and Guides

Section 2

How You Help the Other Side

—The Sessions


From Fear to Courage

Transforming fear is one of the earth school’s most familiar les-

sons. At some time or another we all have to contend with the

stress, concern and worry that accompany fear. Our fear has many

disguises and can show up in any and every aspect of our lives. Fear can feel like anxiety, anger, nervousness, stress and an impending

sense of doom. We not only fear what we do not want to come into

our lives, we can also feel fear about the good things that come

our way. There is a biological component to fear. It can keep us

alert and aware of danger and signal us to pay attention and devote more time and effort to certain parts of our lives. But for the most part fear runs out of control and is crippling. It can freeze us with inaction or motivate us to act in ways that creates more stress and heartache for ourselves and those we love. It is only on the earth

that we feel fear. It is in a way the disease of the planet. Throughout time fear has generated more suffering, devastation and pain than

almost any other human emotion.

Can you Imagine No Fear

There is no fear in the spiritual realms. I have never encountered

a spirit who had even a hint of the dread and stress that so many


people live with on a day to day basis. On the other side we under-

stand that there has never been anything to be afraid of. We are safe and always have been. Love is everywhere.

Life is very different on the other side. Instead of daily eco-

nomic, health and relationship concerns, you rest in safety and love, knowing that all of your needs are taken care of. You do not have

to struggle for what you want and need as the climate and culture

is one of abundance and support. Imagine fear, anxiety and stress,

falling away, just slipping away and in its departure, love, possibilities and inspiration taking its place. The skies are soft multi colored orbs of translucent light. Flowers are always in bloom and their fra-grance whispers love into the atmosphere. There is never any pollu-

tion, trash or smog. All living beings thrive. There is no death.

Once you pass over, you are graced with an enlightened view of

your earth life. Through this transformed perspective, you wonder

why you took your fears so seriously and allowed them to control

and limit your ability to express your full potential. Like a dream that seemed so real, you now know that you are always safe and

that love is never far. You become aware that fears kept you from

opportunities to create and participate in positive ways and to de-

velop abilities and talents. The choices, decisions and actions that you took that were motivated by fear kept you in the dark and separate from the truth of your most beautiful and authentic self. You want the opportunity to reclaim your spirit and heal that part of

you that embraced fear and dismissed love.

On the other side you also remember all of the people you love

and care for who are still in the physical realm. You send waves of love and support to them. You want to reach out and let them know

that you are alive and finally at peace. Some of your loved ones on earth still live in fear and make decisions and choices that cause

them pain and stress. You understand all too well why they do this.

But there are others that are in touch with the power of their

spirit. They dive deep into their soul and with courage make

50 ~ From Fear to Courage

choices from the heart of love. They accept their lessons and do

their best to live their truth. How brave they are. You admire their courage and want to learn from them. You draw close …

Courage in Action

The following session involves a fear that is common to many, es-

pecially women. Fear drives many of us to lose our power in rela-

tionships. Fear of not being loved and being alone causes many of

us to repress our true self and live according to someone else’s expectations. Some people feel dependent on others and stay in nega-

tive situations and relationships because they fear that they are not worthy or that they cannot financially take care of their self.


When I met Teresa she was a few minutes late for our session.

She was rushing from a long work day and was a little flustered

when she sat down on my couch. She wanted me to begin the

reading right away as she was concerned that we would not have

enough time to get into all of her concerns.

I began the session and immediately I saw a woman dressed in a

tailored jacket and skirt with her hands folded in her lap.

“Is your mother on the other side?” I ask Teresa who nervously

sits across from me.

“Do you mean is she dead? Yes, she died five years ago.”

“A woman came in as I started the session who I believe is your

mother. I hear the name Gloria. She is nicely dressed, but not say-

ing very much. She seems to be waiting for me …”

“That would be like her, she was a quiet woman and yes her

name is Gloria.’ Teresa interrupts me and starts to fidget.

“She is showing me an image of a small dog. I feel like it is a dog that is in spirit with her. She seems happy to be close to him.”

From Fear to Courage ~ 51

“That is probably Sami. I think he was the love of her life.” Te-

resa sighs

At this Gloria becomes more active. “Please tell my daughter

that I love her and that I am sorry.” I hear Gloria repeat over and over. I relay this message to Teresa and she bows her head.

“Your mother says. I am learning so much. I was not there for

her in the way that she needed me to be. Tell her that I am not

afraid anymore. I want her to know this. All of the fear goes away

when you are here, just falls off ”. I tell Teresa.

Teresa nods in agreement. “My mother was full of fear. She

avoided conflict and she could not handle disagreement of any

kind. She would just shut down. When she became ill and was

dying she was very distant. She was afraid to die and lingered for

days and weeks. We all knew that it was fear keeping her here. Ask

her about her passing? Did her mother or father come for her? I

was so hoping that they would help her”

Gloria is quick with a reply. “Your mother is saying that it took

her a little while to realize that she had died. She says that she woke up and the stiffness in her body was gone. The constant ache in

her joints had subsided, no more pain.” I start to get some intense images from her. “Your mother is showing me an image of the sun.

A glowing sun coming through what looks like laced curtains. She

tells me she felt its warmth and I feel her relax.”

Teresa interrupts me.” My mother died at night.”

“I believe that the sun that your mom is showing me was the

light of the other side. She thought it was the sun. Now I see her

mother and father coming out of the sun toward her. She shows me

an angel that took her hand. She had a peaceful passing. She wants

you to know it took her awhile to realize that she had died. It was so different than what she expected. She says that there was nothing to be afraid of. I wish I would have known.”

52 ~ From Fear to Courage

As I give her this message, Teresa seems to relax and tells me.

“She was so closed down and unable to let go. I am relieved to

know that she is at peace.”

I was not too surprised with Gloria’s desire to apologize to her

daughter. Many sessions with loved ones in spirit involve healing

and forgiveness. Gloria was surprisingly good at communicating

with me. For a spirit who was initially shy, her presence and mes-

sage was clear and strong.

“You mother says that she is with you more than you know. It is

necessary. She says the angels tell her that she needs to learn from you. Even when you are afraid, you find the courage to move forward. You didn’t get this from her. Your mom tells me that she was

full of fear.”

Spirits communicate with me in a variety of ways. Gloria sent

me both thought and visual messages. I again began to see more

images. I tell Teresa. “I see what feels to me to be your father. He is yelling and being a bully. I see your Mom cowering and feeling

small and powerless. I get the feeling that she did not know what

else to do. She shows me a young girl I think it is you. You are looking at her for help. But she does nothing.”

As I give this message to Teresa I hear her begin to cry. I hand

her a tissue and through her tears she explains.

“My mother was always quiet. My father would storm around

the house screaming and getting his way. We were all afraid of him.

He could be mean and we never did anything right in his eyes. My

mother would cower and never stand up to him. I felt unprotected

and for a long time I was mad at her. I understand now that she did the best she could do. Her father was authorization and she was

raised to believe that a women’s place was to cook and clean and

give her husband what he wanted. She never challenged this. My

father was a brute and my brothers were just like him. It took me

a long time to find my power and to learn how to take care of my-


From Fear to Courage ~ 53

“Your mom is very sorry.” I tell Teresa. “She understands how

she was not there for you. She is also telling me that she is learning from you. She says that you have courage. She shows me an image

of you. I believe that this is your home. You are in the kitchen with two children. Your mom is there in spirit. I see her watching you.

She is very proud of you. I get the impression from your mother

that you are a single parent and that you are raising your children on your own. Is this true?”

Teresa interrupts me “I am divorced with two sons. It has not

been easy. I have had to go back to court several times to get child support. My ex just won’t pay. Says he will. Then there is always an excuse. I married someone just like my father. He was charming

and said the right things. But, the anger was there. I didn’t want

to see it at first. I did my best to make him happy, skirt the issues and try and calm him. It didn’t work. He just got angrier and more

demanding. I knew I had a choice. I could pretend it wasn’t hap-

pening and I did for a while. But, I couldn’t bring up my boys to be like this. I had to give them a chance. I didn’t want them to grow up with the same fear that I felt. Soon after my mother died, I started the divorce proceedings. I have had no regrets. I did the right thing.

I can feel it in my heart.”

“Your mom is proud of you. She tells me that she never taught

you how to take care of yourself and now you are helping to teach

her. She is learning from you.” I tell Teresa. “When you make posi-

tive choices and act on what you know in your heart to be the right thing you are helping her. She knows the difficulties that you have had to endure. Now she can understand her part in it. Through

your healing and self-empowerment your mother has the opportu-

nity to experience a different way of responding.”

“Is that really possible? How do I help her?” With a perplexed

look on her face, Teresa tries to take this all in.

“Love creates a bond that spans time and space. “ I try to ex-

plain. “Even though your mother is in spirit she is still learning.

54 ~ From Fear to Courage

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