Read Yield Online

Authors: Cari Silverwood

Tags: #Pierced Hearts

Yield (22 page)

BOOK: Yield
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Too much. My thoughts scattered. Under my eyelids was blackness and a spattering of colors as my eyes tried to see where there was nothing.

The rip of the packet, segued into a plug being screwed into my asshole. I gasped at the feel of that and at the fingers deep, then deeper, in my pussy, at that tongue licking my clit, at the hand in my hair forcing me down. The blunt plastic feel of a condom-sheathed cock touched my lips and squashed them aside. More fingers at the corner of my mouth, making me open wider. The cock sliding in over my tongue, opening my mouth up to the limits, choking me. I needed

Pleasure flooded me.
had his mouth on me, playing with me, fucking me with something that wasn’t fingers, moving my clit from side to side with tiny nudges, sucking it into his hot mouth, licking some more.
Oh god, fuck, oh god.

I crept, soared, and was bludgeoned by fingers, cock, tongue, and the throbbing marks on my skin, into rising to the glorious heights of a building climax.

Nearly. There. I tensed, unable to do more than feel and make primitive noises, so absorbed in what was being done...

I heard the ring of a phone, inches away. Then the stranger spoke, quietly, with his head low and near me, as if he wanted my moans and choked sobs to transmit to whoever he’d found to tell about facefucking some anonymous woman while another man licked and licked at her and made her come.

Under the blindfold, I had my eyes jammed shut. I whimpered in a muffled way, my mouth full of dick. I
going to come, couldn’t help it. Inexorable desire had me in its grasp.

While his cock thrust in and out of my mouth, I listened to the noises of that carnal slop and slip of his cock, as he used my tongue and my drool to get himself off, even my throat when he fucked me deeper and shoved my mouth down onto him. I sucked in his words while I was being sucked on and he took my mouth.

“Kat. Yes, it’s Chris. Were you asleep? Got Zoe there? Put her on a leash. Get her ready for me. Get her to get
ready. I want you both leaning over the hall table, when I get back, head down, ass out. I’ve got a girl with my cock halfway down her throat but I’m not coming in her amazing fucking hot mouth ’cause I’ve got you two. If you’re not wet as hell, I’ll spank you both first.” I could hear the grate of lust and amusement in his voice. “Fuck!” He hissed when my teeth grazed him. My tongue curled over the head of his cock and he slowed.

He answered some phone comment, grunted then said, “Yes. Yes, she does. Yours is hotter? I’ll get you to prove it. I’m going to choke her with it and count the seconds. If you can beat the time, I’ll be nice. Yes. I can be. Guaranteed. Means I won’t cane your pussy more than ten times.”

His chuckle sounded positively evil.

“Stick the phone where I can hear you lick Zoe. I want to hear some sexy noises.” While he talked he thrust into my mouth. I felt like a hole in a wall made only for blow-jobs.

The licking of my clit was making me schizoid – concentrate on one end of me, or the other? I shut my eyes and knew precisely where that tongue lapped, explored, what those fingers were doing to me. The phone drew me back.

He slowed and didn’t force my head down as deep or as fast. My mouth ended up with just the fat, mushroom-like part of the head poking inside.

“What are you doing to her? No, no fist fucking her, Kat. Bad girl. Not until I’m there.” He stared down at me and I dared to bite him, using enough force to squash in just below the head of his cock by half an inch.

“Fuck. Those teeth...”

He liked it? Damn. I let go and he shoved my head down and my mouth onto him, deep, and stayed there, his cock pulsing.

At that same moment,
sucked my clit into his mouth, rammed the plug in as far as it would go, then stretched my pussy wide with a third finger to join the others shoving into me.

It hurt, it hurt, then...all the good and the bad muddled together and paused. The big bang theory made real. I burst into crazy-headspace orgasmtime, my back trying to bow despite my head being shoved balls-deep onto the stranger. I gurgled and cough-grunted until the spasms died away.

“Hell.” He held me there still. “Hell.” Dirty talking his women on the phone, while I suffocated.

Need to breathe!

My nose tried but I wasn’t getting much air. I moved to grab this man’s hands only to find my wrist cuffs had been linked at my back. I tried to kick but my ankles were caught. He laughed then licked at my too-sensitive clit. I squealed in protest.

“Got that? I want two pussies waiting for me when I walk in the door. Damn, girl!”

The grip on my hair tightened to excruciating level and I felt his cock twitch and swell. After one, long, almost agonized gasp, he dragged me off him and his thick cock from my mouth. My drool spilled from my lips and I coughed then inhaled, struggling.

“Fuck, fuck. You almost did me in, girl.”

“It’s good that you decided that.”

The stranger paused before replying though I heard him zip himself up, while cursing under his breath. “Why?”

“Because I’ve decided I’m too damn jealous. I don’t want another man coming in her mouth or anywhere. Could you excuse me for a while? I’ll talk to you after I take care of her.”

“Sure.” The sofa creaked as he stood. “I understand. Thank you though. She was...inspiring. How about I come back in an hour? Being Sunday, that’ll give me time to duck home then come back.”

They were ignoring me so I collapsed onto the table and curled up on my side.

“Great. And thank you.”

“No worries. An hour.”

I listened as he walked away, only half awake. Whatever happened next, would happen. I was only a pawn in this man’s game. The plug was still inside me. I didn’t give one fuck.

“Hey there.”

He was talking. I was getting good at ignoring things from behind my blindfold. I was comfy, if naked. Warm outdoors and my mind was full of sleepiness even if my body burned here and there. If he wanted to fuck me, I didn’t care.

“I’ve done a lot to you, I guess. I can see you’re tired.”

Yeah? I mumbled something nonsensical.

“But that doesn’t mean I’m going to excuse you.”

I drifted off, distantly feeling him rearranging me so my butt was presented to him, maybe.

Don’t care.

His cock entered me. I knew it, felt the surge as he carved his way inside me, pushing in.

Too tired to care. It became background, bland, nothing, I was being handled and manipulated and I may as well have been a crate of apples.

“Oh fuck. This is no good.”

I smiled lazily and grunted my reply as I felt him withdraw.

The blindfold was undone, unwound. There was light out there beyond my eyelids and I didn’t care about that either.

A bite on my ass had me erupting off the table, screaming. Only to find him shoving me back down. On my stomach, with my upper torso twisted aside, I rediscovered the linking of the wrist cuffs. I squirmed and glared back at him.

Only to find, him, looking at me. That mask. Those deep brown, menacing eyes.

Hello again, fear. I looked at the floor, at anywhere but him. Fear, the monster I’d forgotten while drifting off.

“Do not ever think you can ignore me, girl.” He smiled and went to one elbow on the table, until his face was a foot from mine. His fingers sneaked to my one breast that was in sight and clamped onto the nipple. Though I cringed, he pinched it with his finger and thumb. “Fall asleep while I’m fucking you? No. Damn. Way.”

I held in the squeak though the pain increased, only to find not only had the multiple pains bounced me back into consciousness, I was also hyperaware of him controlling me.

save me from myself
, I liked this. Wide-eyed, I shuddered.

My lips parted as I strived to keep my breathing normal. His sadistic playing with my nipple while he held me down had sent a line of hot arousal screaming straight through me.

This was not something I wanted him to know.

While he pulled me to my feet, I thought some more. This was different. It wasn’t like the other times when he made me become aroused. This had been like turning on a tap. From la-la land to where I was now, aching for him to put his cock in me. I squeezed my thighs, sending a pulse to my clit.

The fatigue was overriding my normal responses. This wasn’t me.

“I want you on your knees, over the table.”

Getting ideas from the stranger? No, he wouldn’t have heard the phone orders that man gave.

I did as he asked, I walked my knees into position on the hard floor and he slipped me a cushion. I poised, my upper body above the table. Leaning over was tantamount to saying I want you to fuck me, and even if I did, the wrongness was disgustingly...

I bowed my head, appalled I was such a slut as to want him. Tears prickled my eyes.

“Down.” With his hand in a
on my nape, he forced me to bend until my breasts touched the timber, then he pressed on the small of my back until I was flattened to the table.

I lay there, exposed, wanting to wriggle my ass, but resisting. He was seconds away from fucking me. I could feel the slight well of my moisture down there, my body lubricating my pussy, an advertisement of my sluttiness.

“To teach you not to go to sleep when I’m fucking you...” Funny, but I could hear amusement. “This.”

His teeth met on my butt. I screeched, couldn’t help it. His teeth worried at me, and I was terrified he might take out a piece. Then he moved up my back to the side of my spine, to my shoulder, tens of bites, while I keened in my throat. Some bites worse, some small.

I heard him whisper,
, once or twice. This was a sadistic ownership ritual.

He was marking me, owning me.

Nothing was more personal than bites, except his cock inside me.

No matter how I screamed and tried to thrash, he pinned me to the table with those large hands.

By the time he was done, I was covered in bites. Each of them throbbed in time with the others, and with my pussy. My back, ass, and thighs were on fire again, and I was having trouble breathing, yet I was sure he toyed with me. He could do far worse.

“You’re not bleeding. Just bruised. Shhh.”

After I’d gulped in some air, he slapped my ass once.

“Let me see that pussy coming up.”

Confused as to what he wanted, I arched my lower back.

He slapped me again then took my thighs in his hands to pull my butt even higher. The head of his cock probed for my entrance, and he thrust inside in one heart-bursting slide. Then out and in again. Each time he jammed himself all the way in, he hit the butt plug and I awakened to the weirdness of that with him inside me too. It hurt. His cock seemed ten sizes too big to fit in me.

Then he’d withdraw and plunge it in anyway. I tried to claw at something but my restrained hands only found air.

“No! Can’t! Please. You’re too big.”

“Too much?” He chuckled, though already a little out of breath. “I’ve been waiting all week to fuck you. It’s the butt plug, taking up space. I can fix that.”

Then he slowed in his thrusts, pulled out, and I heard a condom packet rustle, then the liquid squeeze of a bottle.

at all a good sign. A whine started in my throat.

“Come to me, baby,” he muttered, wriggling the plug as he slowly pulled it out, stalling a few seconds, when I tensed and whimpered. He called the butt plug
? The last, widest part, as it exited, made me want to bite the table. “It’s out. Now, my turn.”

Oh fuck
. I squeezed my eyes shut.

“Don’t worry.” He leaned in and kissed beneath my ear. “I’ll go slow.”

His hands opened me wider, pulling apart my cheeks. I could tell he was looking at my asshole, his latest target. I wanted to squirm away, wishing I’d done this before just so it wasn’t
taking my ass for the first time. Then his cock touched me and began to push inside. I could tell how it dilated me, fraction by fraction. In some more, and more. And,
fuck it
, more. Something that size wasn’t meant to be there.

“Don’t forget, push out,” he croaked.

I was affecting him that much? I have to admit, that thought was gleeful even while my asshole burned as if he had chili on his cock.

His cock’s journey all the way in was like some medieval torture. How could anyone like this? My body squeezed down on him as if trying to reject it.

“In,” he gasped, his bodyweight pressing me down. “Done.” He humped me a few times in tiny increments of pulling out and going in. Butting me into the table. A half inch of toying with me, sliding into my ass. All I could do was bite my lip and squeak.

He stilled and I felt his fingers brush at my nape. “Not liking it yet? Hmm? I can fix that too, pretty Wren. If only you could see yourself with my whip and bite marks all over you. I’m going to get some pictures of you like this.”

He did another slow thrust with his hand under me, massaging over my clit, and
damn eyes snapped opened. That was.
. The warm glow of awakening lust had me listening to my body. His cock in my ass was the most possessive thing ever. He thought his bites had owned me; I’d had no clue how this would make me feel. I felt an extension of

I huffed out air and let out the first muffled groan, despite drawing my bottom lip between my teeth to try to keep my noises to myself.

“There you go,” he whispered, laughing.

Why was he laughing so much, when I was hurting? But warmth was swelling from everywhere down there. New nerves had popped into being. My ass curved higher and his fingers sped up in that damn merciless rhythm that had me rocking back into him just to get nearer both cock and fingers. My nipples, constricted into tiny buds that dragged on the table as he shoved into me. His movements became bolder, harder, more violent. Flesh slapped against flesh.

I was going to come. I was...

I shut down thought, tensing, on the very, very edge...and he sank his teeth into my shoulder again, only now I could hear the strain in his own panting. Those fingers hit the right speed on my clit and I bucked, spasming down onto his cock, coming crazily.

BOOK: Yield
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