Read Yesterday's Tomorrows Online

Authors: M. E. Montgomery

Yesterday's Tomorrows (31 page)

BOOK: Yesterday's Tomorrows
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common question
I’m often asked is where I get my ideas for stories. The truth is, I don’t really know. Sometimes I see or hear something that spurs an idea, other times I try to think of a unique, far more interesting twist on something personal that’s happened, and sometimes the story fairy leaves me a tidbit beneath my pillow in exchange for my sleep and sanity. Regardless, this time, Holt’s story falls into the first category. Shortly after getting married and surviving a bad car accident, I heard a story about a woman who died at her wedding reception. It touched me on multiple levels, including that only weeks earlier, another few inches to the left, and I might have lost my new husband. So while Holt and Claire’s story is all from my mind, I’ve always wondered what happened to the poor man who was married and widowed in one afternoon. I truly hope he’s been able to find happiness in the years since.

The other part of storytelling is all the people who help to bring the story to life - while keeping me sane, the second part probably being the hardest job!

Many, many thanks to the following people:

At the top of my list is Heather Roberts from Social Butterfly PR. It would be another short story to list all the ways you’ve taught, helped and guided me (translate - held my hand through all the crazy!) You’re the best!!

My betas - Maari, Kathy, Tanya, Cindy, Heather: thanks for the invaluable feedback and comments that kept me going and laughing along the way, as well as encouraging me when I stumbled. I love you guys!!

To fellow authors: KL Kreig, LB Dunbar, and Emma Scott whose invaluable feedback pushed me to grow while teaching me more things to keep in mind while I wrote. You guys are amazing, and I want to be one of you guys when I grow up!

Sgt. Crimmons, Kelly E., and Heather R. : for legal and police insight…and for not asking too many questions about murder research!

My very tolerant family: thanks for forgiving me for all the last minute meals, finding clothes to wear in the piles I washed but never folded, and for loving me anyway. You are my biggest blessings!

The rest of the ladies at Social Butterfly PR for taking me on, to Marisa for another gorgeous cover, and Shannon for formatting.

And to the readers…who make it all worthwhile! It still amazes me that you read my words and share and comment on my posts – your support means everything!

About the Author

. Montgomery has been an avid reader her entire life, and after falling in love with so many characters created by other authors, she decided to create her own. She is the homework queen to her four school aged children who think she is a genius in math, science, history and spelling. Fortunately, her biology and elementary school teaching background help her to keep up the expert façade, at least for now. She is a proud Navy wife, setting up a home wherever the Navy sends her husband, which has included Virginia, Rhode Island, North Carolina, and Japan. When she’s not reading or writing, she loves to go camping with her family, drink wine on the deck, and be swept off to romantic getaways.

BOOK: Yesterday's Tomorrows
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