Year of the Dragon (Changeling Sisters Book 3) (46 page)

BOOK: Year of the Dragon (Changeling Sisters Book 3)
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The Battle for the Southern Isles was over. The Vampyre Court had been defeated.

Above, the White Tiger placed Her paw atop the crown of Seongsan Ilchulbong. She let loose an ear-splitting roar that blew the storm clouds from the skies, chased the last of the corruption from the haetaes’ eyes, and restored good health to the weather spirits.

And in answer to Her call, Eve’s horizon softened with rosy pink, the promise of a new day.

Chapter 55: Sunrise at the Edge of the World



The spirit beach of Sunrise Peak had never been more crowded with celebrating ghosts. Una had her hands full guiding scared villagers back to their waking bodies. They would believe it had all been just a dream, she told me, but some would have mysterious bruises they couldn’t explain, or a sudden influx in jewelry. The haenyeo would carry the awareness of Eve back to their mortal bodies. However, as divers of the deep, many amongst their order already knew about the strange and curious things that existed, always just beyond reach.

Kadru the Wise, the Elder Life Spirit who hailed from India, tended to the wounded. Her venom was a potent healer, and even her violet scales offered spiritual relief when worn as a necklace against the skin. She swatted good-naturedly at Onikuma, who shattered more necklaces than she made and eventually lumbered off, commenting that she could help best by eating the vampyre remains. Taeyang’s help, however, was welcome. I was relieved to see Healer Boy back to his former good-natured self as he caught Una’s arm and made her sit still for a moment so he could tend to her wounds.

Heesu was quickly learning to guard her back. Shortly after making landfall, she was beset upon by yet another attacker—her sister.

“Unni!” she cried in delight as Sun Bin gathered her up in a big bear hug. “You’re okay!”

“Not really. I missed you taking out a Greater Dark Spirit, O Mighty Celestial Dragon.” Sun hesitated and then glanced toward me. “Raina and Yu Li rescued me.”

“Are they all right?” I exclaimed.

My younger sister and Yu Li approached. Raina didn’t appear to be injured, but her head hung in shame. At her side, Yu Li bore a slick red scar from her lips to her temple. It was a single, clean cut—as if it had come from a dragon’s claw.

I glanced, stunned, between them. Yu Li reached out a comforting hand. “It is not your sister’s fault. The vampyres held Sun captive in a very dark and distorted pit in Eve: a cave full of mirrors.” She shuddered. “It was like they were alive with the Vampyre Queen’s spirit. It became difficult to know who was who anymore.”

“Oh, Raina,” I said softly.

My sister shook, her fists trembling. “I’m so sorry, Yu Li,” she muttered. “I was supposed to be strong enough to face Eve again.”

Yu Li smiled, which made her cut start to bleed again. “It is fine, Raina. Any seasoned warrior would have made that mistake.”

Sun Bin gave Raina an uncharacteristic pat on the back. “Come now, little sister. Don’t be too hard on yourself. So you freak out in a room full of mirrors. I struggle daily not to freak out being surrounded by morons like Ankor all the time. If you didn’t have issues, then I wouldn’t believe you were a Yong.”

Raina gave a choked laugh. “Thanks, Sun.”

“Qué milagro!
My favorite women, all still breathing!” Turning, we beheld none other than Miguel dash toward us across the beach. Mami and Nyssa were just disembarking from a boat with Hyeon Bin’s monks behind. Laughing, I ran to greet them. My brother bowled into me and then reached out to ruffle Raina’s hair, which brought a ghost of a smile back to her face. Then he seized Yu Li and swung her around.

“My girl!” Miguel crowed and then quickly pulled out a handkerchief to dab at her cut. “
Ai, señorita
, looks like you’re becoming as ugly as the rest of us! Who did this to you?”

Yu Li glanced teasingly at Raina. “Ugly, hmmm? I’m sure that’s why your sister did it.”

Miguel’s mouth dropped. “
sister? You sure it wasn’t ’Lalli? Because her I could take.”

“Hey!” I protested as Miguel mockingly grabbed me in a headlock. Behind us by Kadru’s tent, I spotted Una gazing in my brother’s direction. She caught my eye and gave me a sad smile. Then she turned back to making bandaging difficult for Taeyang.

“Release her at once, Miguelo. Can’t you see my daughter is exhausted?” Mami shooed my brother away and paused to take Raina and me in. I wavered between embracing her and holding my distance. Never had anyone managed to look so warm and yet as bristly as a porcupine at the same time.

“So, mija, you have done it again.” Mami extended an arm out to first Raina and then to me. “Both of you.”

We hugged her back fiercely, and I felt my eyes fog with tears at the scent of her Rosa del Verano perfume and an image of spices popping on the fryer. She smelled like home.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Sun Bin stare awkwardly at Nyssa. The slender nagi finally gave her ex-girlfriend a brief hug and released her just as quickly.

“I am happy you are all right,” she told Sun and then turned to marvel over Heesu and the Dragon’s Pearl, which shimmered like a polished sea stone under the impending dawn’s glow. Sun gazed after Nyssa with an unreadable expression before Ankor tapped her on the shoulder.

“Hey, you,” he told his twin, and she burst into tears and tackled him.

.” Mami caught sight of Rafael standing on the shore. He dipped a toe into the water, all alone. The rogue werewolf glanced briefly in our direction and gave a half-wave.

Mami’s lip curled. “So. The Dominguez boy is still hanging around, is he?”

I blew out an impatient sigh. “Mami, he’s just a friend.
, Raina?”

She glanced at me, startled. “Of course.”

“But he did help us defeat Xec, and he’s making me feel bad sitting by himself with no family to fuss over him.” I elbowed Raina. “Race you to the surf?”

“Let’s see what you’ve got, wolf,” she said, her eyes finally lightning up. We left a figure eight of footprints in the sand as we ran and bowled Rafael over into the sea. He emerged, spluttering salt water, and then grinned and tried to catch us.

We shrieked with laughter and evaded. Raina duck-dived with the grace of a dolphin, which meant I was the easy target. Rafael seized me around the waist. I felt the heat of his breath on my neck before he dunked me. I emerged, opening my eye to an infinite sky tinged with the rosy gold of morning, and then I laughed until I was breathless.

Rafael smoothed back my wet curls. Our hands brushed underwater. I took in every angle of his lean, tanned face and the life glowing like embers in his rich brown eyes. Droplets from his unruly hair dripped on my face, and we both shared a smaller laugh, our heartbeats thumping together in unison.

“I will always think of you,” he promised.

I whispered back: “As shall I.”

The hypnotizing warmth of his gaze shattered as Mangdung attacked me from behind.

“Gah!” I cried, pulling the slippery leopard kit from around my neck. “Cats aren’t supposed to like water!”

“Pah!” Mangdung made a strange
hiss hiss
noise, and I realized he was chuckling. “I am no sissy housecat!”

I squeezed him tight. “Fine. You want to hang around? Then you’re gonna have to put up with hugs.” I released him to fluff up the smoky gray fur on his head. “Also, I want you to think up the longest and most overly-complicated Lantern Shopkeeper title you can. You’ve been promoted, cat.”

Mangdung paused amidst frantically grooming his fur back down to reward me with a deep purr.

I emerged from the water with a dopey smile on my face and found Ankor waiting.

“I didn’t want to disturb your fun,” he said sternly, his arms folded, “but the Lady of Eve has asked to meet.”

I tweaked his nose. “Probably to tell you it wouldn’t kill you to smile. We just won a great battle, Prince Stoic.”

Ankor rolled his eyes. “Yes, but we still have an inner fight to worry about, remember, Fire Wolf?”

The White Tiger wanted to talk about our Triad fate. Swallowing, I trailed the Autumn Dragon into the rocks. The Lady of Eve awaited us upon a smooth dais, along with Una and Uncle Hyeon Bin.

We bowed, and the White Tiger gave a rumble of satisfaction.

–Rise. You have done well. What began in selfish desire ended in liberation–

Ankor’s face burned, and he remained prostrate. “Forgive me for believing the kumiho’s lies, my Lady.”

–Both of you used every means within your power to sway the tides of battle in our favor, even though doing so could have meant becoming a Myriad, a many-souled entity–

The White Tiger’s dazzling sapphire gaze darkened. –None have ever recovered from the Myriad state–

I began to scratch my scabbed arms without realizing it until Ankor gave me a pointed look.

“So it is possible to heal a Triad soul?” he asked hopefully.

Una sighed. She had bound her hair into a neat bun atop her head, yet lack of rest from the months spent in captivity still reddened her eyes. “Understand this: there is no magical cure to fix a broken soul. You are the only ones who can heal yourselves. You must negotiate the balance between your three natures. Watch Heesu, who creates wonderful things out of destruction. You cannot destroy one of your natures without turning it into something else.”

I swallowed. “Is it possible for one of the other natures to win out?”

Hyeon Bin regarded me sadly. “Neh. One can overpower the other two, if it is given the right opportunity. Both of your situations are different. Ankor, the third shard of your soul is the unbridled energy of a Yeouiju. It could disintegrate you and everyone you love if you let it. Citlalli, your third shard is a sentient fire kumiho. It is within its nature to consume until there is nothing left of itself. I worry that if you call upon Her power again…”

I tucked my burned hands into my pockets. “Say no more. I am going to need a lot of aloe.”

Ankor looked up, intent. “My father told you of my situation, didn’t he? Where is he? Why did he not come with the other Elder Life Spirits?”

The White Tiger paced restlessly. –Mun Mu went to congratulate your youngest sister when she caught the Dragon’s Pearl. However, I fear something happened to him on the way there. Mun Mu has disappeared from my realm in Eve–

“Damn these vampyre princes,” Ankor growled. “They must have waylaid him. How many are left?”

“Too many,” Una said flatly. “Prince Santiago called a retreat of his men back to Xibalba, and Prince Donovan was last seen flying to the East. Onikuma fears he may be heading for Japan. The deceased Vampyre Prince Takakazu once had an old stronghold in the mountains there. We lost Prince Aaron’s trail, but my uncle’s sources suggest he is in the Middle East. Prince Aleksandr has taken up exile in the far reaches of Russia, and the last remaining vampyre prince lurks above our heads.” She pointed toward the summit of Seongsan Ilchulbong, where I could just make out a solitary midnight-winged creature pacing amongst the rocks.

“They are separated now.” I took a deep breath. “Perhaps Rafael is right. This attempt to free the Mayan Death Gods failed, but no one can rest safe knowing the Lords of Xibalba have awoken.”

“Indeed, we must stay more vigilant than ever.” Hyeon Bin rested on his fighting staff, gazing out across the crashing sea. “Now that the Celestial Dragon has claimed her place and demonstrated the power of the Yeouiju, Korea will begin to draw the attention of shapeshifters from across the globe. Mun Mu must be found soon.” Hyeon Bin shared a troubled glance with the others. “Otherwise,
will come.”

The White Tiger sniffed the air, Her radiant crystal eyes reflecting the sky.

–Yes. Go well, my friends. Tend to the waking world and search for the Dragon King. But beware the coming of the Golden Mane–

I didn’t return to the beach. Scrambling my way up the rickety wooden staircase slick with morning dew and sea salt, I switch-backed my way to the summit of Seongsan Ilchulbong, the first earthly tower to behold the eastern dawn. Picking my way amongst the rocks of the peak, I found the reclusive Crown Prince nursing his wounds.

“Leave me be, wolf girl,” Khyber predictably growled, his sable-black hair falling in his eyes as he popped out one of the nails stapled into his leg. It left behind trails of inky black blood. I leaned against a boulder and raised an eyebrow. His brethren certainly knew how to show their brotherly affection.

Khyber looked up and sighed. “We will discuss how to end the life bond later, girl. Since we killed the creature who cursed us, it will take time to find a different path. However, there is always a way. Now, shouldn’t you be enjoying the celebration with your family and your mutt boyfriend? Playing in the waves like a good dog?”

I flushed, realizing his vantage point had given him a clear view of the beach. “Khyber, Rafael and I aren’t together.”

The vampyre prince jerked a nail out too quickly, and it hit him in the forehead. Rubbing the spot, Khyber’s icy gaze sidled sideways in my direction, as if daring me to laugh. “No? You two looked so

“Because of you,” I blurted out quickly. “You may not care, or whatever, but it’s because of you. Rafael wants you dead because he’s consumed with revenge. You are too obstinate to tell him the truth about Tica’s death because you are consumed with self-destruction. So, that leaves me between a rock and a hard place.” I kicked a stone in an ill-thought-out example. “I’m trapped in this life bond, so there was only one choice I could make. Khyber, I chose you instead of him.”

The vampyre prince reared up to his full height, and his black wings unfurled menacingly. Abruptly, Khyber’s fists swung back to his sides.

“Fine,” he said softly. “I will tell Rafael the truth.”

My head shot up, hardly daring to believe it. Khyber’s gray-blue eyes glowed round and full as they raked over mine, and an unsettling quiver rippled through my body. I felt blood rise to my cheeks.

Abruptly, Khyber returned to tending the sword wound on his shoulder. “If it will help both of you get what you want, then so be it. I am used to waiting.”

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