XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference, 4th Edition (72 page)

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The shaded boxes show abstract types, and the clear boxes represent concrete types. The difference is that a value can never belong to an abstract type unless it also belongs to one of the concrete subtypes of that type.

The most general type here is
, which allows any kind of item. The two kinds of items are nodes, shown on the left-hand branch of the type hierarchy, and atomic values, shown on the right-hand branch.

In a sequence type descriptor, any of the item types listed in
Figure 4-1
may be followed by one of the occurrence indicators
, or
. The occurrence indicator defines how many items (of the given item type) may appear in the value. They have the following meanings:

Occurrence indicator
Zero or more occurrences allowed
One or more occurrences allowed
Zero or one occurrence allowed

If there is no occurrence indicator, then the value must contain exactly one item of the specified type.

In a schema-aware processor, this type hierarchy is extended in the following two ways:

  • Firstly, all the built-in atomic types defined in the XML Schema specification become available. These include the additional primitive type
    , and types derived from
    , such as
    . A full list of these types, with explanations of their meanings, is given in Chapter 5.
  • Secondly, user-defined types can be imported from an XML Schema definition.

To make user-defined types available for use in type declarations in a stylesheet, the schema must first be imported into the stylesheet. This can be done with an

declaration, which might take the form:



declaration is described in more detail later in this chapter (see page 180). You can import any number of schema documents into a stylesheet, provided that the namespaces do not clash. If you want to refer to types defined in a schema by name, then you must import that schema into the stylesheet using an

declaration. However, you don't need to import a schema simply because you are using it to validate source or result documents.

The types defined in a schema are either complex types or simple types, and simple types in turn divide into three varieties: union types, list types, and atomic types.

When atomic types are imported from a schema, they can be used in a stylesheet in just the same way as the built-in atomic types. For example, if the schema defines an atomic type
as a subtype of
constrained to conform to a particular pattern, then in the stylesheet you can declare a variable:

which informs the system that the value of the
variable will always be a part number. The expression in the
attribute must return a valid part number according to these rules, or the transformation will fail.

Note that to conform to this type, it's not enough to supply a string that matches the schema-defined pattern. The value must actually be labeled as an
. To achieve this, you typically have to convert the value to the required type using a constructor function. For example, you could write:


Atomic values can exist independently of any node in a document, which is why you can use an atomic type directly as the type of a value. In contrast, instances of complex types, union types, and list types can exist only as the content of a node in a document. This means that the names of these types can't be used directly in an
attribute defining the type of a variable or parameter. You can use them, however, to qualify a type that describes a node. Examples of such sequence type descriptors are shown in the table below:

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