XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference, 4th Edition (637 page)

BOOK: XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference, 4th Edition
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See Also

on page 834


function returns its argument unchanged, provided that it is a sequence containing no more than one item. In other cases, it reports an error.


The input value. Although the function signature says that any sequence of items is allowed, a runtime error will occur if the number of items is not zero or one.
The same as the supplied value, after checking to ensure that it is either an empty sequence or contains a single item


function returns its argument unchanged, provided that it is a sequence containing no more than one item. In other cases, it reports an error.

This function is useful with XPath processors that perform static type-checking, as described in Chapter 5. Calling this function acts as a promise by the programmer that the argument will be a sequence that is either empty, or contains exactly one item. This allows the expression to be used in contexts that require an optional single value (for example, the argument of a function such as
) when the processor might otherwise have reported a static type error. The XPath expression is still type-safe, because the check that the sequence does indeed contain a single item will be done at runtime, just as it would with a processor that does not enforce static type checking.


Assume the source document:

with a schema that defines the colors attribute with type
(that is, it allows a list of colors to be specified, but our sample document only specifies one).

Succeeds unless the processor is doing static type checking, in which case it gives a compile-time error because the argument to
must be a sequence of zero or one items
Succeeds whether the processor is doing static type checking or not, because the check that the typed value of
contains at most one item is deferred until runtime


This function is never needed unless you are using a processor that does static type checking.

However, you may still find it useful as a way of inserting runtime checks into your XPath expressions, and documenting the assumptions you are making about the input data.

See Also

on page 777

on page 853


Much of the power of any programming language comes from its function library, which is why this chapter explaining the function library is one of the longest in the book. The size of the function library has grown greatly since XSLT and XPath 1.0, largely because of the richer set of types supported.

The next chapter defines the syntax of the regular expressions accepted by the three functions
, and
, and by the XSLT instruction


Chapter 14

Regular Expressions

This chapter defines the regular expression syntax accepted by the XPath functions
, and
, which were described in the previous chapter, as well as the

instruction described in Chapter 6.

This regular expression syntax is based on the definition in XML Schema, which in turn is based on the definition in the Perl language, which is generally taken as the definitive reference for regular expressions. However, all dialects of regular expression syntax have minor variations. Within Perl itself there are features that are deprecated, there are features that differ between Perl versions, and there are features that don't apply when all characters are Unicode.

XML Schema defines a subset of the Perl regular expression syntax; it chose this subset based on the requirements of a language that only does validation (that is, testing whether or not a string matches the pattern) and that only deals with Unicode strings. The requirements of the
function in XPath are similar, but XPath also uses regular expressions for tokenizing strings and for replacing substrings. These are more complex requirements, so some of Perl's regular expression constructs that XML Schema left out have been added back in for XPath.

In the grammar productions in this chapter, as elsewhere in the book, I generally enclose characters of the target language (that is, the regex language) in chevrons, for example
. I have avoided using the more concise notation
because I think it is confusing to use regular expressions when defining regular expressions. If a character is not enclosed in chevrons, then it is either the name of another non-terminal symbol in the grammar, or a symbol that has a special meaning in the grammar.

The description of the syntax of regular expressions closely follows the description given in the XML Schema Recommendation. You can find this in Appendix F of Schema Part 2. The second edition corrects numerous errors in the original. The latest version of the Recommendation can be found at

Remember that the syntax rules given here apply to the regular expression after it has been preprocessed by the host language.

  • If a regular expression is used within an XML document (for example, an XSLT stylesheet), then special characters such as
    must be escaped using XML entity or character references such as
    . If it appears within an XSLT attribute value template (for example, in the
    attribute of

    ), then curly braces must be doubled. If it appears within an XPath string literal, then any apostrophe or quotation mark that matches the string delimiters must be doubled.
  • On the other hand, if your XPath expression is written as a string literal within a host language such as Java or C#, then a backslash will need to be written as
    (which means that a regular expression to match a single backslash character becomes

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