Xavier: (Indestructible) (5 page)

Read Xavier: (Indestructible) Online

Authors: D.M. Mortier

BOOK: Xavier: (Indestructible)
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Chapter Five


Cassandra grinned with pure delight as she saw Xavier waiting
for her on the sidewalk outside of her house. “Good morning, X, glad to see you
made it.” She smiled affectionately up at him.

He looked at her through lowered lashes for a silent, intense
moment. Turning abruptly, he took off down her usual jogging route. Cassandra
ran, caught up with him, and swatted him on his hard butt. “Okay, so you’re not
a morning person. Me personally, I love morning, afternoon, and evening,” she
said cheerfully. “I thank God for all of it.”

Although it was still dark outside at that time of the morning,
the streets were well lit, and she was easily able to see the expression on his

Xavier glanced over at her and didn’t comment.

Cassandra grinned at his surliness. “Is this your first assignment
to the Bahamas?”

“No,” he grunted.

“Oh, so you’ve been here before?”


Cassandra said good morning to pair of joggers they passed. “I
don’t understand. If this isn’t your first assignment here, how can this also
be your first time here?”

“Not on assignment.” The abundance of words seemed forced from
his deep, gravelly voice.

Cassandra laughed. “I ain’t gonna lie. I just like asking you
shit so I can hear your voice. But will it kill ya to be a little bit more
forthcoming? Geez, getting an answer from you is like trying to find the hole
in a gnat’s ass without a microscope.”

He looked at her with bemused warm eyes. His lips twitched, and
a muscle in his cheek jumped as if uncertain of whether to laugh or not.

 “I mean you’ve already got me distracted with this drool-worthy
body. It’s like when God was handing out hotness, you were a damn glutton and
took it all for ya self. No chocolate fineness left for anyone else!”

He emitted a stunned sputter then another. The frozen muscles
in his face melted, his eyes glistened brightly, and then he laughed out loud.

Although his laugh sounded more as though he was in pain, Cassandra
smiled, pleased that she had finally made him lower his shield. She waved and
said good morning to another fellow jogger.

“So I’m going to pretend that this is your first time here in
the Bahamas and you’re just a lowly tourist, wink, wink,” she went on.

He nodded and gave that grimace-like smile again.

“Ah damn,” Cassandra exclaimed. “You’re killing me here: gat me
crushin’ on dem gorgeous dimples.”

He shook his head at her teasing.

She laughed and took pity on him. “So here is me treating you
as if you’re a tourist: we’re running along the eastern side of the island,
which has some interesting historic sites. You wouldn’t quite see it from the
road, but just behind those trees over there is Blackbeard’s Tower. It hasn’t
been kept well and is quite derelict. However, you would still be able to see
the lookout tower of Edward Teach, who was the famous pirate, Blackbeard.”

He looked to the site she pointed out.

Encouraged by his obvious interest, Cassandra continued to tell
him more about that area of the island. “Farther up this road is one of the
three forts on the island. The forts were built in the seventeenth hundreds to
protect the island from being invaded by pirates and enemies of the British
Empire. The fort on this side of the island is called Fort Montagu and is the
oldest of the three. It is obviously no longer in operation. But you’ll be happy
to note that that fort fell in the late seventeenth hundreds under the attack
of the Continental Marines, known today as the United States Marine Corps.” She
told him more about the houses they passed and the local elite who lived there.


Xavier silently listened and nodded encouragingly when she
lapsed into silence. He split his focus on her and the man following them. It
was one of the men he had beat the crap out of the other night. This time, the
man seemed more intent on watching them than posing any physical threat.
well, after the last time, this idiot doesn’t want to tangle with me again.
Damn, it’s not often you see a man shot point-blank in the chest with a .38
Glock still standing to knock your ass out. If I were in his shoes, I would
approach with extreme caution too.
Having already tracked one of Cassandra’s
stalkers back to who he believed was their boss, Xavier was still trying to
determine why this man would be interested in Cassandra’s activity. There was
no obvious link between the two of them.

When their run was finished, he watched her go into the house
to shower and change for work. Xavier drove back to his house to do the same.
The Chinese tried to follow, and Xavier drove around for almost an hour before
he was able to lose him. Xavier would have liked to apprehend the guy and
interrogate him, but then he would reveal too much about who
most paramount question I want to ask this bastard is why the hell they have
Cass under surveillance.


At lunchtime Cassandra had walked over to where he sat in his
vehicle. He pushed open the door, silently inviting her in. She obediently
climbed into the air-conditioned cabin of the vehicle. She was only mildly
surprised to see him waiting on her when she came out again. She silently got
into the passenger side of the black Land Rover without protest.

“Have you eaten?” Xavier asked.

Cassandra grinned. “No, not yet. I have to eat balanced meals
in order to maintain my training regimen.”

He had her lunch spread out on a tray. In addition to the
chilled bottle of Gatorade, granola bars and banana, he had turkey sandwich on
wheat bread and a small container of yogurt with peaches, strawberries, and

“I can’t eat all of this!” Cassandra looked at him as though he
had lost his mind.

“Eat what you can. I’ll eat the rest.”

She rolled her eyes at him and took a sip of the Gatorade.

“Why do you work?” Xavier asked.

Cassandra coughed as the drink went down the wrong way.

Xavier lightly tapped her between her shoulder blades.

“Is that a serious question?” She frowned at him.

“Yes,” he said, not at all fazed by her annoyance.

“I want nothing from my family’s criminal enterprise. I have a
full athletic scholarship for college, but I work to pay for my incidentals.”
She bit into the sandwich and chewed furiously. “My family gives me nothing.”

“You live at home with them. Does that not count?”

Her frown deepened. “I stay there so that I can get Cam out. He
graduated last week from high school. He has a full scholarship with East
Carolina University. I can’t let them destroy his future by convincing him to
deal in school. We leave in five weeks for the beginning of the school year.”

“Was that something you had to worry about?” Xavier asked.

“Those bastards tried to store drugs in my travel luggage. Now,
whenever I return to school, I repack my clothes in luggage that they had no
access to. They are very good at hiding little packets in the lining and hidden
pockets. I have to meticulously check everything before I travel. I want Cam to
be the same. As soon as he goes to school in the fall, I will never go back to
that house again.” Cassandra finished her lunch and sat back to look at him.
“Cam looks up to them, so he’s proving a little harder to convince.”

True to his word, Xavier started to eat the half-sandwich and
extra fruit she’d left behind.

“I graduate in May next year and will probably enter the WNBA
for a few years,” she continued. “Cam needs to take ownership of his future,
decide what kind of man he wants to be, and be committed to doing the right
thing. This is my last attempt to help him decide on the right path.”

Xavier smiled. “Somehow I doubt you will give up on dictating
his life so easily.”

“Ha ha, very funny, I don’t try to dictate his life.”

They chatted for a few minutes more until her lunch hour was
up. Cassandra came out again at four p.m., and Xavier drove her to the
afternoon training.

I could really get used to being chauffeured around, being
fed, and being guarded with such great care. He watches me with those dark
eyes, intent, unwavering, his interest made abundantly clear. His meticulous
care of my needs is a testament that his interest is not just sexual. He makes
me feel like Princess Belle with his constant expectation that I will reject
him. When will he accept that I’m attracted to him? His beauty is not just on
his face and body but deep within him. I can see that he has an amazing, gentle

“How long have you worked out with this coach?” Xavier suddenly
asked as he pulled up next to the basketball court and saw her coach was
already there doing stretches. “He looks very young.”

Cassandra couldn’t help smiling. That was the most words he had
ever spoken to her at once.

“Why use him as a coach?” Xavier persisted.

“Coach Bain?” Cassandra was confused by his interest. “I
thought you would know all there was to know about my coach by now.”

“Yes, that’s why I’m asking. Why are you allowing him to coach
you? He’s only twenty-four years old.” He had the cool, unreadable stare again.

Cassandra was learning very fast that the calmer he appeared,
the more seriously intent he was. She wanted to smile at his obvious
displeasure at her association with the younger man, but she didn’t dare.

“He was an incredible collegiate athlete and graduated two years
ago. He can still remember the skill and the edge I will need to compete, so
his age is a bonus.”

“He likes you,” Xavier stated as she started to climb out of
the vehicle.

“Well, damn, I certainly hope so. I like him too. I wouldn’t
want someone working with me who couldn’t stand my guts,” she teased. She
jumped to the ground and grabbed her gym bag.

Xavier came to stand in front of her. “You need to tell him.”

“You know, X, having a conversation with you is damn difficult.
What in the world do I need to tell Keith?”

“Tell him that he has no chance with you.”

Cassandra laughed. “Two jokes in one day, X. I’m beginning to
think you’re a closet comedian. Why exactly would he have no chance with me?”

Xavier grabbed her hand and pulled her close to him. With an
arm anchored around her waist, he hugged her tight against him. “He has no
chance because you’re mine.”

She wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled closer. She
laughed huskily. “When did this miracle happen? Must I remind you that we
haven’t gone on a date yet?”

He held her gaze steadily, his body still and no humor in his
expression. “You sealed your fate this morning when you made me laugh.”

Cassandra grinned up at him. “It was my fetish for dark
chocolate, right?”

Something flared in his dark eyes, but he didn’t return her
smile. “There is that.” He bent his head and kissed her on the corner of her
lips. “Go practice. I will be here.”

“But of course, where else would you be?” she teased.

“There are penalties for a sassy mouth.”

“Oh God, I certainly hope so. It’s now officially twenty-four
hours since I had a taste of my chocolate candy; can’t wait for your kisses.”

“Go, Cassandra.” He pushed her toward the basketball court with
a spank on her butt.

Cassandra giggled as she crossed the street to the court, her
long ponytail hanging down her back swinging furiously as she jogged across. As
soon as she finished her initial warm-up runs, rotation on the skipping rope,
and stretches, Keith started interrogating her.

“Who is that dude you came here with?”

She looked at him in surprise. Even though Xavier had told her
that Keith was interested in her, up until now, she had seen no evidence of it.
She couldn’t say that now though. The angry glare he was throwing her way now
was filled with male aggression.

“He’s a friend,” she said simply.

“He looks like a criminal,” Keith snarled and looked across the
street to where Xavier was leaning against his car with dark shades over his

Cassandra looked over at him as well and helplessly wet her
lips. “Trust me, I don’t see criminal when I look at him.” She grinned
mischievously. “All I see is a tall glass of deliciousness.”

“You’re a typical dumb female, falling for that bad-boy image
and a muscular body,” Keith spat. He didn’t even bother to hide his anger and
disgust with her.

“Actually, Keith, I’m worst than a typical dumb female.” Cassandra
walked closer to him and poked him in the chest with a finger. “I not only fell
for that beautiful face and fine-as-hell body I also fell for his strength of
character and his unwavering desire to protect me.”

“Is there a problem here?” Xavier’s deep voice interrupted her.

Damn, he got here fast.
“How much of that did you hear, X?”
she asked softly.

“You were shouting, Cassandra. I think anyone in a two-mile
radius heard you.” Xavier gave one of his rare smirks.

“Damn, that’s three jokes in one day. I know I’m rubbing off on

“You called me beautiful.” Xavier frowned at her.

“Yeah, I guess I have no secrets left.” She grinned up at him.
“Well, since you’re here, I’d better introduce you. This is Keith, my coach,
and, Keith, this is X, my…” She angled her head while gazing at Xavier. “What
exactly are you again?” It was a deliberate challenge.

Xavier took his shades off and looked Keith directly in the
eye. “She’s mine.” The chilling authority in his voice and his menacing
stillness made Keith back up a few steps in apprehension.

“Don’t you just love it when a bad boy stamps his name on your
ass?” Cassandra mused out loud and sighed.

“Are you going to finish your training today, or are we going
to have to find another coach?” Xavier asked her.

She almost melted when he said we.
He’s acting like we’re
already a couple and making decisions together. Well, I could live with that.

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