Xavier: (Indestructible) (18 page)

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Authors: D.M. Mortier

BOOK: Xavier: (Indestructible)
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Damn, now I don’t know if I can move.

Qin wore a silk black robe over his tall frame. He carried a
gleaming saber in his hand.

“I see you’re awake,” Qin smirked.

“I see you’re still an asshole,” Cassandra said scornfully.
“What am I doing here, Qin?”

“Tsk, tsk, you’ve always been so damn sassy.” Qin walked farther
into the room and approached the bed. Looking at her with supreme confidence,
he polished the blade of the sword with his fingers nonchalantly. “I’m looking
forward to tapping into that.”

Cassandra was shocked that his masculine scent was inspiring
such lust in her.
Why am I even noticing that?
She frowned in confusion
and rolled to the other side of the bed, as far away from him as she could get.
Good, I can move. I just hope I can damn run.
Desire continued to swirl
in her lower region, and she was getting wet.
What the hell is going on? I
wouldn’t want Qin if he were the last man on earth. Something about this creep
has always made my skin crawl. How could I possibly want him? What the hell did
they do to me?

“I’m not interested in what you think of me. I need you to
answer my damn question. Why am I here?” 

“That’s what I like most about you, Cass.” Qin started to

“What are you doing, you pervert?”

He gazed at her lecherously. “Aren’t you wondering why you can’t
take your eyes off of me?”

Cassandra snorted. “If there was a snake in this room, I would
continue to watch it too. That don’t mean I like it any.”
What the hell am I
saying? I’m not even making sense anymore. I really need to make love to X.
God, X, where are you? I feel like I’m losing my damn mind! I can't seem to
bloody think straight anymore!

“No, sweet Cassandra. You can’t take your eyes off me because
you can’t wait to have my big cock buried deep inside you,” Qin smirked.

His graphic language seemed to only fuel her lust.
it! I’m officially certifiable. Nothing about Qin should be making me horny. I
have to get the hell out of here.

Qin dropped his robe and turned around in a slow circle for her
to get a good view of his sculptured body.

Cassandra couldn’t help but note that he did have a beautiful
body, smooth olive skin with sleek muscle tone.
Daymnnnn! The Chinaman is
truly hung. Breathe, girl, calm your ass down. Damn, my pussy is soaked.
Qin, the only man I want inside me is Xavier Bautista.” She made herself laugh
out loud and point at his erect dick. “And looking at your little pecker,
you’re no Xavier Bautista.”

Qin’s face reddened with fury. “You little bitch! I’m going to
make you suck my cock and fuck you nine ways to sixty, and let’s see you laugh

“That’s nine ways to Sunday, asshole. I love the silky long
hair though. Goes nicely with your soft girlie body,” Cassandra said in a
singsong voice before rolling off the bed and standing on the other side away
from Qin. She was pleasantly surprised that she could stand. She tried her best
to hide how her body was betraying her and betraying X. She looked down at
herself and saw that the sheer material of her gown put her aroused body on
full display. Her nipples were hard and pressed against the fabric insistently,
and her juices were leaking down her inner thighs. She was horrified that her
body refused to obey her brain.

“I can smell your need, Cassandra. You can’t ignore the demands
of your body.” Qin smiled maliciously. “In short order, you will be begging me
to fuck you! Let’s see who’s girlie then.”

Staring directly at his penis, she raised her left eyebrow and
smirked with cool disinterest. “Please, I’m not interested in your teeny pale
pinky.” She held her thumb and pointer finger together to indicate his size.

Qin roared with fury and flew across the bed at her with his
sword held high in his hand. The sound of a barrage of bullets stopped him in
his tracks.

Chapter Twenty


Xavier kept his gaze trained steadily on the clear blue water
beneath them. They had been in the air for almost an hour, taking two separate
routes to Nassau and North Andros. There was no sign of the boat that had
transported Cassandra and her abductors. He was terrified out of mind at what
that bastard could be doing to her.

Neo had called him when Xavier had been in the air only ten
minutes after he and his men had raided Qin’s home looking for Cassandra. They had
arrested a number of Qin’s gang members and freed over twenty women who were
held captive there.

“X, Qin had them herded for transport to a European brothel,”
Neo had told him.

“Something’s seriously wrong with that prick,” Xavier muttered.

“He raped them all, man.” The disgust in Neo’s voice couldn’t
be any clearer.

“What a sick fuck!” Xavier would never admit to his friend the
fear that shot through him at that moment. “Did you get anything out of his

“No one is talking. We know that he left the house hours ago.”

“Can you get a copter in the air?” Xavier asked, unable to stop
the level of desperation he was feeling from creeping into his voice.

“Already done. Dom and Sean are in the air. Rico and me are
boarding another copter now.”

“Neo, we’ve combed these waters for almost an hour. We have to
put this bird down. We’ll refuel in Chub Cay and continue looking,” Xavier

Now Xavier was climbing off the aircraft. He soon stood near
the small building that sat near the cay’s tiny airstrip. The three Marines
traveling with him also stretched their legs. No one wanted to say it, but
darkness would soon make it impossible for them to continue the search.

“X!” Dylan came out of nowhere running toward him. “Man, I’m
glad to see you!” He came to a screeching halt in front of Xavier.

Xavier planted his fist into Dylan’s jaw, sending him hard to
the ground.

“Where the fuck is she?”

“Man, that’s what I was trying to tell you.” Dylan slowly climbed
to his feet, the panic he was feeling clear on his face. “If you want to beat
the shit out of me, you can do that later. But we have to go get Cass. That
bastard Qin has her.”

“Where?” Xavier asked through clenched teeth.

“They’re at a house about a mile from here. I tried going back
to help her, but his place is as protected as Fort Knox. His men would shoot me
on sight!”

“How many men does he have guarding the house?” Xavier asked,
not at all sure he trusted Dylan to tell him the truth. He pulled out his gun
and started checking the amount of bullets he had left.

“I’m not sure, but I was talking to some of the guys on the island,
and they said Qin arrived about two hours ago with several planes, bringing his
people with him. There were already some men at the house before, so he probably
has close to forty armed men.”

Xavier gazed at the three Marines. As he feared, from the looks
in their eyes, they hadn’t come prepared for this. Besides, all three of them
didn’t look older than twenty-five. They were too young for what he needed to
I may be indestructible, but they are not, and neither is Cassandra.
Fuck me!
Everything in him boiled to go protect her.

Just then, he spotted a movement in the bushes nearby. Without
a word, Xavier took off after their spy. He caught up with the Chinese man a
few seconds later. Fortunately, the Chinese man was not alone. Xavier wasted no
time in taking out his frustration on the three men. Unable to use his gun for
fear of alerting Qin of their presence, Xavier used his martial arts and knife
skills to permanently silence the men.

When he returned to the airstrip, he wasn’t even slightly winded.

Dylan looked at him with admiration but also with a healthy
dose of fear.

Xavier ignored him and stabbed his fingers into his phone again,
frustration eating his insides hollow.

In seconds, Neo picked up the phone on the other end.

“I’ve just sent you my location,” Xavier said tersely. “Qin is
here with Cassandra, and he is heavily guarded.”

“I got it. We’re in the area and will be there in less than five.”
Neo’s demeanor was in mission mode. He didn’t waste time asking for details.

Xavier paced for the entire five minutes, pissed that he knew
where Cassandra was but didn’t have the adequate arsenal to rescue her on his
own. He knew that if he attempted and failed he would be endangering her
further. Fear made his palms sweaty, but anger fuelled him as well and made him
want to kill Qin with his bare hands. He cracked his knuckles and then gripped
the handle of his knife at his hip at the thought of what Qin could be doing to
I’m going to bury my knife in that fucker’s head. No way am I going
to lose another person I love to a sadistic bastard.

He didn’t hear them, but he was never so glad to see two
Stealth helicopters approaching the tiny airport from the side of the cay away
from the house. The occupants of Qin’s house wouldn’t be able to see or hear
the approach. A megawatt grin spread across his face at the sight of Neo and Enrique
Ricardo Zayas, who they called Rico, and then the other copter came closer. Dominic
Stone and Sean Anderson had also come to help.

Xavier waited calmly as the helicopters landed softly on the
ground. He had only briefly met Neo’s SEAL team before, but he remembered them
well. To his surprise, he saw Sean jump out of the aircraft and simply melt
into the bushes beyond. It was obvious that he had been sent on a fact-finding
mission. Like Neo, all of the men looked dangerous and battle ready.

He knew that Rico was the six-foot-three Hispanic with long
ink-black hair worn in a ponytail. He had a way of looking at a man that was
extremely unsettling. His olive skin was marred with the battles he had
weathered over the years. The other dark-haired man, now striding toward
Xavier, flanked by Neo and Rico, was Dominic Stone. Just as Dominic’s name
implied, Xavier was convinced this guy was made of stone. He always looked as
if he was in a perpetual pissed-off mood. Both Dominic and Rico were married.
Dominic had two children while Rico’s wife had recently had a son. Xavier hated
placing these family men in danger, but right now he had to do whatever was necessary
to get Cassandra away from Qin. Neo had done him good by bringing all three members
of his former SEAL team. Although they had been off the battlefield for years,
they still wore that badass look of military men. Xavier was grateful and
humbled by his friend’s support.

“Hey, man,” Neo said as he opened a laptop once they all
gathered around, including Dylan and the three Marines, who looked as if they
were in awe. Neo wasted no time in chitchat; he was all business. “We have a
virtual view of the compound, and Dominic has devised a plan.”

Dominic was equally as businesslike, going through a series of
maneuvers and target points. It was obvious that he was a born leader and took
on that mantle with stoic confidence and authority. Every man listened intently
and nodded their agreement whenever Dominic asked if they understood their roles.

“Qin is mine,” Xavier voiced, ensuring that he made his
objective clear.

“As expected,” Dominic said coolly, his silver gaze
unmistakably deadly.

As everyone saddled up to move out, Rico handed Xavier a duffel
bag after nodding his head in greeting, also showing that he wasn’t interest in
chitchat either.
Fine by me, let’s do this!
Xavier unzipped the bag and
almost cried like a baby at the sight of the beautiful arsenal the men had
brought for him. He managed to hold his shit together, though, and simply
nodded a thank-you to Rico. Rico smirked slightly, seeming to understand, as
Xavier wasted no time in ensuring the guns were loaded and strapped to
strategic places on his body.

“Dylan, stay here with the Marines until we get back.” Xavier
looked at a dazed Dylan, who had been speechless through the entire briefing
from Dominic.

“Thanks, man,” Dylan said solemnly. He didn’t look at Xavier. Instead,
his eyes remained glued on the spot where Sean had disappeared into the bushes.

“Don’t thank me. I’m going to kick your ass when I get back.” Xavier
took off and wasn’t surprised when they took the same path Sean had taken a few
minutes before. The former SEAL would have created a path for them to follow.
Once they got about a quarter of a mile away from Qin’s property, Sean joined
them, and then they all split up in the teams agreed upon previously.

“I know where your girl is,” Sean said by way of greeting and
then turned, retracing his steps, fully expecting Xavier would follow him.
yeah I’m following. I have a knife to bury in that fucker’s head.

As soon as the house was in their sight, Xavier shed all traces
of civility; he was a man on the hunt, ready to tear apart anything and
everyone who got in his way. Qin’s men came at them like a tsunami.  It was already
dark out, and they used that to their advantage. The sound of bullets, shouts,
and screams filled the air as they took out the men in their path, but the
Chinese men just kept coming at them. Dylan had said that Qin had only about
forty men guarding him. He has significantly under-estimated the numbers,
another reason I’m going to kick his ass!

Xavier was impressed time and again by the skill of the big
blond SEAL who fought beside him. Although Xavier himself was a master in
traditional Japanese jujutsu and Russian sambo, Sean seemed to incorporate all
of those fighting styles and the Israeli Krav Maga as well. He was fast,
precise, and, most of all, smart, cutting down anyone who came into their path.
They fought together with a coordination and camaraderie of men who had spent
years protecting their teammate’s backs. They killed more than fifty men
between them in their single-minded search for Cassandra. Qin had obviously not
wanted to take any chances. In seconds, they had made it around the house to
the room where Sean insisted Cassandra was being kept.

Xavier heard Cassandra’s mocking laugh as they came to an open
louvered glass window. “What happen, Qin? You can’t get a woman without
drugging her?”

“Come here, you bitch.” Qin sounded pissed and frustrated.

Xavier looked through the window, trying to see what was going
on. Cassandra was wearing a long silk gown that floated about her curvy body.
Qin was advancing on her with a long saber in his hand. Xavier’s stomach was
almost frozen with fear.

“Perhaps you don’t have the right tool to satisfy a woman,”
Cassandra taunted.

How the fuck can she joke around at a time like this?

“You know they have surgeries for that now, Qin,” Cassandra
continued. “You should take some of that money you spent on this place and get
a little enhancement.”

Qin roared and launched at her.

With the agility he’d seen her exhibit time and time again on
the basketball court, Cassandra ducked and weaved out of Qin’s reach.

Sean’s husky laughter reached him and, unfortunately, reached
the occupants of the bedroom as well.

Cassandra looked up to see who was there.

That brief moment of inattention was all Qin needed. He grabbed
her around her waist, lifted her off her feet, and threw her on the ground. He twisted
her right arm back at an awkward and painful angle.

Cassandra screamed, bucked against him, and slammed her head
back, hitting Qin square on his nose, crushing the delicate bone there.

It was Qin’s turn to scream as blood poured from his nose, over
his lips, down his chin, and spilling onto Cassandra’s ivory silk dress.

Xavier didn’t wait around to see if Qin retaliated. He crashed
through the French doors, followed closely behind by Sean.

“Stop right there,” Qin shouted and pressed the tip of his
saber against the back of her neck. “I will break her fucking arm!” He twisted
Cassandra’s arm further.

“You’re so pathetic, princess. First you had to give me an
aphrodisiac, and now you have to twist my arm into screwing you?” Cassandra
shook her head slowly and tisked, still taunting a foaming Qin.

“Damn, X, you’re one lucky bastard,” Sean said with admiration.

If he wasn’t so pissed, Xavier might have laughed at
Cassandra’s refusal to cry out in pain, but, instead, she continued to poke the
angry bear. Having a naked man on top of his woman removed any trace of humor
from Xavier’s mind. “Qin, let her go now and I may just kill your ass quickly.”

“Nope, I veto that shit,” Cassandra growled at Xavier. “I’m
jacked up on some freaky drug this sick bastard gave me, and now I’m like a damn
rapid dog in heat! No, you’re going to kill his ass slowly.”

Qin pressed the blade so that it pricked her skin. “Shut the
fuck up,” he screamed at her.

Xavier had seen enough. He pulled the trigger of his gun,
hitting Qin in the hand that held the saber, forcing him to drop the weapon and
clutch his hand in pain.

Xavier didn’t waste time. He flew across the room and dove into
Qin, toppling him onto the floor and off of Cassandra. “Sick bastard,” Xavier
muttered as he drove his fist into Qin’s face, causing bone and cartilage to crumble
under the brutal force.

Qin screamed in pain but retaliated with his own vicious left
hook to Xavier’s eye.

Xavier was in too much rage to feel pain. He easily absorbed
the hit and then hammered Qin in the face again, pummeling him over and over,
breaking more bones and drawing more blood.

Qin slammed his good hand into Xavier’s stomach and tried to
get out from under him.

It was as if Xavier was a boulder; he was immovable. He hit Qin
again, making sure to shatter his jaw.

Sounding like a wounded animal, Qin emitted a blood-curdling

He delivered a sharp jab to Qin’s throat, cutting off the sound
mid scream.

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