Read X Marks the Spot Online

Authors: Melinda Barron

Tags: #Multiple Partner BDSM Erotic Romance

X Marks the Spot (3 page)

BOOK: X Marks the Spot
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When the dark one turned his attention back to her, Lia’s knees went weak. “Right now, the only loot I’m interested in is hiding under her skirts. Take her to my new captain’s quarters, lads. Strip her and string her up for my pleasure.”


Chapter Two




The ropes were secure enough to keep her from getting away, but not so tight that it would cut off her circulation. The men had taken off, actually cut off, all her clothing, except the corset.

The room was huge. A large bed, covered in a velvet bedspread, filled one side under the open windows. To Lia it was straight out of a scene from a pirate movie. Candle sconces gave the room a soft glow. Sea air drifted in and made Lia shiver as it caressed her skin. The pirates had left, and her captor had yet to arrive.

So far, this vacation was living up to her every expectation, especially her gorgeous pirate. She hadn’t expected someone who fit her fantasy so perfectly. She wondered if this man was an employee of the company, of if he was living out his own fantasy, like Lia.

Her shoulders ached just a little, and she pondered how long she would have to wait tied between the beams. The answer came a moment later when the door opened and the pirate captain came inside.

Lia swallowed hard. He held a long, leather flogger in one hand. “Hello, my little plaything. How delightful to see you all trussed up and waiting for me. Is that the proper way a lover would say it in jolly old England? What I really want to say is get ready to be speared with my dick.”

He laughed when Lia whimpered.

“You will call me Captain,” he said, command evident in his voice. “Do you understand?”

“Yes, Captain.” He stepped in front of her, and Lia trembled as his gaze raked down her body. He studied her for a few, long moments before he twirled the flogger in front of her face.

“Let’s get to know each other, shall we?”

“Please don’t do this to me.” Her voice cracked, and Lia hoped she sounded convincing. “My father has money. Return me to him, and he’ll see that you’re rewarded.”

The pirate grinned, an evil one that made Lia’s nipples tighten.

“The only reward I want is here.” He pressed the tip of the flogger against her pussy, rubbing her aching clit. “Or perhaps in the back. Shall I fuck your tight ass tonight, my new whore?”

“I’m not a whore,” she sobbed.

“You will be when I’m done with you.” He continued to rub the handle against her clit. “You’ll beg to be filled, and nothing but the hard dick between my legs will satisfy you.”

Lia shook her head from side to side as he continued to torment her with the flogger. Suddenly he pulled it away, and her hips, which had been moving to meet the touch of the hard handle, arched in search of the object.

“See? You want me already.” He lifted the flogger so she could see it once again. Then he traced the strips of leather over her breasts.

The light touch ignited fireworks in her body. Lia wondered what would happen when he actually flogged her. She prayed he kept the leather away from her clit, because the slightest touch might set her off.

The Captain continued to torment her breasts with the flogger, then he took a step back. His aim was sure as he slapped her pussy with the strands. Lia groaned, as he slapped her again and again.

“Harder,” she said, but then shook her head remembering she wasn’t supposed to be enjoying this. “I mean, stop, please, I’m begging you.”

“Oh, you’ll be begging.” The next strike was harder. Lia fought not to cry out, not in pain but in pleasure. She loved the feel of the flogger, and she wanted more. In the back of her mind, she could hear Tracy’s voice lecturing her for letting this happen with a total stranger. The rational part of her mind reminded Lia of the paperwork she’d signed. She had a safe word,
, and could use it if she wanted.

A sharp pain from her scalp made her gasp. Captain had a handful of her hair. Having her tresses pulled was a real turn on for her. Her already soaked pussy flooded, and her entire body felt flush. She needed to come. Now.

“When I ask a question, I expect an immediate answer.” His voice was hard and demanding.

“What was the question?” Lia whispered.

“Are you a virgin?” Captain repeated, gripping her hair tightly.

None of her holes were virginal but Fingertip Fantasy had suggested she pretend she was, for the sake of the illusion.

“Yes,” she whimpered. She was a very horny virgin.

“Good,” he whispered back. “I like the thought I’ll be the first in your cunt, and your mouth, and your ass.”

He pressed the leather against her pussy again. “I’ll make this part quick, so I can pierce your maidenhead. Each strike of the cat will serve as a reminder, you belong to me.”

Lia tried to shake her head, but the Captain still had hold of her hair. “When I’m done, I’ll introduce you to my dick. You’ll fall to your knees after I’ve release you, and you’ll kiss it. If you do not, I’ll turn you over to the crew and watch while they all have their way with you, even if it means I won’t be the first inside you. Understood?”

“Yes,” she muttered. Lia liked sex, but two partners at once was her limit. Well, maybe she’d want to experience three, so each of her openings could be filled at once, something she’d never done before.

“Yes, Captain,” he said as he pulled harder on her hair.

She repeated his words, groaning in relief as he released his hold.

“The sooner I start, the sooner my prick can be in your mouth,” he said as he moved around the columns.

Lia shivered, bracing herself for the first strike. She didn’t have long to wait. The first lash stung in that delicious way Lia loved. It was a magical blend of pain and pleasure that made her body come alive in the perfect way.

“Ouch!” Another strike came down on top of where the first one had landed. Lia cried out again. After the third strike, her clit tightened. If he applied pressure to it right now, she’d explode into a million tiny pieces, and she’d love every minute of it.

The leather kissed her ass progressively harder. Each lash caused her nipples to ache with delicious need, and the juices between her legs to flow harder.

Captain was a true Master, she thought as he struck her tender thighs with the cat. The pain was exquisite, and he seemed to know exactly the place to strike at just the precise time, the perfect amount of pressure to apply so that the lash punished her in just the right way.

It was a battle for her to remember to cry out instead of scream for more. The only real problem was it ended too soon. Lia was pretty sure he’d only been whipping her for about five minutes when she felt his breath on her neck.

“These beautiful marks show the world that you belong to me,” he whispered, his voice deep.

Make me yours
, she wanted to scream.
Slap the leather against my ass. Do it! Do it! Do it!

Instead, she said, “I’ll never belong to you.” Turns out, those words gave her exactly what she wanted.

Captain attacked her ass again. These strikes were much harsher than before, the lash biting into her ass and thighs. Lia’s groans filled the room as the cat continued to mark her. Each blow brought her closer to orgasm, and she had a feeling the man behind her knew that. He laid five more hard strokes across her ass, and then the whipping suddenly stopped.

She twisted and pulled against her bonds, then cried out as the strands swished between her splayed legs, the leather swiping against her wet pussy. The strike wasn’t hard, more of a tickle that made her dance under her bonds. Her body shook with need and she waited for another, but it didn’t come. She pushed her ass backward, then remembered what she was supposed to be, a captive, not a sub looking for more.

“How dare you! When my father hears of this…” The words died in her throat as another strike hit her pussy, and another one followed suit.

“What would you tell him? How you danced in pleasure as the cat caressed your cunt?”

Another slap, then another.
Don’t come! Don’t come! Don’t come!
He laid down three more, and she bit back a cry of pleasure. If he’d just move the cat over a little more, she’d explode on the next pass. But that didn’t happen.

His breath was against her neck again. “Who owns your body?”

“It’s mine,” she yelled. “Only mine.”

He was in front of her now, the cat dangling from one hand. “Well,” he said, his disappointment evident. “I guess we have something to work on, don’t we? There are things I can do to prove to you that I own you now. Soon, you’ll give me the right answer. Until then, I think I’ll fuck you.”

“No, please no!”
Yes, please yes! But first whip me more!

“Don’t worry, pet. After the initial pain, you’ll learn to love having me inside you.”

“It’s not the pain,” she wailed. “No man will marry me if I’m not a virgin.” She was proud of herself for remembering that line from one of her mother’s books.

The Captain cupped her chin, lifting her gaze up to his. “You don’t have to worry about that anymore, whore. You belong to me now, remember? I’ll be the only one in your tight cunt.”

He said it so matter-of-factly that Lia almost believed him. This guy was a better actor than she was, because so far he hadn’t stepped out of character once.

Lia gulped as she worked hard to bring tears to her eyes. She blinked several times, happy when one fell down her cheek.

“I implore you, Sir. Please do not do this to me.”

A seductive smile lit up his face. “I promise you will enjoy it. Perhaps not the first time, but soon you’ll beg for my dick, in every opening in your body.”

His eyes flashed dangerously, then he produced a huge knife from the waistband of tight pants. Lia was about to use her safe word, she hadn’t signed up for any sort of blood play. Before she could, though, he bent and cut the ropes that held her ankles to the bedposts, first the right, then the left. He did the same with her arms.

The minute she was free, she jumped to her feet and she sprinted for the door. She expected to hear him pounding behind her, but he didn’t follow. She let out a frustrated scream when it didn’t open. She turned to see him place the knife on a small table near the bed.

“Did you think I would leave the door unlocked, wench?” He cocked his head to one side. “Come back now, and I won’t punish you for trying to escape my attentions.”

Oh, but I want punishment.
Lia considered her options. If she didn’t return, would he use the cat on her ass before he fucked her? Or had he considered the cat foreplay? She knew it was for her. Perhaps his punishment would come in a different form.

Best not to take any chances on their first night together. She had three days to see what else this daring pirate had in store for her. She slowly made her way back to him, stopping at the edge of the bed.

“On your knees.” Lia obeyed. She watched as he undid his breeches. When he stuck his hands into his pants, her heart quickened.

Seconds later his dick was in front of her face. He was thick, and longer than her last Dom, but not as big as some of the men she’d seen at the club. His prick looked to be just the perfect size, actually. Not too big, not too small. She fought the urge to lick her lips in appreciation.

“Suck me.”

Lia opened her mouth to taste him, then remembered her “virginal” status. She lifted her gaze to him.


“Take me in your mouth.”

“Oh, I could never…”

He grabbed a hunk of her hair. Lia groaned in need. “You’ll do as you’re told.”

“But I…don’t know how.” Damn, she sounded pitiful.

“Open your mouth, and take me inside. Watch your teeth, though, or there will be hell to pay.” He loosened his grip on her hair, and Lia opened her mouth. Before she could take him in he pulled back.

“On second thought, just lick me.”

“Yes, Captain,” she said, resignedly. She was happy to see that he shaved his entire genital area. She stuck out her tongue and tentatively touched it to the head of his prick.

“Good girl,” he said. “Keep going.”

Lia started to obey, then decided that a virgin wouldn’t be giving in so easily. She stuck out her tongue one more time, but instead of following his order, she put her hands on his thighs and pushed. He was a very muscular man, and she was pretty sure it was the surprise attack that made him almost lose his footing. He let go of her hair as he grabbed the bedpost to keep from falling over.

Lia took advantage of it to run for the door again. She knew there was no way out, but this would make it much more fun than just giving in. Let him chase her. A virgin in the late 1800s would fight to keep from losing her maidenhead to a pirate.

Lia intended to immerse herself in the part.

“Son of a…” Keifer fought to stay on his feet. The little witch had made it seem as if she were going to play nice. Now that he knew she wanted the full experience, it would be much more fun. He’d loved playing with her, warming her up with the flogger, and then making her taste him.

He’d thought about having her suck him off, then coming back later in the evening for the big event, but it looked like they were going to have to skip the appetizers and go straight for the main course.

But he didn’t want to be as historically accurate as to rape her, and he was pretty sure Miss Lia wouldn’t like it, either. Women that had fantasies about pirates didn’t want the reality; they wanted the romance of it. She was a sub, yes, but she was playing the part of a virgin. He would be the nice pirate and make her beg for him.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” he said, keeping his voice even. “I was prepared to let you keep your maidenhead for a while longer, but not anymore.”

While she fiddled with the lock, he picked up a piece of the rope he’d just cut from her body. He turned toward the head of the bed, intent on tying it there so he could bind her hands above her head. He mentally slapped himself, though, as he saw the manacles attached to the headboard. He’d been told about them, but had forgotten in the excitement of the game. He could secure her spread eagle, which would be perfect.

BOOK: X Marks the Spot
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