Wyatt's Stand (Colebrook Siblings Trilogy Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Wyatt's Stand (Colebrook Siblings Trilogy Book 2)
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Greg jutted his jaw out, his expression defiant. “We’re not on your land anymore,” he sneered, “and this is none of your business. Get back in your truck and get the hell out of here.”

“Not a chance.” He stormed up the front steps and stepped in front of Piper, reaching behind him with one hand to urge her back inside, his gaze locked on Greg. “Leave, now, before the cops get here and arrest your drunken ass. They’re looking for you right now.”

“You’re just like your fucking arrogant brother,” Greg snarled.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“You would,” he spat, pure hatred radiating from him.

“Greg,” Piper said from behind him, sounding weary. “Just go. I’ve got nothing more to say to you.”

Easton stood his ground, every cell in his body humming with the need to smash Greg’s perfect teeth down his throat. If Greg wanted Piper, the asshole was going to have to go through him first. And Easton fought dirty. He’d served years in the Corps before joining the DEA and making it as a FAST operator.

Greg knew it, and the resignation in those deep blue eyes as they faced off told Easton he’d won for now. “The hell with both of you,” Greg spat, and spun around to stalk to his car. A moment later the tires squealed as he peeled out of the driveway and took off, heading south.

Immediately Easton turned around to face Piper, seeming so small and fragile standing in her robe. She gasped when he took her by the shoulders and searched her face, her golden shoulder-length hair gleaming under the porch light. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” she said quietly, tugging the edges of her robe tighter around her body as she lowered her gaze.

“Did he threaten you?” If so, Easton would hunt him down and give him the beating he deserved.

Her shoulders moved in a tight shrug. “He’s drunk.”

“I don’t fucking care, and don’t make excuses for him. Did he threaten you?”

At the steel in his voice she met his gaze, and the pain and humiliation etched there hit him like a body blow. “I just want him to leave me alone,” she whispered, her voice cracking.

Ah, hell
. “I know, sweetheart.” He pulled her into his arms, swallowing a groan at the feel of her as he pressed his nose to the top of her head, breathing in her shampoo and perfume.

He’d wanted to hold her like this for so damn long. More than a freaking decade, if he was honest. He’d hugged her plenty of times, but never held her this way. Offering comfort and solace and protection, the way a man held the woman he loved. It felt so damn good, even though he wished it wasn’t happening because she was scared and embarrassed.

Piper sniffed and hitched in a choppy breath, on the verge of tears. “God, this is such a nightmare.” She pushed at his chest and tipped her head back to meet his gaze, a frown pulling at her eyebrows. “How did you know he was coming here?”

“I followed him from Wyatt’s place.”

At that she blanched, her face losing all color. “What did he do now?” she demanded.

“Went over there looking for a fight. Something about how he can never measure up to Wyatt, and how he blames Wyatt for you leaving him.”

She made a disgusted sound, her pretty hazel eyes narrowing to slits. “He’s lost his mind.”

Yeah, well, drugs did that to a person.

“Did he hurt Wyatt?”

“No, and by the time I jumped in, Wyatt already had him facedown on the porch.”

She groaned, closed her eyes a second then opened them again. “Anyone else see?”

“Just me and Wyatt’s date.”

She stilled, her eyes widening. “His date? He had a date over?”

“Think so. Didn’t recognize her.”

“What did she look like?”

“Tall. Light brown skin, dark curly hair.”

Another groan. “Austen.”


“The woman who bought the Miller place. Wyatt’s helping her fix it up.”

Wait, the Miller place had sold? Damn…

“I’ll call them both and apologize.”

“No you won’t. It’s not your fault, it’s his.” She was putting on a brave front, but he could see she was trembling slightly. He rubbed his hands over her upper arms, trying to reassure and warm her, hating that her ex had the power to scare her so much. “Let’s go inside. I think your neighbors have enough to gossip about already.”

She allowed him to usher her inside and shut the door, then headed straight for the kitchen, where something delicious was baking. The house smelled like heaven, the scent of something sweet and tangy filling the air.

He glanced around the space, noting the stark contrast between the life of luxury she’d lived for the past six years as a Rutland, and the humble surroundings she found herself in now that she was back to being Piper Greenlee. Following her to the kitchen, he stood in the entryway and watched while she filled a kettle with water and set it on the stove.

“Smells good in here,” he commented.

“Lemon bars, just out of the oven. Want one?”

“If you’ll have one with me.”

“Just one?” she said with a bitter laugh that set off warning bells. “Right. Because clearly I don’t have self-control issues where fattening foods are concerned,” she said, patting her hips.

Easton’s gaze zeroed in on that area of her body, though the robe didn’t exactly give him a good view. Yeah, she’d put on a little weight since he’d last seen her, but he thought it looked damn good on her. What would it feel like to wrap his hands around those lush hips, dig his fingers in to hold her still while he rode her? “Don’t talk like that about yourself. You look great.” Lush and womanly and edible in a way no man could fail to notice.

That was clearly the most inappropriate thing to be thinking about right now.

Frowning, he crossed his arms and leaned a shoulder against the wall. He’d had no idea things had gotten so bad between her and Greg. So he had to ask. “What the hell’s happened around here in the six months I’ve been gone?”

Another laugh, the harsh edge to it making the back of his neck tingle. “
happened, Easton. And more of it keeps raining down on me every day.” Her back was rigid as she moved around the kitchen, slicing the lemon bars and pulling out a teapot with her usual efficient manner. She was a one-woman powerhouse, always had been.

“You guys are separated, right?” That was the last he’d heard, from Wyatt, prior to his last deployment.

A stiff nod. “We’re done. I’m just waiting for the one-year-mark to hit so I can file for divorce.”

“He looks like he’s really gone downhill lately.” Greg had always had a substance abuse problem, but he’d been careful to hide it before. Easton hated the manipulative prick. It made him furious that the man had subjected Piper to that kind of life during their marriage. She deserved so much better. If she were Easton’s, he would treat her like the goddess she was.

“Yeah, well, being an alcoholic and a drug addict on top of a manipulative liar will do that to a man. Eventually it catches up to you.”

Easton was too stunned to reply. He’d known her marriage had been on the rocks before he’d left for Afghanistan last time, but no one had filled him in on the rest of it, or told him how bad things were. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” Why hadn’t his family said anything to him?

Piper sighed, her shoulders sagging in the act of plating up a lemon square. “I asked your dad and Wyatt not to say anything. I didn’t want anyone else to know how bad things had gotten.”

That hurt. “Even me?”

Her eyes flashed up to his, full of sadness he would give anything to wipe away. “It wasn’t personal. You know how it is around here. People were already whispering about it behind my back and I didn’t want to add fuel to the gossip fires. I’ve been trying so hard to keep everything quiet, but when he goes out and does dickhead things like tonight, there’s nothing I can do to limit the damage.”

Easton crossed to the island in the center of the room and lowered himself onto one of the barstools across from where she stood. “Who cares what other people think of you? If they’re stupid enough to lump you into the same category as him because of what he does, then that’s their problem.”

She gave him a wry look before reaching for a little sieve filled with powdered sugar. “You don’t know me very well, do you?”

“I know you better than you think.” And he so hated seeing her this way, sad, embarrassed, and hurting inside. He’d wanted her for so long, had been here all along and she’d never once seen him as anything but Wyatt’s little brother. It was hard to take. He’d give anything to make her see him as a man, and the person who’d worshipped her for almost half his life.

“Here,” she said, pushing a plate holding a powdered sugar-dusted lemon square and fork across the island.

He waited until she’d served herself one before taking a bite, and let out a groan at the perfect blend of sweet-tart that hit his tongue, the bright lemon flavor bursting on his taste buds. “Oh God, I fantasized about these while I was away.”

Her lips quirked as she chewed. “Liar.”

“No, I did. And your brownies and peach shortcake.” And a lot of other things about her that he wouldn’t mention. Most of them involving her being naked and under him.

“Well, in the last few months I’ve taken the baking thing to a whole new level.” She stuffed another bite of lemon square into her mouth, and all he could do was stare at her lips as she chewed and imagine what they would feel like on his naked body.

He’d been carrying a torch for her since he was a teenager. It hadn’t been a phase or just a crush. He’d hated that Wyatt had taken her to prom and dated her for a few weeks afterward. When they’d broken up it had been bittersweet because Easton no longer had to be jealous of his brother, but then the next day Wyatt had gone off to boot camp at Parris Island and nothing had been the same since.

Not that anyone knew about Easton’s feelings for her. He had been careful to hide them from everyone, especially Piper. She’d been married, off limits.

She’s not married anymore.

“I’m still really embarrassed that this happened, and that you felt the need to follow him tonight, but…” Her eyes flicked up to meet his. “I’m really glad you’re here.”

It took an act of will to stay where he was instead of rounding the island and pulling her into his arms so he could kiss her the way he’d been dying to all these years. But she was nowhere near ready for that, had no clue about his feelings for her, and he had to be patient. Break down her walls brick by brick, make her see that he was the one. The
one for her.

“Me too.” His phone buzzed. He pulled it out to find a text from Wyatt.

You find him?

, he answered.
I’m at Piper’s place. He’s gone now
. And he could well imagine the look on his brother’s face when he read that news.

Wyatt responded.

Major understatement.

Cops are out looking for him.

Keep me posted
, Easton typed, then put his phone away. “That was Wyatt,” he told Piper, answering the silent question in her eyes. “The cops are searching for Greg.”

Her expression hardened and she looked down at her plate. “You probably wonder what I ever saw in him in the first place,” she said softly.

“No. You saw what everyone else did at first, the image he wanted everyone to see.” The decorated combat vet who’d been elected sheriff by his supporters, the son of a wealthy Virginia family that was willing to do anything and throw any amount of money out there to cover up whatever scandal Greg had created for himself. While dragging Piper along for the hellish ride on the downward spiral with him. “I just hate that you had to find out the truth about him the hard way.”

She pressed her lips together. “Yeah. Me too. God, I feel like such an idiot. Everyone saw it but me. I’ve been holding off on serving him with a no-contact order, just to try and keep things quiet, but now I don’t have a choice. Most of the time he’s still coherent enough that I can talk him down, but tonight he was beyond that. He’s been getting more and more unstable and I just can’t risk it anymore.”

Good girl
. Except a no-contact order likely wasn’t going to protect her if Greg decided to come after her again. He kept that to himself though. “I’m guessing this means his family’s cut him off now? No more covering up his messes?” For people like the Rutlands, image was everything. Until even they had no choice but to recognize that the destructive path Greg had chosen had no end, and make the decision to cut him out of their lives.

She nodded. “They’ve cut him off completely, a couple months after I left him. That’s when the real tailspin began.”

There were so many things he wanted to ask her but he stayed silent, afraid he’d make her retreat when all he wanted her to do was lean on him more. Piper was proud and independent, and so damn sweet… She hadn’t deserved any of this. “For the record? He didn’t deserve you. Never did.”
Sweetness, if you were mine

Before she could respond his phone buzzed again.

Cops arrested him for DUI. They’re booking him right now.

, Easton replied. “They got him,” he told Piper. “He’ll be spending at least one night in jail.”

At that a look of pure relief crossed her face and she let out a deep breath. “Thanks.”

Had she been worried Greg might come back later, after Easton left? Had she been afraid he would hurt her? The questions made him crazy but he held them back, just wanting to give her what reassurance he could, make her feel safe.

“These lemon squares really are the best,” he mumbled around another bite, his heart squeezing when a grateful smile broke across her face.

“I’m glad. It’s nice to have someone to share them with for a change.”

God, he couldn’t stand the thought of her being lonely. He’d give his left arm to be able to pick her up and carry her back to her bedroom right now, strip that robe off her and worship her from head to toe. He’d pour his heart into making love to her, finally unveiling his feelings for her.

That’s why he had to go. As much as he wanted to stay, he knew it was asking for trouble. She didn’t realize what she meant to him and even if by some miracle she was lonely enough to turn to him right now in the moment, he wouldn’t settle for a fling with her. Not ever.

BOOK: Wyatt's Stand (Colebrook Siblings Trilogy Book 2)
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