Wyatt (3 page)

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Authors: Michelle Horst

BOOK: Wyatt
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I hide inside for the rest of the day but as night falls I drag on a light beach dress. White with the tiniest baby-blue flowers on it. I braid my hair from the neck down so it will be out of the way and I head out. I walk up the beach.

There’s a nice little tiki-bar where a person can just relax, have a drink, dance a little, or shoot pool. I go so I can be between people. My neighbor seems to have the same idea. I should worry that I spotted him immediately.

I’m not interested in guys. Really! It’s the last thing I have time for right now.

He spots me, too, and a butterfly the size of Texas zooms into my stomach to wreak some havoc when he waves me over.

“Evenin’, neighbor,” I greet him with a smile. I slide onto the stool next to him.

“Evenin’. Surprised to see the girl is alive and kickin’. You threw quite some disappearin’ act today,” he says. My stomach flutters some more because he noticed I wasn’t around.

I order a drink and lean my arms on the counter so I actually have somewhere to put them. That unnerved feeling I have around him is back in full swing.

“Yeah, still alive and kicking,” Seems I’m back to echoing too. I watch him take a sip of his beer and the way his throat works it down. Wow, just wow.

My drink arrives and I’m thankful for it. It’s something to keep my hands busy with.

Suddenly he holds his hand out to me. “Wyatt Holden,” he says, smiling a smile that can make any girl forget her inhibitions and drag him to the nearest bed. Well any girl but me, that is.

I take his hand, unsure of what he’s playing at. I shake it and play along. “Scarlett Grayson,” I say, sounding even more unsure.

“I just got into town, Scarlett,” he says, and I realize what he’s doing. A do-over. As if yesterday didn’t happen. I smile brightly. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing at a bar all alone?” he asks, and I struggle to keep from smiling ear to ear.

He thinks I’m pretty.

I switch over to joking. “Pretty girl, you say? Kinda quick with the compliments for a guy I just met. You sound like a stalker.” I grin widely.

“Well, you’re a girl, aren’t you?” he shoots back.

This I can do. I take a sip of my drink before I answer him.

“You never know. These days I could be just about anythin’.” My smile stretches wider for about a second, because then he puts the beer down and angles his body towards mine.

He takes hold of my one hand and brushes his fingers lightly over mine. Sparks shoot up my arm. My eyes dart to his.

“The girl has small hands. I’ve never seen a man with such tiny hands,” he starts pleading his case of why I’m a girl.

“Seen plenty of drags who had better manicures,” I say, and I’m surprised my voice sounds normal. My heart is beating wildly against my ribs, trying to find some way out.

His hand starts trailing up my arm. It’s a whisper of a touch to just under my elbow.

OH. SWEET. MOTHER. NATURE. I’m going to explode!

I should not be flirting with my super-nova, hot neighbor.

“The girl has soft and creamy skin,” he drawls, letting his Southern accent come through and wreak some more havoc in my abdomen.

This man is just plain dangerous to any girl.

“Any guy with lotion can have soft skin.” I take a sip of my drink to ease the dryness in my throat away.

“There has to be a girl in there somewhere,” he says, and his eyes grab mine.

His look gives you breathing problems and heart palpitations. His look sends all your good intentions out the back door.

“Nope, sorry to disappoint you, but I’m a tomboy. No girl in sight. You should go find a real girl,” I quip, with the last bit of bravery I have left.

He drops his hand to my stool and he turns it so I’m angled to face him. My heart shoots from my chest, right out the tiki-bar and across the stretch of beach. He keeps his hands next to my thighs and then he leans in … and I sit like a stunned idiot.

“I’ll just have to make sure. You see, the way you were stretchin’ yesterday…” he leans even closer, “I got the distinct feelin’ that you were tryin’ to tell me there’s a girl in there somewhere,” he whispers.

Oh wow. He’s just as direct as I am.

“Were you eye-stalkin’ me, Officer Holden?” I’m gonna give in, he’s that good.

“No, I don’t stalk,” he says. “When I see somethin’ I want, I look.” He moves even closer and I feel his warm breath fans my face as he says, “I go for it. I take it.”

I can’t breathe. I suck in some air and get lungs full of him, which doesn’t help my dwindling self-control.

Damn. He is hot. He’s the kind of hot that burns you until you’re nothing but ashes.


Chapter Three



She’s trying to play hard to get.

But she’s not being very successful. The smile teasing those full lips of hers is a dead give-away. She’s caving, fast.

I don’t do slow. Never have and I never will. I find that the best way is the direct way.

Her hands come up and she presses them against my chest. I drop my eyes to them and then look back into her brown laughing ones. Bambi eyes, big and brown with dark lashes framing them. I’d like to see them all glazed over, losing the focus she’s fighting to hold onto.

“You can try all you want, Holden, it’s not gonna happen,” she laughs a bit nervously.

“You sure about that,” I say. She’s one of those direct ones, speaks her mind. I like that. I don’t like playing games. I like a bit of flirting just like the next person but then it’s time to move things to a bed.

“Yeah, quite sure,” she says. Her hands fall away from my chest, one to her lap the other grips tightly hold of her drink.

“We’ll see.” I whisper. I slowly lift my hand and her eyes dart to it, but instead of reaching for her I reach for my beer and I take a sip, watching her while she’s watching me.

There’s definitely a mutual attraction. I’ve been in the game long enough to spot the signs. She flushes, her eyes darting all over the place. She’s nervous no matter how cool she’s trying to come across and the main one – she spotted me first thing when she came in. That’s always a dead giveaway.

“Dance with me,” I say when a slow song starts up.

I get up and straighten out in front of her not giving her much of a choice. She slips off the stool and I place my hand on her lower back so I can guide her to where I want her, which is in the dark corner. I don’t plan on steering her all over the floor.

When we reach the dance floor, I slip my arm around the front of her, tugging her closer to me and she stiffens some, but then she relents. “Just walk straight through the crowd,” I whisper in her ear. Damn her hair smells good. Now I’m going to spend half the night trying to figure out what the smell is.

We reach the corner and she turns to face me but she doesn’t look up, which puts a dumbass grin on my face. I take hold of her right hand and bring it to my chest. I flatten her hand over my heart, and I hold it there with my own. With my other arm I hold her to me, lightly for now. Let’s not scare the hell out of her, yet. She brings her other hand up to my arm but I can barely feel her touch.

Her movements are easy as she melts into me, finally letting go of the uneasiness of being in my arms.

Now, I know I said I don’t do loners and she’s my neighbor so there’s a history there, but … BUT what?

She glances up and I hold her eyes before she can look down again.

I carry on with the conversation we were having back at the bar. “The girl’s wearin’ a dress.” She smirks at me, and she looks fucking hot. I decide to turn it up some more. “You sure feel like a girl.”

Her cheeks go all pink but she holds my gaze. “We haven’t been dancin’ for a minute and you’re going to pitch me that line?”

Is that a dare? Did she just dare me?

I leave her hand on my chest and move mine in behind her neck. “Just to satisfy some of my curiosity then,” I say and I pull the tie form her hair. I lean in more and pull my fingers through the braid, undoing her hair.

Soft curls fall to the middle of her back.

“The girl has girly hair,” I whisper right by her ear.

Laughter bursts from her lips and she turns her face up. The movement brings her mouth close to my ear. Her voice is hoarse when she says, “So I have girly hands, girly hair and I’m wearin’ a dress.” Her breath rushes hot over my neck and I tuck her tie into my pocket before I place my hand back over hers.

“Don’t forget the stretchin’ part. Sure haven’t seen a guy stretch like that before,” I joke and some more laughter bubbles up from her.

“Yeah and then there’s that,” she agrees. “So, I’m a girl and you’re a boy. That doesn’t mean anythin’ is going to happen, Holden.”

“That remains to be seen,” I retort.

I like coming to this bar for the live entertainment they offer on Friday nights. The guy up stage seems to be into the acoustic thing, which is playing right into my hands, setting the tone for that romantic feeling. The song he starts is a much slower version of ‘
Love the way you lie’.
He’s not bad at all.

The air on the dance floor grows romantic and Scarlett relaxes some more against me.

I lean in and brush my mouth along the side of her face, testing the waters. She pulls back smiling, her eyes sparkling.

“You can stand butt-naked in front of me, it’s not gonna happen,” she says all confident as if what I just did had no effect on her at all.

“Is that so?” I ask and I pull my bottom lip in between my teeth. Her eyes drop to my mouth and her smile freezes. I’ve done this so many times I can write a damn best seller on how to seduce women. She really doesn’t stand a chance.  “How can you be so sure?” I ask just to play along.

“I know for sure,” she brings her arms up around my neck so her mouth can reach my ear and her breath is damn hot when she exhales. She knows how to play the game, that’s for sure. “Because, there’s just no way in hell you’re gonna be the one to take my virginity.”

I keep still for the three seconds it takes for the words to sink in. It’s not the first time I’ve heard those words and she won’t be the first virgin I’m with. I move as if nothing just happened. I’m going to say it anyway, just to see her expression.

“You do know you have to give up some time, sooner or later.” I drop my voice and desperately try to keep my laughter in.

“Yeah, I tell you what, seein’ as you went out of your way to help yesterday…” she whispers. I pull back smiling and I’m stunned by how gorgeous she looks with her sparkling eyes. Never have I met someone who enjoys turning me down so much. “I’ll make you a deal.”

This can only get interesting.

“Let’s hear it,” I say for the hell of it.

“We’re both here for a few days. You have to find out seven things about me. If you can come back with seven things then you’re on,” she says way too sure of herself. “No stuff like my hair is brown. I want actual information.”

I pull back so I can see her face properly. This is going to be like taking candy from a baby. “Deal.”


I’ve never spent a night just dancing and drinking with a girl. I’ve never just talked to a girl, except for Emma.

Seven things. It would be so easy to just run her through the system.

Scarlett Grayson. All I have so far is that she likes to go jogging. She has a sense of humor. She doesn’t do hysterics.

“So you want the list all at once or as I come up with it?” I ask when we’re done talking about Oceans Isle and the bar.

“You’re impatient,” she says instead. I tilt my head to glance her over. She’s not smiling anymore. “You learn much more from a person if you’re patient, Holden.”

“Next you gonna tell me patience is a virtue? I’d rather be a front runner for the vices,” I’m back to making jokes.

“Let’s make this deal more interestin’,” she says. “See who comes back with information about the other first. But I’ll give you a head start. I’ll do double,” she glances up at me, “fourteen things about you before you will know seven about me. If I win you lose.”

“Game on,” I say. It won’t change a thing. I’m a closed book.

“You’re the first guy I’ve met that doesn’t like football, Holden.” I frown at her. “You didn’t watch the game that was on this afternoon. That’s one down, thirteen to go,” she says and she gets up smirking at me. “I’m going home. It’s getting’ late. Good luck findin’ a girl tonight,” she taunts me.

“Luck has nothin’ to do with it, darlin’,” I retort before I get up as well. I’m so not done with her yet.

We start out walking in silence before I break it. I don’t do silence all that well. “The girl sure likes her exercise,” It’s one fact I know about her.

She shakes her head. “Afraid that one is a bust. Don’t do it because I like it. You’ll have to try harder.”

Who does exercise because they have to? For the first time I really want to find out more about another person.

“You should drink less, Holden. Five is so over the legal limit. It’s a wonder you can keep up with me.” She says and I hear the laughter. “Twelve to go.”

“You actually had more than me,” I have a go back at her, “In all reality I should be draggin’ your ass back up the beach.” Come to think of it she’s not even tipsy. “So the girl can drink better than any guy I know.”

“Yeah,” she’s actually considering whether she’s gonna give me that one. “Not all the time though. Wouldn’t say it counts as one. It all depends on circumstance.”

“What circumstance? You either drink and get drunk or not,” I argue.

“Not in my case. Some nights I can drink all I want and I’ll be fine and others I’ll have four and you’ll have to carry me home.”

I frown. She’s being real elusive but I’ll let it go for now seeing as I have to figure out the seven facts.

We reach her deck and I take hold of her arm so I can pull her back. The small smile that’s been playing on her face freezes.

“One more thing to satisfy my curiosity,” I say and I step closer. Her eyes dart from my chest to my face. “A guy’s gotta make sure you’re a girl and all.”

“How you plannin’ on doing that?” she asks. I slip my arm around her and I watch her struggle to hold on to the boldness she had all night long.

Out here it’s just the two of us. It’s dark. It’s intimate.

“There’s one sure way,” I whisper and I lean down until I’m an inch away from her mouth.

Her hands settle hard on my arms and I wait a second to see if she’s going to push me away, when she doesn’t I slip my hand into her hair and the other behind her back and I pull her up, into me.

Her breath rushes from her and it gives me access to her mouth. She freezes for a second and her fingers dig into my arms. It’s a turn on to know I’m responsible for this reaction, especially when her hands slip around my neck.

She presses tightly against me and she runs her tongue along my bottom lip, exploring, tasting. And then she pulls back, looking all flustered. I’ve won round one.

“Nite, Holden,” she says breathlessly and then she moves fast.

“’G’Nite, Scarlett,” I say a little too hoarsely before I head back to my place.

I hope I won round one.

I just spent a whole Friday night with a girl I wouldn’t look at twice. She’s a loner. She’s complicated. She’s too much like me.

She’s a challenge.


There is nothing as irritating as a banging window – at four in the morning. I want to crash, not walk around looking for the thing. But it’s not one of mine.

The sun is already starting to come up when I walk out on the deck. It’s Scarlett’s and she can’t hear it because she’s sitting on the beach. I go to close her screen door that’s making the racket. I head back to my own deck and sink down in one of the chairs so I can watch her.

Okay, so she doesn’t sleep.

I can’t remember when last I’ve watched the sun come up. Scarlett’s hair blows in the breeze and it makes me remember the feel of it. I watch her move to get up and there’s something about her movements that makes me sit forward. It’s sluggish. She takes a step back, turns around and takes another two before she goes down.

She just collapses to the sand. I’m up before my mind’s registered what just happened.

Scarlett was right. I’m not a football person. That would be Aiden. I did track; was the fastest for four years, till that new kid transferred into school. Trained my ass off to beat him. 

I sprint to get to her and sand goes spaying just about everywhere when I reach her. I’ve had the basic first aid training that’s required at the academy, but I’ll be damned it I know what’s wrong with her.

She’s fitting. Convulsions. I knew a boy that had them and they weren’t pretty. One of the Jefferson brothers.

This is beyond my level of know-how. I lift her jerking body and carry her back. By the time I reach her cottage she’s stopped and I’m not so sure it’s a good sign. I still call emergency services. Rather be safe than sorry.

The ambulance takes way too long. I should find out where the hospital is, just in case something like this happens again.  I let the guys in and watch them go to work.

Normally I’m more observant but when the paramedic takes hold of her wrist and he notices the bracelet I didn’t notice, it makes me think twice.

He calls in her medical ID and after listening for a few seconds they move her.

“We’re going to take her, Sir. With her condition it’s too much of a risk to just give her a shot and hope for the best,” the one says to me like I should know what he’s talking about.

“Sure,” I say. What else can I say? “We’re y’all takin’ her?” 

“Memorial Clinic,” I catch the words as they roll her out.

I lock her place up and go over to mine to get dressed and drive through.

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