Wyatt (17 page)

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Authors: Michelle Horst

BOOK: Wyatt
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Chapter Twenty Six



Life is filled with obstacles and who knows why certain things happen.

You have to take the bad with the good. Appreciate the good while you have it, it will give you the strength to face the bad.

Wyatt wants to go buy a camera so we’re out camera shopping. He asks the sales clerk a million questions before he decides on one.

I’m surprised when we don’t go home, but to Aiden’s place.

“Are you ready for this?” I ask him.

He smiles at me and then takes a deep breath. “I am. Everythin’ you said is right. Emma is still here. We don’t know when she’ll go so I’m going to spend as much time with her as I can.”

We get out and Wyatt knocks before he opens the door. As we peek into the living room, Emma is struggling to get up from the floor. Laurie is lying on a blanket in the middle of the room. Emma sees what I’m looking at and she smiles apologetically. “It’s hard to move her. I’m scared I’ll drop her. So Aiden brings everything here for me, so I can easily work with her.”

I shake my head, and put on a brave smile, “I think that’s a great idea.”

Wyatt clears his throat and then he walks to Emma. He helps her up and then gives her a huge hug. “Hey, Little Sister of mine.” He gives her a kiss. “I brought you somethin’.”

Emma smiles at him and I can see the relief in her eyes. “Am I getting a present?” she asks and there’s even a spark of excitement in her voice.

“Yes,” Wyatt shows her the camera. “It can do anythin’ you want it to do. I was thinkin’…” he clears his throat again, “it would be a good idea to make recordings for Laurie.” He holds the camera as if he’s unsure if he’s doing the right thing.

Tears spill over Emma’s cheeks and she places a hand on Wyatt’s cheek. “Thank you, Wyatt. That is such a great idea. There’s so much I want to tell her. Will you help me?”

He smiles through his pain and I’m so proud of him.

“I’ll do anythin’ for you,” he whispers and then he kisses her forehead.

I know he needs this time with her. He’ll regret it later if he doesn’t spend as much time with her as possible.

I know in my heart that he will be okay, that he’ll make it through this heartache. He is so much stronger than me and look at me, I’m doing better every day.

I made it through the past two years and I know he’ll make it through the difficult months to come.

My Wyatt is strong. It’s one of the qualities I love about him.

Wyatt taught me how to be strong when all I wanted to do was give up. Wyatt taught me to laugh, to love and to live.


The End…



Emma’s story will continue in Zac.



*Please read on to see where Chloe and Zac’s story starts and to see where Emma and Aiden’s story starts.




Chapter One

Snow Patrol – Chasing Cars




“Oh, Sunshine, that baby is Big Ben.” I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively. Emma’s face pinches with confusion, and I know I should stop but she’s so easy to take the piss out of. 

“But it’s so … ah …big,” she tries to chuckle, but gives up with a nervous gulp. She cups her hands over her belly and caresses it lovingly. She’s due to pop in three weeks and I mean pop. My best mate’s gone and gotten the size of a baby beached whale. I take in Emma’s glowing complexion, her blonde hair that’s up in a messy ponytail, and sparkling green eyes. She looks so happy. Unlike the last time I saw her back in the U.K., when I had to get her away from that bitch who dared to call herself a mother. I’m so glad she’s making a new life for herself here in South Carolina with Aiden, she deserves to be happy.

This visit is long overdue and with the baby on the way, it was a perfect excuse for me to come to America for the first time, and visit with my best mate.

“Surely that doesn’t all fit, you know, up there?” Her eyes bulge huge.

I bite the inside of my cheek to hold the laughter back. “That’s nothing, Sunshine. Want to see my favorite? I keep this big fella for special occasions.” Lifting an even bigger vibrator from my luggage, Emma’s hand flies to her mouth. “I present The Eiffel Tower!” Her cheeks stain a rosy pink. I should stop but she’s making it so easy.

“Bloody hell, Chloe! That thing should have its own set of kidneys and lungs.”

I can’t hold back anymore and sink to the floor in a fit of hysterical laughter. I missed this with Emma, our days of laughter when we were studying together at the nursing college.

“Sounds like y’all are havin’ fun in here.” Aiden steps into the room with a broad smile on his face. His eyes rest lovingly on Emma before he glances in my direction. He frowns lightly but soon amusement settles on his handsome face. Emma really got herself a dishy bloke. They sure make the blokes different here in America to what I’m used to in England. They make a stunning couple.

“I wanted to know if you’d like somethin’ to drink,” Aiden’s eyes drop to the vibrators I’m holding and he starts to laugh, “while you finish … ah … unpacking? We’re thinkin’ of putting some steaks on the grill.”

“Just two sodas, love,” Emma gets out, while trying to control her laughter.

“Hey, talk for yourself! I’m not the pregnant fairy here. I’ll have a beer,” I quickly rectify her.

“Are you getting’ the order or flirtin’ with your wife?” someone else says, and then he comes into the room. Sweet baby minions! Talk about a tall drink of hot and deadly handsomeness. I could have some fun with this blue-eyed hunk.

“Emma, your photos are all bollocks. They don’t do Zac any justice.” I launch forward like girl on a mission, one that’s found a man to devour. Emma told me all about Zac’s past and how he lost his wife, Laurie, four years ago. He needs some cheering up and I’m just the right woman for the job before I head back home to England.

I throw my hands around his neck and press my lips hard against his unyielding ones. When I pull back, it’s only to see a shocked face staring back at me. His eyes flit from one vibrator to the other on either side of his head, then back to my face.

“It’s just vibrators, Zac. Girl’s got to have some fun, right?”


Chapter Two

Kings of Leon – Use Somebody




Crazy. That’s the first word that comes to mind, this woman is all kinds of crazy. Just like Aiden would say. Talking about Aiden, I glance to him, lift an eyebrow and dart my eyes in the brunette’s direction, who finally lets go of me and puts her choice of weapons away.

Aiden leans against the wall, tuck his hands into his jeans pockets, and makes himself comfortable.

I tilt my head and give him the wipe-the-amused-smile-off-your- fuckin’-face-look. True Aiden style he only smiles bigger. Little shit! I’m going to make him do all the paperwork for the rest of the month. Some brother he is. I know next to zero about women, then enters crazy over here and I’m looking for my running shoes.

I glance at my watch and smile at Emma. I’m getting myself out of here in one piece while I still can.

“What half-arsed excuse are you going to use to get away?” Crazy chick zooms in on me again. “You’re seriously going to bail on me? I can see you’re eyeing your watch. That’s so rude, Zac,” she confronts me right there. Damn, I’ve never met anyone as forward as her.

“Does your mouth come with a filter?” I hit back. Normally I would keep to myself but I can’t stop the response. I call ‘em as I see ‘em, and she’s rubbing me up the wrong way.

Her smile widens. “I’m just yanking your chain.” She reaches a delicate hand out to me. “Chloe Fletcher. It’s a pleasure finally seeing you in person.” She winks as I take her hand.

“Zac Hutches,” I reply and then feel stupid, she obviously already knows who I am. I’m not sure if I should kick my own ass for forgetting Chloe was coming – or still make a run for it.


She. Has. Not. Stopped!

It’s like she suffers from some verbal sickness, one where she says everything that comes to mind.

She’s killing me. Slowly.

We’re supposed to be relaxing outside by the pool, grilling a few steaks, but it’s hard to relax when I don’t know what to expect next from Chloe. I take in a deep breath and enjoy the silence while Chloe and Emma are inside getting more drinks.

A soft chuckle from Aiden alerts me that he can see the women through the glass door and then my quiet moment shatters.

“You weren’t joking, Sunshine.” Chloe makes herself comfortable on the arm of my chair and I just know it’s coming already.

“About what, love?” Emma asks all innocently, mischief twinkling in her eyes.

Both of them, I’m going to make both Aiden and Emma pay for this.

“Zac being the silent type.” Chloe runs a finger down my bicep and I have to resist the urge to grab her and throw her in the pool. “You think under his silent demeanor there’s a man begging for some fun and action?”

“That’s it!” I get up and grab Chloe at the waist, easily lifting her tiny body over my shoulder. The damn woman hardly weights anything. She should eat more and talk less!

She grabs hold of my belt and hums all husky, “Oh, caveman style. I like this side of you.”

I definitely underestimated her, because when I try to throw her into the pool she yanks and I lose my balance. It’s a tumble of limbs as we plummet into the refreshing cool water. I have a moment of silence under the water and prepare myself for her going off at me for ruining her perfect make up and hair.

I hardly have time to surface when Chloe’s on top of me. “That’s the spirit! Let your hair down a bit,” she laughs as she places both her hands on my shoulders. She’s too small to push me down, but I give her points for trying.

I look up at her laughing face and shock vibrates through me. No. Hell to the no! Smokey-brown eyes capture mine. Her hair hangs wet around her face and with my hands on her hips, I realize just how breathtaking she is.

But I’m not going through that kind of pain again, so I do what I always do when I see a beautiful woman – I withdraw.

I let go of her and swim to the edge. In a flash I’m out and drying my clothes as best I can.

“Ah … forgot somethin’ at the office. I’ll catch y’all later.” I leave them all with the feeble apology, but I don’t care, I just need to breathe. I need to calm down. The woman has me in a flat spin and she’s only here one day. How am I going to cope for three weeks?

“She’s just another pretty face in an ocean of many,” I mumble to myself as I walk away.



ZAC is coming Nov 2015


A Tainted Ink Novel





“I’ll be like Mum.” It makes me sick to my stomach to say this. My grandfather was a drunk. She is a drunk. I don’t want to be a drunk.

I want to scream this at her, but I can’t. I can only sit still. I’m drowning in the disgusting feelings suffocating the air out of my lungs, until my chest starts to ache. It hurts to listen to my mum, but I can’t bring myself to move. Years of conditioning and fear keeps me frozen to the spot.

“You just read those books, that’s all you do,” she goes on. “You’re throwing your life away. There’s no silver lining, no happily ever afters, no fairy tales. Life is hard, babes,” she leans over and hisses in my face. Her stinking breath wafts over me, sticking to my skin. “And without me you won’t make it. EVER.”

She sits back and her chin wobbles. Oh no, not the tears!

I have to hold her. It’s the only way to calm her down. I get up and go to her, my body feeling rigid. It feels as if every muscle is fighting me, wanting to run the other way. I reach out to her, my arms feeling like rubber. I hug her to my chest and another wave of disgust wells up in me, threatening to squeeze the last bit of life from my body. The smell of her greasy hair makes my stomach turn. The clamminess of her alcohol-drenched skin sticks to my hands.

I go numb. No, I’m lying. I do feel something.

I feel sick. To. My. Stomach. Sick.

“I’m nothing without Mum. I won’t make it without Mum. Ever. Please hold me Mum. Don’t let me go.”



Chapter One


Emma ~

She’ll follow me no matter where I run to. It’s the first thought that crosses my mind as I place the suitcase down at the foot of the bed. I hate my parents for doing this to me, for making me run to North Carolina, the other side of the bloody world. But I’ve had enough! I have to do this for myself. I have to try and escape somehow.

I’ve heard stories of great men. What makes a great man? I’ve stopped asking this question, because I really don’t believe there is such a thing.

There was a time I thought men were supposed to be protectors of women, but time has molded men into weaklings. My mum molded my dad into a wimp and nothing more. My dad is a wimp.
Weakly interacting massive particle
or WIMP, a hypothetical particle serving as one possible solution to the dark matter problem – the dark matter problem being my mother. That’s the definition Astrophysics gave for my mum and dad. 

I grew up surrounded by wealth and culture, tucked away in a small village that some would find perfect. Pendoylan is picture perfect by England’s standards. It’s a cozy little town. I love the beauty of my village, but I hate the prison cell it had become. The irony, that one can hate such beauty and wealth, and the very family you come from.

Coming to the town of Chapel Hill, I’m hoping to avoid the mad rush that comes with the big cities. I just want some peace. I know there is a lake here and Chapel Hill is known for its small town feel. I hope I chose right. I want to get away from my family and experience a bit of life. I want to live my own life.

Crickey, my stomach turns just thinking about the wonky thing I’ve gone and done. This is much bigger than I ever could’ve imagined! I might have traveled between Africa and England, but that was years ago. I never thought I’d have the courage to go against my mum. I’ve finally done it!

The old familiar fear bubbles up from the pit of my stomach and I have to remind myself that I’ve come to experience America, the one place that promises the freedom I’ve been craving for so long. That’s why I’ve done such a wonky-arsed thing. That’s why I’m standing in a stranger’s flat, in a strange town, hoping to experience a strange life.

Actually, that’s not quite true. It’s mostly Chloe’s doing. If it weren’t for her constant encouragement, I wouldn’t even be here. We’ve been joined at the hip (or should I rather say phone) since we met at the nursing college my mum forced me to go to. Studying at the nursing college, was the one time I got to experience a sense of freedom. I met Chloe there and by the time we finished our studies we were best friends.

She hated that we couldn’t visit with each other afterwards. That’s when she came up with the ‘escape the parents’ idea. She wanted me to experience life so she helped plan it all so my mum wouldn’t find out, giving her automatic guardian angel status in my life. It’s not easy going against my mum. I know when I go back there will be hell to pay, but at least this short moment of freedom will be worth it. I’m hoping I can figure out a way so I won’t have to go back. Just maybe a miracle will happen. 

I’d be lost without Chloe. She’s my complete opposite, spontaneous, flirty, but most of all, she’s brave in ways I can only dream of being. She’s already living on her own, working – experiencing life. (Yeah, completely unlike me.) I didn’t even know about international roaming for my phone. Chloe sorted that one out for me, as well.

I wish she were here with me now. The time difference is going to be a pain in the butt for us to communicate. That reminds me, I need to let her know I’ve landed safely.

A smile spreads across my face the second I hear her voice, “I’ve been going nutters! Did you land in one piece? Is the flat nice? What is your flatmate like? Have your parents cont-”

“Chloe! Slow down, one at a time,” I stop her interrogation. I love her dearly, but she’s insanely protective of me. “I’m in one piece, but thanks to all those energy drinks you shoved into my system, I feel jittery.”

I struggle with nightmares and it makes me a restless sleeper. I didn’t want to sleep on the plane. A lot of help the energy drinks were. I fell asleep anyway, waking up to people staring at me, as if I were some mental bat.

“Well, at least you’ll have plenty of energy to have a go at a bloke then,” she teases.

“I said I feel jittery, not energized,” I correct her. “You’re not going to let that one go, are you?” She has made a short list of things I have to experience while here. Having sex with an American bloke is at the top of her list. Getting sloshed is second. She figures I should do both at the same time, it might give me more guts to go through with it, seeing as I still have to hand in my old V-card to begin with. (I’m still debating the whole thing.)

“No, never! If I had the option of losing mine with an American then I would have gone with it, instead of the nutcase I ended up with. Sunshine, you have to let your hormones sing the American Anthem. Take one for the team.”

Chloe only refers to the bloke as a nutcase, she never goes into any detail about her first time or the bloke, and that scares me even more. What if my first time turns out to be the same?

“You did not just say that? Honestly! Take one for the team?” I burst out laughing, desperately trying to laugh my nerves away.

“Yeah, and I want juicy details. You can be glad I’m not asking for photos. What’s the place like?” she asks again, reminding me of her earlier questions.

“The flat is really nice! It’s a two bedroom. It has an open plan kitchen and small lounge. The bedroom is huge, Chloe! It has a lovely cupboard and the window looks out over a beautiful courtyard. Oh, and I have my own bathroom. It’s nothing like the room at home! It’s easily twice as big.” Excitement starts to bubble up as I glance around the room again. “Did I mention the bathroom? It has a shower,” I squeal.

A sense of freedom washes over me as I take in all the space around me. The room is really twice as big as the one I had back home, and I don’t have to run through the house to get to the bathroom. I don’t have to face my mum. I swallow hard on the lump forming in my throat. I’m really free.

“I’m so happy you like it, Sunshine.”

“My flatmate’s not here. The lady that owns the building let me in. She’s so nice. But she was surprised to see me. We got the dates wrong. She expected me on Sunday and for some reason she got it in her mind that I was a bloke, so we had to clear that up, too. I don’t know where she got that idea from.”

“Anyway, I’m glad you’ve settled in. After everything we had to go through to get you there,” she sighs. “We were lucky to have found you a place to stay, and for the university to take you in this late in the semester. You just have to catch up the work. You can do it. It’s only two weeks. Just get enough credit to be able to stay there.”

I love Chloe dearly, she’s become my pillar of strength.

“I will. I’m going to do this. I’m going to show her I can survive on my own.” I feel my chest swell with emotion. That’s all I really want, to be free and to show my mum I don’t need her – I can live without her.

“Just don’t answer your phone if that bitch tries to phone you! Don’t reply to her texts. Don’t let her intimidate you. Remember, she’s all mouth and no trousers. You’re safe there.”

“Thank you for this chance, Chloe. Thank you for making this possible.”

“You know I’d ride a porcupine starkers for you,” she laughs. I don’t know where she heard that, but since she did, she hasn’t stopped saying it.

“Around the world and back,” is the best I can do in the form of telling her I love her. Growing up with Attila the Hun for a mother makes those words hard to say to another person, besides my gran. 

“Now go on! Go get sloshed and grab a dishy bloke. Tonight is the night you get yourself de-virginized!” she all but shrieks in my ear.

“It’s going on ten p.m. this side. Can’t I do it tomorrow night?” I try to put the inevitable off for one more night.

“No. Tonight, or you will never do it. And remember, I want details.” She tries to sound bossy, but fails with the laughter coming through in her voice.

“I wish you were here with me. I don’t know how to ask a bloke. What do I say? I can’t just walk up to one and ask him to shag me.” I’m so nervous I start chewing on the inside of my cheek. At the rate I’m going, I’m bound to chew straight through the flesh before the night is over. 

“That is why you need to get sloshed first. Then you find yourself a bloke, smile that stunning smile of yours and flirt a little. Sunshine, even if you have to put a bloody flag over his face and do it for the old Queen and country, just get it done,” she laughs.

“A lot of help you are. First he has to be decent, now I have to put a flag over his face.” But it’s working. I’m smiling.

Then she comes up with the wonkiest idea ever. “Do you want to practice on me? Pretend I’m a bloke.” I stare all flustered at the phone, before bringing it back to my ear.

“Have you gone mental? That’s even worse than trying to land some bloke!” My face flushes red. “Don’t bother. I’ll get it sorted. I can do this.”

“Just go have fun, Sunshine, you’re too serious about the whole thing. You’re finally free. Go enjoy your freedom.”

“Alright. Freedom. Experiences. Got it,” I’m repeating it all like a bloody parrot, just so it will sink in. “I’ll go dazzle some unsuspecting fellow with my smile and hope it’s enough to get him to shag me.” I’m going to have to get really sloshed for that to happen.

Nervous excitement bubbles in the region of my stomach again, making me feel even more wired. I’m going to go to a pub. I’m going to get sloshed for the first time. Reality is starting to sink in fast now.

“Take your phone with. Ring me if you need me. Text me. I’m on standby,” she says, offering her support to me like she always does.

“You’re the best, you know that, right?” I start to say goodbye.

“No, you’re the best,” she laughs.

“I’ll let you know how it goes.”

My phone beeps just as I cut the call. One glance tells me I can’t run from the inevitable. I’ve ignored all my mum’s messages, but now she has my dad texting me, as well. Chloe would kill me if she knew I was answering them, but I can’t just ignore them – they are my parents.

Where are you? We can’t reach you. Mum is worried.

I’ll reply to him – once only.

I’m taking a break from it all. You deal with Mum.

My breathing starts to speed up and I stop altogether. I start my silly habit to find some manner of calm again. I imagine an eagle taking flight, and I let all my feelings soar away with it. I let the eagle cry on my behalf, and I breathe out. “No! No more.”

I close my eyes, pressing the phone to my forehead. How I wish I could just close off the world like I just did my dad.


Well, I said I’ve come here to experience life, and the first experience is to find a pub and live it up so I have something to report to Chloe.

Wearing a pair of jeans and a white top covered by a light jacket, I don’t exactly scream
hot girl looking for a bloke to help her get rid of the old V-prob
. But then, I don’t want to dress up like a skank. I still have a slither of pride, even if I’m going to try and land some poor fellow. 

Luckily, it doesn’t take me long to find a place. I only walk a few blocks from the flat when I reach the town. This is why we picked this flat; they said it was nice and close to everything. It’s a pity it’s dark out so I don’t get to see much of the town on my quest to find the pub. I’ve never set foot in a pub and don’t have a clue as to what to expect.

After passing a few restaurants and shops, I spot a couple of skankily dressed girls disappear into a dodgy-looking place. Strikers Bar and Grill, maybe I’ll strike it lucky in there. There should be booze, and where there are girls dressed like that, chaps are likely to follow. Like Chloe said, I only need one half-decent-looking bloke.

I stop in the entrance first, taking in the people and surroundings. I want to make a quick getaway if the place is too dodgy. The music is beating loudly, and it looks just like any old pub I’ve seen in the movies. Weathered, overused dance floor to my right, with some people already dancing. There’s a really overused bar counter to my left. The lighting is dim, and even darker in the corners. People are scattered everywhere. Some are sitting at the bar, where others seem to be having a great time at the separate tables and booths. 

It looks decent enough so I make a mad dash for the bar with the goal of getting rat-arsed first. I find a seat in the far corner, reckoning the darkness could work well to my advantage. It gives me a good view of the rest of the pub, while I can hide and drown my inhibitions. 

My stomach does that nervous twist again as I look over all the people. There are so many blokes I can’t even focus on one. A couple of them look my way and my mouth dries right up. I feel my cheeks flush, and the nervous twist turns into a full-blown war, tearing every last one of my nerves to shreds.  

“It’s like killing two birds with one stone – two massive birds. Like prehistoric size birds. Alright, enough about the birds. Search and destroy all inhibitions by getting thoroughly sloshed,” I mumble, only making the nervous feelings worse. I need to shut up. The last thing I need is for these people to think I’m mental.

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