Written in the Stars (26 page)

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Authors: LuAnn McLane

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In My Life

where to order the witches' hats,” Danny said. He pointed to the empty shelves in the gift shop. “We're out and we need a slew of them for the grand opening.”

Mason looked up from the computer screen. “No, Danny. While I appreciate all of the help you've been giving me, I'm not going to contact Gracie.”

“Why not?”

“You know why. I made her promise that it would be her choice to come back,” Mason said, and of course the mention of Gracie's name brought her face floating into his mind. It had been only a little over a week since she'd been gone, and it felt like a lifetime. “Who needs those silly-­ass hats anyway?” he asked gruffly. But then he thought about fishing Gracie's hat out of the river, his terror, and then his knee-­buckling relief when he knew she was okay.

“You do!” Danny walked over and sat down on a barstool. “It's Halloween, bro. By the way, what are you going to dress up as?”

“I'm not getting dressed up,” Mason replied.

“But it's part of the grand-­opening theme. You have to wear a costume. I think I'm going to be Robin Hood.”

“You're wearing tights?”

“Hey, I have great legs. Why not show them off?”

Mason shook his head and went back to entering the new ales into the main menu. He knew that Danny was trying to cheer him up, but he just couldn't muster even a hint of a smile.

“Mason, you need to do what Mattie did and head to London and bring Grace back to Cricket Creek, where she belongs.”

“She doesn't belong here. That's the problem. It worked with Mattie and Garret because he has his music at My Way Records. Becca has the fishing camp with Jimmy and needs to be near Lily.”

“Have you heard from her?”

“No.” Mason glanced away. He left out the part where he'd sent Gracie an invitation to the grand opening. She might not want to live here, but he wanted her to know that she was welcome and that she deserved to celebrate the success of the brewery too. But when he didn't get the RSVP back, he knew she wasn't coming. And as much as it hurt, he respected her decision. “I'm sure she's really busy. And that's the way she likes to live her life. Slow and laid-­back like it is here just isn't her style. Hey, I know I've been grumpy since she's been gone, but I'm getting over it,” he said, which was completely untrue. “Just don't mention her again, okay? I'm sure she's over me already, and...” Mason shrugged, unable to think of Grace out with some other guy. “Is it too early for a beer?”

“You're asking the wrong guy that question,” Danny said.

“No, I'm asking the right guy.”

Danny chuckled. “Well, I should really get back to the marina and check on a few things. I can come back later and take you up on a beer. Or better yet, why don't we head over to Sully's later and shoot some pool?”

“I'll let you know,” Mason said, not sure how social he could be at Sully's. “I've got to get into the brewery and roll the fermentors into the walk-­in cooler in a little while. I hope I've tweaked the pumpkin ale to perfection.”

“It's that time of year when everything is flavored with pumpkin.”

“It will be subtle. People have been asking for it. Seasonal ales date way back to when beer was first brewed and brewers had to use the ingredients on hand. I think it's a pretty cool tradition.”

“Is there anything you don't know about the history of beer?”

“Probably not.”

“Need some help?”

“No, I can handle it. Hey, Danny, I can't thank you enough for all you've been doing for me.”

“It's called family. No matter what happens, we can always count on each other.”

“No doubt,” Mason said, and no sooner did Danny leave than Mattie walked through the door. “Well, hey there. Where's Lily?”

“Mom and Dad are watching her. I wanted to show you the menu I've come up with for the grand opening. Do you have a minute?”

“Of course.”

“Great,” Mattie said, and slid onto a barstool. Mason braced himself for another go-­get-­Gracie lecture, but Mattie stuck to chatting about the side dishes to go with the pulled-­pork barbecue they'd already decided upon weeks ago. “I've ordered the buns from Grammar's Bakery. They're also making a huge sheet cake with the Broomstick logo on it.”

“Very nice.”

“I'll make the slaw up a day ahead, and Mom and Dad are going to help me scoop it into plastic containers. We'll need room in the cooler, if that's okay.”


“And I sure wish you'd quit talking so much...”

Mason sighed. “Don't look at me like that. I'll get over her, Mattie. It will just take some time.”
Like until the end of time,
he thought darkly. He searched for something to say to change the subject. “What are you and Garret being for Halloween?”

“We're trying to decide whether we want to come as Sonny and Cher or the Captain and Tennille. I think I'd rather be Cher so I can do the hair flip. I already have the wig.” She did a fake flip and licked her lips in an imitation of Cher. “What do you think?”


“I've been practicing.” She propped her elbows on the bar and rested her chin in her hand.

“What?” Mason asked.


“Mattie, I know that look. Just go ahead and get it off your chest. I've been bracing myself.”

“You're bored without Grace. Just going through the motions.”

“I'm not bored. I have a craft brewery to run. Orders to fill,” he said, even though his sister had hit the nail right on the damned head. Without Gracie, it was as if the light had gone out of his life.

Mattie shook her head. “Grace brought excitement into your world. She made you laugh, Mason. Go get her and bring her home.”

“Mattie, I told Gracie that I wouldn't try to stop her from leaving. I love her and she knows it. So if she comes back to Cricket Creek, it's because she wants to...not because I want her to. What don't you and Danny understand about that?” He patted his chest. “End of story.”

“But what if—”

“No, Mattie. Look, I know you and Danny mean well, but I'm having a hard enough time with this without a constant reminder of what I no longer have in my life. Just let it go. Please.”

“Okay, you're right. I'm sorry. I won't mention it again.”


“It's just that—”


“Okay!” She raised her hands in surrender. “Well, I'd better get back. My breasts are about to burst.”

“Too much information.”

Mattie laughed. “Come on over here and give your baby sister a hug. But don't squeeze too hard. I might leak on you.”

Mason came around from the bar and gave Mattie a hug gingerly. “The next time you come over, bring Lily with you.”

“Prying her out of the arms of her grandmas is difficult, but I'll try.” She reached up and put her hands on his shoulders. “If you need to bend my ear, just give me a holler, okay?”

“Will do,” Mason promised. He watched his sister walk out the door, thinking that he might be hurting from missing Gracie, but he was lucky to have such a close, loving family. He told himself to stop feeling sorry for himself and to count his many blessings.

But later that evening, when Mason sat outside on his back deck, he looked over at Gracie's empty cabin on the water and felt sadness wash over him. He didn't care how much time passed; he knew in his heart that he would never be able to look over at the cabin and not think of her. He took a sip of his bourbon, liking the bite lingering on his tongue. Blowing out a long sigh, he gazed up at the stars glittering in the inky black sky, wishing to find an answer as to why fate had to be so cruel to bring Gracie into his life, only to have her slip away from him.

He looked into his empty glass and decided he needed another splash of bourbon over ice while waiting for Danny to arrive. He'd already decided not to go to Sully's but to stay home instead. If Danny wanted to hang out and listen to music with him, that was fine, but he didn't feel like going out. As the ice was clinking into his glass, Mason heard a knock at the front door. He never kept it locked, and Danny wouldn't knock, making him wonder who would be visiting who wouldn't just come on in. He'd fantasized about Gracie showing up and throwing herself into his arms, and his heart kicked into high gear as he walked across the living room. But when he opened the door, he found Jimmy Topmiller standing on his houseboat.

“Hey, Jimmy, come on in,” Mason said.

“Sorry to stop by unannounced. I tried calling your cell, but you didn't pick up.”

“Oh, I've been outside, and I had it in here charging. Can I get you something? Beer? Or I'm sippin' on some fine bourbon.”

“I'll take a bourbon on ice, if you don't mind.”

“Coming right up,” Mason said, curious as to why Jimmy had stopped over. “Everything okay with Becca?”

“Yeah, she went up to Wine and Diner. Girls' night out.”

“Oh, good.” He handed Jimmy the glass. “Wanna go on the back deck? It's a little bit cold, but I don't mind if you don't. And Danny should be over soon.”

“Oh, good, I wanted to run some more ideas by him about the fishing camp.”

“Hey, it's a great idea, by the way.”

“Thanks. I'm really excited.” He accepted the glass. “Sure, outside is fine.”

Mason nodded and headed to the sliding doors. He zipped up his hooded sweatshirt and sat down. “So, let me guess. You came over to jump on the go-­get-­Gracie bandwagon?”

“Nope, not me.” Jimmy took a sip of his bourbon, but shook his head. “I've never been on a bandwagon in my life. I do things my own way. Always have.” He looked down at his drink. “Smooth stuff.”

“Knob Creek single barrel.”

“Mmm...” He took another sip. “It's hitting the spot.”

“Why do I feel as if there's something you want to tell me?”

“Well, I'm not one to meddle, but I love Becca. There's something about fallin' in love with a woman that turns a man's brain to mush and makes him do fool things. Like meddle in someone else's business.”

Mason sat up straighter. “Go on.”

“I'm like Silly Putty in her hands. Lord help me, but there's nothin' I wouldn't do to make her happy. Do you know that I'm going on a European vacation? Yep, just applied for my passport. Stayin' at fancy-­ass hotels...and I think in a castle somewhere along the line.”

“Jimmy, what does this have to do with me?”

“Well, Becca wants Grace to come back to Cricket Creek to live. Spilled a bucket full of tears over it last night.”

“Well, there's a long line of people wanting the same thing.” And he was first in that long line.

“Yeah, well, there's only one person who can make that happen.” He pointed a finger at Mason. “And I happen to be lookin' at him.”

Mason gazed up at the stars and shook his head. “I've explained to everyone over and over. I won't go to London to bring Gracie back—­not that I don't want to. If she wants to come back to Cricket Creek, it has to be her decision.”

“Well, you didn't hear it from me, but I've got that part covered.”


“Grace is at Wine and Diner with Sophia and Becca.”

“She's in town?” His heart knocked around in his chest like a pinball.

“Yeah, apparently she wanted to come back for the grand opening of the brewery after all. But you didn't hear it from me.”

Ah, so his invitation had worked? Mason's heart beat so hard, he was sure that Jimmy must hear it. He tried to process the information. “So she's just back for the grand opening.”

“Yeah, well, that's where you come in, my friend. It's up to you to make her want to stay.”


“If I were you, I'd head on over to her cabin and be there when she arrives.”

“I don't know. I...”

“Mason, for the love of God, do you really think she came back for a doggone party?”

“Well, she is invested in the brewery.”

“Which you are more than capable of running.” He drained the rest of his drink. “Is your skull really that thick?”

Mason smiled for the first time since Gracie left. “No.”

“Then you'd best hightail it on over there. And don't blow it this time. You only get so many chances, you know. I'll wait here for Danny. Now, get on over there!”


The Other Half of the Sky

and jet lag had Grace gingerly making her way to her cabin. Well, she thought of it as her cabin, anyway. The wheels of her suitcase made a clunking noise as she tugged it along behind her, and her progress was further hindered by the weight of her laptop case hanging on one shoulder and her purse over the other one. At one point she almost took a sideways dive into the water. She suppressed a little shriek and did a little tap dance back to safety. “Okay.” She stopped and hefted her purse higher on her shoulder, trying for balance. After regaining her composure, she forged ahead. Had the dock gotten longer since she'd left? It certainly seemed so.

Grace breathed a sigh of relief when she reached the front door. Luckily, she still had a key. Before sliding it into the lock, she glanced over at Mason's houseboat and noticed that no lights were on, so he must not be home. She wondered if he would come over later when he noticed lights on over here.

Grace had considered calling Mason, but she'd rehearsed what she was going to say to him a million times while driving in from Nashville, and the speech was meant to be given in person. Of course, after the third glass of wine, Sophia and her mum were full of advice on how to handle the situation, most of which she had no intention of using.

Grace lugged her stuff into the bedroom, switched on the small lamp on the nightstand, and decided to change into her Mayfield Marina sweatpants. Then she planned to go out onto the deck and listen to some music to wind down before getting some much-­needed sleep. But when she looked at the inviting bed, she immediately decided that she needed sleep more than sitting outside. After a good night's rest, she would call Mason and give her speech.

“Yeah, that's a good plan.” Closing her eyes, she tilted her face upward, yawned, and stretched her arms overhead.

“When were you going to let me know that you were back in town?”

Grace yelped, took a step backward, tripped over her suitcase, and stumbled. Luckily, she landed on the bed with a little bounce. “Mason?” She pushed up to her elbows and looked over to where he stood in the doorway. The sight of him sent her pulse racing.

“Why didn't you tell me you were coming home? I mean to Cricket Creek.” He casually leaned one shoulder against the doorframe and waited for her answer. “And you didn't RSVP. Very bad form for a proper British lady.”

“Because I...,” she began, trying to remember the speech, which had flown out of her head. She sat up and cleared her throat. “Because what I have to say needed to be told in person.” She licked her bottom lip, suddenly nervous.

“Okay. Well, here I am. In person.”

“I love you...no wait, that part was supposed to come at the end. Let me start over.”

“No, I like that beginning.” Mason walked over and sat down on the bed next to her. “So, go on.”

“Well...” Grace swallowed hard, but when Mason reached over and took her hand, her courage returned. “It all started with the invitation to the grand opening. When it came, I held it in my hand like it was a lifeline to you.”

“I didn't mean it as pressure, only that you deserved to be here. And I wanted you here.”

“I know, love.” When Grace nodded, he brought her hand up to his lips and kissed her knuckles, a gesture so tender that she had to stop and catch her breath. “That same night I was sitting out on the terrace of Mum's flat, working, while listening to music and drinking a lovely cup of tea. I looked up at the sky and wondered if you were watching the same stars as me...”

“A romantic notion.”

“Well, yes, but of course with the time difference I realized that couldn't be true. But as I tried to concentrate on the color wheel I was studying, my mind kept wandering back up to the sky and to thoughts of you, the grand opening, and that you reached out to me. No pressure, no guilt, but it was like having your hand reach across the ocean.”

“Oh, Gracie...I had to do something, and the simple invitation seemed like the right thing to do. No one knows I did it. I didn't want you to get pressure from anyone to come.”

“In truth, I'd gotten very little work done with the nail polish the entire time I was there.”

“Why is that?”

“I guess you could say that my heart wasn't in it.”


“This might sound a bit odd, but as I gazed up at the stars, the lyrics of the John Lennon song ‘Woman' drifted to me as if carried on the night breeze. I get songs playing in my head a lot.”

“I don't think that's odd at all.”

Grace smiled. “Do you know it?”

“I do. I happen to be a big Beatles fan.”

“In that same moment, I wondered how I had ended up in Cricket Creek, Kentucky, investing in a craft brewery of all things. And I realized that I had no control, really. Does that make sense?”


“Good, because the speech I rehearsed was much better.”

“You're doing just fine. Go on.”

Grace gave him a soft smile. “When I gazed up at the sky again, I thought to myself that our love was somehow ‘written in the stars,' just like in the John Lennon song.”

“Gracie, oh wow...that's beautiful.”

“I know! So being on the other side of the ocean from you was just plain silly.”

He cupped her cheek. “I've thought so all along.”

“Mason, I finally figured out that my need to travel, roam, was an urge, the quest to find happiness.” She leaned over and patted his chest. “You are my happiness. My journey's end,” she said in a tone laced with emotion.

Mason put his hand over hers. “Hey, no need for a GPS, and you'll never get lost again. I will always be here for you.”

Grace laughed. “Good thing, with my track record, right?” Sudden tears blurred her vision, and her smile trembled. “I was lost the day I met you, and now I know that I'm completely lost without you. After I left, it didn't take me long to figure that out. But I needed to have that horrid feeling of missing you so I knew for sure. And when the invitation came, it was my ticket back to you.”

“Gracie, Cricket Creek is my home, and I love it here, but I'll go wherever you want me to, live wherever you want to live, or travel around the world with a backpack and nothing else. We can sell the brewery. I don't care.”

“Mason, there is no doubt that I belong here in Cricket Creek. You are my other half of the sky.”

“Gracie...mercy, I love you so much.” He pulled her onto his lap, threaded his fingers through her hair and kissed her.

Oh, it felt so good to be in his strong arms. She missed the smell of him, the touch of his body, and the taste of his lips. Her need to wander was over.

She was home.

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