Writes of Submission (25 page)

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Authors: Cassidy Browning

Tags: #BDSM, #Erotic Fiction, #Exhibitionism, #Contemporary, #Ménage à Trois, #Voyeurism, #Romance

BOOK: Writes of Submission
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“How did that feel, pet?” Kane slung the towel over his shoulder and stepped up behind her, reaching around to cup her breasts and pull her against his big, solid body. Dante bent to rub down her legs, resting her brace on his knee and softly tracing a path up the inside of her thigh with a fingernail.

She leaned her head back against Kane’s shoulder and moaned. “I’m going to have to sprain my ankle more often.”

“That won’t be necessary.” Kane swung her into his arms and carried her back into the bedroom, laying her carefully down on the king-size bed. It occurred to Nikki to complain about this unfortunate habit the guys seemed to be developing of picking her up and carrying her around, but she decided that she really didn’t mind it as much as she’d thought she would. It was kind of nice to feel small and protected for a change, and she was definitely in the mood to be ravaged by her big, strong guys.

She reached lazily for Kane and pulled his face to hers for a kiss. He settled himself next to her, one palm covering her already hard nipple and beginning to rub it in a circular motion. Nikki’s blood heated up even more than it had when he took her mouth. The feeling brought an ache to her pussy, a longing for his cock to invade her there as his tongue was invading her mouth.

But something else invaded her pussy first. Her legs were nudged apart and the bed shifted as Dante settled himself between them. He laid a trail of kisses up one thigh and over her hip, working his way to her center, making her body begin to hum with the feel of their hands and lips and tongues in more places than she could be consciously aware of at once.

She still couldn’t believe she had two hot guys making love to her. It was as if all of the repressed sexuality of her life had finally burst through whatever wall she’d built and had carried her away in a wave of sensuality. She sighed as Kane moved his mouth down to the nipple he’d been rubbing and began sucking and lightly biting. The hum inside her turned into a fire when Dante’s tongue found her pussy and began working it. One finger delved into the wet softness of her core while his tongue played with her clit. She shivered with an almost unbearable level of excitement, thrusting her hips closer to Dante’s demanding mouth. She wanted to be completely open to them, offer herself to them in any way they wanted. Every cell in her body was concentrated on Kane and Dante and the tidal wave that was threatening to overtake her.

For a few minutes Kane alternated between her nipples and her mouth. He kissed her deeply and roughly, then went back to biting and sucking until the pleasure and the pain of his bites became so mingled with the pleasure of his kisses that she could barely tell the difference. She felt Dante’s tongue push deeply into her pussy and cried out as she went over the crest, her body pulsing with the surge of her orgasm. Wave after wave went over her, around and though her, taking her out of her body and plunging her into a rapturous deluge.

Kane kissed her again as she relaxed from her orgasm, one finger tracing her cheekbone and the line of her eyelashes. She allowed herself to lie still for a few moments and luxuriate in the feeling of their bodies next to hers and their hands meandering over her skin.

When she opened her eyes again, she smiled at them both in turn. “That was amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard.”

“We’re glad you enjoyed it,” Kane told her, sitting up so she could see past him to Dante. “Are you up for a little more?”

“Of course.” She tried to sit up, but Kane put a hand on her shoulder.

“Why don’t you return the attention that Dante gave you while I fuck that sweet pussy?”

Dante nodded enthusiastically. “Sounds like a good plan to me.”

“Okay, then.” Kane pulled her to the edge of the bed, carefully resting her injured ankle on his shoulder, and eased his cock into her while Dante positioned himself next to her head.

Dante’s cock was beautiful, long and thick, and it vibrated eagerly as he brought it close to her face. Nikki smiled and reached out her tongue to capture the drop of pre-cum that glistened on the end. It was sweet, just like him, and she licked all the way around the head before taking it into her mouth.

He groaned in what she hoped was enjoyment as she began sucking him, enjoying the silky softness of the skin over the stiff rod underneath and the short, tentative thrusts he made into her mouth, obviously trying not to overwhelm her. She sucked harder, pulling him in as far as she could, matching her action to Kane’s rhythm as he pushed into her pussy.

There seemed to be a current that flowed between the three of them, fusing them into one organism. It was as if she’d known them all her life, had just been waiting for their different paths to bring them together so they could become what they had all been destined to be. Nikki knew that there were no guarantees. Any of them might feel differently tomorrow, but for tonight, at least, she was inexplicably and thoroughly connected to these two men. They were the missing parts of her, the perspective she’d never been able to achieve on her own.

She continued to suck on Dante’s cock as Kane thrust into her, reveling in the fact that she was bringing pleasure to them both. She could feel Dante’s orgasm building. His movements became quicker and shorter, and he seemed to be holding his breath.

Kane suddenly stiffened against her, his head thrown back, and she felt his cock begin to pulse inside her. The sight must have thrown Dante over the edge as well, because he began to shoot cum into her mouth, hot and salty, coating her tongue.

She came, too, moaning into Dante’s dick, clutching at his hips and sucking eagerly, anxious to get every drop she could from him. She wanted to show him that she belonged to them body and soul, and their pleasure was more important to her than anything on earth.

They curled up together afterwards, a warm cozy sandwich of bodies and arms and legs, Nikki’s head snuggled against Kane’s broad shoulders and Dante holding her from behind, her ass tucked into him and her legs entangled with Kane’s.

“So who’s up for a six-o’clock run?” Dante mumbled sleepily from behind Nikki.

Kane reached behind him with one hand, ineffectually slapping the air. “Don’t even suggest such an obscene thing. I’m the sadist here, and don’t you forget it.”

Nikki smiled to herself as she drifted off. The next few days were shaping up to be really interesting.

Chapter 21


Kane woke and glanced at the clock. Seven thirty. What an ungodly hour to be awake. He felt a movement behind him and remembered that they’d all three been in the bed when he’d gone to sleep.

There was a soft knock at the door and he sat up. Nikki was stirring beside him, rubbing her eyes and yawning, but Dante was gone.


The door opened and Dante’s head poked in. “Sorry to wake you guys, but can I come in? Something’s come up.”

“Sure. You don’t need to ask permission. We’re a team now.” Kane settled himself against the headboard, enjoying the sight of Nikki trying to cover herself without seeming prudish. He reached down and pulled away the sheet that she had just stealthily drawn over her breasts. “No point in being modest, sweetie. You belong to us now and we like to see your sexy body.”

She looked alarmed for a second, then smiled. That was a good sign. “Yes, I do.”

Dante pulled out the desk chair and sat down facing them. His mouth was pulled together as if he had some news that he really didn’t want to share. “I need to go away for a day or two.”

“Oh, no.” Nikki’s shoulders slumped a little. “Why?”

“The publisher wants to do a strategy meeting in Houston,” Dante told her. “I should be back by Wednesday at the latest. It kind of depends what they want me to do while I’m there. I don’t think they’ll pull me off this assignment.”

“What if they do?” Kane put an arm around Nikki and pulled her closer, nodding for Dante to come and sit next to her. Nikki was staring at him with wide eyes, as if she was really afraid of what was coming. He wondered how she was interpreting this event.

Dante sat down, kissing Nikki on the forehead. “Then I quit and work freelance. I don’t think it will come to that, but I will figure out a way to come back no matter what. Most of my job can be done remotely, so it doesn’t really matter where I live. Allie’s sales have been steadily rising, so it’s not like what we’ve been doing isn’t working. Your blog posts about her great cooking have really generated some interest and drawn in a whole new demographic. I think they just want to look at what we’re doing, maybe think about how to adapt it for more of their authors.”

“They’ll want me to start reviewing cookbooks for them?” Kane laughed.

“Maybe.” Dante smiled, too, but he looked worried. “But I think you’re better off concentrating on the book you guys are working on. It sounds way more interesting—to me, at least.”

“Me, too.” Kane gave Nikki a kiss, then got up and went toward the bathroom. “Since I’m awake now I might as well get up. Nikki, do you want to sleep some more?”

“No.” She sounded distracted and nervous. “What time do you have to leave, Dante?”

He glanced at his watch. “My flight’s at noon. I was just going to have some breakfast and then I’ll need to head out to the airport. I’m already packed.”

“Okay, we’ll go down and eat with you,” Kane said from the bathroom door. “Do you need a ride?”

“No, thanks. I’ll just leave my car there.” Dante stood up and scooped Nikki into his arms with a mischievous grin. “Come on. I’ll take you to your room and help you get dressed. That will give Kane time to get cleaned up and give me something to tide me over while I’m gone.”


* * * *


“Don’t forget you have a doctor’s appointment today.” Allie held open the door as Kane carried Nikki back into the house. “Are you okay?”

Nikki wiped a hand over her eyes. “I’m fine. I just have a really bad feeling about Dante getting called away like this.”

“Why?” Kane took her into the living room and deposited her onto the couch, draping a blanket over her lap.

Allie propped pillows under her feet. “Do you think he won’t come back?”

“I don’t know.” Nikki looked toward the front, as if she might still be able to see Dante’s car going up the driveway to the road. “It’s nothing that specific. It’s just kind of depressing.”

“That’s normal, I think, when you’re just starting a new relationship. Would you guys like some more coffee?” Allie paused at the doorway. “I’ll be happy to make another pot.”

“That’s probably not a bad idea.” Kane gave Nikki a thoughtful look. “Do you want to work on the story? I got quite a bit written yesterday.”

“Sure. Maybe it’ll take my mind off Dante leaving. You don’t think—” She stopped and stared at him.

“That he’s just running away? No, I don’t think so. In fact, I don’t think you could chase him away if you tried.”

She sighed. “I know I’m being silly.”

He bent down and kissed her. “Yes, you’re being very silly. Dante will come back in a couple of days and everything will be perfect. Now I’m going to get yesterday’s writing and we’re going to get some solid work done today. Look at the bright side. No forced marches or being heckled until you twist yourself into a Celtic knot like the one on that madman’s shoulder. Just peace and quiet and lots of brainstorming.”


* * * *


Nikki was disappointed to see that Kane wasn’t waiting for her. It was silly, she knew. A normal, self-sufficient woman shouldn’t be carried around like some infant. Her leg might be hurt, but that was no excuse for the way she’d enjoyed the guys carrying her up and down stairs, in to meals, and even out to the car when she and Allie had left for her appointment. It was positively decadent. She would have to be careful or she’d get used to being pampered like this.

Nikki took Allie’s offered arm and started hobbling toward the house, feeling dejected that Kane wasn’t rushing out to sweep her up so she didn’t have to maneuver the front steps and ashamed for wishing he would. When she thought of him, a jolt of excitement went through her stomach. He’d shown her his writing from the day before, when she’d been sleeping, and to her astonishment the new direction he’d come up with had matched exactly what the characters had been telling her in her dream. She’d made him go up to her room and get her notes to prove it to him.

It was like they were on the same wavelength. The story was really coming together, the characters talking to them both, almost as if they were real people. She smiled at the house, thinking how lucky she’d been to get the opportunity to come here and work with Kane. If she’d met him somewhere else, at a cocktail party or something, she never would have believed they would be compatible. She probably would have avoided talking to him altogether. But now it was like they’d known each other their entire lives. Their ideas, their styles gelled so well that she couldn’t even imagine writing alone. She was suddenly impatient to settle down and get to work on her daily writing. She’d been lazy yesterday. Understandably so, but she needed to show Kane that she could pull her weight, too.

Then she got worried as Allie unlocked the door and there was still no sign of him. In fact, the house had an empty, hollow feeling, as if it had been abandoned for decades.

“Hello? Anyone here?” Allie moved through the rooms, obviously surprised as well at the lack of human presence. “That’s odd. I wonder where—Oh, wait. There’s a note on the table.”

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