Wrestling With Desire (22 page)

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Authors: D.H. Starr

BOOK: Wrestling With Desire
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Wrestling With Desire

by D.H. Starr

Derek to remove his coat and hung it on the rack next to the door.

They walked into the kitchen where Scott's mother was standing next to the sink. There were four large steaks already cooked. "Hello, Derek. You came just in time. These steaks need about ten minutes to rest and the potatoes are almost ready. Once the water starts to boil, the green beans will only take about five minutes." She turned to face Derek, wiping her hands on her apron. "I am so glad you could come join us for dinner tonight. Your mother has been so generous in feeding Scott and welcoming him into your home. I knew that I would be ashamed for ages if I didn't have you over for dinner soon." She walked over to Derek and extended her hand. "I'm Shannon. It's so nice to have a chance to be able to actually chat with you."

What struck Derek was the genuine warmth that radiated from her. Shannon emanated sincerity. No pretension. No show. It set Derek immediately at ease.
So that's where he
gets it from.
He smiled and shook her hand in return. "Thank you for having me. Those steaks smell incredible."

"Oh those, it's nothing. Just salt and pepper and voila, it's done. Come, let me get you a drink. Sit down and make yourself comfortable." She ushered him into a seat at the kitchen table. "Would you like juice, soda, water?"

"Water would be great thanks."

She poured two glasses of water, one for Derek and one for Scott and handed them to Scott. She then picked up her glass of red wine from the counter next to the stove and joined them at the table. "So, Scott tells me that you are 193

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by D.H. Starr

quite a good wrestler. You must be very excited about Tuesday's meet. I'll be there rooting for you guys.

Unfortunately, Scott's dad has to go out of town again, so he won't be able to make it." Derek glanced at Scott who was sipping his water. He thought that he saw Scott's forehead scrunch slightly when his mother mentioned his father, but couldn't be sure. His attention was drawn back to her when she asked the next question. "Are your parents going to be there? I would love to meet them."

"Yes, they come to all of my meets. My mom usually makes stuff to feed the guys, although none of them like to eat until after their matches, which actually works out great for me since I am one of the earlier matches. Our heavyweight is always grouchy because the food is usually gone by the time his match is over." Derek was surprised that he had to gasp for air as he finished talking. He glanced first at Scott and then at Shannon who were both staring at him silently.

Scott handed Derek his water. "Maybe you should drink this. I think you just said at least a thousand words in one breath."

Shannon took a sip from her wine and noticed that steam was rising from the pot she had on the stovetop. Getting up from her seat, she took the prepared green beans from the cutting board and placed them in the boiling water, generously salting them. "Scott says that your match on Tuesday is a very important one. He says this is one of the teams that you are worried about."


Wrestling With Desire

by D.H. Starr

Derek was impressed with her level of interest in Scott's wrestling. "Yeah. Lexington and Waltham are the two teams we are most worried about. Actually, I was stressing out earlier while Scott and I were studying for midterms since I don't know the guy in my weight class. I have no idea how good he is."

Scott rolled his eyes. "Derek is just being panicky. He's an incredible wrestler and he'll beat that pants off of that Lexington guy, whoever he is. He could crush Johnny who wrestled at his weight class back in Iowa."

"You boys put so much pressure on yourselves to win, win, win. Just do your best and I'm sure that you will do fine." Her voice was chipper and bouncy and Derek couldn't help but smile.

After a few minutes, dinner was ready. Mrs. Thayer took the potatoes out of the oven, placing one on each plate along with a steak. She then spooned the green beans onto a platter and placed a healthy pat of butter on top. "You boys get started. I'll just go into the other room to fetch Scott's father."

Derek felt his salivary glands jump into action as Shannon placed a plate heaping with steak and potatoes in front of him. He was about to tell Scott how much he was enjoying himself, but when he looked up, there was a sullen look in his eyes. Before he could ask what was wrong, Scott's father came into the kitchen with his mother.

His father wore slacks and still had on his work shirt and a tie. He wore bifocal glasses and his lips were pressed into two 195

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by D.H. Starr

tight lines. Sitting down, he turned to Scott. "Hello, son." He then turned his gaze toward Derek.

"Sweetheart, this is Derek Thompson. He's the boy who Scott has become good friends with at school, and is also on the wrestling team."

Maintaining his grim expression, Scott's father extended his hand to Derek. "I'm Mr. Thayer. Nice to meet you."

Derek was unaccustomed to parents introducing themselves to him as Mr. or Mrs. Whatever. He was equally unaccustomed to the feeling of being appraised so blatantly upon first meeting. Swallowing the stress building up in his throat, he extended his hand. "It's very nice to meet you, Mr.

Thayer. Thank you so much for having me over for dinner."

Mr. Thayer nodded then turned to his plate and began cutting his steak.

Shannon picked up the platter of green beans and passed them towards her husband. "Would you like some green beans, honey?" He took the platter from his wife without a word, spooned some onto his plate, and placed the platter back on the table. Shannon's cheeks pinked as she picked up the platter once again. "Derek, may I give you some green beans?"

"Yes, thanks. Mom makes me eat at least one vegetable at every meal. Well, except breakfast. Actually, do potatoes count as vegetables because I do have hash browns quite often? Wait, I think potatoes are tubers right? I keep forgetting."
What the fuck is wrong with me? Did I just
question whether potatoes are vegetables or tubers?


Wrestling With Desire

by D.H. Starr

Scott choked on his water then started laughing and coughing at the same time. Mr. Thayer shot him a harsh glance and Scott immediately became serious once again.

Looking nervously from Scott, to Derek, and then to Mr.

Thayer, Shannon took a sip of her wine. "Well, you boys have certainly been busy what with studying and wrestling practice." She spooned green beans onto both Derek's and Scott's plates. "What time is your meet on Tuesday?"

Scott finished chewing the food in his mouth then turned to his mother. "The busses leave the school at 4:30. The meet should begin around 5:30. Lexington isn't very far from where you work, Mom. It's pretty convenient for you."

Shannon flashed a sweet smile towards Scott. "Even if it wasn't, I would make sure to be there. It is your first meet of the season after all."

Mr. Thayer placed his fork and knife on the table next to his plate. "You know, at work I hear people going on and on about their kids' sports events, band concerts, and dramatic plays. I just keep wondering what ever happened to a good old-fashioned focus on academics. I never knew anyone who put food on the table because of their sport, musical, or acting abilities. Good honest work and a focus on studies.

That's what prepares a man to provide for his family."

Scott's face turned red and Shannon took another sip of her wine, glancing at a red spot that had landed on the table next to her. She took a napkin, wet it on her tongue, and began to wipe at the spot. Derek turned to Mr. Thayer. "You know. My parents say the same thing to me. Well, sort of the same thing. They say that my classes have to come first and 197

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by D.H. Starr

that everything else, while they recognize it's important to me, has to come second. They say in the long run that I'll thank them for the advice. Of course, when I complain, they also say that I'll understand when I'm older." Derek smiled, expecting that his witty comment would break through some of Mr. Thayer's icy exterior. This line usually won a laugh from the parents he had met over the years, but had no effect on Mr. Thayer.

Mr. Thayer fixed his eyes on Derek. "Your parents are absolutely right. School is for learning. If your grades aren't up, then you don't have time for the other things that take your attention away from studying."

Derek had a difficult time swallowing the bit of steak in his mouth. "Yes, sir. I guess that is what my parents mean." He didn't think that was what his parents meant at all, but disagreeing with Scott's father seemed like an ill-advised choice.

The rest of dinner consisted of Shannon making small talk and asking Derek questions about growing up in Cambridge, where he wanted to go to college, and other items of a mild nature. Mr. Thayer remained silent. When he finished, he excused himself, telling Derek once again that it was nice to meet him, and then retired to his room.

The heaviness of the air seemed to disappear, leaving the room with Mr. Thayer. Relief seeped into his muscles and he slumped back against his chair. Chancing a look at Scott, it was obvious that he had relaxed a bit as well, but he still had a solemn look on his face. Reading her son's expression, Shannon walked over and took his plate after asking if he was 198

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by D.H. Starr

finished. Derek offered his plate to her as well. As she rinsed the dishes in the sink, she began speaking. "He is very tired from all of the traveling he must do with this new job and the expanded regional responsibilities. When he is preparing for a trip he becomes very focused." Derek had a feeling that this was not the first time that Shannon had offered such an explanation.

Derek accepted the comment and poured on his charm.

"Thank you once again for the meal, Shannon. It was wonderful. Don't know the last time I had a steak cooked so perfectly."

Shannon turned and cast a smile at Derek. When she did, he noticed that she had the same crooked smile and dimple as Scott and it made him like her all the more. "You are sweet to say so dear." She motioned towards the sink which was filled with dishes, pots, and serving bowls. "I'm sure you boys don't want to sit here and watch me clean the dishes. Why don't you go up to Scott's room for a bit? Or do you have to get home, Derek?"

"No, no. I can stay for a while." He and Scott got up from the table and Scott led him down the hall to his bedroom.

Once inside, he walked over to his bed and sat down with a thud. Swinging his legs onto the bed and leaning back against his pillow, he curled his arms behind his head for support.

Not sure what Scott was feeling, Derek walked over to him and sat down on the bed, placing his hand on Scott's chest.

"You ok?"

Scott took in a deep breath and then let it out slowly.

Reaching for Derek's hand, he clasped it and pulled Derek so 199

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by D.H. Starr

he was lying down next to him on the bed. Derek settled in and Scott wrapped an arm around him, spooning him to his chest. "Hmmm. This feels nice." The vibration of Scott's voice reverberated through his chest and into Derek's back. It was all he said and all he needed to say for Derek to understand that Scott just wanted to lay there and hold him. Derek was more than happy to comply.

* * * *

In English class the next day, Scott was already sitting at his seat when Derek arrived. He had a worried look on his face. Concerned that something may have happened with his father, Derek went quickly to his seat next to Scott. "Is something wrong? You don't look happy."

Scott turned to Derek and the stress was plain in his eyes.

"After you left last night, my mom told me that we were going home to Iowa once the term ends."

Derek's stomach tied into a knot. "You're going home to Iowa...like, for good?"

Realizing that Derek misunderstood what he meant, Scott laughed. "No, not for good. Just for winter break."

Derek's stomach untied. "Whew. You just scared the shit out of me." He punched Scott in the shoulder, hard.

"Ouch. What the hell was that for?" The comment was delivered light heartedly, but he rubbed his arm nonetheless.

"For scaring me. Don't do it again."

Scott's smile lit up. He leaned in close enough so only Derek could hear and whispered to him in a teasing, sing-200

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song voice. "You got all scared that you would never see me again, didn't you?"

Derek pursed his lips, deciding whether to give in and be honest or to come back with a sarcastic remark. Although sarcasm was what Scott deserved at the moment, the truth was that he was right. "Yes, actually, I got all scared that I wouldn't see you again. In case you hadn't noticed, I kind of enjoy spending time with you."

Scott's face softened. "Thanks for not pushing me to talk last night. My dad and I...we just don't...we're very different.

Just being with you made me feel much better." He made a motion to take Derek's hand, but remembered that they were in the middle of class and pulled his hand back. "I'm going to miss you over winter break."

It suddenly occurred to Derek that he would not see Scott for a week and a half and the thought left him feeling slightly uneasy and empty. "Well, let's make up for the lost time before you go. We still have the rest of this and next week."

Derek ran his tongue across his lip and locked Scott in a brief and piercing gaze, allowing the hint of a seductive smile to cross his lips.

Scott leaned in close, a glint of passion in his eyes as well.

"You're giving me a hard-on." The words were barely audible, but they didn't need to be to send Derek's mind reeling.

Imagining Scott's prick growing and shifting caused Derek's groin to swell, becoming increasingly confined in his pants. Mentally reviewing the different times Scott had said or done things which had caused him to become hard, Derek was certain that this was the subtlest one yet. "Huh."

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