Wrestling With Desire (15 page)

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Authors: D.H. Starr

BOOK: Wrestling With Desire
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"Thompson!" Power called out. "You decide to beef up this year? You never come to the weight room. Maybe you can challenge Frank here at his weight class." He then turned his attention to Frank who was struggling with his reps. "C'mon you fuckin' pussy. That's only your second set and you're already straining."

Josh walked over to Derek and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, could I talk with you for a minute?" Derek allowed himself to be led to the corner of the weight room. Once there Josh continued. "Listen, I was talking to Coach the other day and it seems like we are going to be having a lot of challenges for spots this year. You are being challenged by Bobby Dean. Paul is planning on challenging me. Fuckin' idiot!

No one's challenging Power. No surprise there. But the spot that has all of us guessing is the 167 weight class. Sean and 129

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by D.H. Starr

Phil are sweating bullets about Scott, especially since they've seen him on the weight machines and he can bench more than both of them. I was wondering if you could put together a challenge schedule for us. I'm working out our warm-up routines and scoping out the other schools to see when their meets are scheduled so we can do some reconnaissance during the season."

It surprised Derek to be asked to put together the challenge schedule, but the benefits of the task did not escape him. He would be able to orchestrate challenges to give Scott a slight advantage. The thought only caused a small twinge of guilt, one that he was easily able to dismiss.

"Sure, I'd be happy to. When are we going to begin challenges?"

"Well, the season begins in a couple of weeks officially.

The wrestling room is ready for us to begin whenever." Josh folded his arms across his chest and bit the inside of his cheek, clearly deep in thought about when to begin challenges.
Seriously Josh, they're just challenges, not final
"I was thinking we could start practices with the core team and any challengers on Monday next week. How about you schedule the matches for Thursday and Friday next week? That way we will have our varsity line up settled for the first official day of practice."

"Not a problem. I'll have a challenge schedule set up by the end of the week." Derek walked over to Scott who was watching Frank struggle with the weights. Frank's face was beet red and his teeth were clenched so tightly that air 130

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by D.H. Starr

actually whistled through them as he labored for breath. He nudged Scott with his shoulder. "You ready?"

Scott nodded and the two headed into the wrestling room.

Once there Scott sat on the mat and began stretching. "So what was that all about with Josh?" His voice sounded nonchalant, but he stared intently at Derek when he asked the question which, Derek had learned, meant that Scott was actually quite curious about the answer.

Derek sat down on the mat next to Scott and began stretching as well. "He wants me to put together the schedule for the challenge matches. They're going to happen next Thursday and Friday." He grabbed the toes of his right foot and pulled his torso towards his leg. "I was thinking that I might schedule it so that Sean and Phil wrestle each other first so you can watch them and see what their styles are like.

Add that to what I already know about them and it should give you a good idea of how to beat them."

Scott spread his legs and reached his hands out in front of him, using his fingers to walk his body closer to the mat.

"Why would you do that? Do you think that I won't be able to beat them without some extra help?"

His breath caught in his throat. "No, I didn't, I mean I don't, I mean—."

The corner of Scott's mouth began to creep up his face.

"I'm just giving you shit, Derek. I appreciate that you are willing to help me out. Not that it surprises me. You've helped me since the first day I got here...in more ways than I dared hope for." He looked up and allowed his gaze to bore into Derek, but then he averted his eyes before speaking again. It 131

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was very unlike him and it immediately captured Derek's attention. "Ok, we better focus on wrestling 'cause if we start staring at each other I'm gonna forget we're not in your attic."

There's that slightly insecure side. Funny, but I actually
find it sexy.
Derek's focus was always laser-sharp when wrestling, but then again, he had never had such a tempting distraction before. "Sounds like a good idea."

Scott refocused on his stretching and remained silent for a few minutes. When he spoke again, his voice was serious. "I don't want you to make a schedule that will give me an advantage. I want to win on my own merit. Besides, I can think of better things for you to focus on than challenge schedules."

"Enough of that, Scott. We're here to wrestle, not flirt."

Derek actually felt a twinge of irritation, but it quickly evaporated. No matter how focused he was, it still wound him up knowing how much Scott wanted him.

"Why can't we do a little of both?" Scott's grin turned wicked as he raised his eyebrows suggestively.

Derek's thoughts wandered towards the various things they could do on the wrestling mat and none of them had anything to do with wrestling. "Scott. Weren't you the one who just suggested that we keep our focus on wrestling?" He jumped up and started hopping up and down, causing Scott to laugh. "C'mon. You talk a good game. Let's see if you can put your money where your mouth is."

It was all the challenge Scott needed. He jumped up and walked to the center of the mat. They assumed the neutral 132

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standing position, shook hands, and started circling each other. Derek was not a fancy wrestler, preferring to perfect basic offensive and defensive moves and to use them with precision. As he and Scott circled each other, he watched how Scott shuffled his feet as opposed to crossing them when he moved. Wrestlers who shuffled required one approach, while those who crossed their feet required another.

Getting a sense of Scott's pace, he placed his left hand on the inside of Scott's arm, grabbing his bicep. He wanted to get an inside hold on Scott's arm to see how Scott reacted.

Scott did nothing to shake his arm off.
In a flash, Derek bent his knees, shot his right hand down to grab and lift Scott's left foot while pushing back on Scott's bicep. The combination of losing balance from the push and the lack of stability from having only one foot on the ground gave Derek the momentum he needed for the takedown. Stepping between Scott's legs and hooking a leg behind the foot Scott still had on the ground, Derek used leverage to drop Scott to the mat and spin behind him to the referee's position. "Two points for the takedown." Derek pushed off Scott's back and stood back up.

"Damn, you are faster than lightening. Are you always that fast with your takedowns?"

"Always. And that is lesson number one. Sean is as fast as I am on the takedown. Don't ever watch his face and never,
allow him an inside grip on you like I got. You need to watch his legs. If you focus on them, you'll know precisely when he's going to make his move, then you can sprawl, he'll 133

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end up beneath you, and you can spin on his back for the takedown."

Scott raised an eyebrow. "Ok, good note. Care to try again?" As they returned to neutral position in the center of the mat, Derek could see a fixed determination settle over Scott. It was visible in his stance and in his foot movement.

Derek saw that Scott was focused completely on his legs.

Derek moved in and tried to place his hand on Scott's bicep again, but Scott wound his hand around attempting to secure the inside hold rather than let Derek take it again.
Ok. Good.

Sean will find this difficult.

While continuing to vie for inner arm position, Derek prepared for his next move. He started turning in a circle, forcing Scott to go with him. Careful not to make any big moves, Derek continued to circle with Scott while keeping Scott's focus on the battle for the inside grip of his arm.

Finally, he allowed Scott to get the inside grip of his left arm.

Using his handle on Scott's tricep, he pulled while simultaneously taking a large step backward, forcing Scott to step forward. Shooting down to the mat, he scooped up Scott's exposed foot, stepped behind the foot Scott still had on the ground, and used his body weight to push Scott over backwards. Scott landed on his back and Derek quickly swiveled over his chest, slid his arm around Scott's head, and tightened his half-nelson hold.

The move would have worked, and probably pinned, an opponent of equal weight, but Scott easily arched his back, pivoted on his head, and pulled a smooth reversal, causing 134

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Derek to land on his back. He then dropped his full weight on Derek's chest, trapping him to the mat.

With the full weight of Scott's body pinning him down, Derek was unable to move at all. "Another nice move, Derek.

You were distracting me with the battle for arm position and I forgot to protect myself from exposing my legs. You're damn good."

Derek was pleased that Scott had become so focused, but with Scott lying on top of him, his own focus was rapidly evaporating. "Uh, you want to let me get up now?"

"Oh, yeah. Sorry." When Scott stood up, there was no hint of flirtation or pleasure from the position they had just been in. Instead, he was assessing Derek as if for the first time, seeing a worthy and skilled opponent.

Shaking the gratification of Scott's admiration from his mind, Derek got back to teaching. "Sean's best at takedowns.

Once you have control of him, he's not much of a defensive wrestler. Let's keep at it." As they continued practicing, Derek used his speed and the various tricks he knew Sean or Phil would use against Scott. Scott was a quick study and Derek found that it became extremely difficult to maneuver into a position that would allow him to make an offensive move.

After about an hour and a half, Derek was ready to call it quits. He still had homework to do and knew that his body would be sore from wrestling. Even though he was in good shape, he hadn't been using his muscles the way he used them during the season and they were going to protest until he had spent a few weeks reminding his body who was boss.

"Let's hit the showers and then head home."


Wrestling With Desire

by D.H. Starr

Scott grabbed his sweatshirt and mopped sweat from his forehead and neck. Strands of his blonde hair were matted to his forehead. Derek wanted to brush them aside and kiss the salty slickness of his smooth skin. Knowing that anyone could walk in at any time, he restrained himself.

The two went to the locker room. They stripped out of their workout clothes, grabbed their towels, and headed into the open shower room. Each shower head contained four nozzles.

As the hot water soothed Derek's muscles, he allowed himself to glance at Scott. There were other guys showering as well, so he had to soap himself much more than necessary for the excuse of shifting his body position to shoot spying glances in Scott's direction. Derek realized that this was the first time he had seen Scott completely naked. His body was long and slender, the muscles strong and well toned. His butt wasn't as round and tight as Derek's, but it was still pleasant and full. The muscles of his legs bulged and flexed under the skin with each movement, creating a contoured line towards his narrow waist. His back, lateral, and abdominal muscles formed a graceful v-shape, canting up and out from his hips until they merged into his broad, rounded shoulders. It was impossible not to notice and appreciate the masculine angles and perfect line of Scott's body.

When Derek caught sight of Scott's cock, wet and dripping with foam from soap and shampoo, his breath caught in his chest and he felt an electrical surge of charged sensation shoot straight to his groin. Scott's cock hung about a third of the way down his thigh and appeared to be thick, definitely 136

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thicker than his own penis. His balls hung loosely in a smooth sack, and swayed back and forth as he moved. His whole crotch was framed by a wisp of hair which crowned the base of his cock and aside from the thin line of hair that ran up to his belly button, his chest and abdomen were otherwise hairless and iridescent as the lights reflected off of his wet skin.

Although Derek had seen each part of Scott's body before, seeing it all at once, exposed and vulnerable, was better than he had imagined, even in his fantasies. He quickly turned off the hot water and faced the wall. The cold water hit him with a shock and he fought to contain the hiss threatening to escape his throat. Feeling the tension and arousal easing from his groin, Derek turned off the water and quickly placed the towel around his waist. Once dressed, he decided to wait for Scott in the lobby. Fifteen minutes later, they were headed to his house.

In the car, Scott was silent. Derek chanced a look in his direction and was surprised to see that Scott was staring at him. "What?"

"I saw you staring at me in the showers." Scott ran his tongue over his upper lip and then caught his plump lower lip between his teeth. Derek wanted to pull over to the side of the road and nibble on that lip for him.

"You caught that, huh?" Derek was sure his cheeks were crimson. Although he knew that Scott wouldn't be upset that Derek had been staring, it was still unbelievably embarrassing to be caught in the act.


Wrestling With Desire

by D.H. Starr

"You shouldn't be embarrassed, Derek. It made me feel incredibly sexy." Although Derek kept his eyes facing forward, he Derek could feel Scott watching him. "I was posing for you. Did you like what you saw?"

His cock began to thicken in his pants and he knew that he would have a serious case of blue balls if he didn't take care of it sometime soon. Derek glanced over at Scott and then back to the road. "Well, since you caught me, I guess there's no reason to deny it. You're incredibly hot. I had to blast myself with cold water to keep from getting a hard-on right there in the shower room."

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