Wrapped Up: A Triple Threat Sports Romance (29 page)

BOOK: Wrapped Up: A Triple Threat Sports Romance
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She felt wired up and charged like she’d been electrified. She was never going to sleep. And, the worst part was, she still wanted him. She could feel his seed from their first time dripping out of her and she liked the feeling, the proof that he’d been there.


Somehow, it still wasn’t enough. She wanted more of him. Would she ever get enough?


She faced him and twisted her legs around him. Her hips were against his. She stretched her leg up and over so that his dick fell onto her leg. He was limp now, and sticky with her juices.


She reached down and squeezed him. He started to get stiff again in a few moments.


“Still haven’t had enough?” he asked.


She shook her head.


“Damn.” He slipped his fingers into her hair and brought her mouth to his. He kissed her as he grew harder.


He was stiff in her hands now and she continued to stroke him as he moaned at her touch. He slid a finger down and pushed inside her. She gasped and flinched back. The pain of just his finger entering her was sharp. Maybe she couldn’t have him again. It might hurt too much.


“Too sore?”


She squeezed her eyes shut. “Maybe.”


“I have an idea.”


He lay her down on her stomach and gently pushed her legs apart. He rubbed her clit for a little while gently, until she was dripping wet again. Then he rubbed the tip of his cock against her. She didn’t see what difference this position would make.


But once he was wet with her juices, he leaned down, pressing his chest to her back. He whispered in her ear, “Relax, okay?”


She nodded. She felt the pressure of the tip of his dick pressing against her ass. Her heart raced again in anxiety, but she remembered how good it felt when he put his finger in her ass.


She swallowed hard and tried to relax. He spread her ass cheeks and pushed harder. The tip of his cock slipped inside her. She gasped. The pressure felt unnatural and she didn’t like the sensation.


“No, stop,” she said.


“Give it one second.”


He pushed in slowly. It still felt strange, but once he was fully in, it felt better. He moved back, not pulling out all the way. He pushed in again and this time, a sharp delight ran through her. Her pussy quivered and the pressure against her clit made her head swim.


“How’s it now?”


“Good,” she said.


He sped up only slightly and each thrust sent shivers of pleasure through her. With only a few thrusts, she was on the cusp.


“I’m going to come,” she said.


“Damn, already?”


He squeezed in deep, and pulled back slow. His next thrust was harder and deeper. He moaned loudly and pushed in as she came.


It was such a different orgasm, she didn’t expect the sensation. It made her shake all over. She never in a million years would have thought she would be the type of girl to have anal sex, let alone enjoy it.


Ryder pulled out very slowly until he was free from her. She let out a long breath.


“Holy fuck,” she said.


He chuckled. “Yeah?”


“Yeah. I had no idea.”


He kissed her cheek, then disappeared into the bathroom. She heard the water running, and he returned shortly after.


He slid into bed beside her and pulled her close to him, spooning against her. “What do you think?” he whispered. “Had enough for one night?”


She nodded. She could barely keep her eyes open now. “I don’t think I’d make it through another orgasm that intense. It might actually make me go insane.”


“Mmm.” He ran his hands along her arm. “That was so good.”


“Was it?” she asked. “I know it was good for me, but I thought you’d have more experience.”


“Maybe, but it was good for sure. You’re so damn hot. You make me hard just looking at you from across the room. I’m not sure what will happen now. Now that I know exactly how good of a fuck you really are, I may not be able to stop having you.”


“I’m okay with that.”


“We have to be careful, though. Your father will be mad at you if he finds out, but he’ll kill me.”


“I know. I won’t tell anyone. It would really suck if you were killed now. I’d like to have sex with you for a while first.”


He laughed. “Good. I’d like to have sex with you for a while, too.”








The morning light came in through the windows. Ryder opened his eyes and sat up. He couldn’t be caught in her room. There were too many servants and other eyes to see him and report back to Matteo. Or Matteo himself could find him there. No matter which way it went down, if Matteo saw him, he’d be dead.


He carefully untangled his legs from Pia’s. He slid his arm back from under her head and removed his arm from around her waist. He paused to make sure she hadn’t woken from his movements, then slid off the bed. He pulled on his clothing from where it’d been so carelessly tossed the night before, and he crept to the door.


What he really needed right now was his surveillance equipment. He needed to see the hallway and know who might there to see him leave her room. But there was nothing like that in here. He turned the knob slowly, pushed the door open just a crack, and looked out.


The hall looked clear from this side, but he couldn’t see the other way. He stuck his head out farther, looked the opposite way down the hall, and when he saw it, too, was clear, he dashed from her room and into his own.


There, he checked over all the cameras to who was where. He didn’t see Matteo, which was a good sign. It was early, but Matteo tended to rise early. He might already be off for the day, doing mob business. The housekeeper was scrubbing one of the bathrooms, and her assistant dusted the den, the gardener and landscaper were both outside, the stable boy was with the horses, the pool guy at the pool, and the chef didn’t come in until later. Everyone seemed to be in their proper places.


He showered and dressed, then headed downstairs to get something to eat. In the kitchen, he took out a bowl and a box of cereal. He’d down a quick breakfast before Pia would be up. Then he could sit and watch outside her room while she got ready for work.


He sat at the table with his cereal, eating slowly and thinking about the previous night. Man, had she been incredible. He’d never have thought she could be like that. But the way she moaned and thrashed about under his touch, the way she kept wanting him. He’d wanted her before, and now that he’d had her, he couldn’t get enough. Just picturing her body, remembering the feel of her, had him hard already.


He closed his eyes and tried to remember every moment. Every position, every moan, every orgasm. He was totally screwed. If he had trouble before wanting her and trying to keep his hands off her, what the hell was he going to do now? He’d never be able to stop touching her. He would have to stay on top of his game, be extra vigilant, especially in the house. No one could see or know anything about them being together. No one. They’d need to come up with a plan. Some sort of code to use to talk to each other. At least until they could be alone.


Was he going to be able to sit in her car and be so close to her and so alone? What about in her store all day? How would he follow her around, watching her work, and not take her into the back room every hour? But maybe that was the best place. In the car on the way home, at the store. There it was much easier to control who saw them. But here in her house, where her father lived and there were often hired help or mafia guys, it was too dangerous. They could never do it here again. Far too risky.


He pictured Pia’s office at her store and how he’d bend her right over the desk and take her. He adjusted his pants and looked up as Pia entered the room.


“Morning,” he said.


She rubbed her face and looked over at him, then smiled. “Morning.”


She was wearing the same t-shirt and pants he’d seen her wear to bed before. The shirt was close fitting and hugged her breasts. The pants showed off the curves of her hips and her perfect ass. Her tight and hot little ass. He clenched his hand into a fist. He wanted her right now.


She opened the refrigerator door. He watched as she bent over to pick up a container of yogurt from a lower shelf. Her ass rounded perfectly and called to him. In his pants, his already hard dick jumped at the sight.


He was on his feet a moment later. He went to her and put his arms around her. She let out a small gasp, startled at his sudden closeness and unexpected touch. But then she relaxed in his arms and murmured contently.


“You look too hot right now,” he whispered in her ear.


She chuckled. “I’m wearing a t-shirt and yoga pants.”


“And it’s the hottest outfit I’ve ever seen you wear.”


He held her close and let his hands roam over her front. The cold air from the refrigerator made her nipples hard. When he slid his hand up under her shirt, he ran his palm over them, cupping her breasts and flicking her nipples back and forth against his fingers.


She moaned and pressed her butt back, into his crotch. “Whoa.” She sounded genuinely surprised. “You’re so hard. But you’ve barely touched me.”


“That’s just what you do to me. I can’t help it.”


She let her hand fall down between them and grabbed his dick, squeezing it and rubbing it through his pants. And that was when he lost his mind.


He spun her around to face him and kissed her hard. For some reason he’d thought just kissing her would make it better. Like that would be enough to appease his desire somehow. But it made it much worse. His head grew dizzy with wanting her.


He put a palm on each of her ass cheeks. He had to be inside her. There was no way around it. This was too much. He didn’t care who saw or who might be around. He picked her up and set her on the counter.


The refrigerator door was still open, sending cold air to chill his burning skin. The cold just made the sweat breaking out all over his body feel icy and sweet. The contrast of the hot and cold made him tingle all over.


Her legs wrapped around his waist. She pulled herself closer to him. He put his mouth to hers again, his kiss hard with the strength of his desire. His hands were all over her breasts, groping her like he was a high school boy getting to feel up a girl for the first time.


She dug her fingers into the short hair at the back of his neck. Chills ran down his neck at her touch. He dug his fingers under the waistband of her pants and lifted her slightly as he yanked them down. They didn’t need to go far. Just far enough that her pussy and ass were exposed.


He stood between her thighs, rubbing her softly in slow circles. She was practically dripping with wetness. But he also knew how hard he’d fucked her last night, and how many times. She was probably still sore today and he didn’t want to hurt her. He slid a finger in slowly, watching her reaction.


Her face showed no sign of pain, but she did pull her eyebrows together and bite her lip in delight. And that face was what did it. He’d already lost his mind, now his cock took full control of his actions. He unzipped his jeans and pulled out his stiffness. He pushed into her slowly, sliding easily along in her juices.


“Does it hurt?” he asked.


“A little. So do me hard.” She bit his ear lobe and he moaned.


“You sure?” Words were almost impossible now. The feel of her hot tight pussy clamping around him put any other bodily functions on hold.


She wrapped her legs tighter, pulling her hips closer to him, sending him deeper. He gripped her ass and pulled her close with each thrust. He did her rough. She said do it hard, and he wasn’t the type to argue. Not about this. He slammed into her deep, moving faster and faster with each forceful thrust.

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