Worthy of Me (8 page)

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Authors: Yajna Ramnath

BOOK: Worthy of Me
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Chapter Twelve


I woke with the feeling of soft, wet lips moving over my lower belly. I moaned out loud and felt Aiden’s chuckle against my skin. I opened my mouth to say something but snapped it shut when I felt his tongue snake out and run along the seam of my sex. I gasped and ran my fingers through his silky hair, gripping it tightly. His two fingers entered my channel and moved in and out in a rhythm that had me writhing and trying to keep up with him. My climax approached with the speed of a tidal wave and hit me like one; I was gasping and panting when Aiden looked down at me with a sparkle in his blue eyes.

“Good morning, sunshine,” he grinned.

I smiled back and gave him a chaste kiss on his cheek. “Morning, handsome.”

“So what are we doing today?” he asked, rolling onto his side and looking down at me.

I ran my fingers through his hair and pushed it back behind his ears. “I have to go to school today, and after that I’ll stop by Kingston and we can do something?”

Aiden nodded. “Dress warm. I’ve got something in mind.”

“You mean you are capable of something other than sex,” I asked in mock surprise.

Aiden clutched his chest in a wounded soldier’s way. “Do you want me only for my prowess?”

“Of course,” I frowned. “What else is there to want form you?”

“I think Allison can make a list of things,” Aiden rolled his eyes.

My smile fell immediately as I thought about my least favourite Kingston. Allison still had her issues and had even bigger ones since Aiden stopped talking to her.

I felt warm arms around me and then a hard muscled chest against my cheek.

“Hey,” Aiden whispered in a deep husky voice. “I love you, and that is all that matters okay?”

I nodded, loving the feeling of his skin rubbing against mine.

“Allison will come around eventually, but for now? This is our time.”


In honour of the upcoming Christmas holiday, Houghton played host to its own Winter Wonderland kind of setup. The fact that it was almost always cold all year round helped with the whole event. It was beautiful, the fake snow that fell over my cheeks made me laugh while the tender look in Aiden’s eyes while he watched me flit form place to place made me feel so damned loved, it was almost painful.

Aiden and I built snowmen, okay, we tried to.

“For a guy who lives in the snow town, you really suck at this,” I chuckled.

“You are none the better,” he grumbled when the carrot nose continued to fall off. After another three attempts he threw it onto the floor and walked away.

I ran and jumped on his back, locking my legs around his waist and my arms around his shoulders. Aiden’s laugh filled the snowman room. Older and younger couples looked at us with indulgent smiles, and little children giggled at the two grown-ups who had a mentality switch with a pair of five-year-olds.

“You want to grab something to eat?” Aiden asked as we passed an Italian restaurant.

“Yes, I am starving for something that is not sugar coated,” I grinned.

“You say that like it was such a chore to eat all that candy-floss,” he rolled his eyes.

“I think I enjoyed it most when I was sucking it off your lips,” I said huskily.

I watched in satisfaction as his eyes blazed with intense lust and love all mixed into one.
We sat at a corner table where we could watch the street and the rain that God decided to bless us with. The table was round with a red table-cloth and plates and cutlery set up already. Aiden ordered hot chocolate and lasagne.

“The waitress is probably wondering whether we have a screw loose for having hot chocolate with lasagne,” Aiden chuckled.

“Nah, she’s busy hyperventilating in the back room because she had to serve you,” I countered and watched him reach over for my hands.

“Well, good for her, there’s only one girl that does it for me now,” Aiden raised a brow at me, daring me to say something against him.

I just smiled back and took in our surroundings.

“So how come your parents allowed you to come here?” Aiden asked.

My body stiffened, I didn’t want to talk about my parents. I didn’t want to talk about anything relating to my past. I really didn’t. Looking at Aiden, though, I knew I had to. I had to tell him everything if I expected to move on with my life and find a better one for myself.

“They didn’t,” I swallowed. “Uh, they, uh, they didn’t know I left until I landed here.”

Aiden watched me, he held on to my hands when I tried to pull it out from under his.

“Hey, relax. You don’t have to speak about it if you don’t want to. I’m sorry I asked.”

Dinner passed by in silence. The only sounds came from the clinking of dishes around us, the hum of conversation and the rush of the heavy rain that poured outside. Aiden and I ate and cleaned out our plates, probably to avoid each other. I knew he felt bad about the fact that I didn’t tell him more about myself. I knew I owed him that much, I needed to trust him with everything if I expected him to do the same for me.

After paying the bill, Aiden held my hand and we stepped out. I expected him to rush us into the parking lot but instead he walked slowly. He let the rain pelt down on us, soaking into my knee-length black dress and his button shirt and jeans. He held me close to his body in the middle of the parking lot, his lips trembling from the cold rested against my temple. Both his hands wrapped around my waist and rested at the small of my back. My hands lay flat against his shirt. I looked up at him as he looked down at
me; we swayed to a song in the rain that only we could hear. He slowly inched forward. His soft lips lay against my own, none of us move. We just stood there swaying and resting our trembling lips against each others’.

I moved my palms up and around his neck twisting my fingers into his wet hair and tugged hard. Aiden gasped and I took control of the kiss he was afraid to give me. We battled. Our warm tongues touching then retreating, the passion burning its way up our bodies. Aiden’s hands touched my thighs, without breaking the kiss he hefted me up and I immediately wrapped my legs around his waist.

I felt us moving but had no care as to whether anyone could see us or how sick we would probably be the next day. I felt the cold hard surface of the Volvo hood beneath me and I could feel the material of my dress being lifted. If Aiden didn’t have a tight grasp of my thighs I would’ve slipped off the car, I was sure of it. He broke the kiss and trailed his lips across my jaw and down my neck to the tops of my breasts. He sucked on my skin while I tugged desperately at his shirt. He slid of my panties while I tugged at his belt and jean zipper. Finally, after what seemed like forever—I felt the hot hard length of him enter me. He pulled my hands away from where they rested on his hips and laid them flat on the hood, entwining our fingers together. He thrust hard drawing moans and gasps from me. His own gasps were loud and erotic, especially the way he didn’t close his eyes or look away from me. His blue eyes were locked on my green ones as the pleasure built deep in our bodies. I could feel the chaffing of his jeans on the inside of my thighs, I could feel the metal of the hood bite into the back of my hands and I could feel each hard thrust—I knew tomorrow I would be very sore.

Aiden and I reached our climax with shouts and finally we lay there, on the hood of his Volvo with the rain pelting down on us. Aiden looked at me the promise of forever in his eyes. The promise that he would always be there in the way his gaze tracked every feature of my face.

The silent words were spoken. Three simple words I thought hadn’t ever existed for me now hung in the air between us; I love you.

Chapter Thirteen


I spent the entire weekend with the cold and so did Aiden. Luckily Lucas took over for Aiden and all he had to do was go in to lock up the cash. My exams were done and some of the girls from my study group wanted to have a party. They felt we needed to work off the stress by partying. I asked Aiden to come with me but he said he had some stuff to sort out at the bar. We were closer than anything else now. Allison was uncharacteristically sweet to me, she apologised for everything she had done to make me feel unwelcome and everything seemed right in the world.

I dressed in a red dress that reached just above my knees, a black jacket and boots. I left my hair in a ponytail and I was ready to go. Dianna was coming with me, something about finding some younger meat for herself. The party was in full swing at the frat house which belonged to some dude named Brian.

I stood to the corner with Dianna as she flirted with a freshman who was definitely five years younger than her, when Thomas came up to me. He offered me a drink.

“I’m really sorry about the other week. I was just… I really like you and I…”

“Tried to force
yourself on me to make a good impression?” I asked with a raised brow.

“Yeah,” Thomas laughed self-consciously. “
That worked out much better in my head. I respect that you have a boyfriend and stuff. So can we just go back to being friends?”

I stared at Thomas and felt bad for him. He was genuinely a good guy and wouldn’t have done that unless he thought it would be what I want. I didn’t condone what he did, but I couldn’t hold it against him either. I accepted the drink and we toasted to a do-over friendship.

Dianna disappeared with her boy-toy and I remained with Thomas. The night wore on and I felt light-headed and dizzy. That was weird, I only had one beer. Nothing more than that. I was in the middle of the dance-floor feeling the earth tilt. The music sounded too loud, and I clutched onto whoever was in front of me. Thomas’s face came into view.

“I’m so sorry, Mia,” he said in a pained voice.

I couldn’t understand a thing. My eyes felt heavy and I could see the flash of lights. I felt lips on my own and tried to push away. I could feel hands on my thighs. Someone was grasping at my dress.

“No!” I shouted. I knew this was wrong whatever was happening was wrong.

The dizziness cleared for one second when I realised that Thomas was over me and someone else was standing in the room as well. I pushed hard enough to hear a grunt and someone roll on the floor. I stumbled out of the bed, and bumped into the other person that stood in the room.

“Aiden is mine,” the voice said.

“Oh my God! Mia! Are you okay?” I could feel someone taking me by the arm.

I felt the brush of bodies, the coolness of the night air, the slam of a car door and finally me being handed over to someone.

“She’s been drugged,” a strange voice said.

“Aiden,” I whispered.

“It will be okay, honey, I’m calling him now,” Dianna said.

The dizziness took over again, I felt the slide of a needle into my wrist but I wasn’t sure.

“What the hell happened?” I heard the roar of Aiden.

“Aiden,” I whispered again.

“I’m right here, sunshine,” I felt the brush of his fingertips across my forehead. “Sleep, baby, it’s going to be okay.”


My head felt like a million people were knocking hammers on it. I groaned as pain flitted through my body. I groaned again.

“Easy, sunshine,” Aiden’s voice whispered across the room.

My eyes immediately sprung open and I looked around wildly for him. “Aiden?” I called out in a panic.

“Right here, sunshine,” he came into view.

He looked troubled, tired and pissed.

“What happened?” we both asked at the same time.

He went first. “Well, I got a call from Dianna at three in the morning telling me you were in the hospital. The doctor told me you were drugged and that your body was reacting to it. Not in the way it usually should, apparently whoever drugged you put too much.” Aiden stared at me, his eyes taking on a wet sheen. “You almost died, Mia.”

The realisation of what he said only struck me two weeks later when I sat on his couch and flipped through channels. Flashes of someone touching me, someone else in the room and more importantly, no one there to know—hit me all at once while stared at the screen without seeing anything.
The doctors had done a rape test on me, to ensure there was no sign of forced entry and that had sent another wave of despair over me.

Someone tried to harm me, and if somehow my body didn’t start rejecting it and my subconscious didn’t start sending me warning alarms—I would’ve been hurt or killed. All because some sick fuck wanted their fun with me. I slid onto the floor crouched like a child and cried. I cried so hard that my body wracked with sobs.

Strong arms surrounded me and warm lips touched my forehead. “I’m here, Mia, nothing will happen to you. I’m here.”

The month of January came and went. Things were finally settling into place. I passed all my subjects and had only one year left of Tech. Aiden and I decided to use his room for sleeping and mine for a closet room. Aiden helped me get over the scare of having someone drug me, we tried finding out who did it but of course there were more than fifty people in that frat house that night. No one was going to fess up. Haley backed off on her weird interventions and Thomas for some reason had dropped Tech. Dianna and I became closer than what we were before, she was filled with guilt over the incident. She felt that if only she were there with me and at my side, nothing would’ve happened.

Suffice it to say, I didn’t go to any parties.

We were having dinner at his parents’ home. The dinner was lovely and each of us were laughing and joking. Carter and Emily had become like my own parents; Emily and I went shopping every weekend while Carter would often give me advice about career choices and stuff. Both always refrained from asking me about my parents and I was cool with that.

“So, Aiden told me about the drugging incident,” Allison said from her end of the table.

The fork I held slipped from my grasp and fell with a clang onto the plate. Immediately flashes of that night flitted through my head and my breathing got heavy. I was having a panic attack. I gasped and tried to grab onto Aiden who immediately lifted me and took me to his room. I saw Emily above me and I tried to say something but my tongue felt thick. Liquid spilled down my throat and darkness washed over me.

Hours later I woke in the dark surrounded my cool sheets and a warm body pressed against my back. I shifted so I was facing Aiden. His eyes were troubled and he looked down at me.

“I’m so sorry,” he whispered.

“It’s not your fault,” I replied in the same whisper. “I… it just… I hate not knowing what happened and neither do I like the fact that I make up all these scenarios about what could have happened.”

Aiden rubbed my back soothingly. “I know, sunshine, I know. I hate that she brought it up, I don’t know why she did that.”

“I don’t think she expected me to react that way,” I shrugged.


I laid my finger across his lips and showed him with my body that everything was okay. We had to be silent which was kind of hard when all I wanted to do was scream out my pleasure to the skies.

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